
Rohan Scythe's page

446 posts. Alias of Shadowrun312.

Full Name

Rohan Den Scythe Exp: 4,480


Human HP:(55)46/26 (temp HP Max 45 - Burn 36/Current 30) 3pts burn (G=41 W=28 C=14)AC:21, T:14, FF:17,CMD:18


Skills Ath +5 Climb +8 perc +6 Aco +10/+16 perf +6 Spell +7Active: 3 dr/admin










Common, Elven

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 20
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Rohan Scythe

Rohan Scythe is a giant of a man for at least what you would think might be a man. Rohan frame while doesn’t appear very burly and strong makes up for it in physical agility and overwhelming endurance and health. This guy stands above the others in any room or city, coming out at an outstanding 7’11 foot tall, just 1 inch shy of being considered large in perspective. His skin is of a grayish color much like you would find for some harden rock, and his skin is nearly as thick as one too, with harsh rock like textures displaced around his body as though it would take a decent amount of force to penetrate his skin. Though much of his skin is tough, but looks much like a rhino hide. His face is chiseled and where hair once stood on his head now remains nothing but a bald replacement of skin. When he turns and looks at you, his blue eyes still were showing through as though they were gazed upon you and bright overwhelming sight. He wore what looked like a Chain shirt that would be nearly bigger than any other man of medium size would likely fit, and the chain shirt dirty as though there was sand and dirt mingled in the mix of it. Under the chain shirt was what looked like a simple white shirt that had its sleeves torn from it at the shoulders and looked raggedy. The chain shirt was long enough to cover down below his waist, but none the less he wore what looked like dark black pants that completely covered his legs, but where very baggy to say the least. Attached the bottom of his right leg was a buckled strap holding what looked like a ceremonial dagger that looked very fancy with gems inlayed in the hilt of the dagger. Rohan wore no shoes on his feet, but anywhere he went if he touched sand or stone his feet would simply vanish into the ground beneath him. A belt held the chain shirt down around his hips holding what looked like a really incredible Warhammer that was held there with a metal chain to prevent someone from taking it on the whim. There were other little pouches around his belt but not much else. On his back was a huge backpack filled with unknown amount of things, but this backpack didn’t look like any other backpack, it too had symbols sewn onto the pack, pictures of mountains and caves, as well as what looked like possible giants. Aside from this the man carried no other weapons and would always stand near what looked to be fellow friends. If you were mistaken you would literally thought you were looking at a Stone Giant, but you were not alone in that assumption as many people in the area were likely thinking the same thing. Stares were not uncommon for him in anyplace he goes.

Character Sheet:

Name: Rohan Den Scythe
Class: Onslaught Sniper
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Medium

Level: 4
Ability Scores:
Strength 10/+0
Dexterity: 16/+3
Constitution: 20/+5
Intelligence: 13/+1
Wisdom: 10/+0
Charisma: 10/+0

Level Bonus: HP
Racial Bonus: +2 Con

Hit Points: 55
Armor Class: 21 (+4 Chain Shirt + 3 Dex + 1 Magic Armor +1 deflection +2 Natural Armor(bonus))
Flat Footed: 17
Touch: 14 (3 Dex + 1 Deflection)
Fort: 10
Ref: 8
Will: 2

Damage Reduction: Max 5/dr Admin (3 Burn)
Spell Resistance: n/a
CMD: (10+ 4 BAB + 0 Str + 3 Dex +1 Deflection) = 18

Initiative: +3 Movement: 30ft
BAB +4
Onslaught Blast Range: 30ft 5+4+1+1+1= (+11 to hit)W/Burn Extended Range 120 ft (+10 to hit)W/Burn (no Movement Bulleye Feat +4 Attack)
Total Targets: 5
All With Point Blank Shoot
Single Target Damage =4d6+4+3+3+5+1 (1d6+1 each + 3x2 From Focused Target +5 from con modifier +1 from Point Blank Shot)
Single Target Damage Excessive Blaster, Extended Range, Full attack, 0 burn. = 5d6+5+3+3+5+1 (Theory Blast Dmg= 7d6+5+3+3+5+1+7+3)
2 Targets: Each Target: One= 3d6+3+3+5+1 Target 2: 2d6+2+5+3+1
3 Targets: Each target: Two =2d6+3+5+2+1 One = 1d6+1+5
4 Targets: Each Target: One= 2d6+3+5+2+1 Others = 1d6+1+5
5 Targets" Each Target: 1d6+1+5
Ranged Attack Bonus: +7 Other

5th level Single Target = 3d6+3 "Base Level Damage" + 1d6+1 "Burned Blaster" + 1d6+1 "Excessive Blaster" ---"Total dice= 5d6+5"--- + 6 "Extra from 2 pairs of blast hitting same target" +5 "Con Bonus" +5 "Excessive Blaster give +1 for each die" +1 "Point Blank Shot, if within 30ft"

Total damage = 5d6+5+6+5+5+1 or (5d6+22)

Focused Blaster = Full attack action = Reduced 1 burn
Burned Blaster = possess 1 point of burn = one extra blast
Excessive Blaster = Cost of 1 burn = one extra blast
Infusion Specialization = reduce 1 infusion point of burn
Extended Range Infusion = 1 point of burn

"Focused Blaster and Excessive Blaster Cancel each other out for a total of 0 burn there. Also Infusion Specialization cancels out extended Range Infusion for 0 burn."

