Carrion Crown

Game Master Mavacas

A horror campaign set in Ustalav. A dear friend of the PC's dies from a brutal accident. They are called out in his will, and must attend his funeral.

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Edward Sobel wrote:

1. I had a good write up of the reply to the feedback and BOOM internet explorer crashes.

2. Will try again here but I can only hope that I can remember all what I wrote to the quality that I originally worded it?

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

1. I usually write stuff using an app with save feature, then copy paste it.

Updated my background.

Void Munchkin wrote:

1. I usually write stuff using an app with save feature, then copy paste it.

Thats what I ended up doing


As long as the tormented soul didn't make any threatening moves, Sandor would hear it out cautiously. Pharasma is paramount, so if he could shepherd the soul to the proper afterlife it belonged to, he probably wouldn't bust it. The one responsible for preventing someone from walking the path to the Boneyard better watch his back though...

I took a look at maptool, and it seems easy enough to make images for rough approximates for now. I'm gonna keep it as an option for situations where Tactical combat will be needed/beneficial for the group. Of course this will all get discussed with the party after the selection process. So everyone will know what's up from the get go.

I'm liking the characters I'm seeing in general. It is gonna be hard to choose just 5 !

Got some more feedback for those who have submitted characters after my first feedback batch. To anyone who has posted in response to my feedback, I have read it and understand :) If I have further questions I'll respond to you guys directly.
Prof. Faradir Rokannon, Human Universalist Wizard.

Other than the point-buy, he seems good mechanically. How did Faradir see the rivalry between him and Lorrimor before his death? Was it friendly? or did Faradir see a bar set by Lorrimor he always thought he could surpass? Did Lorrimor's death stop Faradir's ambition at all, with no increasing bar set for him to surpass? Maybe did he finally realize that Lorrimor was intentionally nurturing Faradirs ambition through this rivalry?

Just some things to think about :)

Nahal Tsugata, Human Rogue.

Mechanically looks good. But I would like some elaboration on how Nahal viewed Lorrimor as a person. And how he has affected her.

Hannya Jubei, Elven Paladin - Sourge of the Undead.

You'll have to add a relationship with Petros Lorrimor to be accepted into this campaign. The CC players guide has all the necessary info. He has to have influenced your character in a positive way. (Or perceived positive ;) )

Vincent the Thunderous, Human Gunslinger.

Mechanically looks good, I also liked the FF7 pic ;) . I'd like some elaboration from you on how Vincent was directly affected by Lorrimor, and maybe a little more on the treasure he was looking for.


the treasures:
The "treasures" he was searching for were just unusual magic items and other curiosities.

DM Atmos wrote:

Nahal Tsugata, Human Rogue.

Mechanically looks good. But I would like some elaboration on how Nahal viewed Lorrimor as a person. And how he has affected her.

Thanks for the feedback. I've changed the profile to describe Nahal's relationship with the professor in more detail. I'm copying the most important bits here in case it's more convenient. I've keep it general, if you'd like a description of some important event in their relationship, let me know and I'll write about it.


Nahal liked working for Lorrimor. She was supposed to assimilate information about the world, its nations, organizations, cultures, powers, art, and religion in her travellings. She felt working for Lorrimor was like a break from these pre-determined tasks. Lorrimor's research and exploration would let she discover new things she found personally rewarding, even if potentially irrelevant to her compatriots. She would turn down other offers and probably postpone ongoing activities if a job for Lorrimor showed up. To keep the offers coming, she tried to do her best when working for him.

As a person, Nahal found Lorrimor to be above the average powerful citizen. Whether research, exploration, or education, his goals were aligned with the common good without much self interest. She had deep respect for him, but never expressed it to him to the full extent due to her own personal reservations.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the Feedback! Updated with trait backstory.

Also, I'll adjust my stats and purchase equipment upon successful selection. I will of course, adhere to the given rules.

Jubei has always been notorious among the Hannya clan's many youths as a bratty rebel. His misdemeanours would be usually brushed off with a slap on the wrist if he were a part of a normal Elven family in Jinin... which the strictly disciplined Ninja clan isn't. On his 24th birthday, after being reprimanded for applying magical glue on the guard of his big brother's sheathed sword, Jubei ran away from the clan's lands and boarded a boat headed for Cheliax.

Jubei had always been fascinated with tales of the horrible Hellknights of the foreign land and thought it would be a good idea to join their ranks and then come back home to scare the family. It was too late for him when he realised the folly of his childish impulse.

