DM Blayde MacRonan's Giantslayer... The Strange Adventures of Team Ruby (Private Campaign) (Inactive)

Game Master Blayde MacRonan

In the human town of Trunau, a beleaguered settlement surrounded by the brutal orcs of the Hold of Belkzen, the heroes must investigate a mysterious death. Before they uncover the truth, however, Trunau comes under attack by an orc army, and the heroes must help defend it - only to discover that the situation is worse than anyone realizes...

Uskroth's Tomb


Trunau Inner Quarter

Inner Quarter Battle Map: Barricade Battle

Hopespring Battle

Consolidated Skill Groups


Aodhán: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Kyt: [dice]1d20+2[/dice]
Liesel-Marie: [dice]1d20+2[/dice]
Mesa: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Nogusta: [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
Nyym: [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Rohan: [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Antagonist: [dice]1d20+[/dice]


Aodhán: [dice]1d20+11[/dice]
Kyt: [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Liesel-Marie: [dice]1d20+2[/dice]
Nogusta: [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Nyym: [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Rohan: [dice]1d20+6[/dice]

1,801 to 1,826 of 1,826 << first < prev | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | next > last >>

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

That begs a question: Did we liberate any treasure from ravaged homes and fallen residents? I don't want to go back through the whole thread to find out if I picked up a weapon from a fallen defender. I don't remember sacking any houses in the course of the running battle, so I think we are safe there.

I don't know if there are retraining tasks I need to pursue, but what are the rules for such if I was interested?

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

"I don't remember anything looted from the fallen residents because we were practically on the run the whole time."

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:
That begs a question: Did we liberate any treasure from ravaged homes and fallen residents? I don't want to go back through the whole thread to find out if I picked up a weapon from a fallen defender. I don't remember sacking any houses in the course of the running battle, so I think we are safe there.

If I recall correctly, the looting from ravaged homes and fallen residents doesn't really apply here, but was included from the adventure for the sake of completion and on the off-chance that I may have been wrong.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:
I don't know if there are retraining tasks I need to pursue, but what are the rules for such if I was interested?

As for retraining, I will post a link that will go into detail about the rules for that here: "Click Me".

However, those rules only cover classes from around the time Ultimate Campaign was first released. So the vigilante, the hybrid classes (such as bloodrager), the occult classes (such as kineticist), and the shifter aren't listed. Fortunately, Pathfinder Society (PFS) has dealt with this matter, so I will put that information here, from the most recent Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide, in this post.

After 1st level, if you own a copy of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign, you can use the retraining rules beginning on page 188 of that book to alter your character. All changes must be recorded on your character sheets. The DM can audit your character before allowing changes. Retraining might be limited by time constraints. When retraining, players must expend wealth as outlined in the Retraining section of Ultimate Campaign, since time between adventures is undefined. If your class is not listed in Ultimate Campaign, refer to the expanded retraining lists below.

Table 3–8 on page 190 of Ultimate Campaign lists retraining synergies or classes whose similarities make retraining faster than normal. Add the following to the table.

• Add "arcanist" anywhere "wizard" appears.
• Add "bloodrager" anywhere "barbarian" appears. Bloodragers have retraining synergy with sorcerers and vice versa.
• Add "brawler" anywhere "fighter" appears.
• Add "hunter" anywhere "ranger" appears.
• Add "investigator" anywhere "alchemist" appears.
• Add "shaman" anywhere "druid" appears.
• Add “shifter" anywhere "ranger" appears.
• Add "skald" anywhere "bard" appears. Skalds have retraining synergy with barbarians and vice versa.
• Add "slayer" anywhere "ranger" appears. Slayers have retraining synergy with rogues and vice versa.
• Add "swashbuckler" anywhere "fighter" appears.
• Add “vigilante" anywhere “rogue" appears.
• Add "warpriest" anywhere "paladin" appears.

All classes from Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures have retraining synergy with one another and do not have synergy with classes from other books. Classes from Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained have the same synergies as their counterparts from the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook or Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide. Alternate classes, such as ninja and samurai, have the same synergies as their base classes. Prestige classes have synergy with all classes used to qualify for them. As per the Ultimate Campaign FAQ, you cannot retrain levels in a base class into prestige class levels.

