Master Han Del of the Web |
I've been kicking around the character concept some and I'd like your opinion as to whether the class features of the Forensic Physician Investigator Archetype would be useful. No spoilers wanted, I just want to know if the abilities will be relevant to the AP and your DMing style. Losing those first two Investigator Talents lays a bit heavy upon me but I am definitely willing to do it for an interesting character.
Also, I'd like to know if you'd rule taking the Precise Treatment trait would allow me to use intelligence instead of wisdom for the purposes of determining hit points restored through the Treat Deadly Wounds use of the Heal skill.
SnowHeart |
![Member of the Whispering Way](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-necromancer.jpg)
@ Master Han Del: Yes to both. The archetype is completely viable for this AP..
@ Cellion: I debated a window of time when I wrote that and for whatever reason neglected to edit the post to include it. Since you basically posted same day as the announcement, if you'd still like to submit something, go ahead.
Sorry for the abrupt notice, I'm just looking at all the submissions and realized I underestimated interest.
Davneiros Marduzi |
![Mystic Theurge](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1110-MysicTheurge_90.jpeg)
1. What is your character's connection to Korvosa? Why is he here?
Davn was born and raised in Sandpoint, but after his siblings grew up into their own careers and lives, he felt the odd man out so he traveled down to Magnimar and caught a ship to Korvosa for a change of scenery...
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally?
His former teacher and mentor at the Orisini Academy: Vencarlo Orisini.
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
To carve out a place for himself in Korvosa and even Varisia using his social identity, with the ultimate goal of revealing his true (vigilante) identity to all as a beacon of justice and good.
Now some of you with a more intimate familiarity of the AP may be able to guess where this character is heading, but I certainly will not spoil anything in my background or my posts leading up to the big reveal...
I just need to come up with a slick name for my social identity.
![]() |
Here's my character background. The inspiration is borrowed from The House on Hook Street, also set in Korvosa. Thanks for your consideration!
Like a creeping disease, a wave of addiction swept through Bridgefront in Old Korvosa.
Ilsa, a kind, young shopkeeper, didn’t think much of it at first. There were always addicts in the poor areas of Korvosa. But then her sister, who was not using the drug, began to experience the same symptoms as users: “hag-ridden” appearance, shivering, and vivid, lifelike nightmares.
Ilsa did all she could to help and moved in with her sister and her two children, a young boy and girl. Except when she was at work, she provided constant care. Her sister did not improve, and eventually, even her nephew and niece began exhibiting symptoms. Ilsa’s sister rapidly deteriorated and died, leaving her as guardian of the two children.
The boy began to have disturbing nightmares. He told Ilsa he was afraid that if he slept, the thing chasing him would get him, so he tried to stay awake for days at a time. When he finally fell asleep, Ilsa thought this crisis was over. Then she heard screams in the middle of the night. By the time she reached the child, he was dead. He died in the middle of a nightmare, having a vision of a horror that everyone older was denying.
Ilsa herself did not escape the plague of restless dreams. She began to experience the same things as her deceased nephew, and began to dread sleep. One night, when she dozed off, she woke up and found her niece gone, too. She did all she could to find her. The glassy-eyed Ilsa placed a poster of the missing child and searched door to door for weeks, hardly sleeping at all.
Seeing many with the same appearance, Ilsa began to suspect the wells were being poisoned with Shiver. She moved from her sister’s home, and while some symptoms eased, the nightmares did not, even getting worse. Ilsa suffers from a multitude of sleep disorders, from insomnia to lucid dreams. She does much better in the day, but is scared of the dark and of the night.
She does what she can to find her niece, Briget, but is running out of leads. When she thought she had lost hope, she heard a name: Gaedren Lamm, a local drug lord. Ilsa heard rumors about "Lamm's Lambs," and that the man uses children as pickpockets and agents for his crimes. Ilsa even heard rumors that Briget had been spotted in the marketplaces in the company of known cutpurses and pickpockets. Finding little help from the Korvosan Guard, the task of finding her niece falls to Ilsa. Yet where could the old scoundrel be hiding?
1. What is your character's connection to Korvosa? Why is she here? Ilsa is a Korvosa native and a shopkeeper.
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.) The only helpful member of the guard has been Cressida Kroft, the current leader of the Korvosan Guard. Though she cannot currently do anything to help Ilsa, she did express genuine sympathy and told Isla to come back with any leads.
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait? Aside from finding her niece, Ilsa wants nothing more than to make the nightmares stop. In the alternative, she wants to become master of them.
4. If your character is anything other than human, explain how she fits in to Korvosa. N/A
Bashiel Eland |
OK, this is the character I'd like to submit.
A Little Background:
Bashiel Eland is a native Korvosan of Osirian ancestry with a passionate personality and a small army of ancestral spirits that provide him with wisdom and guidance. The Eland family legacy binds descendants to become servants of the ancient Osirian god Osiris, and charges them with protecting the sanctity of life, death and rebirth. In tandem with this service the noble spirits of the Eland family line are passed on from descendant to descendant, empowered by Osiris to provide their knowledge to every Eland sensitive enough to hear them.
Bashiel is the latest of this line and is more than willing to uphold the family legacy and take up arms as a holy Paladin of Osiris. In order to prepare himself for the role he has now spent a year working for the Korvosan Guard, investigating crimes and keeping what order can be managed in the poorer districts.
Of late, his work has brought him face-to-face with the elusive Gaedren Lamm on more than one occasion, even once freeing a dozen of his lambs and returning them to safe orphanages far from his clutches. These efforts have earned Gaedren's ire, culminating in a targeted revenge. Two weeks ago, Bashiel's mother suffered what initially appeared to be an accident, falling from a height onto a wagon filled with masonry and breaking both legs in the process. Once sufficiently recovered, she could relay that she had been pushed, but no one could work out who was responsible until a fisherman stepped forth to testify that he had seen Bashiel's father doing the deed. It was only through dogged determination that Bashiel got the fisherman to reveal the real truth of the matter, but by then their family bakery had already become a graveyard. Now Bashiel aims to get Lamm to answer for his crimes.
Bashiel Eland is a human Paladin with the Ghost Hunter archetype. As described above, I'm taking the Framed(Family Honor) trait. You can check out further backstory and mechanical details in the profile.
