Charlie Buckminster |
Round 3, Init 18
AC 12 (10 +2 leather)
CMD 10
HP = 9
Orisons DC:14 (Create Water, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound)
First Level: DC:15 (2/4 per day) (Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Light)
Weapon equipped = Biting wit
Shield equipped =OMG please don't hurt me
Sense motive on Lamm 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 Move close to Fondo to help haul her in (yeh right) or at least be in position to do first aid on her.
"Hold on little girl. I'll be there to wrap you up as soon as we can get you off that harness."
DM_Euan |
Fondo works his way around to near the girls chain. He sees a long hook that he might use to haul her in but it'll be dicey with that alligator. Done carefully you should be OK (it'll take a few rounds once you get started). Nikolay looks unsuccessfully for something with which to tie Gaedren. He says, "I won't run. Besides, I'm an old man, you can certainly catch me."
Charlie moves up to help the child and eyes Gaeren cautiously while Barael beats the poison and draws a bead on the alligator. "I wouldn't do that," Gaedren cautions, "It'll just piss him off and get him attacking all of us. Best to let that beast lie." Dandilion moves up to see a little better and Briar examines the alligator and questions Lamm. "Thorne?" he chuckles, "No, I've never had one such as that in my side."
Gaedren seems ready to head to the guard, but he waits patiently for everyone to get a good look at him before proceeding. "If you've all had a good look, shall we get started? I'd like to plead my case before the guard and get this over with." He awaits your next move. His alligator swims around under the child apparently accepting he's not getting an easy meal today - but not happy about it. He continues to eye the party, and the dangling morsel above him.
All the sense motive rolls seem to indicate that Gaedren is quite willing to uphold his side of the bargain. He seems quite docile really - almost eager.
Gaedren Lamm - 23+
Fondo - 23-
Nikolay - 21
Charlie - 18
Barael (-1hp) - 17
Dandilion - 11
Briar - 8
Fondo Barondo |
Round 4 & 5, Init 23-
Assuming that no combat happens this round, Fondo picks up the hook and makes his way to L26.
"Hrm. This looks complicated. Hang on their, little butterfly."
If Nikolay is still making moves to detain him the following round, Fondo makes as if to give up for now. "Alright then, let's get you tied up and then get my little girl down."
He moves next to Lamm, flanking with Nikolay (though I believe he's unarmed...?). Instead of helping to tie Lamm up, he flicks his sap from its wrist sheath and attempts to wallop the old man.
Sap 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 power attack, +2 if Nikolay is armed
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
"Or perhaps we'll get down to business and take a pound of flesh from you, vile creature."
DM_Euan |
It takes Fondo a round to get to his target. I presume no one else is going to start combat (in round 4) so we'll go ahead and move on to round 5 so we're not all standing around waiting for Fondo to make it that last 5'.
That is unless someone else is going to instigate combat early? Gaedren is still presuming your honor is your bond and does not do anything hostile.
So feel free to post two rounds of actions, but combat doesn't re-occur until the top of round 5.
Clear as mud?
"Have you had an elf with green eyes working for you? You're sure?!"
"I've never had an elf work for me. Their constitutions are not suited to the difficult work I do." He seems quite reasonable, but those in the room tell you of his smirk. Your sense motive catches something in his smirk, but it's not a lie as far as you can tell.
Charlie Buckminster |
Round 4, 5, Init 18 and __
AC 12 (10 +2 leather)
CMD 10
HP = 9
Orisons DC:14 (Create Water, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound)
First Level: DC:15 (2/4 per day) (Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Light)
Oracle Revelation: Eldritch Bolt this casting will make it 6/7 times per day.
Weapon equipped = Biting wit
Shield equipped =OMG please don't hurt me
Round 4:
Charlie follows Fondo and stops at M25 and readies first aid. Perhaps seeing a glint in Fondo's eye Sense Motive1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Round 5:
If I see the move I will ready an Eldritch Bolt on Lamm for directly after Fondo splats the rat in round 5. Bluff to not be obvious with the murderous rage-filled heart 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 Ranged Touch Attack 1d20 ⇒ 201d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Will administer First Aid at first opportunity either during the sapping or directly after my spell.
@Fondo: Some shields are more useful than others. ;)
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
Briar the Lesser wrote:"Have you had an elf with green eyes working for you? You're sure?!""I've never had an elf work for me. Their constitutions are not suited to the difficult work I do." He seems quite reasonable, but those in the room tell you of his smirk. Your sense motive catches something in his smirk, but it's not a lie as far as you can tell.