DM's Note: The kinetic shinobi (which is a hybrid of the kineticist and ninja classes) has the following retraining synergies:
• Add "kinetic shinobi" anywhere "kineticist" appears. Kinetic shinobi have retraining synergy with rogues and vice versa.

Add the following entries to the list of retrainable class features on page 189 of Ultimate Campaign. If an archetype or prestige class grants a feature that says that it functions as a feature from one of the classes below, use the rules listed below for retraining. Otherwise, retraining archetype or prestige class features takes 5 days per feature retrained.

Arcanist: Retrain one arcanist exploit.
Barbarian (Unchained): Retrain one rage power.
Bloodrager: Retrain your bloodline. Doing so replaces your bonus spells, bloodline feats, and bloodline powers. This training takes 5 days for each bonus feat and bloodline power you lose from changing bloodlines. See also retraining feats and retraining spells known.
Brawler: Retrain one combat maneuver you chose for maneuver training. See also retraining feats.
Hunter: Retrain the feat chosen for the Precise Companion ability. See also retraining feats.
Investigator: Retrain one investigator talent.
Kineticist: Retrain one infusion wild talent or utility wild talent. The new wild talent must be of the same level as the original talent or lower.
Medium: See retraining spells.
Mesmerist: Retrain one mesmerist trick, masterful trick, or bold stare improvement. See also retraining spells.
Monk (Unchained): Retrain one ki power or style strike. See also retraining feats.
Ninja: Retrain one ninja trick or master trick.
Occultist: Retrain one focus power to another focus power of the same implement school. Alternatively, retrain an implement school. This takes 5 days for each non-base focus power you retrain (minimum 5 days).
Oracle: Retrain one revelation. Alternatively, retrain your oracle mystery. This takes 5 days for each revelation you have gained from Table 2–5 on page 44 of the Advanced Player’s Guide.
Psychic: Retrain one phrenic amplification or major amplification. Alternatively, you can retrain your psychic discipline. Doing so replaces your bonus spells and discipline powers and might change your phrenic pool ability score. This training take 5 days for each discipline power you lose from changing disciplines. See also retraining spells.
Rogue (Unchained): Retrain your choice of weapon for Finesse Training or a skill selected for rogue’s edge. Alternatively, retrain a rogue talent or advanced talent.
Samurai: You can change your order; the rules for this are the same as the rules for changing a cavalier order on page 33 of the Advanced Player’s Guide. See also retraining feats.
Shaman: Retrain one hex. Alternatively, retrain your shaman spirit. This takes 5 days for each hex you have gained from Table 1–9 on page 36 of Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide.
Slayer: Retrain one slayer talent or advanced talent.
Spiritualist: Retrain your phantom’s emotional focus. This takes 5 days for each special ability the phantom has gained. For this purpose, the four abilities that phantoms gain at 1st, 7th, 12th, and 17th level count as special abilities. See also retraining spells.
Shifter: Retrain one animal aspect.
Skald: Retrain one rage power.
Summoner (Unchained): Retrain one eidolon evolution. You can instead retrain your eidolon’s base form to another base form that is legal for its subtype, but if the eidolon has an evolution that requires its original base form, you must first retrain the evolution in exchange for one without that requirement. See also retraining spells.
Swashbuckler: See retraining feats.
Vigilante: Retrain one social talent or vigilante talent.
Warpriest: Retrain your focus weapon. Alternatively, retrain your blessing; the new blessing must be one granted by your deity. Doing so replaces the blessing’s granted powers. See also retraining feats and spells.

DM's Note: The kinetic shinobi has the following retrainable class features:
Kinetic Shinobi: Retrain one substance infusion wild talent or shinobi talent. See also retraining feats.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

Just a reminder with regard to retraining:

Retraining takes all your attention for 8 hours per day for a number of days based on what you're retraining. You can't perform any other strenuous activities while retraining, such as marching, adventuring, or crafting magic items. You can retrain only one thing at a time; you must complete or abandon a particular training goal before starting another one. Abandoning unfinished training means you lose all progress toward that training's goal and all costs associated with that training.