Thanks to his ninja training and his newfound devoted faith to the deity Shizuru, he was able to barely make it as an Armiger of a minor Hellknight Order, The Order of the Pike by his 5th year in Cheliax. On his first day as a fledgling Hellknight, he was sent to the vile nation of Geb along with a squad of fellow Armigers for a retrieval mission. A mission that went horribly wrong.

Jubei's squad was eradicated by ghouls, ghasts and a pair of devourers in a night ambush. Thanks to a miraculous grace of Shizuru and the sacrifice one true friend in his squad, he was able to escape back into Cheliax bloody and mourning. His commanding officer, much to his dismay, concluded that Jubei survived the failed mission because he abandoned his comrades. After being unjustly slandered and further punished in the form of lashing by his superiors, he was tasked to leave the country and seek out powerful undead to vanquish as "repentance" for his "cowardice".

Jubei could have taken this opportunity to escape and return home to the Hannya clan, but the horrors he's seen- both of Cheliax and Geb- has filled him with bitter resolve and insatiable fury that he must simply take out on the Undead.

Early in his journey, he came across an brilliant scholar named Lorrimor who offered Jubei to become part of his experiments. The fledgling Hellknight was reluctant at first, but the promise of having a combat advantage over a specific type of adversary- namely, the undead- was too good an offer to pass up. After a few weeks of tests and malfunctions, Jubei walked out of the laboratory with more confidence in fulfilling his duties and the proud Professor drank himself silly as he celebrated his success.

[Campaign Trait: Subject of Study- Undead]

Shadow Lodge

Color me interedted. I'll have a character posted for consideration later tonight.

Here is the compilation of the original submition and the adjustments based on feedback:

Kimberly Snow character stats:

Male Human Oracle (Life) 1
NG Small Humanoid (Human)(young)
Init +3; Senses Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11. . (+1 Dex, +1 size)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +4
Weakness Haunted
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +1 (1d3/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +1 (1d2/20/x2)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1, +1 melee touch, +2 ranged touch):
1 (4/day) Bless, Cure Light Wounds (DC 14), Forbid Action (DC 14)
0 (at will) Stabilize, Ghost Sound (DC 13), Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Guidance, Enhanced Diplomacy
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Improved Channel, Selective Channeling
Traits Chance Savior, Sacred Conduit
Skills Diplomacy +7, Fly +3, Handle Animal +7, Heal +6, Knowledge (Local) +2, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +5
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ Oracle Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day) (DC 16) (Su), Protection Variant Channeling (±1 Sacred)

Oracle Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day) (DC 16) (Su) - 0/4
Chance Savior Fate smiled on you and Professor Lorrimor one day in the not so distant past. Through a matter of pure chance, you were in a position to save the late scholar's life and did so. His gratitude was effusive, and he promised that he would never forget y
Haunted Retrieving stored gear is a Standard action or worse, dropped items land 10' away.
Oracle Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day) (DC 16) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead.
Protection Variant Channeling (±1 Sacred) AC bonus
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.

basic image of Kimberly.

updated back-story:

Kimberly Snow, or at least that is the name she likes to be called, never knew where she came from. In her earliest memories she wandered the misty moors lost in a daze. Her only comfort was the voice she would hear in her head.

Believing it her doll that she carried she began to converse with it. She remembers meeting gypsies that took her in and fed her and clothed her. It was the gypsies that gave Kimberly her name.

Kimberly remained a recluse many times talking to herself, or to her doll. This made the gypsies uneasy, and they left Kimberly with the church of Pharasma in Ravengro.

She would always find a place to sleep and food to eat with the church of Pharasma, never realizing the power she held inside.

She would often walk the streets of the small town watching the people go about their business, even found herself the butt of pranks or snide remarks from other children; but Kimberly was always comforted by her “friend”, and her doll.

Even her “friend” would play jokes with Kimberly, moving objects from where she put them last, sometimes playing jokes on the other kids and leaving Kimberly to take the blame. But despite all this, the spirit was her friend.

Professor Lorrimor had noticed Kimberly around town and started to think how she would be an interesting case study. He only knew she resided at the church and almost nothing else about her past. Perhaps her mental condition could be a key to unlocking other secrets.