Dandi turns at this; looking at the demon from her nightmares. Her whole body seems to tremble with rage. Even her hands tremble as she she reaches into her pockets for various vials.
"You no account, lying, sneaking, filthy, son of a motherless sea slug! You know good and well that the only thing that keeps you from using anyone, ANYONE, is their ability to stand up to your Uglyassed enforcers!" The girl continues to froth, though it becomes more difficult to understand.
round 4, lose it and fumble for vials to throw at Gaedram Lamm
Briar the Lesser |
Seeing Dandi's bomb go so spectacularly awry, Briar re-readies his bow in the event that Dandi makes an aggressive move towards him.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 Sense Motive on Dandi
Who was she aiming at? Who's side is she on? Real anger or fake?
"WHY?!" Briar trains his bow on Dandi.
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
"Oops! Sorry about that, Briar. but, seriously? You really think he wouldn't take advantage of an entire race, just because of their "delicate constitution"?!?! Don't you guys live for, like, Ever, or something?!?!?! It's a wonder he doesn't specialize in elves!" Red faced and blustering, the girl continues, looking for something else to throw while she fumes.
"He's evil! EVIL! He's a great big lying piece of equal-opportunity child abusing evil."
oh, she is definitely, sincerely, angry...
reflex save:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Briar the Lesser |
Briar slowly lowers his bow, ending his targeting of the waif.
Youth. So young. Hard to believe there is elf in her. So...hasty. She is trouble, but probably did not mean to do that. Young and dis-wise.
"I don't care if he's evil, don't hit people you don't mean to hit."
Common sense applies only the elves, it appears.
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
"It's alright, love. You didn't hit all of us. Hey, shut up you!" Fondo prepares himself for another go at the child molester.
Dandi flashes a grateful smile, grateful for the understanding.
Nikolay Vasilevich |
Round 5, Init 21
Longsword in hand
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 10/11
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) and
Longsword +3 (1d8+3/19-20/x2)
Magus Spells Prepared (CL 1, 3 melee touch, 2 ranged touch):
CONCENTRATION: +10 (1 lvl, 3 INT, 4 combat casting, +2 trait)
Spells left:
1 (2/day) Shocking Grasp, Burning Hands (DC 14)
0 (at will) Acid Splash, Prestidigitation (DC 13), Light
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 - reflex save
Nikolay does a quick hop and lets most of the splash of the bomb pass by.
"What in the world?!? Nikolay looks around for the new enemy until he realizes it's Dandilion.
"How is he going to answer any of your questions if he's dead?"
Then Fondo clobbers Lamm.
Nikolay delays to see what other madness occurs while holding his sword up to Lamm. "Just stand right there. It'll all be cleared up in a minute."
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
"How is he going to answer any of your questions if he's dead?"
Dandi seems to consider that for a moment before she answers, "Eh. I don't have any questions that can't be answered with a blade in his blood. Ooh! A blade! I have a dagger right here!" Putting away the vials she draws her dagger instead.
Barael de Gare |
Round 5, Init 17
AC= 14 (Still waiting for a chance to suit up)
HP= 10/12 (1 Pt Dex loss)
CMD= 16/13Fl
Weapon Equipped= Short Bow
Oh, ho! That one has a sap, and this one has mixtures. Wonder where she got that pocket explosion.
Reflex 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Let's put some space between my backside and the spitfire. Barael tries to shake any splash off of him before he's damaged further. "Excuse me, pardon fair lady, let me just..." Move to Q-31
Barael keeps his bow readied, and his gaze shifts back and forth between the one with the big toothy grin, and the crocodile.
"Lamm, it appears that we'll be having a small delay in getting you to the guard. You may need to begin early pleading." I have no means of soothing the pain Gaedren has caused my new mates. I need him, but they need this. Maybe we'll still end this night with no blood on our hands.
Fondo Barondo |
"Did I say shut up, wretch? I meant speak. Where is my sister, Esmira Barondo? She of the violet eyes. She's not yet a woman. What have you done with her?"
Yes, more than six seconds of talk. It's Saturday night and Fondo's maker is bored.
Briar the Lesser |
Briar lows his bow and begins to watch, using the bow as a crutch upon which to lean.
Spectacular. They are fighting about how to kill this one...or whether to let the guards do it. If they get their answers, maybe I'll get mine about my brother. Lamm knows something...
DM_Euan |
Fondo runs around the corner and wallops poor Gaedren. Nikolay continues to threaten Gaedren, but otherwise watches the proceedings. Charlie watches the action, then adds his own damage with a nicely placed eldritch bolt.