Unless stated otherwise, retraining costs gp equal to 10 × your level × the number of days required to retrain. This is normally paid in full at the start of the retraining period, but the DM might allow you to divide these payments over multiple days. At the DM's discretion, this training cost could be up to 50% higher or lower, depending on situational factors within the settlement—availability of trainers, local economy, cost of materials, and so on.

DM's Note: For the members of Team Ruby (which currently consists of Aodhán, Kytynna, Liesel-Marie, Mesa, Nyym, and Rohan), the training cost during this period is 50% lower due to your status as "heroes of Trunau". This is a result of my tallying up all of the posts marked as favorite over the course of the chapter. So enjoy the fruits of your labors. You've earned it.

The main purpose of using the retraining rules, if you haven't guessed, is to allow those who are able to take advantage of the information in the Ultimate Kineticist Compendium you wish to use, so finding a trainer will not be difficult for you to accomplish this... this time (going forward, this could change depending on where you are at a given time). It also is for the purpose of altering aspects of your character (such as gaining more hit points) without extreme magic or a traumatic event.

M Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18 Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin

Noted and I have spent 250gp in order to retrain my stuff.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

Can we get some assistance from NPC's or attempt anew the checks for items that were not identified on the first try?

Liesel-Marie will not be retraining. She will be lending her strength to the rebuilding efforts while the smarter folks worry about the implications of what's just occurred. Depending on the identifications that may or may not occur, there might be some purchasing in her future, but I will have to look at the inventory sheet and get the others' inputs first.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:
Can we get some assistance from NPC's or attempt anew the checks for items that were not identified on the first try?

That is possible. There are three NPCs in Trunau who can assist that effort. Councilor Agrit Staginsdar, who owes you a debt for saving her life during the raid, is one person the group can go to. High Priestess Tyari Varvatos of Sanctuary is another. Finally, Silvermane is capable of doing this as well, though you will need Chief Defender Halgra's assistance in getting the information due to his being mute and the two sharing a special sign language that only they know.

Regardless of who you go to, this is the result of having the following items checked:

* the set of "leather" lamellar armor, which upon closer examination, is actually constructed from a special form of flexible material made by weaving together leaves and thin strips of alchemically-treated bark from darkwood trees (under detect magic, it radiates a faint transmutation aura; the armor also corresponds to the plains and desert terrains from the ranger’s favored terrain list, taking on visual characteristics related to that type of terrain (plains armor incorporates medium brown, olive green & black shapes on a khaki background while desert armor incorporates brown disruptive shapes over a sandy field) and makes the wearer blend in more naturally with his surroundings. The armor grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Perception checks to notice things and Stealth checks attempted while in a specific terrain; The person checking the armor can sense that it has even more power at its disposal that it can grant, but is unable to do so currently. As though certain conditions have to be met in order for those other abilities to reveal themselves to the wearer...);
* the temple sword fashioned entirely from a shimmering translucent blue crystal, with the grip wrapped in eel hide (under detect magic, it radiates a faint evocation and transmutation aura; the person checking the weapon can sense that it has even more power at its disposal that it can grant, but is unable to do so currently. As though certain conditions have to be met in order for those other abilities to reveal themselves to the wielder...); and
* the battered chain shirt - Uskroth’s Shirt: This battered, well-used masterwork chain shirt is crafted from fire-forged steel, a dwarven technique which channels heat in one direction to protect its wearer or wielder. When it is crafted into armor, heat is channeled away from the wearer, offering some limited protection and granting the wearer fire resistance 2.
It also automatically resizes itself to match the size of its wearer. Once per day on command, the armor can bestow upon its wearer the effects of righteous might for 5 rounds. The wearer’s alignment determines the DR gained from this ability. A good wearer gains DR 5/evil, an evil wearer gains DR 5/good, and a wearer who is neither good nor evil chooses which DR to gain the first time the ability is activated – once chosen, it cannot be changed. This fire-forged steel chain shirt would sell for 13,400 gold sails (6,700 resale) Armor Bonus +4; Max Dex Bonus +4; Armor Check Penalty -1; Arcane Spell Failure Chance 20%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.; 25 lbs. (medium sized weight, 50 lbs when Large sized).
Righteous Might: Your height immediately doubles, and your weight increases by a factor of eight. This increase changes your size category to the next larger one. You gain a +4 size bonus to Strength and Constitution and take a -2 penalty to your Dexterity. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your natural armor. You gain DR 5/evil or DR 5/good. All equipment you wear or carry is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee weapons deal more damage. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that leaves your possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage. Magical effects that increase size do not stack.)

