Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Friendly Informational Post
I'll be attending Gencon next week from the 14th to the 18th. During this time I'll pretty much be not checking the forums with any sort of regularity. I apologize in advance for this! Please feel free to bot me as necessary during that time to allow the game to continue.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

And back from the con!

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

A decent convention. I was really hoping for something a little relaxing this year, though ended up not getting much sleep at all. Played Artemis on Thursday, and gotta say I love it with the update!
In case you haven't tried it before, here's a link. It's very fun to play at conventions!!
Friday and Saturday I did a Battlestar Galactica Board Game tournament. I managed the distinguished position of last place in the game, while my friend took second and best roleplayer. But hey, it's about the journey, and I had a lot of fun!!
Picked up the RotRL card adventure game and tried that out. Looks enjoyable but might be a while before I can play with others again.
Also tried out a game called Fiasco. That was interesting. It's a storytelling game where people have to make connections with each other, and everyone takes turns developing the story as you go. I'm told it takes after a Cohen's brothers heist movie, but my movie knowledge is rather lacking (they named about a dozen movies, all of which I haven't seen, lol).
Overall, pretty fun!

DM Bloodgargler |

All sounds pretty fun.
Fiasco looks awesome... I'm a huge Coen brothers fan, and I love the Saul Bass style of the graphic.
I had never heard of Artemis... I played the Star Trek RPG waay back in the day, but quit because the kid who had all the books and always DM'd was creepy/pervy and NPC'd the ship "sex therapist" a little too much.

DM Bloodgargler |

sorry so slow this round.
random excuse: 1d100 ⇒ 15
Edit: Hey just found this http://www.randomexcusegenerator.com/
got this result...
I did my homework but it was about the theory of relativity and when I went to scoot it off the desk there was nothing to stop it's forward momentum so it slid right out the window and flew away in the breeze.
...doesn't really fit

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Just looking at the campaign tab, it looks like the last update to our explored area was 4/19/12, correct? How much more have we explored than what's listed, if at all?

Bregor Rowain |

Um, just to make sure here, was the "ding" because we accomplished something important (the clearing of the fort) or because we gained a new level?

Norton Ambrosi |

I added the items found in the usual gdoc file, asterix befor the name are unidentified objects. There are still some unidentified magical objects left from previous encounters.
from the description I understand that living steel is actually wood, can Ta wear it as a allowed armor?

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

If we are planning on making this our new base of operations from which to launch explorations, that might not be a bad idea. It'll give us time to explore the surrounding area (this hex) and to fortify as well as able. Plus we can work to determine the loyalties of those still here.
In fact, considering the theme of the AP, perhaps we should establish a chain of command, and possibly have a couple of the NPCs guard here permanently?

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

I don't know if you caught what the old man druid was doing, but he was hoping one of you would walk into the fog so he could knock the stone on top of someone stuck in the mud. But no one went in :(
I was curious about that. I figured it was something along those lines (though I imagined a sinking pit of some form to trap us in).

Bregor Rowain |

I make it a rule to never walk into an obvious trap, Green may be impetuous, but he is no idiot haha.
Good improvised trap though, I think I'll use it myself at some point, always looking for good tools to hurt my players with.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

LEVEL UP Up up!!!
Level 3 -> 4
Hit Points 25 -> 1d4 + 30 ⇒ (2) + 30 = 32
Base Attack Bonus 2 -> 3
Base Fort Save 3 -> 4
Base Will Save 3 -> 4
Strength 13 -> 14
Perception, Survival, Knowledge (nature), Fly 3
1st 2 -> 3
2nd 1 -> 2
Resist Nature's Lure
Wild Shape 1/day WooT!!!!!!!!!

Furiel |

Furiel is all about choices, being chaotic good. Not much for laws. Hence his strong objection to forcing an either or choice on Akiros.
So, we passed on building at Oleg's. I now think we make this the main base and encourage Oleg to train a replacement to run the trading post and move to this fort. We can build him a another trading post here too.
We can build up the other area later, but I was hoping we would focus our building on this area. It seems a natural spot to fortify. If Oleg buys in, we can set him up here to help run our economy.

Furiel |

Well, I am fundamentally opposed to converting party loot and magic to get construction money. I did not want to stunt our characters equipment in any way. Until we had to opportunity to convert weapons and things we were going to sell back at half price to construction at full value. Then I wanted to sell the huge stockpile of weapons we couldn't use ourselves.
Rogar was opposed and wanted to keep the weapons and use our own items and loot to finance construction and sit on the weapons to outfit an army.
So, I propose we invite Oleg to the fort to relocate. Let him sell unused stuff and start building economic buildings. Hopefully he will give us the great deal we turned down last time. The metamagic wand of threatening illusion could be in the pile of things I would trade for full construction value (but would take half the money for party treasure rather then funnel the money into construction).