Either way he knew that Kimberly would not be a willing participant in his studies so he needed to devise was he could control the environment around her and observe her reactions.
This field work went on for several days as the professor would lure Kimberly into certain areas of the town and surrounding areas where he would have pre-arranged situations. There he would observe and document his observations of how she responded to the situations.

This came to ahead at the cemetery where the professor was not expecting the attack that occurred. His original plan was to observe her reaction when confronted with the concept of mortality (of life and death), however the undead there had other plans.

During an evening wandering the town Kimberly saw a man heading by the cemetery, she noticed that he forgot to make the sign before passing. This did not bode well. Kimberly soon realized she knew the man, he was the man she had seen often as she would take her strolls; always watching her, Kimberly followed.

Soon creatures from beyond the grave attacked the man, clawing and biting into his flesh. The horror of what was happening shocked her and she screamed. She wanted to flee but she heard the voice of her friend once more urging her to go to the man.

Unsure what to do she obeyed her friend and ran to him. In such a confused state she also forgot to make the sign and when she reached him, the monsters went after her as well. Kimberly quickly remembered what she had forgotten to do. Quickly she stood over the battered man and made the sign over her heart.

It was at that moment a wave of divine energy emanated from her driving back the monsters. At this time Kimberly’s “friend” revealed itself as a spirit of Pharasma, and declared Kimberly her oracle. Kimberly saved the man’s life that night.

After the incident Professor Lorrimor became more intrigued at the idea that Kimberly was able to harness such divine energy at such a young age and with no formal training.

Professor Lorrimor continued his observations at the church and soon was able to talk with Kimberly on several occasions though she still remained a bit reclusive, she did open up a bit. Professor Lorrimor was able to deduce that she was subconsciously blocking a traumatic event in her past. He made it a point that he needed to unlock that event so Kimberly could come to terms with it.

He was so intrigued by her condition he decided that should he pass before his work was complete he made provisions in his will that Kimberly spend time with his daughter at his home during while mourning in the hopes that she would provide a good home for Kimberly.

the traumatic events of her past were left undefined at this time to allow the events of the AP reveal them to her as they unfold. And look at the AP two fold:

1) The standard goal of the AP to defeat some evil force
2) An adventure to cure Kimberly’s psyche. (A personal goal)

Kimberly was born from the mists of the Southwest of Canterwall. The villages consumed and left desolate reside there. All of her life, before finding the gypsies was gone from her, or perhaps they never existed.

The “sign” mentioned represents the old superstition of making the sign of Pharasma “A spiral shape with the finger” across your heart before passing or entering the cemetery.

Kimberly knows several of the other children in town but she would not be considered “friends’ with them since she is recluse and seldom conversed with them, but she would know them by name and some she would know where they lived.

Kimberly’s “Friend” is really just fluff and has no game mechanic other than serving as an explanation for the Haunted curse. To those that don’t know any better, Kimberly could be considered to have Schizophrenia.

Edward Sobel wrote:

Here is the compilation of the original submition and the adjustments based on feedback:

** spoiler omitted **...

your PB seems to be 26 instead of 25

Belle Mythix wrote:
Edward Sobel wrote:

Here is the compilation of the original submition and the adjustments based on feedback:

** spoiler omitted **...

your PB seems to be 26 instead of 25

you are correct I forgot to subtract 1 point of Dex.

now it is fixed

Edward Sobel wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:
Edward Sobel wrote:

Here is the compilation of the original submition and the adjustments based on feedback:

** spoiler omitted **...

your PB seems to be 26 instead of 25

you are correct I forgot to subtract 1 point of Dex.

now it is fixed

don't forget to fix the bonuses.

Silver Crusade

Me stats and equips.


Male Elf Undead Scourge 1 (Paladin Archetype, Advanced Player's Guide)
LG Medium humanoid (Elf)
Init 0; Senses Perception +2

Iron Lamellar [Ultimate Combat]
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17
HP 12
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +2

Nodachi [Ultimate Combat]
+3 to Hit, 1d10 +3 damage
(Smite Evil +6 to hit, 1d10+5 damage always if undead/ 1d10+3 damage if normal evil)

Str 14, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 12
Feats: Power Attack
Skills: Knowledge [Planes]+1, Intimidate +4
Traits: Enemy of the Undead, Subject of Study
Languages: Tien, Common
Abilities: Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day

Iron Lamellar
4 Sunrods
3 Acid Flasks

That 17 Charisma explained

I'll go ahead and throw my hat into the ring.