I do note that if I was to use kinetic bomb I would have to sacrifice excessive blaster or extended Range in order to use it without acquiring a point of burn.


Melee: +5 to Hit Agrimmosh WarHammer Damage: 2d6+1 x3 crit
Whenever the wielder of Agrimmosh confirms a critical hit against a creature of the humanoid type, the target creature must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or shrink by one size category, as by heightened reduce person. This effect lasts for 20 minutes.

"Base: 1 blast for every 2 levels. + Onslaught Blaster: Fires 1 additional blast for every level beyond first. + Focus Blaster: Full round attack gives 1 additional Blast + Excessive blaster: 1 additional blast at one burn." In addition, add +1 for each die from Excessive Blaster."


***KINETIC BOMB Element(s) universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1 Associated Blasts any Saving Throw Reflex half (see text) Your blast has far more power packed behind it. The infused blast is treated as a splash weapon, dealing its splash damage to all squares adjacent to the target (or the space it lands in, if the blast misses), allowing a Reflex save for half damage. This infusion is treated as an alchemist’s bomb for the purposes of which feats can be applied to it. Splash damage from this infusion is always equal to the blast’s minimum damage.
KINETIC FISTOA Element(s) universal; Type form infusion;

Reflex DC 16, Base Damage currently 34 points, save for half, -1 point if over 30 feet.

Utility:Extended Range, Earth Climb
Infusion: Earthwalk(1st), Pushing Infusion(3rd), Kinetic Bomb Infusion(5th)
Feats: Point Blank Shot (human Bonus), Precise Shot (1st), Weapon Focus (Onslaught blast)(3rd), Bullseye Feat (5th)

Abilities: basic Geokinesis, Kinetic Onslaught Blast, Burn, Resistance +1, Onslaught Blast, Focused Blaster, Armor attunement +1, weapon attunement +1, Flesh of Stone, Elemental Overflow ***, Burned Blaster, +1 Deflection, Infusion Specialization: Reduce Burn Cost by 1
Traits: Crowd Dodger (+2 Trait bonus against threaten), Giant Blooded (+2 trait bonus to your CMD against awesome blow combat), Regional Recluse (+1 trait bonus Survival, and +1 bonus to damage against giant types)
Drawback-Overprotective - Effect: If one of your allies should fall unconscious from hit point damage, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks as long as you are farther than 10 feet away from your fallen ally.

Grouped Skills Only
Athletic +5 (climb +8)
Specialty Skills
Perceptive +6
Acrobatics +10/+16 Threatened
Spellcraft +7
Background Skill
Performance (circus arts) +6

Methodical: When you awoke in Trunau 2 years ago with nothing but hazy memories, you begin carefully cataloging your thoughts to determine the reasons for your condition and where you might be. This comforts you, and you know deep down that you have always relied on your ordered mind and pragmatic approach to face challenges. You use this focus and sensibility to your advantage as you investigate your current dire situation. Choose a skill with the recall knowledge function. You gain a +1 bonus on recall knowledge checks of this kind and on concentration checks. In addition, you can attempt untrained recall knowledge checks with DCs up to 20 instead of 10.

General List

1 Backpack 5gp
Climber Kit Replaced with silk rope 90gp
2 Whistles, Canine, Feline 10g
7 Sunrods 20g
2 Wineskin filled with Tea 3g
4 days rations Rohan Style (10days) 5 gp
Alchemist Fire (2 flask) 40gp
2 Water Purification Sponge 25 uses each 50gp
Antiplague 1 flask 50gp
Smelling Salts 12 uses 25gp
7 Thunderstone 150g
Fighter Kit 9gp
antitoxin (2)
Mapmaker Kit 10gp +2 Survival Checks
vials of soothe syrup (for 1 hour after drinking soothe syrup, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on saving throws made to resist effects that would make you nauseated or sickened)

chain shirt
Masterwork Studded Leather

Magic items:
Belt of Tumbling (+4 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks made to move through a threatened square or through an enemy’s space.)