Barael moves off a ways and eyes the alligator distrustfully with his bow ready. Dandilion in her fury misses Lamm and instead injures half the party, though Lamm does take a little from the splash. Briar threatens Dandilion and wonders about the stability of a few individuals in the group.
Gaedrens' eyes blister with tears on the sap hit, and roll all the way into his skull with the eldritch bolt. He drops like a sack of potatoes very nearly falling all the way into the water and is then burned but flops away from the worst of the fire. The little girl continues to cry in pain and the alligator looks for a meal - but doesn't seem incensed enough to want to climb out and attack so large a group.
Gaedren is bleeding out, and with that we're out of initiative (yes I know the sap damage was nonlethal). Does anyone stop Gaedrens bleeding?
Fondo Barondo |
Fondo makes an attempt to bind Gaedren's wounds. "Desna guided our hands a little too well. I need him breathing to sing the fate of my sister."
Healing 1d20 ⇒ 2
If anything, Fondo's desperate groping just makes Gaedren bleed harder.
Charlie Buckminster |
Charlie casts stabilize on Gaedren. Its range is close
AC 12 (10 +2 leather)
CMD 10
HP = 9
Orisons DC:14 (Create Water, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound)
First Level: DC:15 (2/4 per day) (Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Light)
Oracle Revelation: Eldritch Bolt this casting will make it 6/7 times per day.
Weapon equipped = Biting wit
Shield equipped =OMG please don't hurt me
Fondo Barondo |
"All things in good time, my firefly. First there is the business of finding who and what were lost." Then I... Don't know.
Fondo looks with some care at the maimed girl before he rifles through Lamm's clothes. Weapons? Keys? Ledgers?
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
"All things in good time, my firefly. First there is the business of finding who and what were lost." Then I... Don't know.
Fondo looks with some care at the maimed girl before he rifles through Lamm's clothes. Weapons? Keys? Ledgers?
"I'm sorry, yes, of course we must find your sister, and proof of his vile betrayals." She nods, saddened by the reminder, and forgets to hide her face as she speaks.
Wide blue eyes as innocent as a baby's laugh and as deep as the ocean's promise stare straight into the Varisian's, hope and trust swimming in the shine of unshed tears, "...but then we kill him, yes?"
Briar the Lesser |
Briar takes a cue from Fondo.
"Oh, are we looking for something beyond what he wants to tell us? I can help with that. What are we looking for?"
Briar will begin to search the room for items of interest/value.
Maybe some hints of my brother.
DM_Euan |
Once lowered, the girl wimpers a bit but quiets down. She looks at all of you with wide eyes and a dirty face.
On Gaedren you find a masterwork dagger, a masterwork hand crossbow (9 bolts), a vial of poison with 2 doses, a ring of keys and a beautiful gold ring on his pinky. The ring has a small oblong 'nugget' of rough gold set almost like a gem would be.
It takes 10 or 20 minutes to go through all the piles, cabinets and boxes. Not much of value is found however. Perhaps some of the stuff could be cleaned up, mended and used effectively, but it's mostly junk. You do find a large shield that, once repaired, is a masterwork heavy steel shield. Also a masterwork holy symbol to Nethys mounted on a beautiful wood board (to hang on a wall). There are some elvish runes on the backside of the board.
There's also a door yet leading to another room.
Nikolay Vasilevich |
Nikolay nudges Lamm with his foot to ensure he's unconscious before joining the others in searching the area for proof of his innocence, the location of the taken loved ones, a nice pair of manacles, or even some good rope.
Once that is done he will head for the next unexplored door.
Briar the Lesser |
Briar takes the holy symbol in his hands, finally recognizing it for what it is. Turning it over, he reads the words aloud, translating for those who do not know Elven.
"'Briar, stay in Korvosa. Find the magic. Signed, T.'" Briar looks at the party, incredulous. "That 'T' must be my brother, Thorne. He was *here*. I *must* have words with Lamm. He must explain this."
Briar grasps the holy symbol in his hand, almost trying to break it in his anger.
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
Briar takes the holy symbol in his hands, finally recognizing it for what it is. Turning it over, he reads the words aloud, translating for those who do not know Elven.
"'Briar, stay in Korvosa. Find the magic. Signed, T.'" Briar looks at the party, incredulous. "That 'T' must be my brother, Thorne. He was *here*. I *must* have words with Lamm. He must explain this."
Briar grasps the holy symbol in his hand, almost trying to break it in his anger.
Dandi tries not to smirk, but can't helped muttering, "I *told* you he was evil."
