Furiel |

I propose we sell all the weapons and armor not listed as taken and start construction on our inn. I added take on the ammunition as we may need bolts and arrows for our missile weapons. We can at least start the building--we can add more later if we are short. I suggest giving the compound shortbow to Mikmek as a gift if he has the strength to use it with 20 arrows.
4 short swords
2 longsword
16 daggers
2 light crossbow
1 longbow
1 compound shortbow (Str +1) --Gift to Mikmek
1 compound longbow (Str +2) ***taken
4 quivers ***Take
72 arrows ***Take
1 quarrel ***Take
64 bolts ***Take
1 carved bone blowgun
1 pouch of 12 blowgun darts
1 battle axe
3 short spears
2 masterwork handaxes
2 daggers: small, masterwork
2 heavy crossbows
1 falcata
12 spears, small
1 shield: small, gold and red crest
1 chain shirt: +1 ***taken
1 mithral shirt ***taken
2 leather armor
2 studded leather
1 chain shirt
1 quickdraw light steel shield
3 studded leather armor
4 leather armor
2 gnomish twist-cloth armor

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

SOunds good to me.

Rogar Valertis |

I disagree: we should use them to equip our forces before selling anything. After that we sell what's left, but having a decent armory comes before found rising for new buildings. As for money we should be able to cash the reward for the bandit problem, for example.
Asn about the gift to Mikmek... I can think of a gift for his chief... but Mikmek didn't do anything to deserve a gift (besides being saved by us...) AND it doesn't seem the gift will sway him anymore in our favor: he seems to be on our side already.

Norton Ambrosi |

I agree on giving the chief a present, composite bow though could be not the right one for a kobold. We found more mundane stuff, would it be better?
I hear Rogar on the armory and supplying oyr forces, still I struggle to keep track of the people around, so I'm unable to realize how much we should keep or what. Is there a way we can list all the people we saw around Oleg's?

Furiel |

Money does not gain a 'discount'. For buildings we get full retail price from our equipment. I do not want to stunt our character wealth by spending any money toward kingdom buildings when we get full value for equipment.
If you want to set aside a falcata, quickdraw light shield, and chain shirt for someone we want on our team, that may be a good idea.
I like Ta'de-win's idea of building an inn to start our economy going. The main force protecting the land will probably be us for a while.

DM Bloodgargler |

Non-combat Laborers:
Oleg (merchant, basic crafter)
Svetlana (merchant, basic cook)
3 Gielgud farmhands (basic crafter, basic labor) will be more efficient -longer workday- once lodging is available)
Arliss (foraging sneak)
Budgie (unknown potential)
Bunyon (tinkerer sorceror)
Rillo (tinkerer illusionist)
Kressle [dex fighter)
Rook (leatherworker, hunter)
Kjell (laborer)
Kesten Garess (militia leader, tactician)
Loomis (retired soldier, lookout, ranged fighter)
Mauersberger (volunteer trained by Kesten, lookout, mace and shield)
Jhod Kavken (cleric of Erastil)

Rogar Valertis |

-Kressle: let her choose a weapon among the loot (imo)
-Smedley: Rogar wanted a mastrwork aldori duelling sword but I don't think he can pay for it yet.
-Kobolds: I don't think we are powerful enough to deal with the stag lord so soon (lvl 2...) so I'd say Kobolds-Grundy-Exploration (gather allies and as many resourches/bounties as possible) until we are at least lvl 3 and well equipped.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Just a heads up that this weekend I will be attending a local anime convention to chaperone my youngest sister. My ability to post will be spotty.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Great map! Just gotta say it again.
Just a quick question. If I recall, you said there were deer stands here, correct? And if so, where?

DM Bloodgargler |

Not at this location. There were two further locations that had deer stands. It would be very easy for you to set one up though.
The east side of the map is higher elevation... (pretty much everywhere there are trees is higher.) Just north of the path - when it bends west/east - is a fairly steep hill ... like a wooded ridge over the path.
That area and the southeast area would both be suitable for a deer stand. (and if you care for it to be further off map, that would be fine too)

Rogar Valertis |

I think we can hide behind the trees near K19 while norton blocks the way to Grundy's and gives them a chance to surrender. OR we may just hide in two groups at the sides of the road and jump on them when they try to reach Grundy's shack. Any other ideas?

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

I like the idea of K19. I should be able to throw up an Entangle behind them to prevent running. It'll only last two minutes, though I could Pearl it up for another.
To use my Storm Burst, I have to get within 30'. Shouldn't be an issue, but just mentioning.
As far as the enlarge, humanoids only sadly so no biggie sized horse. Prety sure why Furiel sad unmounted only. Also it actually hinders me more than it helps.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

I'm fine with the plan as stated.

DM Bloodgargler |

here is my semi random placement for around K,19.
Lemme know if you would like to be at a different spot, and any other prep (anyone mounted etc)
I'll post arrival in 17 hours. This week TGIF gets an extra F

Norton Ambrosi |

Norton in N28 means that once he is mounted he has no mobility.
Bandit should come from A1, so the group should be concealed a little better than that.
Once the bandits see Norton, they will head for him to check him out.
Probably Rogar and Green should be in AA27, to be ready to jump in melee (isn't the terrain between where they are standing and the road steep?)
This will also give us two flanks of the opponents at once.
BTW Murak should be somewhere near Norton

DM Bloodgargler |

I just realized you said A,1 regarding the incoming bandits. That is not correct. You expect them to come from the Stag Lord fort and therefore from the south along the path (around aD,13-15). I just marked the thorn bandit camp for reference.
I'm assuming you will want to change your placement.

DM Bloodgargler |

just to get things going, I'm putting this up... kind of a mix of your plans + what seemed like logical conclusions to make it fit (Two flank locations suggested, one healer per flank group, Green with Furiel since that was his primary enlarge target... ). Let me know if YOUR character would like be somewhere else.

Ta'de-win of the Gale |

Works for me.