What is your character's connection to Korvosa? Why is he here? Bashiel is a native Korvosan, having grown up in the district of Old Korvosa with his parents and two siblings. As part of pursuing the Eland family legacy he has found a role in the Korvosan Guard, where he has recently been put at odds with various petty thieves and would-be mob bosses.
Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? Bashiel's closest friend and long time paramour is Mirya Izzeti, a cadet within the Sable Company and novice trainer of hippogriffs. Recently, their relationship has been somewhat neglected due to the immense strain placed upon Bashiel's family by the machinations of Gaedren Lamm. Bashiel has become determined to keep her at arms length to protect her (a sentiment she doesn't appreciate) until he can be sure that Lamm is dealt with.
What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait? Bashiel has a number of goals that have been set aside while he pursues justice for his father and mother, among them finally settling the long-standing dispute between the Eland family and the Church of Pharasma. In his mind, the official stance of the Pharasman church to apprehend the Elend family and release the ancestral spirits of the Elend line is excessive, dogmatic, and ruins what could be a lot of common ground.
Jean-Guy Roth |
1. What is your character's connection to Korvosa? Why is he here?
Korvosa, for better or worse is where he was born and likely where he will die. He is no great crusader but by happenstance he was given the opportunity to haul himself up from the filth. He would be remiss if he did not pay the good fortune forward.
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
Madam Adrienne Meaux-de-Tor (CG Tiefling Chirurgeon/Promethean Alchemist), often known simply as Madam Mo, and her 'daughter' Michani. The eccentric Chelaxian heiress who found Jean as he lay bleeding in a rubbish heap and nursed him back to health. She took him on as a ward in order to provide Michani another human to model behaviors from. She would have her own doctorate if not for reasons of sex and heritage.
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait.
Under his new oaths, he owes the city some lives. There were those in Lamm's gang he had taken responsibility for and subsequently failed. He needs to restore the balance.
4. If your character is anything other than human, explain how he fits in to Korvosa.
Elves and humans are like moths and flames. More often not, when they brush up against each other someone comes away with singed wings. Korvosa is more cosmopolitan than most. Jean did not know his mother, or rather she who birthed him. He did not meet the people that would become his family until much later in life, after nearly dying at the hands of Gaedren Lamm.
This is Han Del's submission
Got my crunch done. I may tweak the name and picture some and provide a more in depth backstory but the basic idea is that of one of Korvosa's prodigal sons returning to her embrace. He was one of "Lamm’s Lambs” but made the mistake of trying to stand up for some of the other kids. It was only Madam Mo's chancing upon the ruined form on a rubbish heap that saved his life. She swept him from the city and turned him into something much more than he was.
Now he is back and intends to start a medical practice, but first there is an old evil he wants to see pruned.
The Whispering Tyrant GM |
![The Whispering Tyrant](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9262-WhisperingTyrant_90.jpeg)
1. What is your character's connection to Korvosa? Why is he here?
Grath is not in Korvosa by choice. He was born in Oppara, the City of Empire, son of Tarl Grymstone, an Ulfen Guard protecting the bearer of the Primogen Crown. How or why his family (his parents, Grath, and his brother Vram) had to flee the homeland in the middle of the night when he was 8 years old, Grath does not know. What he does know is that during their journey, his father sacrificed his life so Grath and his mother Nellys could survive and find refuge in Korvosa. This is where Grath has spent the last 10 years of his life, always standing apart from the city folk with his 6'2" frame, blonde hair, and blue eyes. He got into many fights as a child and as an adult and has learned to fight with his fists and anything else he can find to survive. He has a keen eye and has learned to adapt his style to the danger presented. He has come to love Korvosa for the new start it represents. At least he did love it, until his mother was killed one night, alone in an alley, the victim of a robbery by local thieves. Since that night 2 years ago, Grath has had to raise his younger brother of 13 years of age, relying on the survival skills his father taught him. Now at the young age of 18, it is time Grath inflict vengeance of the man he considers responsible for the death of his mother: Gaedren Lamm.
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
Foremost, Grath trusts his brother Vram most of all. He has also formed a relationship with a local vendor, Rosie, who specializes in selling bread. She is always teasing that he is too skinny and needs to eat more. He loves sitting with Rosie at her bakery and listening to her wild stories, even though he senses most of them are made up. He considers her his foster mother.
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
To provide for and raise his brother right and become strong enough to one day return to Oppara and learn the truth of his father's murder.
4. If your character is anything other than human, explain how she fits in to Korvosa.
Even though he is human, Grath still considers himself a fish out of water in the city. He tends toward barbaric tendencies and favors the fashion and ivory jewelry of his Ulfen people. He knows people tend to stare at him in a crowd, but he hardly notices it. In battle, Grath is a defensive warrior, focusing on the shield as his father taught him before tragedies struck his life.
Here is JD's submission. He is a Brawler (Shield Champion), focusing on movement, strength, and defense. He has good perception, survival, and sense motive skills. Thanks for allowing me to apply.
Brentol Snow |
Here I present Ret Grindol, a fighter with aspirations of joining the order of the nail hellknights.
Init +1
AC: 14 touch 11 flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 dex,)
HP: 12 (1d10+2)
Saves: Fort +4 ref +1 Will +3
Defensive abilities:
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: greatsword +5 (2d6+6 19-20 x2)
Ranged: heavy crossbow +2 (1d10 x3)
Special attacks:
STR: 18 DEX: 12 CON: 14 INT: 13 WIS: 12 CHA: 8
BAB +1 CMB +5 CMD 16
FEATS: power attack, furious focus, iron will
SKILLS: craft weapons +5, intimidate +5, profession (jeweler) +5, perception +6
Traits seeker (+1 perception, CC) lost love (+1 intimidate, CC),
Languages: common, varisian,
50 gp
Gear: great sword, 50
Studded leather, 25
Heavy crossbow 50
1. What is your character's connection to Korvosa? Why is he here? Ret has lived in Korvosa for all of his life. his father is a blacksmith in town and he learned the trade along side him. However in his youth he didn't feel that he wanted to stay a blacksmith his whole life and joined the local militia were he learned the fundamentals of using a sword.
