Control The City! (Inactive)

Game Master D-Kal

A game for villains with dastardly plans.
Throne Room Map

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Female Human Priestess
| HP 32/32 | AC 27(29)/15/22(24) | F +4 (+6) R +7 W +9 | Init +8 | Perc +13 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | 20 ft | Channel 5/5

Just get two pairs of glasses and you're good to go.

But without ears or noses, how will they stay up?

Female Human Priestess
| HP 32/32 | AC 27(29)/15/22(24) | F +4 (+6) R +7 W +9 | Init +8 | Perc +13 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | 20 ft | Channel 5/5

Sovereign Glue?

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

At any rate....

Are we going to search for this elusive Lamp Merchant or are we going to search for Crystal by Sarcon Sniff?

AC 19 T 11 FF 18 | Current HP 51/51 | F +3 R +2 W +2 (+8 vscharms/compulsions) | Init +1 (roll twice, take better) | Perc -2
Spells Per Day Remaining:
2nd-4/4 1st-7/7

Do you think we would be okay leaving the keep with just constructs to defend it? Fate wants to expeditite the search by assisting..

Remember, the sentinels cannot guard the interior of the Keep, only the entrances.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Half Orc | HP 60/60 | AC 19/12/17 | F +6 R +3 W +1 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +8 CMD 20 | 30 ft |

command the guards to make a ring around the keep and fry anyone that is not us that comes within range.

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

Well... if we can make sure they aren't all charging at the Keep at the same time, I would say that we could just follow Sarcon's advise.

But if not, I would say someone stays back and keep an eye out from the sentinels after certain things.

*Wink-wink-nudge-nudge-lamp merchant/vampires*

-Posted with Wayfinder

AC 19 T 11 FF 18 | Current HP 51/51 | F +3 R +2 W +2 (+8 vscharms/compulsions) | Init +1 (roll twice, take better) | Perc -2
Spells Per Day Remaining:
2nd-4/4 1st-7/7

Yeah, I suppose it's best for me to stay back. It's not exactly out-of-character for Fate to want to sit back while other people do stuff for her.

I'm also on the last week of the quarter right now, with all the papers to turn in that that entails, so staying in reserve might be the prudent option.

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

Best of luck with that Fate..

When it gets dark, I'm going to search for this lamp fella...
I might persuade him to cough up some informations... or his entrails, who knows?

Edit: I'm dumb and I'm just going to wait with Victor and Sarcon unless otherwise noted.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

How about we take a break? DM probably have a ton on his mind working 48 hours per day, Fate has lots of papers to turn in and Sarcon probably have some orphans to roast. Crystal's absence is because of in-game reasons, but she is still "missing".

If 3 key people (DM, Fate and Crystal) of the campaign can't/doesn't make/have the time for the campaign, then it gets stale and repetitive fast.

Not having a fit or anything... I am just starting to feel stupid after checking for updates once per hour :)

Am I the only one feeling that a short break might be needed, as in "real life taking over, need to bash it back!", because I am not suggesting that I want to leave or that anyone else does... I'm just saying that this silence is killing me very slowly... with a spoon.

Male Human Necromancer 3 | HP 10/43 | AC 20/14/16 | F 4 R +5 W +7 | Init +12 | 30 ft.

Quite, it is the silence doing that and not the hitman I hired to take care of you...

Shadow Lodge

Half Orc | HP 60/60 | AC 19/12/17 | F +6 R +3 W +1 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +8 CMD 20 | 30 ft |

Well life is stupid, sporks are much more efficient then spoons.

AC 19 T 11 FF 18 | Current HP 51/51 | F +3 R +2 W +2 (+8 vscharms/compulsions) | Init +1 (roll twice, take better) | Perc -2
Spells Per Day Remaining:
2nd-4/4 1st-7/7

I actually just found out today that my due dates are more spread out and later than I thought, so I'm fine to keep going.

I wouldnt oppose a hiatus, if DM kal would prefer that. He's the one that has the most work to do for the campaign.

Okay, so are you meeting Melaphi at the cross-street you indicated on the map, or are you waiting for tonight to find the lamp vendor?

That's mostly a question for Victor, and Marcello who follows Victor, and Sarcon who does as he sees fit. So Fate, what about you?

AC 19 T 11 FF 18 | Current HP 51/51 | F +3 R +2 W +2 (+8 vscharms/compulsions) | Init +1 (roll twice, take better) | Perc -2
Spells Per Day Remaining:
2nd-4/4 1st-7/7

Sadly, I think we established before that the smart choice is for her to remain at the keep for the moment.

However, she does have a terrible wisdom, so she will do something impulsive and join Victor and Marcello.