DM Bloodgargler |

1) It is unlikely Oleg will relocate here. His deal will allow you to build at both places. The trade goods here are ideal for him.
2) I added items to the loot because you are low on personal gear, and because you have been a player short.
3) Regarding sitting on weapons for a future militia... the suits of armor here are good for the first few. After that, it is much easier to provide a place for an armorcrafter to settle down than play Hoarders.
Selling the trade goods, gems and jewelry and coins found, and the reward money will take you quite a ways in construction.
(His proposal was something I put in, in case the group was eager to build well before being granted rule.)
You are not too far away from when the kingdom-building system kicks in.
Just don't sell anything you can use...

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Doesn't look like any of us are trained in appraise. Perhaps we can haul the stuff to Oleg's for a proper appraisal?
I'm not certain how the rules will interplay with the RP, but from a pure logistics standpoint it looks like we have some trade goods here that we can hopefully work with Oleg to sell to get us construction materials now that we can't make ourselves.
If we're going to focus on both places, we should probably consider assigning an NPC to oversee both locations. With the Stag Lord down, hopefully that'll take care of any bandits directly threatening Oleg and Svetlana. From the list and reading through NPC reactions, I'd say our top two options would be Kesten and Kressle right now. It seems like Akiros would be a good fit, but he doesn't seem to want it (of course I might be just reading into things two deeply).
My thoughts would be to put Kressle, Jhod and a couple of the loyal ex-bandits at Oleg's for now to oversee things there (along with Oleg, Svetlana and the 3 farmhands). Have Kesten in charge of the fort here with the rest of the NPCs to help rebuild here.
The weapons and armor might be a good thought now to consider keeping some of them. Logistically speaking once again, that's the hardest part of fielding soldiers (aside from food) and without a dedicated armor/weaponsmith or source of metal, keeping good equipment on hand is probably beneficial. A change from my earlier position mostly because it seems we have some trade goods now beyond the weapons/armor to get things established.
As far as personal loot, I dunno, I feel that I've gotten quite a bit myself already. At level 4 it's 6k, and I have over 30k in treasure (a good portion is that staff of journeys though, which we can't recharge yet). Going through the list, it looks like a couple items aren't marked as being in my possession, so just making sure it's okay for me to have them?
- Pearl of Power I (line 61)
- +1 Ironwood Sickle (line25)
- +1 Leaf Armor (line 33)
- Campfire Bead (Not listed)
- Staff of Journeys 10/10 (line 64)
The verdant vine bracelet and eagle cape are definitely thematically appropriate items, but would anyone else care for them? Two people able to send out entangles or turn into an eagle could help as well. Just want to make sure everything is getting spread out to people.
Here's my thoughts on the next few days. Stay here, get healed up, load up goods to take back to Olegs. While things are examined and loaded we can take a day or two to explore this surrounding area. Afterwards head back to Oleg's to get everything appraised and sold.
It will probably take time for all the goods to be sold and supplies purchased, which we can use for more exploration. Going by the map on the Campaign Tab, it doesn't appear we've explore east and west of Olegs? I thought we had went east already, but not certain. Either way I'd say make sure all the hexes around Oleg's are explored so hopefully no nearby surprises, then see about this statue that Akiros was talking about (if it's close that is).
These are just my thoughts, what do you guys think? FYI, I figure this is discussed in character, but RP discussion sounds different than Mechanics discussion, lol.