The hammer, Agrimmosh, has already revealed itself to Rohan, and therefore does not need to go through this process.

The person checking both the lamellar armor and the temple sword will confirm that they are special items that increase in power along with those who carry them, and their existing powers sometimes also improve as well. They are often referred to as either legacy items or relics.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

Liesel-Marie, as mentioned earlier, spends the downtime assisting in the reconstruction of Trunau or working at the forges of Clamor helping to repair defenders' broken weapons or repurpose those captured from the invaders, as appropriate.

Liesel-Marie is interested in obtaining a good-quality chain shirt. Is that something that is available in Trunau or would that require the trip to Lastwall? This is assuming that does not end up getting either of the armors in the tomb - I think they should go to someone else, as mentioned in the discussion thread.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

You could get a good quality chain shirt in Trunau; even with the purchase limit halved at the moment, you could still get a mithral shirt (only costs 1,100 gold sails). In fact, Sara Morninghawk would be happy to make you one for only 550 gold sails (she also owes you a favor.... technically two, with regard to exposing Urnsul).

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12


Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:

Pleasure doing business with you! ;)

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

OK, the treasure sheet has been heavily modified again today plus I have attempted to assign items to individuals as I proposed earlier. We are approaching the "speak now or forever hold your peace" stage. I have removed several things from Liesel-Marie's personal inventory to sell them and they have gone onto the sheet with the party inventory as that seems only fair.

If you want to sell your own stuff, that's fine. If you want to throw it in the kitty, reply here and I will add it to the sheet so you don't have to figure out WTH I did to make it work.

Rohan currently gains nothing on the spreadsheet because Rohan's new gear - primarily Agrimmosh - was not on the sheet. And you can't give a value to an artifact, anyway.

Other characters have quite a variety of value for their items, but as I believe I said earlier, that's not my concern. A temple sword that only one of us uses is worthless if it's not in that person's hands. Why would we quibble over it's value? Just give it to the person that can use it and move one.

I did split the value of the selling prices (based on my proposals, nothing here is final) with PCs getting full shares and the two NPCs getting half shares. If that's not acceptable, let me know. Maybe we will put it to a vote.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

1) If you want to know what's currently in your list on the spreadsheet, it can be found linked here. I am happy to translate if you desire.

Note that there are some preliminary items already on your "personal" tab. If you don't feel you should have those, let me know and I will throw them back into the mix. I'm seriously debating the extra weapon on mine from a fairness standpoint, but cold iron can be hard to come by and can be a lifesaver in the right encounter...

2) Reply here to let me know if you are OK with what's on the spreadsheet for you or let me know your alternate proposals.

3) Reply here to let me know if you have other items to sell and we will work out everyone's final gold.

GM's ten-day hiatus is three days from expiring, so hopefully everyone has time to get online and check things out so we can mark this done, clean up the sheet and start the new chapter with a new sheet!

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

GM, your feedback regarding items for the NPCs is also sought after.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:
GM's ten-day hiatus is three days from expiring, so hopefully everyone has time to get online and check things out so we can mark this done, clean up the sheet and start the new chapter with a new sheet!

I see... I suppose it could've been implied that with my statement 'within the 10-day window I'm providing between the end of this chapter and the start of the next....' was meant to only give you 10 days to figure this out.

However, that wasn't my intention.

There is a 10-day window in-game between the end of this chapter and the start of the next. I was simply stating that no matter how you decided or what you decided, it would all take place within that specified amount of time.