Potions: ”cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds”


------Agrimmosh WarHammer------

Agrimmosh appears to be a simple stone blacksmith’s hammer engraved with Minderhal’s holy symbol. It functions as an impact warhammer* that automatically resizes itself to match the size of its wielder. Once per day as a full-round action, the wielder of Agrimmosh can use the hammer to cast heightened enlarge person (Fortitude DC 23 negates). This effect lasts for 20 minutes. Whenever the wielder of Agrimmosh confirms a critical hit against a creature of the humanoid type, the target creature must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or shrink by one size category, as by heightened reduce person. This effect lasts for 20 minutes.

The impact special ability can only be placed on melee weapons that are not light weapons. An impact weapon delivers a potent kinetic jolt when it strikes, dealing damage as if the weapon were one size category larger (at Medium-size, Agrimmosh deals damage as follows: 2d6/+12 damage on crit; which means while under the effects of heightened enlarge person it deals damage as follows: 3d6/+18 damage on crit). In addition, any bull rush combat maneuver the wielder attempts while wielding the weapon gains a bonus equal to the weapon’s enhancement bonus; this includes all bull rush attempts, not only those in which a weapon is used, such as Bull Rush Strike, Shield Slam, or Unseat.

Agrimmosh hasn't chosen Liesel-Marie as its wielder, though it is enticing her to choose it as her weapon of choice. Anyone could claim the hammer as their own and gain the benefits that doing so provide. The Erutaki can also somehow tell that the weapon has even more power at its disposal that it can grant, but is unable to do so currently. As though certain conditions have to be met in order for those other abilities to reveal themselves to the wielder...

* If you notice, I've only listed Agrimmosh as being an impact warhammer. In a standard game not making use of Advanced Bonus Progression rules, it would in fact be a +2 impact warhammer. Since no character currently has enough of an enhancement bonus to afford the special ability, you can still use the weapon’s impact power on its own, but the weapon gains no enhancement bonus. To be able to use the full power of Agrimmosh, a character would have to 13th-level (where a character would gain the +4 weapon attunement bonus, which would cover the normal +2 enhancement bonus, as well as the impact weapon ability [which counts as a +2 enhancement]). However, unlike the standard game, when that character reaches 15th-level (where the attunement bonus becomes +5), Agrimmosh would actually grow in power and become a +3 impact warhammer.

Unknown Special Abilities granted by DM

Burn is reduced by 2 levels as far as how much hit points it drains per point.
Rohan receives a +2 racial bonus to Stealth checks when in rocky terrain. In addition, his natural armor bonus has increased by +2 and stacks with the natural armor bonus gained from Automatic Bonus Progression.


Starting Currency:
PP: 6
GP: 809
SP: 65
CP: 714
Other valuables: n/a


Bio: Much of his past is a mystery, and doesn't remember much of how he came to be. His parents were somehow linked to the mother earth, perhaps the off spring of the stone giants due to his massive size and his great connection with the earth. Although he never claims any connection to the giants but wonders how a man of his size could not be linked to the giants. The massive size of 7”11 towering over the mass of humans, and many other races. Often requiring him to duck in or squeeze through doorways. However, with much practice and being fairly limber for a giant of a man he copes fairly well.

Silver embedded stone rock named Firma

Current Task List:

  • Investigate the Half Orcs.
  • Remember Dal, Lira, Gorewillow while browsing
  • Weapon smith Love letter Inscription on Hopeknife (X)
  • Find Captain, see if he has daughter.
  • Speak with Brinya Kelver
  • Speak with family friend Sergeant Frum
  • Side note, who is this raggedy man in the nightmare.
  • Visit Healer For Us and Aodhan(Check)
  • Find Rodrick Journal- speak with katrezra (X)

Found Treasure unsplit:

Leveling Utilities/feats:

Level Ability
Human Precise Shot
1st Weapon Focus Kinetcit Blast
3rd Point Blank Shot
5th Bullseye Shot
9th Reckless Aim
11th Defensive Shot (Combat)

Level Ability
1st Extended Range
3rd Pushing Infusion
5th Kinectic Bomb
7th magnetic infusion
9th Impale
11th Wall
13th Deadly Earth
15th Fragmentation

Level Ability
2nd Earth Walk
4th Earth Climb
8th Shift Earth
10th Tremorsense
12th Stone Sculptor
14th jagged flesh
16th Shift Earth Greater

6th level

4 Points of Burn
Flesh to stone 0 point of burn 4 DR/Admin
Emptiness 4 points of Burn Negative Energy Resistance 8, 25% Resistance to Critical Hit and Sneak attack
Elemental Overflow +2 Att, +2 Con and Dex, 20% Resistance to critical Hit and Sneak attack

45% resistance to Critical Hit
5 DR/admin


Onslaught Sniper:

Onslaught Blast (Sp): At 1st level, whenever the onslaught blaster uses their kinetic blast, they fire multiple blasts. The damage of these blasts is equal to 1d6+1 for physical and 1d6 for energy blasts. They can fire an additional blast for every 2 kineticist levels past 1st. Each unique target hit takes additional damage equal to the onslaught blaster’s Constitution modifier for physical blasts and 1/2 their Constitution modifier for energy blasts. The targets of each attack are decided before any attack roll is made. If the onslaught blaster applies a substance or form infusion to their blast, it applies to all blasts. Against a single target, they pool together their attacks into a stronger blast. Each successive blast in the attack sequence is treated as a single attack. They do not roll multiple attack rolls and any effect such as spell resistance, damage resistance, and effects from feats such as Deadly Aim is only calculated once. For every two blasts beyond the first which target the same creature, the target takes an additional +3 damage for physical blasts and +1 damage for energy blasts. An onslaught blast cannot have any form infusion which reduces the range of a blast, emulates a melee attack, increases the amount of kinetic blasts you can make (such as flurry of blasts), or the many throw infusion applied to it. If an onslaught sniper chooses to throw an object with telekinetic blast, they can only throw a single object.
Focused Blaster (Ex): Whenever an onslaught blaster uses their onslaught blast, they can use it as a full attack, reducing the burn cost of the blast by 1. At 11th level, they instead reduce the burn cost of the blast by 2 or by 1 if using their onslaught blast as a standard action. At 19th level, they instead reduce the burn cost of the blast by 3 or by 2 if using their onslaught blast as a standard action. This ability replaces gather power, supercharge, and metakinesis master.
Burned Blaster (Ex): At 3rd level, whenever an onslaught blaster uses their focused blaster ability while they possess at least 1 point of burn, they create one additional blast. At 9th level if the onslaught blaster possesses at least 3 points of burn, they create two additional blasts, and at 15th level if they possess at least 5 points of burn, they create three additional blasts.
Weakened Overflow (Su): An onslaught blaster’s elemental overflow does not provide a bonus on damage. This ability alters elemental overflow.
Excessive Blaster (Su): At 5th level, the onslaught blaster can increase the burn cost of their onslaught blast by 1 to create one additional blast. At 7th level they instead create two additional blasts, plus one more for every 4 onslaught blaster levels beyond 7th. Each blast the onslaught blaster creates deals +1 additional damage. This ability replaces metakinesis (empower).
Targeted Strike (Su): At 9th level, whenever the onslaught blaster uses their onslaught blast, for every five blasts that successfully hit the same creature, that creature takes a -1 penalty to their AC until the beginning of their next round. This penalty cannot exceed the onslaught blaster’s Constitution modifier. Each blast you create deals +1 additional damage. This ability replaces metakinesis (maximize).
Extreme Blaster (Su): At 13th level, the onslaught blaster can increase the burn cost of their onslaught blast by 3 to create seven additional blasts. At 15th level they instead create eight additional blasts, plus one more for every 2 onslaught blaster levels beyond 15th. Each blast the onslaught blaster creates deals +1 additional damage. This ability replaces metakinesis (quicken).
Omni Strike (Su): At 17th level, the onslaught blaster can increase the burn cost of their onslaught blast by 4 to double the number of blasts they create. Each blast the onslaught blaster creates deals +1 additional damage. This ability cannot be used with excessive blaster or extreme blaster. This ability replaces metakinesis (twice).

Damage Calculation:

I might have said this before about my character but I want to state it again. -- Full round attack reduces burn cost by 1, Burn blaster ability lets me create 1 additional blast. Excessive blaster lets me take 1 burn and increase my blast by 1 which the burn is reduced by the full round attack. Giving me 2 additional blast at zero burn. Infusion specialist gives me 1 additional burn point that I can reduce which will allow me to add extended range on to my blast. I have 1d6+1 at 1st, 3rd, and 5th; giving me a total of 3d6+3 plus 2d6+2 for the additional blast for a total of 5d6+5 Physical Element. I then add my con to the damage for another +5 points making it 5d6+5 Physical Element(PE) +5 con. I then add a +1 to damage for point blank shot (PBS) within 30ft. Single target(ST) adds another +3 for each additional 2 dice hitting the same target, which means I add another +6 bonus. Making my damage total for a single target ==5d6+5(PE)+5(con)+1(PBS)+6 (ST)==
As for my attack modification, if I do not move I can add Bulleye bonus of +4 to my attack, plus my base attack bonus of +3 plus my Point Blank shot of +1 for being within 30ft. And another +3 from my dex. Also a +1 from weapon focus blast. Overflow bonus to attack only gives me another 2 points to attack for 3 points of burn and 1 point to attack for every 3 levels. Giving me a total of == +3(BAB) +4(BE)+1(PB)+3(Dex)+1(WF)+2(OF) == +14 attack

Please let me know if this looks correct.