Leon is a dex-fighter who is very closely tied to the setting and the story. I made him for another CC game that never quite got off the ground.

Right now he's built mechanically from a slightly different set of creation guidelines, but he can be easily adapted if you approve of his concept.

-I've been looking at maps and realized that to come from mwangi to ustalav would be almost wo months journey. For Mubutu to come to Ustalav would require the professor to have contacted him, before his death...
-I am only concerned by the realism. I also think that for the witch doctor, to endure a month of travel, only to find his mentor dead, would be excellent RP.

Very interested. Will have something up tonight.

@GM Atmos -

Finally got through Aric and basically re-wrote his background. I'm pretty happy with it and feel like it fits well with the gothic theme that's pretty pervasive throughout Carrion Crown's material. Let me know what you think, or if there are any issues with the character. Looking forward to turning Aric loose on some bad guys!

Dotting for interest. I'm leaning toward someone is a guide, perhaps a ranger or fighter. I'll work on it.

Here is Durgrosh he is from another Carrion Crown campaign that never got past the funeral. Will have background up in a moment.

I met Professor Lorrimor on what was simultaneously the worst and best day of my life. Ah forgive my rudeness, my name is Durgrosh Blacksun, named for my great great great grandfather who apparently killed a mighty warrior under a solar eclipse, though not having met my father it does not hold much meaning for me. I met the good Professor when I had been fleeing the Hold of Belkzen, specifically traveling from Freedom Town, where I had been a slave in all but name. My master was a powerful purveyor of poisons and potions, please excuse my shameless alliteration, among other sundries of a dubious nature. Beaten regularly and treated as a dumb animal, even though I was educated by him in order to help with his craft, I finally mustered the courage to enact the escape I had been planning since a month after arriving in the care of the self proclaimed “Prince of Poisons” as he liked to think of himself. I must again apologize for the alliteration, it is a nervous habit I have picked up that I have been endeavoring to extricate myself from. Using a poison of my own making, I managed to dose the Prince’s plate of palatable…ah…his food. The poison did not kill him but did manage to put him into a stupor such that I was able to escape from his home. Having stolen some food and clothing, I fled southeast towards the Ustalavan border, hoping to join with my friend and companion Genevive, a fellow slave girl whom I had fallen in love with. She had promised that should I manage to find a way to free her she would marry me and we could have a life in Ustalav together. Alas, the follies of youth were nearly my undoing. I went to her with the wonderful news of our escape but did not realize that a local lord had taken a liking to her and made her his concubine. When I managed to sneak my way to her she dismissed me out of hand, saying she had everything she needed and would not run away with a penniless half breed when she could be covered in silks and drink fine wines. Crushed…I made it all the way to the border when the Prince’s men caught up with me. I would have been captured and taken back had Professor Lorrimor not arrived and paid them off as if they had not found me. I asked him then why he did it and he said to me “Never let a good deed go undone…especially for fake gold.” At that he winked and we began to converse, I told him my story and when I mentioned my knowledge of potions and poisons he immediately became interested in the various techniques I had learned. Deciding that he couldn’t let an investment come to naught, he brought me with him to the University of Lepidstadt. Through his recommendation I was able to attend the school, there I flourished as I found that my innate talents translated very well into the academic world. I did not make many friends but nor was I treated very badly, at least not in comparison to the Prince. Thankfully the Professor had taken a short term teaching position at Lepidstad and gave me private instruction during the six months that he was there, which vastly accelerated my learning. I also think it pleased him to take someone as raw as I was and transform me into something respectable.

I am interested in joining up. Have never tried pbp. Mostly done, will finish equipment if chosen.

Hey guys, I had a rough day at work and when I got home I passed out on my couch lol. I'll be sure to get some feedback to the new applicants early tomorrow.

@ Mubutu - Perhaps the spirits from the spirit world had told you they were getting ready to accept a much welcome spirit? Could give you a little leeway in that regard to sort of kick-start your journey towards Ustalav.

Another batch, Just a note to those still interested in posting something up for this campaign, The last day is Sunday June 10th. And I'll post my picks the day after!

You guys are making it hard though! :)

Leon Ravencourt, Human Free-hand Fighter

Looks good. Some elaboration on why Lorrimor is an important person to you though would be nice. Anything a little more specific will do.