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
My father has always been a stalwart figure in Ret's life. He help him start his own business after leaving the guard and get settled with his wife Iysha.
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait? Beyond reclaiming the ring of Iysha from the pawn shop I seek justice (or revenge)for her killer.
4. If your character is anything other than human, explain how she fits in to Korvosa. I grew up here and have always had a solid foothold in the middle class social structure.
When I discovered that Iysha had been slain I tried to track down her killer through my old contacts in the local militia but for a plethora of reasons they could not or did not help me. Finally in desperation I turned to the local chapter of Hellknights to try and seek justice for my slain wife. They helped me to find the ring in the pawnshop which led ot my frist true lead, the name Gaedren Lamm.
GM Snowheart |
![Master Automaton](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92104-AutomatonMaster_500.jpeg)
Important announcement: If you've already expressed interest or "dotted" the thread, you still have time to submit an application. Cutoff remains Saturday at 12n (Eastern).
However, no new submissions will be accepted at this point.
Here are where things currently stand:
1. Nicolai Fortescu (CG Human Wizard)
2. Hyregoth/Cam (CG Halfling Rogue)
3. Tarondor/Arcadius Steel (CG Human Slayer)
4. Kalem Darkborn (CG Tiefling Bloodrager)
5. Gardol (CG Human Fighter/Archer)
6. Barnabus Starson (LG Human Cleric of Abadar)
7. Brin the Baker (CG human Witch (gingerbread))
8. Alistair Wellington (CN Human swashbuckler)
9. Quinlan (NG tiefling investgator)
10. Tynal Kerzara (N elf conjurer)
11. Ira/Goldy (CG gnome bard)
12. Chapel Ty'El (CN half-elf rogue)
13. Kobolum/Varor (NG elf cleric of Sarenrae)
14. Fiona Kesk (N human spiritualist (haunted))
15. Nargun Firehelm (CG dwarf barbarian)
16. Andras Teoss (NG Human Arcanist (Occultist)
17. Wrong John Silver/Maynor Torque (N Human Inquisitor of Abadar)
18. GodsGrief/Kristyrd Fang (CG Half-Orc Inquistior of Milani)
19. Ilsa Dreambind (CG Human Mesmerist)
20. Sixteenbiticon/Davneiros Marduzi (NG Human Vigilante)
21. Cellion/Bashiel Eland (NG Human Paladin)
22. BoggBear Garborn (N Human Fighter)
23. Han Del/Dr. Jean-Guy Roth (LN Half-Elf Investigator)
24. Gregor Step (CG Halfling rogue)
1. Jack Daniels/Grath Grymstone (Human Barbarian)
2. Brentol Snow (Hellknight)
1. Stormcrow27 (Druid)
* "Complete" does not necessarily mean I've had an opportunity to fully review the submission. I will follow-up if I have any questions.
If I have you in "Complete" and "Interested", it just means I missed the relationship between profiles. You don't need to resubmit.
Jack and Brentol: I can work with what you've submitted but it looks like the crunch isn't entirely complete.
I will aim to have selections announced by Sunday evening (Eastern).
GM Snowheart |
![Master Automaton](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92104-AutomatonMaster_500.jpeg)
Hey folks. This was even harder than I thought. If you weren't selected, please know it was not the quality of your submission. I was trying to find a mix of party roles, player experience and sometimes it just came down to a certain x-factor. Thank you all for the great submissions.
So, without further ado:
Brin the Baker
Ilsa Dreambind
Welcome to the "table". I'll have the other boards setup shortly.
GM Snowheart |
![Master Automaton](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92104-AutomatonMaster_500.jpeg)
Hello, everyone.
As of September 3, 2017, we are re-opening recruitment.
We've had a couple of players drop off due to personal reasons and would like to round out the group again. The party is currently third level and still in Book 1.
Submissions should comply with the original recruitment post. Wealth/gear will be the average for a third level character (inclusive of any healing potions, etc., you may wish to have).
I'm particularly looking for players who can contribute to the RP of the group.
For now, I will keep submissions open until 11:59p (EST) on Wednesday, September 6. If we need a little more time, I may extend that period. If you already applied, please feel free to resubmit. There were a lot of great applications in the initial round but after looking at a few folks' profiles/aliases, it seems a lot of folks had either found groups or were no longer active, so just re-opening recruitment seemed like the better course of action.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Zektolna |
Interested, but a few questions before I work on anything in-depth.
Are you okay with players who've played in a bit of the campaign before? I've also read through the AP, so are you okay with a player who's done so? Distinguishing between in-character and out-of-character knowledge shouldn't be a problem. Also, are you looking for any particular classes or roles? Do you have an intended method of introducing the new characters into the plot? Thank you in advance for the answers!
Jack Daniels |
![Cruel Instructor](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Snape_90.jpeg)
Resubmitting Grath (human brawler (shield champion)):
Grath Grymstone
Male human brawler (shield champion) 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +3 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee heavy shield bash +5 (1d4+5) or unarmed strike +5 (1d6+4)
Ranged javelin +3 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks martial flexibility 4/day
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Improved Shield Bash, Improved Unarmed Strike, Shield Focus
Traits orphaned, shield bearer (ulfen)
Skills Acrobatics +3, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Survival +6
Languages Common
SQ brawler's cunning, martial training
Other Gear studded leather, heavy steel shield, javelin (3)
Special Abilities
Brawler's Cunning (Ex) Count as Int 13 for the purpose of combat feat pre-requisites.
Improved Shield Bash You still get your shield bonus while using Shield Bash.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Martial Flexibility (move action, 4/day) (Ex) As a Move action, gain a combat feat for 1 min. More gained for greater actions.
Martial Training (Ex) Brawler levels count as fighter/monk levels for feat/item pre-reqs and effects.