Fondo Barondo |
Fondo makes his way to the door and attempts to op. it. "First e search. Then we question him. Then we... Hold a trial...? What say you to that, little lady?" He directs the last to the maimed girl.
Barael de Gare |
"I am glad and sorry at the same time, Briar. You have word, but it's unattached to your brother." Barael looks down at the girl, up to the manacles and chain, and over to Lamm.
"I'm thinking that between those manacles and that maneater below, Lamm might find his tongue loosening to your questions. He doesn't seem to fear the Guard, even faced with a roomful of accusers."
Barael starts working the chain and manacles, watching over Lamm. What kind of understanding do you have about facing the Guard? There are 6 of us who want you to face justice, but what is your due process?
Knowledge, Local 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
So hazy, getting drug into the cells, I can barely remember what happened in those days. I can still feel the pain in my hand, though...
"After we question Lamm for ourselves, do we present him to the Harrower, Zellara? Or do we just inform her of Lamm's... 'justice'?"
DM_Euan |
Fondo opens the door which leads to a foul smelling room seems to be a combination bedroom and study. A wooden bed with a lumpy mattress stands against the east wall, while a round table with a stained goblet and half empty bottle of wine sits nearby.
At the foot of the bed sits a large strongbox, a slightly rusted lock securing its lid. A sagging dresser filled with moth eaten clothes well past their glory in one corner - what appears to be a wooden hatbox surrounded by a small cloud of flies sits atop this dresser.
The party also hears a faint "Whump" noise from somewhere outside. It sounds a little like what a sonic boom must sound like - from very far away. But there was definitely a 'feel' to the noise deep in your collective guts.
Briar the Lesser |
Briar squishes the holy symbol in his hand longer, squeezing it in momentary anger.
"This. He left me this!? He knew I was coming?! HOW?!"
Briar slowly recovers his composure before re-reading the message again with a sneer.
"If you don't mind, I'll hold this. This might be the only gift my brother has ever given me. Ever."
Briar drops the holy symbol in this pouch and returns to searching the rooms...putting things of value in a pile.
* * *
Briar will explore the lumpy mattress and bed, tossing the mattress up to check under it and the related area.
"There is a strong box and a hatbox over here."
Charlie Buckminster |
Charlie attends to the girl's wounds. He will remember to apply the bonus from using his medkit this time.
Heal Check 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
He remains quiet during the discussion of Gareden's death, but eyes him darkly whenever it is mentioned.
DM_Euan |
Charlie binds the little redheads wounds and she blinks at him quietly - now more relaxed and comfortable with what's going on.
She has some damage, but it'll take you an hour to heal anything via the heal check. A cure light wounds should do the trick however. Without healing she'll always walk with a limp.
Briar - the carving took time to do, and likely some nice woodworking tools. It was not done quickly or under duress.
Fondo Barondo |
Fondo is too focused on his search to pay the WUMP much mind. Did he find keys on Lamm when he was searching him? If not, he asks whether anyone is good with locks.
After the lock box has been opened, and while his companions are pouring over it's contents, Fondo turns his attention to the little girl. "Hi there, little poppet. Don't be scared. They call me Fondo, and these are my friends Charlie, Dandilion, Farael, Nikolay and Briar. We've come to see that Lamm sees justice, and you see freedom. That, and a nice hot meal."
"What's your name, lass, and where live your parents?" He takes a bit of bread and cheese from his pack and offers it to her. "And what of the other children? Have you seen a girl named Esmira? Violet eyes, dark brown hair like mine. A real beauty, maybe a couple years older than you."
Diplomacy 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 +1 if it's appropriate for charming — could Fondo be her prince charming?
Charlie Buckminster |
Charlie casts cure light on the girl and uses his 'sociable' trait to give one round of +2 on Diplomacy to Fondo and every ally within 30' (including myself.)
[ooc]Cure Light 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
AC 12 (10 +2 leather)
CMD 10
HP = 9
The spells/day listed will include the casting (if any) that I made this round
Orisons DC:14 (Create Water, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound)
First Level: DC:15 (1/4 per day) (Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Light)
Oracle Revelation: Eldritch Bolt this casting will make it 6/7 times per day.
Sociable Trait 3/4 rounds per day
Weapon equipped = Biting wit
Shield equipped =OMG please don't hurt me
"Yes, little girl. We are here to help you. Gaedren has hurt all of us and many others. We are here to see that he won't hurt anybody ever again." Charlie's anger rises as he speaks. He keeps it in check and at the end he smooths her hair but smiles a smile that has more sadness than light.