Bregor Rowain |

I actually prefer not knowing, I like levelling a lot (especially as a spellcaster or someone trying to earn a prestiage class), but not knowing how close we are makes it easier to relax and enjoy the game, not worrying about earning those last few experience needed.

Norton Ambrosi |

I'm getting confused, I apologize.
trip from bandits camp to Oleg was supposed to last one day and one night or just twelve hours?
We left Oleg's early in the morning (bandits were there fist light, fight lasted less than a min, half an hour to questioning and get ready), now is dusk and we are at the river?

DM Bloodgargler |

Its all good .. there is no appointed leader at this point, you are all equals. Rogar and Norton seem to be both leading. I think Rogar assumes the position is his by default speaking character-wise not player Norton seems more aware that his position of leadership should be earned. It makes for a great dynamic, and Furiel "challenging" out loud with the best of intentions (especially until he establishes his function in battle to Norton) is a nice way to amp up that dynamic..

Rogar Valertis |

Norton Ambrosi |

I like personal interactions in a game too, much more than mere combat.
On my side, I built Norton to be a leader, but I don't expect him to be acclaimed as such out of the blue. It would spoil the fun.
Rogar has the potential to be a great "lead by example" leader, always the first to run at foes. Norton is a more the "wise man" leader type: lead your people building on their strength, crush your opponents digging on their weaknesses.
If these two are going to find a balance, end up fighting, or be replaced by someone else, we don't yet know, and that is just awesome (at least for my likings).
btw, is there any particular reason we are putting all this in spoilers?

Furiel |

I haven't crunched the numbers to seeing if being enlarged really helps the weapon finesse fighter build of Rogar. Alice is definitely the best use of enlarge with the reach and STR bonus to both attacks and Green with a 2d10 melee weapon sees big jumps in DPR.

Rogar Valertis |

Rogar will get a worse AC but will cause more damage (no change to TAB), let him fire a couple of harrow first though (those will get a worse TAB)
Edit: actually no, Rogar will get -2 to hit and -2 to AC in exchange for 2d6+4 dmg... Mmmmh I think he'll do better without the spell, thanks though.

Furiel |

If the party agrees, I plan to--
Enlarge on Alice and then Green while both are off their horse.
When we see Green grow we start our surprise round. I plan on putting one of them on fire when Rogar fires his arrow before they can react.
The two 'giants' attacking should make it hard for them to get to us in the back. That gives Alice 5 rounds big and Green 6.
If Norton wants to fight dismounted, I enlarge him too, but I assume not.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

I can most definitely try, and would be willing to. Only a +3 stealth mod means I'll keep my distance and take the long route around for the distance penaltys to their perception checks.

Norton Ambrosi |

We traveled for 12 hours, we can wait 5 minutes for your reckon. You can take my crossbow, if there is no problem, we will wait for a shot from you, Rogar ready with his bow will shoot as soon as he sees your. Alice an I can then charge in the middle with all the party. Sounds good?

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

South I'd say

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Won't take the x-bow, not proficient, but ty

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Druid have a specific list of weapons. There's no Restriction on what I can/cannot use in the same sense as armor (where I lose my abilities), but I don't have proficiency it the crossbow.

Furiel |

Thanks .. and yes Alice is set up. I'm waay overcaffeinated for a pbp combat right now .. really excited about seeing how this plays out. Need to run around house for a bit. (Arthur Brown? really?)
Any better links for when Furiel is feeling is fiery dragon side?

Furiel |

For a range touch no dex no armor no dodge if flatfooted, unfortunately strength is the modifier not DEX as a ray.
Was this more what you were expecting--opening scene XXX with Vin Diesel.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Touch AC is generally Base 10 + Dexterity + Dodge + Deflection (lose armor, natural armor, shield). Force effects like Mage Armor I believe still apply.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

I hear that. I play in one group, DM another group, and occasionally do Soceity play. Sometimes it feels like 3 different sets of rules rather than variations on the same set.

DM Bloodgargler |

@Green .. I confused myself a bit last night .. since you all had the opportunity to determine when to start surprise rounds I let people place their pre-surprise round movement and spell prep at the same time people were posting just surprise round actions. Anyway I accidentally posted your round 1 action (casting shield of faith) as your surprise round action .. just for clarification your surprise round was to move to (S16), round 1 (bottom of the initiative) you move to (P16) and cast cure light wounds .. You have not yet cast Shield of Faith and you are at P16

DM Bloodgargler |

these could help .. copy and paste onto your profile for copy and paste into combat posts. Use if you care to, or adapt to your liking
[ooc][[/ooc]ooc][ooc][[/ooc]b]Round #[/b]
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11
hp 10/10
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0
* action:[/ooc]
[ooc][[/ooc]ooc][ooc][[/ooc]b]Round #[/b]
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 w/shield)
hp 9/9
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6
* action:[/ooc]
[ooc][[/ooc]ooc][ooc][[/ooc]b]Round #[/b]
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+2 w/shield)
hp 12/12
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1
* action:[/ooc]
[ooc][[/ooc]ooc][ooc][[/ooc]b]Round #[/b]
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14
hp 12/12
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -2
* action:[/ooc]
[ooc][[/ooc]ooc][ooc][[/ooc]b]Round #[/b]
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11
hp 10/10
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2
* action:[/ooc]
[ooc][[/ooc]ooc][ooc][[/ooc]b]Round #[/b]
AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 14
hp 9/9
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6
* action:[/ooc]
will look like this on your profile:
[ooc][b]Round #[/b]
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11
hp 10/10
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0
* action:[/ooc]
..and this in your post
Round #
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11
hp 10/10
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0
* action:

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

At least it's not a Stingray.