1. What is your character's connection to Korvosa? Why is he here?
Grath is not in Korvosa by choice. He was born in Oppara, the City of Empire, son of Tarl Grymstone, an Ulfen Guard protecting the bearer of the Primogen Crown. How or why his family (his parents, Grath, and his brother Vram) had to flee the homeland in the middle of the night when he was 8 years old, Grath does not know. What he does know is that during their journey, his father sacrificed his life so Grath and his mother Nellys could survive and find refuge in Korvosa. This is where Grath has spent the last 10 years of his life, always standing apart from the city folk with his 6'2" frame, blonde hair, and blue eyes. He got into many fights as a child and as an adult and has learned to fight with his fists and anything else he can find to survive. He has a keen eye and has learned to adapt his style to the danger presented. He has come to love Korvosa for the new start it represents. At least he did love it, until his mother was killed one night, alone in an alley, the victim of a robbery by local thieves. Since that night 2 years ago, Grath has had to raise his younger brother of 13 years of age, relying on the survival skills his father taught him. Now at the young age of 18, it is time Grath inflict vengeance of the man he considers responsible for the death of his mother: Gaedren Lamm.
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
Foremost, Grath trusts his brother Vram most of all. He has also formed a relationship with a local vendor, Rosie, who specializes in selling bread. She is always teasing that he is too skinny and needs to eat more. He loves sitting with Rosie at her bakery and listening to her wild stories, even though he senses most of them are made up. He considers her his foster mother.
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
To provide for and raise his brother right and become strong enough to one day return to Oppara and learn the truth of his father's murder.
4. If your character is anything other than human, explain how she fits in to Korvosa.
Even though he is human, Grath still considers himself a fish out of water in the city. He tends toward barbaric tendencies and favors the fashion and ivory jewelry of his Ulfen people. He knows people tend to stare at him in a crowd, but he hardly notices it. In battle, Grath is a defensive warrior, focusing on the shield as his father taught him before tragedies struck his life.
Will update to 3rd level if selected. He is a Brawler (Shield Champion), focusing on movement, strength, and defense. He has good perception, survival, and sense motive skills. Thanks for allowing me to reapply.
GM Snowheart |
![Master Automaton](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92104-AutomatonMaster_500.jpeg)
Interested, but a few questions before I work on anything in-depth.
1. Are you okay with players who've played in a bit of the campaign before?
2. I've also read through the AP, so are you okay with a player who's done so? Distinguishing between in-character and out-of-character knowledge shouldn't be a problem.
3. Also, are you looking for any particular classes or roles?
4. Do you have an intended method of introducing the new characters into the plot? Thank you in advance for the answers!
1 & 2. Not a problem to either. As long as you can separate meta-game vs. in-character knowledge, we're fine. And, honestly, there's enough to these APs that if someone can actually remember every party of them, I'd be truly surprised.
3. Nope. It's an eclectic mix. More than anything, we'd like someone who can step up with the RP.
4. It'll depend on how far we are when recruitment closes, but the easiest mechanism will be via the Korvosan Guard or Vencarlo Orsini, a local swordmaster and weapons trainer. If you have something else in mind, I'm open to it. The party is currently at the Eel's End, for those who are familiar with the AP.
GM Snowheart |
![Master Automaton](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92104-AutomatonMaster_500.jpeg)
Looks fun. I'll submit something.
Can we get a list of the current character classes, to maybe know what is needed?
Sure. If you click on the Characters tab at the top, it'll show you in more detail, but they are:
* Paladin (Ghost Hunter)
* Mesmerist
* Bloodrager (Primalist, Urban)
* Investigator (Empiricist)
* Cleric of Sarenrae
Zanbabe |
![Galenna Icethrone](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9219-Galenna.jpg)
How should we do hit points... looks like full for first level from original applicants, but what about 2 & 3 ... half, half+1, roll?
Also, I'm planning Aasimar Bard with Arrowsong Minstrel archetype for the archery. Do you allow variant abilities for Aasimar, and if so, how do you handle it? Roll for one, if you like it you can take it... or something else?
Going to roll for HP and Variant Ability here, but (of course) feel free to disallow these rolls if that isn't how you do things:
HP for 2 & 3: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 8) = 9
Variant Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 50
Zektolna |
Here's my submission. I decided to just go with two normal traits, since it didn't seem to make sense to take a campaign one at this point. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I should revise anything. Thank you for your consideration!
HP: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10
Pellius Alazario is a Korvosan of Chelaxian descent. He belongs to a minor noble family in Korvosa that is well-regarded by most of the city. Pellius, Pel for short, has one younger brother named Rutilus, Rut for short.
In almost everyway, Rutilus, about four years younger than Pel, looked up to his older brother. For his part, Pel tried to reciprocate his brother’s affection by spending time with him and just generally being a good brother. It wasn’t always easy as Rutilus could be quite annoying at times, but Pel did his best to grin and bear it. By the time they were both teenagers, they were close friends.
Despite being the oldest of two sons, Pel was always rebellious. Whenever the opportunity presented itself, he would sneak out and visit a Caydenite tavern and enjoy a bit of freedom from the strict rules of his household. He started doing so when he was a teenager and continued going there for a couple years till his parents found out and forbade him from doing so.
Pel had tasted freedom, though, so he didn’t take well to his parents’ new restriction. Adding to the problem was the fact that Pel knew his parents attended midnight services at Korvosa’s church of Asmodeus. Pel had already been flirting with the idea of becoming a Caydenite before his parents found out about his excursions. Their new restrictions pushed him over the edge and he began saying nightly prayers to Cayden Cailean. Out of spite, he would try to do so around the same time he imagined his parents were offering praise to Asmodeus.
When Pel turned eighteen, his parents, Imperia and Morvius, had him sent to the Acadamae in Korvosa. They hoped that Pel might learn a bit of discipline at the place. He hated it. And yet, despite his hatred for the Acadamae, he excelled in his studies. His professors found his arcane abilities a bit unorthodox, but they were nonetheless impressed. Pel trained at the school for three years till a fateful day when smoked darkened Korvosa’s sky.
That day, Pel ran from his classroom along with the other students to see that chaos had engulfed the city. The king was dead and the city teetered on the brink of complete anarchy. Despite the dire state the entire city found itself in, Pel’s first thoughts were for Rut. He had to make sure his brother was okay.
He ran from the Acadamae to his family’s estate. As he neared it, his heart sank as he saw smoke on the horizon. Pel arrived to find his home in flames. His brother and parents were nowhere to be found.
Falling to his knees, he began to weep, not for his parents, but for his brother. Despite the loss of his family’s estate and the impossibility that anyone inside could have survived, he refused to believe his family had perished in the fire.