So, to sum up, an actual 10-day window out of game was not what I was going for. Especially since it has put a lot of undue burden on the players of Liesel-Marie and Rohan to figure this out. I want all of the players that will be transitioning over to have their input. And within an actual 10-day window, that may not be possible (Kyt and Nyym's players are dealing with some heavy stuff out-of-game that's really limiting their ability to get involved).

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45
Liesel-Marie Frostvale wrote:
GM, your feedback regarding items for the NPCs is also sought after.

I have looked at the spreadsheet. With regard to the NPCs, I only have this to say...

It would be better to give the unholy water over to the priests of Sanctuary so that they can properly dispose of it (though I suppose Nogusta could make use of the spell, bless water, to do so himself).

Your call. If you want Nogusta to handle disposing of the unholy water, then consider it done. Otherwise, give it to Sanctuary.

M Half Drow init +6/ hp 35 [35]/ ac 18/ t 14/ ff 13/ fort +4/ ref +9/ wil +6/ perc +6/ stealth +11/ athletics 0/ b2h +3/ lore engineering +2/ finesse +11/ ki pool 7 kinetic shinobi (fading shadow) /4

Nyym will take those 10 days to help with reconstruction as he can. He will also check in on Ruby as well as Aohdon and the other members of team Ruby. Before they seal the cave and concicrate the plague house. He scouts out the other areas to make sure nothing important was mixed as well as any remaining hidden dangers. (If any). When not doing that he will rest and meditate to get himself back on track and figure on his fire and the best ways to recenter himself. Nyym already has the twin Wakisashis. He will keep those and take the dark leaf armor as well as the thieves tools. Anything else you see fit to give him he will take. But those items are ones he can use and will fit his style and character best.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12
DM Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Your call. If you want Nogusta to handle disposing of the unholy water, then consider it done. Otherwise, give it to Sanctuary.

Absolutely agree. I actually didn't spend much time on the individual tabs. I was more focused on the items on the "Unclaimed Loot" tab.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12
Nyym wrote:
Nyym already has the twin Wakisashis. He will keep those and take the dark leaf armor as well as the thieves tools. Anything else you see fit to give him he will take. But those items are ones he can use and will fit his style and character best.

Perfect. That's what I was looking for.

Would Nyym be interested in the shuriken, the smoke pellets, and the belt of tumbling? Those seemed like they might be appropriate, but I wasn't sure.

M Half Drow init +6/ hp 35 [35]/ ac 18/ t 14/ ff 13/ fort +4/ ref +9/ wil +6/ perc +6/ stealth +11/ athletics 0/ b2h +3/ lore engineering +2/ finesse +11/ ki pool 7 kinetic shinobi (fading shadow) /4

Nyym most certainly would be intrested. All the daggers too as well as the Kunia. Those can. E thrown if need be and that hemp rope can be useful as well.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

Put together a list of what you think Kyt should take from the loot pile. I will pass it on to her player so that they can go over it for themselves, as they haven't been able to look at a computer, much less get online. But I'm in communication with the player for the moment, so I can at least get that done.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

As requested for Kytynna:
There are miscellaneous items that she might be interested in, but the only item currently allocated to Kytynna is the magical temple sword.

I'm inclined to keep the two crossbows and their ammunition as a party so we have ranged options that everyone can use. We also have shortbows, but they have a strength rating of 16 for full benefit - Liesel-Marie is claiming one, but I'm not sure how many others are interested or able to take advantage of them.

We have a ton of javelins that I'm proposing we sell, but they are an option for anyone to keep, as well.

Ah, one more item allocated to Kytynna is a potion of cure serious wounds.

I hope that helps. Nothing is set in stone until you say we have no time to continue discussing.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

Kyt definitely wants both the temple sword and potion. I went over the unclaimed loot list with the player and they raised an interesting point about one of the items: the true love locket. Upon finding out who was in possession of it originally, the player suggested that we hold on to it, because... ' "if Gorewillow had one, then someone else out there has the other attuned to it." ' So the player wants to hold on to that as well.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

I'm preparing a prologue post to wrap this chapter/season up. Once it's posted, I will mark this inactive and we will move on to the next chapter/season of the campaign. So if there is anything else that needs to be resolved, go ahead and do so, that way we can wrap this up.