Norton Ambrosi |

I still have to level up Norton, appraise is something he could easily have. I'll take care of it in the next few days.
Let's leave Oleg where he reside, it has sense for a trading post to be at the end of the road from the city and before the wilderness, not two days walk in the wild. At the trading post we could build lodgings and stables, and, in time, a marketplace, a way to funnel more people into coming here. If this fort is going to be our base, I would prefer to have a blacksmith, and alchemist here, instead of at Oleg's. For two reasons, if we have everything in one place the other one becomes useless and dies, and if we split the services people would have to travel back and forth, this means a road will appear and the ground in between gets "colonized" as a side effect.
The gnomes are probably useful here, as long as they don't blow stuff up.
We will need a way to communicate fast: sending spells, trained pigeons whatever, but 2 days before any news reaches us from Oleg's is too much right now. Anyone could setup a broadband connection? : )
It is clear that we have to manage them as well as ourselves, otherwise we loose a great asset.
In my opinion we have 4 lieutenants: Errol, Kressle, Kesten, Akiros. The latter two strike me as the most suited to lead other men, Errol and Kressle I would keep them as wildcards.
As long as we are staying at the fort we can send Kesten back to Oleg and keep an eye on things with his militia. Makes sense to me since he is our link with the government in the city.
With time Akiros can take charge of the fort while we are away, if he snaps out of his depression.
For now Jhod is probably best at Oleg's, like welcoming people and offering his services there. Then I'd move him here, but that's a long term plan
Papa Grundy would probably return to his shack, It's ok, I don't think he has any enemies. But instead of brewing booze, I would like him to brew proper potions.
Bokken, I don't remember where he came from, but, seen his expertise, I would ask him to move here
There are 6 prisoners, 4 here and 2 at Oleg's, I would have them all here, away from the civilians. We can put them to work and evaluate them. 5 of them should be no trouble, Nihtscada could be interesting.
Is Rogar going to stay as a NPC?
the file on googledocs should be editable by you all, so don't be shy and feel free to add or correct things.
I remind to the spellcasters that items in the list with an "*" before the name are magical things that still need to be identified (1 sword, 1 rapier, 1 potion, ? candles...).
You can use the filters on the first line to narrow the group.
Norton would take the Lance and the magical swords, but if everyone is ok into selling the mundane stuff we can clear the list and see what is there.
Next Days Plan (NDP)
When the prisoners are in better shape Norton will address them giving them the same option as everyone:"work for us or be sent to the city charged with banditry". As soon as Kesten is ready to go, send him, Errol, Kressle and Rogar to Oleg, taking trade goods and unwilling bandits with them, then Errol and Kressle (and Rogar?) can come back with Nihtscada and the other prisoner.
Meanwhile we can go exploring where you like. Norton is concerned with the places people leave in, outside is a matter for more suited characters.
Can norton take a 20 for the appraise? if I put a rank when he levels up it would be 24.
There is also the loot from the cart we found along the way.
One more thing, it has been a few very busy months for me, and the next ones are not likely going to relax. I apologize, I know my posts have been more a reactions to events instead of real play. Just bear with me a little longer.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Regarding Akiros, that is my concern. A good leader is a good leader, but not if they don't feel invested in being that leader, which is kind of the feeling I was getting from the reading. But if he's willing to accept, I'm all for it.
Bokken came from the hut to the east I'm pretty sure. He was in communication with Sal'dor at one point.
The google spreadsheet, it's view only for me. Not sure about the others.

DM Bloodgargler |

Thanks Norton. Rogar can remain an NPC for as long as it works out. He will likely hand over his charter to someone though (to the group to hold onto, or directly to a new recruit)
The candles were identified as Candles of Truth... I'm sure the sword and rapier were +1 weapons
You can take 20 to appraise. It will take a good 8 man-hours total... not that that matters.
Yes Bokken's hut is the hex east of Oleg's. Good job remembering Sal'dor connection.

Norton Ambrosi |

As I wrote, I would let Kesten go with Alice bringing irredeemable bandits, and goods back to Oleg, along with Errol, Kressle, Rogar, These three should bring back Nihtscada and the last prisoner (unless he wants to go and face trial)
Ta' you are right, the gdoc file permissons weren't set right, now they should work, maybe the Dm can put the link in the info tab. There are a few items still unidentified: boots from the cart and a unlabelled potion. I don't know how many candles of truth were there.
In the "value" column I put a few cells in yellow, because I can't figure out the price.
I also added the cells in O2 and O3, they sum the value in the Total and selling value of the items if on column K is marked with an X. We can start with selling all non magical stuff and see what's left.
There is also some cold iron and adamantium, but we don't know how much. I would keep them at the fort, hoping we can set up a blacksmith and forge something useful.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

LEVEL UP Up up!!!
Level 3 -> 4
Hit Points 25 -> 1d4+30
Base Attack Bonus 2 -> 3
Base Fort Save 3 -> 4
Base Will Save 3 -> 4
Strength 13 -> 14Skills
Perception, Survival, Knowledge (nature), Fly 2, HealSpells
1st 2 -> 3
2nd 1 -> 2Abilities
Resist Nature's Lure
Wild Shape 1/day WooT!!!!!!!!!
Revisiting this. Remove 1 rank from fly, add to heal. Modified above.

Bregor Rowain |

Let's just keep it in the background; it's just character fluff anyway.
Unless the ceremony would discover something useful of course.
I got to admit that personally I'm a little stumped as to what to do and where to go next.

Merick the Defender |

Hey, folks, I'm the new guy. I'm going to stay away from decision making for a little bit until I get a better handle on how you're operating, and I am the least offendable person ever, so just tell me what's what if I causing trouble. I'm going to sneak a dot in the gameplay thread so I can keep an eye on the game from my campaign tab. Thanks for letting me join. I'm psyched to be part of the team.

DM Bloodgargler |

Either way is fine... I just previewed a random encounter roll, and it came up negative.
I am putting together a somewhat detailed map of the hex. I expect to be ready to post it tomorrow. (I'm back in school now, and most of my spare time for pbp tasks like mapmaking, pushing through lulls... will be Monday and Tuesday.)