About Bregor RowainXP: 0
MOVE: 30' HIT POINTS: 10 (1d8 Skald, +2 Con) AC: 16 (+3 Studded leather, +2 Dex, +1 Shield)
CMB: +5
ATTACKS Battle Axe(Meele)
Dagger (Meele)
Dagger (Range)
Scribe Scrolls
Two Weapon Fighting TRAITS: Spoiler:
Unflinching Gaze - Your commanding presence makes others lose the will to maintain deception. Use Charisma bonus in place of Wisdom for Sense Motive checks. Armor exper - You have worn armor as long as you can remember, either as part of your training to become a knight’s squire or simply because you were seeking to emulate a hero. Your childhood armor wasn’t the real thing as far as protection, but it did encumber you as much as real armor would have, and you’ve grown used to moving in such suits with relative grace.
Bardic Knowledge Cantrips Inspired Rage +1 (+2 Str/con) Raging Song RACE ABILITIES: Spoiler:
Dual Talent: Some humans are uniquely skilled at maximizing their natural gifts. These humans pick two ability scores and gain a +2 racial bonus in each of those scores. This racial trait replaces the +2 bonus to any one ability score, the bonus feat, and the skilled traits. SPELLS: Spoiler:
Cantrips: Detect Magic
Lv 1 (1+1) 2/2 Cure light wounds
SKILLS: Spoiler:
(6 Skald, +1 Int, +1 Favored, +2 Background = 10 ranks) Acrobatics +5 (1 Rank, +2 Dex, +3 Trained, -1 Armor)
Battle axe Large Wooden Shield Two hand axes Dagger x3 Backpack Whetstone Waterskin Bedroll Sack Rope 50' 3 Bars of soap 4 days of rations 10 gp BACKGROUND: Spoiler:
The river kingdoms is the world of the merchant and the bandit, where money talk and less intrinsic values walk. Your status is tied very much to your value in coins, and almost anything and anyone can be bought. Along the less civilized parts, especially places like bandit realms and other harder places, you tend to get by using your sword and might. As you can imagine, such a difference in philosophy and social cues can lead to quite a difficult time to fit in.
So what do you do when you are a proud noble, Brevoy blood flowing through your veins, and you are used to being respected and feared by all and sundry?
But robbery through clever deals and through battle are two different games, especially in a country where anyone with status has enough money to hire a skilled escort of mercenaries to protect their goods.
The next few years saw the family travelling around in river kingdoms, Yngvald taking odd jobs as a mercenary or thug, trying to earn enough coin to move away, but never managing to save enough due to his still extravagant habits.
Too proud to give up and just attempt to travel without a chest of money, Yngvald refused to compromise.
The boy shaved, instead of growing a mighty beard like his Northern ancestry, he worse southern style clothes, instead of the furs of his bloodlines. "Gentle" cuffs and lectures did not seem to get through to the boy, which of course only served to increase Yngvald's temper.
Having been raised as a Northman, Bregor knew his history well, he knew the old songs, the old legends, but he did not want to end up like his father. He was young and proud! And maybe if he could fit in he could make something of himself where his father had failed. Fate would intervene one day when Yngvald was taken into custody for being drunk and disorderly. Once the haze of drink had disappeared and the once mighty warrior realized where he was, paranoia took over.
They had him, Yngvald Theoremson and let him go! They didn't know who he was! The Brevoy authorities had stopped looking for him (in truth, he had never been wanted, just a minor surviving bandit with no reputation).
It was in that instance the young Bregor felt his faith in his father die for good, and in its stead a deep desire to not die there, an unknown, unsung causality.
Finding that he could move once more, Bregor knew it was time to leave his current home for good.
He knew of only three name of any significance to himself, Yngrid Thorleifsdottir, his mother, long since left the home to places unknown.
The first represented someone he desired to find, the second someone he wanted to avoid, and the third a possible target for revenge in the future. But now, he needed a quest, something to make sure his name would be sung the way he sang the songs of his ancestors. APPERANCE: Spoiler:
Bregor is a tall man of a fairly impressive build.
While he is muscular, he has the lean kind of build, the sort common to men that depend as much on speed and precision as raw power. Unlike many of his kind, Bregor sports a clean shaved face and short hair, styled the Brevoy way. His eyes are blue and piercing, often sparkling with laughter, but hiding a surprising depth and pain if one looks closer. His nose sports a large scare across the bridge, courtesy of the beating at his father's hands that nearly killed him. |