Awakened Bloodrager (Fire) 10; AC 23/14/21; 77/98 hp; F13 R8 W9; Health: Healthy (0); Rage left: 41-5+1/41; Spells left: 1/3, 1/1, 1/1; Effects: Endure Elements (heat only), Wyrmsbreath 0 pts, Remaining healing: 20, 19, 12

I will close out the inventory sheet, then, and we will start the next section with a clean sheet. Let us have a little bit of time for purchases once that's done and everyone knows what their money total is. Please.

Last-chance posts will be put into the discussion thread.

Dark Archive

Male kaiju dungeon master; hp 697 Healthy/522 Grazed/348 Wounded/174 Critical/-15 hp Disabled (fast healing 30); AC 48, T 8, FF 43; F +34, Ref +25, Will +23; Init +9; Perc +45

Evacuating Uskroth's Tomb doesn't take very long after meeting back up with Patrol Sergeant Frum, Vegazi, and the rest. Team Ruby is taken to the Longhouse where they meet with Chief Defender Halgra, Patrol Leader Jagrin Grath, and Kurst Grath to be debriefed on what happened in the aftermath of their holding action, where the group, in turn, learns of the Twisted Heart orcs defeat.

The members of Team Ruby are hailed as heroes, not only for your brave deeds during the orc raid, but also for your diligence in solving the murder of Rodrick Grath and unraveling the mysteries of the Plague House and the tomb beneath Bloodmarch Hill.

Kurst and Jagrin Grath and the rest of Trunau’s militia are glad to receive closure over the death of Rodrick. Although Trunau has weathered many orc raids in the past, the Twisted Hearts’ attack was by far the most devastating in recent history, and left the inner quarter largely in ruins. Gorewillow’s half-orc saboteurs dealt a terrible blow to the town’s morale that will likely heighten tensions between Trunau’s human and half-orc residents for some time. Trunauans are nothing if not perseverant, however, and the efforts to rebuild the town begin the day after the raid. Trunau’s leaders order Uskroth’s tomb sealed once more, and the ruins of the Plague House are consecrated and ritually cleansed with fire to put the structure to rest once and for all.

Of more immediate concern, however, is the sobering news that the orc raid was actually instigated by a giant searching for the treasures in Uskroth’s tomb. Trunau’s Council of Defenders is concerned that this giant may attack the town again in a second bid to get a hold of the items she was seeking. Which will lead Chief Defender Halgra of the Blackened Blades to approach Team Ruby with a request in the near future...

In the meantime, you're finally able to learn more about the geode thanks to Silvermane, who (with Halgra's interpretation) reveals that the geode’s structure is no fluke of nature; the geode’s crystalline valleys and mounds reflect the exact topography of the Mindspin Mountains, and a carved groove along the mountains seems to indicate a trail through the mountain range. The “map” leads to something, but unfortunately, it is incomplete. In order to fully use the map, Team Ruby must find the second half of the geode, which you know is in the possession of the hill giant chieftain Grenseldek thanks to the letter Gorewillow had from her.

At a castle somewhere in the southern Mindspin Mountains...
Byoot, along with his stony companion the Earth Demon and the false Kytynna, stood within a huge apartment, furnished with a plethora of precious carpets, pillows, and tapestries. A multitude of life-sized, polished silver statues of all kinds of giant birds were perched on the walls or suspended from the ceiling, which was decorated with mosaics of beautiful cloud giantesses resting on misty beds or riding rocs among the clouds. An array of shiny silver braziers stand along the walls. A huge bed lay under the northern stained-glass window, next to a chest of drawers. A large round table sat near the middle of the room, and a cupboard stood against a wall to the east.

Leaning over the table was a bearded man, a giant, that stood over 20 feet tall, with eyes and skin the color of amethysts, though his face was cast in a crimson light from the strange orb that shimmered beneath him from where it lay before him. Choose with care the next words you speak. When you have done so, deliver them without your usual poetic conventions. The giant's tone was a low rumble, his version of a whisper, but Byoot had heard him as plainly as if he had been right next to him.