Slowly, he stood up and walked away, eventually making his way back to the Acadamae. He gathered his things and informed the headmaster of his resignation. Then he left the school, intending to never return. What he did intend, however, was to find his brother, no matter the cost.
Wherever Pel turned, it seemed like there was someone else who needed help. Frustratingly, that person was never Rut. Despite searching Old Korvosa, Southshore, and everywhere in between, his brother was nowhere to be found. During his search, he had a couple run-ins with a pair of thugs and a would-be cutpurse, but his magical abilities took them by surprise and soon sent them scurrying away.
With no leads on his brother’s whereabouts, Pel went to the one place he knew he would be welcome – the Caydenite tavern he had frequented as a teenager. He found it much the same as the last time he had been there. A warm glow issued from within and he could hear sounds of laughter coming from inside.
Pel found an open spot at the bar, ordered an ale, and pondered what to do next. His face must have looked sad as a fellow next to him soon said, “What’s got you down, lad? Korvosa’s in a sorry state, but there’s no need to fret over something you can’t control.”
Pel glanced over at the man and raised an eyebrow. The man wore a necklace bearing a silver ale-mug, the symbol of Cayden Cailean, and his ethnicity appeared to be distinctly Varisian. As a Chelaxian, Pel naturally harbored some racist tendencies toward Varisians. He did his best to suppress and overcome them, but they occasionally slipped through. Still, a bonafide Caydenite cleric wasn’t something Pel saw everyday.
“It’s not the city that’s got me down. It’s my brother. He’s missing,” Pel said.
The other man nodded and said, “Ah. I’m sorry to hear that, lad. Seems like a bunch of goodly folks have misplaced someone since the king died.”
Pel grit his teeth before saying, “I didn’t ‘misplace’ him. Our house burned down. He’s out there somewhere, captured, hurt, or worse.” Pel grimaced at his own words. He hadn’t wanted to add the ‘or worse’ part, but it was true. He had no idea what fate had befallen his brother.
“My apologies, son. I didn’t mean to offend. Just saying that you’re not the only one that’s hurting is all. My name’s Zandu. What’s yours?”
“Pellius. Pellius Alazario.”
“Chelaxian, eh? Well, any good city needs a bit of variety, I suppose.”
Pel did his best to suppress a chuckle. I guess prejudice works both ways, he thought.
“There’s no use grovelling in self-pity, you know,” Zandu said. “There are plenty of people out there that aren’t missing but could still use help.”
Pel found himself asking a question before he could stop himself, “Is that you talking or Cayden Cailean?”
“Both, lad. I follow his tenets, so when I say you should help out those in need, I’m certain good ol’ Cailean would say the same. It’s times like these when he wants his people to be brave.”
Pel considered Zandu’s words for a moment. What did it mean to be brave? Had he been brave when he snuck out to go to the Caydenite tavern as a teenager? Had he been brave when he prayed to Cayden Cailean despite the Drunken Hero being diametrically opposed to Asmodeus, the God of his parents?
Deciding to ask the first question, Pel said, “What does it mean to be brave?”
“Ah. Now there’s a good question,” Zandu began. “To be brave is not the same thing as to be reckless. To be brave means to have courage to do the right thing, even if it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard.”
To be brave… it wasn’t something Pel had accustomed himself to being in the last few years. He certainly hadn’t been brave when his parents sent him off to the Acadamae. If he had been brave, he probably wouldn’t have gone at all. Still, it wasn’t too late change.
Pulling himself from his thoughts, Pel said to Zandu, “Perhaps it’s time for me to be brave, then. Since I can’t do anything right now for my brother, perhaps I can do something for other Korvosans.”
“Now you’re talking, lad. If you’re looking for a place to start, I hear the Korvosan Guard has been stretched pretty thin since the king’s death. I’m sure the good Field Marshall–Cressida Kroft, I believe was her name–would be grateful for the help.”
Taking one last sip of ale, Pel stood up from the bar. He gently patted Zandu’s shoulder as he said, “Thank you for the advice. I think I’ll try to find this Kroft and see if I can lend a hand somehow.”
Zandu nodded and smiled before raising his own mug in salute.
Pel's resolve to be brave grew as he left the Caydenite tavern and began walking down the street.
Now, then, he thought. I just have to find this Cressida Kroft and see what can be done for Korvosa.
1. What is your character’s connection to Korvosa? Why is he here?
Pellius Alazario is a former student of magic at the Acadamae in Korvosa. He is a lifelong Korvosan and a son of a minor noble family from the Heights.
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally?
Pellius considers his brother, Rutilus, to be his best friend, despite it being at least a couple years since they’ve had the chance to talk at length.
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
To find his brother, Rutilus.
4. If your character is anything other than human, explain how she fits in to Korvosa.
Pellius Alazario stands 6’1’’ tall with pale skin and black hair and eyes. He prefers to dress in a simple fashion, despite his noble heritage. In a pinch, he can adjust his appearance as needed with his Sleeves of Many Garments.
Pel is a lesson in contrasts. He tries to keep a serious exterior and a no-nonsense attitude when dealing with other nobles or strangers. With those he knows, and especially with his brother, he takes on a much more relaxed appearance. If pressed on the matter, he would likely say that his serious exterior is a facade whereas his relaxed exterior is a true expression of his personality.
Pellius Alazario
Arcanist 3
CG Human
Age: 21
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 16
HP 22
Init 6
BAB 1; CMB -1; CMD 11
AC 12 touch 12 ff 10
Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 5* (+2 against charm and compulsion effects)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee weapon -1
Ranged weapon +3
Feats Improved Initiative, Extra Arcanist Exploit (Potent Magic)
Alternate Racial Trait Dual Talent
Traits Strong-Willed, Theoretical Magician
Languages Common, Infernal, Dwarven, Elven, Varisian, Shoanti, Orc, Draconic
2 + Int (4) per level
Knowledge (arcana) +10
Knowledge (local) +10
Knowledge (nature) +8
Knowledge (nobility) +8
Knowledge (planes) +8
Linguistics +10
Spellcraft +12
Use Magic Device +10
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000 gp)
Wand of Mage Armor (750 gp)
Sleeves of Many Garments (200 gp)
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (300 gp)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2 (100 gp)
Arcanist’s Kit (21 gp)
Spellbook (0 gp)
Light Mace (5 gp)
Light Crossbow (35 gp)
Crossbow bolts x20 (2 gp)
Explorer’s Outfit (0 gp, starting outfit)
587 gp
Spells Known
CL 3rd; concentration +7, Spells per day: 5 first level [DC 15]
0 Level
1st Level
Magic Missile, Silent Image, Grease, Mage Armor, Color Spray, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages
Arcanist Exploits:
Flame Arc: The arcanist can unleash an arc of flame by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. This creates a 30-foot line of flame that deals 1d6 points of fire damage + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d6 points of fire damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level) to each target in the line. Creatures in the area of effect may attempt a Reflex saving throw to halve the damage.