As a side note, Rule the City is not showing up on the list of games on My Campaigns, so I didn't even realize people were posting in it -_-

Ha! Alright. I'll make sure you're marked as "active" once I get my hard drive back in.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

I'm also "active" if you need to type it somewhere :)

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Necromancer 3 | HP 10/43 | AC 20/14/16 | F 4 R +5 W +7 | Init +12 | 30 ft.

You do not want to know how much I have been checking this darn thing.

Everyone is marked as active in Rule the City. If it's not in your campaigns, I can't really say why.

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

Should we tell them about the lamp merchant or are we keeping it to ourselves?

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

The unconscious fellow is the one I used a 30 intimidate on... His head just couldn't handle it.

And if he isn't even near the place we net with them, then I apologize for jumping to that assumption.

-Posted with Wayfinder

No, that's fine. For some reason I thought Victor had marked some other location, and this was some other fellow, and things had gone greatly awry.

Shadow Lodge

Half Orc | HP 60/60 | AC 19/12/17 | F +6 R +3 W +1 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +8 CMD 20 | 30 ft |

Hey DM, let me know when I catch up to them. It's not going to be hard to track this group. I think it's at 7 humanoids, 2 horses, and a bear?

Yes, tracking them within the City should be trivial for you. In fact, tracking them outside of it should be too. So really, you're free to pop in and out as you please. Not that I felt I could really stop you in the first place.

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

Just a quick question...

Can't we just walk to where we last tracked the blood to end? At the East gate?

You certainly can.

Say Marcello, how do you manage a +16 to perception?

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

Perception +16 (2-ranks +1-Wis +8-Template +4-Class skill +1-Trait)

Like this. I thought it might be a stretch to just think everyone would go with me saying "Its cool!" So I decided to show the math. It is like this with all my skills so far.

Oh I see that now, thanks. Class skill bonus is only +3 to my knowledge.

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

Really? Then my usual group might be a bit OP... I'll change that.

Shadow Lodge

Half Orc | HP 60/60 | AC 19/12/17 | F +6 R +3 W +1 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +8 CMD 20 | 30 ft |

so im heading off to get more food, and a scythe.

I would like to get a Switchscythe if they have one.

also is there a way to convert my DR into Hardness.

What an excellent question. Maybe you could go bionic and become a half-construct?

I don't see why a switchscythe wouldn't be available. But that's going to take some time.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.


Why not just use your Scythe-Guy? Shouldn't he be able to say some stuff like that?

Ha! That sounds very Sarcon.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

We have spend too much time with him.

Shadow Lodge

Half Orc | HP 60/60 | AC 19/12/17 | F +6 R +3 W +1 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +8 CMD 20 | 30 ft |

bwahahaha! embrace it.

half construct sounds cool

Shadow Lodge

Half Orc | HP 60/60 | AC 19/12/17 | F +6 R +3 W +1 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +8 CMD 20 | 30 ft |

So what about my cdg on my hero team traveling companions?

Female Human Priestess
| HP 32/32 | AC 27(29)/15/22(24) | F +4 (+6) R +7 W +9 | Init +8 | Perc +13 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | 20 ft | Channel 5/5

I'm lost...

Your what?

Male Human Necromancer 3 | HP 10/43 | AC 20/14/16 | F 4 R +5 W +7 | Init +12 | 30 ft.

If only I had the skull of a recently killed humanoid... It would aid my dramatic workings and bring it to unseen heights.

Say, Sarcon. How do you feel about becoming a magically animated skull on a pole?

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

DM, do I need to roll a bluff check to fake sleeping on my watch after a couple of hours?

-Posted with Wayfinder

You can roll it in this gameplay and I'll simply reference it if the question should come up.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Half Orc | HP 60/60 | AC 19/12/17 | F +6 R +3 W +1 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +8 CMD 20 | 30 ft |

Coup de grace, what did you think I had planned when I sharpened my scythe?

While they're sleeping? They established there was always at least one hero on watch. Whose watch would you like to interrupt, and who would you like to attack?

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

Bluff ZzZ: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Dark Archive

Male Two-Handed Fighter 3 l AC 25/12/23 l HP 12/39 l F+5, R+3, W+4 l Init +5 l 20 ft.

Can I just hit myself and try and sleep? Because that was a horrible roll.

Shadow Lodge

Half Orc | HP 60/60 | AC 19/12/17 | F +6 R +3 W +1 | Init +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +8 CMD 20 | 30 ft |

They did? Then I want to try to sneak away during a bathroom break and stab sleeping payet.

Your bathroom break or theirs?
You can post your stealth roll in here, but you'll have to enter his tent, so it's not going to be easy.

Female Human Priestess
| HP 32/32 | AC 27(29)/15/22(24) | F +4 (+6) R +7 W +9 | Init +8 | Perc +13 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | 20 ft | Channel 5/5

Any way your murderous tendencies can be put on the back burner until after my rescue?

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