Count Lowls sends both his regards, O Tyrant of Storms, as well as his thanks for allowing him to conduct his research within your domain. Byoot looked as though he was about to continue speaking, but a motion from the giant caused him to hold back from doing so.

Your feeble attempts to curry favor bore me, yako-tsuki. You are no more than you seem, a pouty child, and I find the reality of this... disappointing. Volstus fixed his gaze upon Byoot. Pray then, that you do not disappoint me further.

Byoot moved to keep his burly companion from attacking the giant. Grenseldek's ambition threatens your own. She has brought into play forces beyond her understanding.

The nogitsune's words caused the Storm Tyrant's eyes to harden. The hill giant? The one that offered herself to be my consort? The thought of that past encounter caused Volstus to take on a sickened expression. What could she have possibly done?

Assemble the orcs of the Twisted Nail and the Heart Eater giants under the banner of the Twisted Heart so that she could lay siege to the Bloodmarch Hill and claim Uskroth's treasure as a dowry.

There is no dowry that Grenseldek could put together that would cause me to change my mind.

Not even if it consisted of Nargrym Steelhand's treasure? Byoot's query was offered with a sly grin.

The Storm Tyrant recognized that name immediately. Nargrym Steelhand was a famed giantslayer from the dwarven Sky Citadel of Janderhoff in Varisia. He slew many giants to defend Janderhoff ’s mining interests in the Mindspin Mountains—even the fire giant Gunderoth, called Dwarfskinner for scorching the living flesh from nearly 30 dwarven miners. Adventurers and treasure-seekers had long sought the tomb, as according to dwarven custom, Nargrym had been laid to rest with his armor, weapons, and riches—including the magical steel hand that allowed the hero to wield the giants’ own weapons against them.

If such treasure still existed, recovering such a cache would prove invaluable in a fight against the Storm Tyrant’s giant horde.

Unfortunately for Grenseldek, her lofty aspirations came to nothing when her infiltration and subsequent assault on Trunau failed.

The nogitsune's words interrupted the giant's musing.

Volstus cast a thoughtful gaze toward the trio. Failed how?

Byoot's smile grew wide. Through the efforts of adventurers calling themselves Team Ruby.

The Storm Tyrant placed both hands squarely upon the table. Tell me more of these adventurers. This... Team Ruby.

Meanwhile, somewhere along the River Kestrel to the northeast of Trunau...
Melira sat on the deck of the anchored keelboat, somewhat in a daze, as she gripped the gold heart-shaped locket worn about her neck. The strong connection she had felt with Gorewillow through it was no more. The dark-haired human knew that only two things could've have caused this to occur: he had either taken off the matching locket (which Melira knew he'd never do), or somehow, Gorewillow had met an untimely end.

She focused on the latter heavily, her words to General Kelseph in their previous encounter coming to mind.

The poet had friends. Friends that may seek out the true cause of his death. Gorewillow is dealing with it, but he's certain they won't be a problem.

Melira had been confident that the cunning half-orc would deal with the situation, but given what she felt now, it seemed that the poet's friends had proven to be more capable than her lover. The thought of it caused the woman no end of pain, for when Gorewillow died, a part of her had died with him. But she had no time to grieve. There was work to be done and she needed to be about it.

I will find them, swore the human. And I will kill them.

Hey human, called out a voice that Melira immediately recognized as belonging to Gashnakh, one of the half-orc crew that tended the keelboat, specifically the cook. You sure you want to get off here? There have been sightings of river drakes around these parts.

The human gathered up her things. Your concern, while touching, is misplaced. I'll be fine. The same, however cannot be said for anyone or thing that crosses my path.

The coldness, the total lack of emotion in Melira's voice caused Gashnakh to back up a step as she made her way to the starboard side and down the gangplank to shore. Once on solid ground, the human immediately began to take off in a jog back toward Trunau. At her current pace, Melira guessed she would arrive in 5 days time.

She would do it in four.

This marks the end of Chapter One: The Strange Adventures of Team Ruby. I hereby declare this chapter inactive and we will move on to Chapter Two of the campaign, entitled "Of Aeons and Giants: The Continuing Adventures of Team Ruby"

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