Sonic Blast:The arcanist can loose a deafening blast of sonic energy by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir and succeeding at a ranged touch attack against any one target within 30 feet. The blast deals an amount of sonic damage equal to 1d6 + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d6 points of sonic damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). The target is also deafened for 1 minute. The target can attempt a Fortitude save to halve the damage and negate the deafness.
Potent Magic: Whenever the arcanist expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the caster level of a spell, the caster level increases by 2 instead of 1. Whenever she expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the spell’s DC, it increases by 2 instead of 1.
Arcane Reservoir: An arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that she can draw upon to fuel her arcanist exploits and enhance her spells. The arcanist’s arcane reservoir can hold a maximum amount of magical energy equal to 3 + the arcanist’s level. Each day, when preparing spells, the arcanist’s arcane reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + 1/2 her arcanist level. Any points she had from the previous day are lost. She can also regain these points through the consume spells class feature and some arcanist exploits. The arcane reservoir can never hold more points than the maximum amount noted above; points gained in excess of this total are lost.
Points from the arcanist reservoir are used to fuel many of the arcanist’s powers. In addition, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a free action whenever she casts an arcanist spell. If she does, she can choose to increase the caster level by 1 or increase the spell’s DC by 1. She can expend no more than 1 point from her reservoir on a given spell in this way.
Consume Spells: At 1st level, an arcanist can expend an available arcanist spell slot as a move action, making it unavailable for the rest of the day, just as if she had used it to cast a spell. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Doing this adds a number of points to her arcane reservoir equal to the level of the spell slot consumed. She cannot consume cantrips (0 level spells) in this way. Points gained in excess of the reservoir’s maximum are lost.
GM Snowheart |
![Master Automaton](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92104-AutomatonMaster_500.jpeg)
Q & A
Q. Campaign Traits?
A. Given that you'll be joining mid-campaign, it's not necessary. The connection with Gaedren no longer makes sense.
Q. What about hitpoints for 2nd and 3rd level?
A. Please roll for each level, then take the higher of either your roll or average+1 (e.g., 1d10 would be a 6).
Seth86 |
Unnamed Hero
Ratfolk alchemist (plague bringer) 3 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 153, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 231)
LN Small humanoid (ratfolk)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 24 (3d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. disease, +2 vs. disease
Resist disease resistance
Speed 20 ft.
Melee tailblade +3 (1d2)
Ranged bomb +7 (2d6+4 fire)
Special Attacks bomb 7/day (2d6+4 fire, DC 15)
Alchemist (Plague Bringer) Extracts Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Brew Potion, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Throw Anything
Traits alchemical prodigy (thuvia), precise treatment
Skills Acrobatics +3 (-1 to jump), Appraise +10, Craft (alchemy) +14 (+17 to create alchemical items), Disable Device +7, Heal +10, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (nature) +9, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Spellcraft +10; Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (alchemy), +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Gnome, Halfling, Undercommon
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +3), cheek pouches, cleanliness, discovery (precise bombs [4 squares]), plague vial, poison use, swift alchemy
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds (12), potion of cure moderate wounds; Other Gear +1 mithral chain shirt, mwk buckler, tailblade[ARG], alchemist starting formula book, alchemist's lab, alchemy crafting kit[APG], backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, mess kit[UE], soap, trail rations (5), waterskin, 44 gp, 9 sp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +3 (Su) +3 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Bomb 2d6+4 (7/day, DC 15) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 2d6+4 fire damage.
Cheek Pouches You can store things in cheeks, but suffer 20% failure with verbal spells.
Cleanliness +2 vs. disease, exceeding disease save by 5 counts as 2 cons. saves,
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Disease Resistance +2 (Ex) +2 to save vs. Disease.
Plague Vial (DC 15) (Su) Creatures that harm you with melee attacks must save or be sickened for 1 round/level.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Poison Use You do not risk poisoning yourself accidentally while poisoning a weapon.
Precise Bombs (Su) Exclude up to 4 squares from splash damage of your bombs.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Swift Alchemy (Ex) Construct alchemical items in half the normal time.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
He hopes to become a doctor. and show that Ratfolk aren't as filthy as people think
Zamanda |
<-- Okay, here is Zanbabe's submission.
Zamanda is a Arrowsong Minstrel Bard whose superpower is lying, but who is also good with arrows and spells. :)
I had already written her background according to one of the campaign traits that made her a reformed criminal of sorts... I had tweaked it to fit more generically, but when you said it didn't matter, I switched it out for Trustworthy, which still fits, and is actually funnier, since her other trait is "Innocent" (racial trait) and she has the "Deceitful" feat. They go together so well. :)
Adding questions/background here in a spoiler so you don't have to go all the way through the alias to consider that part.
=== Connection to Korvosa ===
Born here and grew up here. Don't always like it, but it's home.
==== NPC Friend ====
Zamanda's parents still live in town and her father is a minor arbiter. She also has school chums, and contacts at the thieves' guild, although she would rather not get mixed back up in that.
=== Non-Campaign Trait Goal ===
Want to make a difference in the world... make up for the wrong that she's done, help others to be happy and do the right thing. That's what helps her feel good about herself, even if the rest of the world seems corrupt.
