DM-Kal |

No problem Lord Foul, though I do prefer to keep my recruitments reduced to posts of submissions, updates, and questions. But I didn't specify that beforehand, so that's my own fault.
Also, for the record, I pay zero attention to players' pre-made alliances or posting frequency. I will be judging by character concepts, grammar and syntax, etc.

Agon Kilmeade |

I would love to submit Brebu, my political instigator the Half Elf Fighter Ninja.
He was raised as member of the Raptorscale tribe in the realm of the Mammoth Lords where he learned to fight. His family specialized in sword fighting and specifically the use of the katana. However as a hald elf bred he was not a very respected by his clan. This distinction and lonely exisitence provided him with will to leave the Northlands.
As soon as he came of age he left those lands to explore the world. Through that exploration he was exposed to politics and intrigue which he enjoyed very much. Here he ventured into an almost rebellious crusade mastering these skills.
This rebellious nature allowed him to meet a Master of the Ninja arts. It is through the master he began studying to become a Ninja. This coupled with his knowledge of similar weapons and skills put him in position to try his hand at more ambitious goals involving fortune, glory, and power.
It is here Brebu begins to spread his web of intrigue to acquire such items.

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I'm not dropping out, just haven't had anything relevant to say.
However, freelance is best because you can shank random people in the street without any consequences! Sure sometimes people get upset, but then you explain that it had to be done, and they need to let it go, because you're running out of places to tattoo the "burned a family home" symbol. Especially if you have to put the "family was inside" symbol with it.
That's free, I'm keeping my copper.

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I've seen a lot of dropping out of recruitment lately. A lot of it has to do with getting accepted into another campaign in my experience.
When it comes to Ai working at the bar, I figure that could work to some extent. I also have no problem making alliences in recruitment. It helps players to extend their backstory and to make ties. I've never had a problem with it in the games I've GM'ed or the games I have submitted something for. But thats just me. :) Im pretty laid back.
Waiting with crossed fingers!!

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this is lord foul
got an alias, still deciding between wildblood fey (sylvan) or fey tatooed sorcerer
I'd love it if I could combine the two, so that the familiar/animal companion are one creature, but without the DM making a special allowance it doesn't work,
I'm thinking of my animal being a snake that normally hides in my clothes

The Ninth Doctor |

ive always wanted to go to the local town, ask the mayor if he will hand it over to me... if no... he gets a visit from his son/daughter who died so many years ago...
"daddy...daddy... its cold out here... let me in... daddy...." *scratch scratch scratch*
+1000 for Doctor Who reference.
Especially since it's from the much-hated Christopher Eccleston era!
And, yeah, I'm still in.

Chyrone |

Killing a hero and raising him/her as a zombie would be devilish humiliation.
DM: there has now come an option #4 for your character, following up option 3.
The villains have access to powers that they have now used on your corpse. You are free to roll a new character, but your previous PC is now a zombie bodyguard. (Or zombie lord if it happens on high enough level)

Victor Ravenport |

Pardon my late intrusion, however, I would like to know if this was to be set within the Golarion setting? If that should be the case, then I might have a rather interesting character to inject into the fray. A Hellknight Armigier sent to scout out "the City!" for another push from the Order of the Nail.
Otherwise I have a fair selections of cards in my back pockets as an alternative.

Chyrone |

Bloody Skeletal champions!
Party returns to drag the body back for resurrection or miracle, "miraculously" said fallen hero stands near them.
Ah, [name], you're okay it seems.
Hero looks up, either zombie lord or skeleton style and proceeds to viciously assault the former comrades. >:) Delicious

Seth86 |

Ditto. Good luck all.
Yes. I did that once in a larp I was in. The heroes toughest warrior charges me, as an npc necro. Just as she gets near I kill her with death spell. As my undead construct holds them off, looking right at the healer I put my hand on the fighter, grinning I turn her into an undead.
The looks on their faces... priceless

Seth86 |

Basicly. Become undead. You have a bunch of immunities. Same HP as when you are allive. But the girl that I turned is really good with her axe. Not a lot of people at the larp like taking her head on. So yah. Everyone took like 3 extra steps back. Had one of the best fighters as my zombie slave and a former south african fencing champion as my undead construct... was so much fun watching. They finally won due to numbers :P

Chyrone |

*accepts drink and actually drinks alchemist fire or arsenic*
You nod approvingly.... all too easy
Seth86, such a concept (rather based off a psycho-girl villain from a comic) i'm going for as an enemy in homebrew too. Have the strongest champions be your bodyguards, lowering morale and unleash their legendary potential.
*hint from GM to party*: you don't want to attack this one.

The Ninth Doctor |

The Ripper is whistling is a back alleyway, standing next to the body of a dead guard. Hmmm... Looks like the forces of light and darkness are amassing for the final battle here. It cracks up at its own melodrama.
Taking out a gold piece, the Ripper flips it. "Heads I kill everybody, tails I join whichever team seems to be the most fun." The coin hung in the air for a moment, as if the forces of fate were deciding the Ripper's role in the battle to come. Slowly, it came back down, and landed on his palm. Looking at it, the mysterious creature grinned a mouthful of fangs beneath his hood. "Tails it is."
How was that?

Aramil Ertane |

"I have completed the petty introductions required. This is certainly an interesting lot, no doubt full of brilliant minds. I look forward to working with you... Gentlemen."
What is this, a circus show, hmm? I surely hope these apes are more competent than they look.
Still need to finish gear and check some things, but mostly the char is ready.

The Good Doc |

Pretty good :)
Actually I am quite the sKILLthemjaro myself, tho less of the dextrious kind
The Doc was working on "fixing up patent #5" for the day. A guard with a rather nasty looking bite on his arm. Hmmm.. it looks infected. Could be from a beggar down some backalleyway, could be rabies. Could be the dreaded Undead Scourge! I better amputate, just to make sure.
"But.. but it was just..." the guard stammered his protest before letting out a scream as the blood and gore splattered across the Good Docs apron.
it seems to be a busy time. There must be some great Evil encroaching on The city. Bissness is going to be booming.
The Doc let out a wicked smile...

Victor Ravenport |

By the way, I'm not sure I've seen anyone explicitly apply for the position of maverick. I don't need a maverick by any means, but if you are interested in being the maverick, I need you to make that clear as day for me. Thanks.
*The sound of heavy character creation in process.* Actually, the "Good Doc" pinched in a bit of interest on the very first page. While I am not in charge of anything, nor have I even finished my character yet, his character would certainly be peculiar for such a role.
-Turns around and calls out to a couple of feat workers that stands near the coffee dispenser; "Get to work lads!"-