=== Non-Human Fit ===
As an Aasimar born to human parents, Zamanda has no idea why it happened, and it definitely isn't something that she would have chosen. It seemed always to cause a distance between her and other people that shouldn't be there. Especially since there are very few signs that she is Aasimar. She always seems clean, even when should should be dirty, and she doesn't seem to sweat. If she is standing in moonlight, it's a little bit more apparent, because her hair turns silver... but that could just be a trick of the light, right? Very few people know for sure, and she likes it that way. She doesn't want people expecting things of her. When they do, she always wants to rebel against it and do something bad just to prove she isn't what they think.
At times, she has given in to that urge, and reacted against her unusual nature and made some bad choices. She's trying to make up for that now, but it is sometimes hard if she is around her old friends. She's good on the inside, she thinks, but has a hard time showing it on the outside. She's better at controlling the rebellious urge now, but it is still there.
=== Overall Background ===
Zamanda often felt like an outsider when she was little, not only because of the Aasimar thing, but because everyone seemed so strict about things, and she wanted to have fun. (A little too chaoitic in a lawful environment.)
She soon found that lying would often make things better. Assuring people that she was just like they were helped her not be picked on. Typically in stories this is a build up to how she once got caught and burned, but... she didn't. She was just that good, and something about her made people think that she was trustworthy and innocent, so they wanted to believe whatever she had to say. Lying was her superpower, and she used it often.
Trying to fit in did have some repercussions for her own sense of right and wrong though. When she was still young (around 16), she found herself somehow recruited into the local thieves' guild, just because she talked her way into going for bow training with a tiefling friend, so she could seem just as tough. The training ended up being a recruitment meeting that she sensed it would be a bad idea to walk away from.
At first, she appreciated the training, and it didn't seem bad, backing up her friends by talking their way into parties, and even sitting on top of roofs with her bow, being a lookout. The people her friends were stealing from were rich, and it didn't seem all that bad... plus it was sort of exciting to have this big secret thing in her life, and she knew she could talk her way out of it if her parents found out. ... Except they didn't find out, and as a couple of years passed like this, she became more and more uncomfortable with what she was being asked to do.
Finally, one night she had talked their way into a party and was up on the roof as usual, when some latecomers to the party showed up just at the wrong moment. Her friends started to scatter, and she was providing cover fire to help them get away, when she noticed that the latecomers were her own parents, and she was shooting at them... just cover fire, but ... what if?
It wasn't anything dramatic. They weren't hurt, and she didn't get caught, and life should have gone on as normal, but she realized that it couldn't. Not because someone else was forcing her, but because she was turning into something she didn't want to be.
She talked her way out of the guild, which she had thought was almost impossible, but she told them that her father had found out she was mixed up in something (her father was a minor arbiter which could have caused them minor inconvenience), and that they knew she was loyal and would never betray them (helps that she looks so innocent), and that she would come back to work for them after she graduated and her father wasn't keeping tabs on her anymore. (From what school or training program she neglected to say, but it seemed enough for her contact, who said she'd be put on inactive status for now.) Maybe she wasn't important enough for them to object any more than that, or maybe she was just good enough to talk them into it, she wasn't sure. She just hoped that she would never have to deal with them again.
A few years later now, and lying is still her superpower, but she has found a positive way to channel the power--into fiction. In story and song, she can take people away from their lives and their troubles, and convince them that they are in a different place, and bring them joy for a while. It's the way that she has found to fit in, and she's good at it. If she was presented with an opportunity to do more good, she would probably take it, but for now, she is happy, having found her niche.
I haven't picked all my spells (working on it now), and I still need to buy mundane gear, but the magical stuff is in there, and I hope there is enough there to consider, while I work on polishing. Let me know if you need anything else... happy to add/tweak to fit into the story).
... I also saw that one of the other characters is paranoid about Aasimar. I hope that makes for some good RP. :)
Krasota Vasco |
Glad to have this opportunity to jump into what looks like a fun group of players!
Here's Krasota Vasco for your consideration: a Magus from Brevoy who has come all the way to Korvosa to study magic at the Acadamae as well as improve her sword skills with the famed Vencarlo Orsini. With the current turmoil in the city, something tells me her dreams of spending long hours in the Acadamae's library may not come true...
I'll post crunch later tonight. Besides, first I'll need my rolls for HP!
Health #1!: 1d8 ⇒ 4 So that'll be Average+1 (5)
Health #2!: 1d8 ⇒ 5 Aaaaaaaaand another (5)
Krasota Vasco |
Here's stats and such for Krasota!
Krasota Vasco
Female Human (Brevic) Magus (Kensai) 3
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +0
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 12
(+2 Shield, +4 Dex, +2 Int)
hp 21 (3d8, +3 favored)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Canny Defense, Aldori Dueling Mastery
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee MWK Aldori Dueling Sword +9 (1d6+1)
Ranged Light Crossbow +6 (1d8)
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 18
Special Attacks Spell Combat, Spellstrike,
Known Magus Spells (CL 3, Concentration +6):
1st (3/day) - snowball, long arm, chill touch
0th (at will) - detect magic, ray of frost, prestidigitation
Scrolls: none
Abilities STR 12, DEX 18, CON 10, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 8
Feats Exotic Weapon Focus: Aldori Dueling Sword, Weapon Focus: Aldori Dueling Sword, Weapon Finesse, Quick Draw, Aldori Dueling Mastery
Traits Sword Scion, Metamagic Master (Snowball)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +4, Bluff -1, Climb +6, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -1, Escape Artist +4, Fly +4, Intimidate -1, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Planes) +8, Ride +8, Stealth +4, Spellcraft +8, Swim +6, Use Magic Device -1
SQ Harrow Points (?) Close Combat Arcana, Arcane Pool,
Combat Gear MWK Aldori Dueling Sword Other Gear Cloak of Resistance, Pearl of Power (1st), MWK backpack, spellbook, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, rope, soap, spell component pouch, torches (5), waterskin, whetstone, 253gp 5sp
Heavy Combat-Trained Horse: Military Saddle, Saddlebags, bedroll, iron pot, mess kit,
soap, torches (5), Trail Rations (5)
Vitaliano da Riva |
Health#1: 1d12 ⇒ 5
Health#2: 1d12 ⇒ 11
Fosead GreatBelly
Male exiled dwarf unchained barbarian 3 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 30, Pathfinder Unchained 8)
CG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, -2 rage, +2 shield)
hp 45 (3d12+15)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +4 (+2 bonus vs. spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) school, +2 bonus vs. spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (compulsion) school)
Defensive Abilities defensive training; Resist stubborn[APG]
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dwarven boulder helmet +7 (1d4+9) or
mwk dwarven longhammer +6 (2d6+11/×3) or
(L) mwk dwarven waraxe +5 (2d8+11/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with masterwork dwarven longhammer)
Special Attacks rage (10 rounds/day), hatred, rage power (accurate stance +1), relentless[APG]
Str 17, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 15
Feats Power Attack, Reckless Rage[ACG]
Traits armor expert, bully
Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 to jump), Climb +4, Craft (armor) +6 (+8 on checks related to metal or stone), Craft (weapons) +6 (+8 on checks related to metal or stone), Intimidate +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +7, Survival +7; Racial Modifiers craftsman[APG]
Languages Common, Dwarven, Undercommon
SQ big game hunter, jotungrip, rock stepper[ARG]
Other Gear mwk breastplate, mwk shield spikes heavy steel shield, dwarven boulder helmet[ARG], mwk dwarven longhammer[ARG], mwk dwarven waraxe, armorsmithing tools, backpack, bedroll, flask, mug/tankard, scroll case, waterskin (2), weapon cord[APG], weapon cord[APG], weaponsmithing tools, whetstone, musk ox, 2,557 gp, 9 sp, 6 cp
Special Abilities
Accurate Stance +1 (Ex) Gain a +1 bonus to melee and thrown weapon att.
Big Game Hunter (Ex) +1 to hit and +1 dodge bonus to AC vs. foes larger than self.
Craftsman +2 on Craft/Profession checks related to metal/stone.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of the Giant subtype.
Hatred +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs. Goblinoids/Orcs.
Jotungrip (Ex) Wield 2 handed weapon of appropriate size in 1 hand, but take -2 penalty.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (Unchained, 10 rounds/day) (Ex) As a free action, gain temp hp, bonus to melee att/dam, thrown dam, will saves, but AC penalty and limited actions. 1 min fatigue when ended.
Relentless +2 Gain CMB bonus to bull rush/overrun while both self and foe stand on ground.
Rock Stepper Ignore rubble, broken ground, or steep stairs when taking 5 ft step.
Stubborn +2 Gain bonus to save vs. Charm/Compulsion spells, resave next rd if you fail.
Corporal Moo
Musk ox
N Large animal
Init +0; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9
AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (+4 natural, -1 size)
hp 22 (3d8+9)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1
Immune immune to cold weather effects
Speed 40 ft.
Melee gore +7 (1d8+9)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks stampede, trample (2d6+9, DC 17)
Str 22, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 4
Base Atk +2; CMB +9; CMD 19 (23 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +0 (+4 to jump), Perception +9
SQ docile
Special Abilities
Docile This animal's natural attacks are treated as secondary unless it is trained to fight.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Immune to Cold Weather effects Immune to the effects of cold weather.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Stampede (Ex) Trample improves with multiple tramplers.
Currently reworking his background to also include the questions and the change in campaign. I thought maybe having a barbarian in the group would be intriguing to work alongside the paladin and Bloodrager. Plus I think he'll be a lot of fun RP wise and maybe cause some small problems for the party.
Jereru |
![Gorvald Thrimbyrson](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9050-Gorvald_90.jpeg)
Hi! I would like to apply with Teucer Poltrava for the position. Haven't rolled his HP, will do if selected.
Vitaliano da Riva |
Fosead GreatBelly, you stand charged with the reckless endangerment of civilians, entering a battlefield without order, entering a battlefield drunk and wearing only your armor and weapons, and for the attempt to use livestock as weaponry and fodder against the Orc platoon that entered our mining facility. While it is commendable that you did turn the tide in the battle (And that there is now a Corporal Moo in our ranks), your choices do not reflect the required mentality of the Military of Kovlar. While your clan has had longstanding members in the Anvilers' Guild, we cannot look away from this unpresidented display of brashness and chaos. Because of your clan's long history and because of the outcome of the battle, we have decided to give you a choice....Exile or Death.
Signed, Captain of the Guard of Kovlar
~Insert Correct Name if exists~
This is the decree that Fosead GreatBelly carries around in a small sealed scroll case that hangs from his belt. He grumbled as he shouldered his pack and petted Corporal Moo...who he stole on his way out. He sighed, it would be a long journey and he was already tired and pissed. He set out unsure of where his travels would lead but eager to find his death in this world. He was aggressive, he was crotchy, but he was a lot of fun at a party. All these made for a very peculiar dwarf.
He set out from town to town, from city to city, looking at wanted posters, ads for mercenaries, and other dangerous jobs but turning them all down. These piss poor excuses of work would not sully the name Fosead GreatBelly, for he knew that his death would shake the world one day and that he would make that Captain eat the scroll he carried at his waist. But the months drew long, the fights meager and uninteresting. His money while it had grown considerably, would not sustain him forever and he needed supplies and contacts he finally concluded. He knew that while he could never return to his homeland, at least not yet that is, then he must seek out someone from the branch family. He had a small list of the family that stretched far and wide to push the goods of his clan's make and looking upon the direction he had traveled and the family he knew, he chose to seek out his Uncle in Korvosa.
He knew not if his uncle would be able to place him with anything worthy of his desires but he was the first and closest of his family to seek out. He arrived in Korvosa atop his valiant steed, Corporal Moo. It took him a bit of greasing of palms, a few drinks, and a threat of death to find his uncle, Bann Greatbelly (Branch family does not capitalize the B).
Hopefully you don't mind the backstory coming in at this hour. I was having a fair bit of pain. I'll still try to answer the questions in the next bit.
Honestly I think the backstory answers all the questions.
GM Snowheart |
![Master Automaton](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92104-AutomatonMaster_500.jpeg)
Recruitment is still open. Don't know if it's the bronchitis or the Labor Day holiday, but something is messing with my head.
For some reason I keep thinking it's Thursday. Very sorry for any confusion.
So far I have the following as Completed:
Jack Daniels (Grath)
Zektolna (Pellius Alazario)
Seth86 (Ratfolk alchemist)
Zanbabe (Zamanda)
Krasota Vasco
Vitaliano da Riva