Aric The Unwell, Half-elf Inquisitor of Pharasma

I think your Point-buy is 24 points. When does Aric's personality seem to switch out? It it actually another mind within him? Or is it more like he's bi-polar?

Durgrosh Blacksun, Half-Orc Mindchemist

You seem to be at a 20 point buy. Otherwise very good :)

Scova, Human Magus

How did the professor match up against what you heard versus what Scova had actually seen? What makes Lorrimor an important figure in his life? Also, wht would some people try to assassinate Lorrimor? Not syaing he doesn't have any enemies, but was there any thing Sova know about the attempted killer's motives?

@DM Atmos: oops forgot to update lol thanks for spotting that!

EDIT: Updated to 25 pb and thanks again.

DM Atmos wrote:

I think your Point-buy is 24 points. When does Aric's personality seem to switch out? It it actually another mind within him? Or is it more like he's bi-polar?

You're right about the point buy. I just pumped another point into CON. As far as Aric's personality, its more like he's schizophrenic. Right now I'm thinking stress and necessity bring out his alter ego. I've always thought it would be cool to RP a guy who's just a little unhinged. I plan on using his craziness to bully/intimidate/confuse NPCs. Plus a WIS-based inquisitor is just a scary beast.

Aric "The Unwell" wrote:
DM Atmos wrote:

I think your Point-buy is 24 points. When does Aric's personality seem to switch out? It it actually another mind within him? Or is it more like he's bi-polar?

You're right about the point buy. I just pumped another point into CON. As far as Aric's personality, its more like he's schizophrenic. Right now I'm thinking stress and necessity bring out his alter ego. I've always thought it would be cool to RP a guy who's just a little unhinged. I plan on using his craziness to bully/intimidate/confuse NPCs. Plus a WIS-based inquisitor is just a scary beast.

Wouldn't raising CON cost more than 1 PB? Maybe INT or STR.

Belle Mythix wrote:

Wouldn't raising CON cost more than 1 PB? Maybe INT or STR.

Thanks, good catch. INT it is.

Leon's backstory mentions that Lorrimer is a family friend, particularly close with Leon's uncle Simon. The professor was one of Leon's tutors when he was younger. Leon lived in Harrowstone with the professor for two years during that time. Lorrimer helped make Leon who he is.

Ok updated background

DM Atmos wrote:
Got little to say, crunch looks good. Shift seems to be all kinds of awesome (I'm gonna remember that for a Wizard I'll eventually make. ;) ) If you could, what kind of door did Lorrimor open for you? How did he go about nurturing the gift of magic in you?

Response to Feedback:
Glad you like the Shift - seems pretty cool to me too, just haven't had the opportunity to try it out yet.

I went ahead and expanded Korvus' background (see below). I believe it answers your questions regarding Korvus' relationship with the late Professor. Thanks again for your consideration!

"My name is Korvus Slade, former student of the late Professor Lorrimor and recently arrived in Ravengro from far off Magnimar."

"I realize that despite my bestial appearance, I don’t behave in the manner typically associated with those of orcish descent. For that I have my gnomish parents Gimble and Ellyjobell Boddynock to thank. Yes, I said ‘my gnomish parents’. You see, the Boddynocks were close friends and adventuring companions with my biological parents, Korvanna Sharptusk and Slade Trollbane, who were both half-orcs. The four of them were members of the Pathfinder Society based out of Magnimar. Shortly after I was born my biological parents were assigned a mission to the Hold of Belkzen and left me with the Boddynocks. Unfortunately, my biological parents never returned."

"The Boddynocks were wonderful parents. They’re both retired from the Pathfinders now, but still provide consulting services to the Society on occasion. When I was very young they both noticed my aptitude for more academic pursuits and strove to nurture my interests. It was my parents’ old friend Professor Lorrimor who urged them to enroll me into the Stone of Seers, Magnimar’s most esteemed school of wizardry, when I demonstrated a gift for the arcane arts even though no one of orc-blood had ever attended the school before. I’ll admit, my parents had to call in several favors to gain my admittance, as the administrators were highly skeptical that someone of my race possessed the intellectual capacity to master the mystical arts. To be honest I believe it was finally Professor Lorrimor’s letter of recommendation that finally convinced the Deans to grant my admission, although once I was enrolled I discovered that several of the instructors shared the view that someone of my race must surely possess a substandard intellect. As a result I had to work harder than I ever dreamed to prove to them that I was just as capable as my peers."

"Professor Lorrimor was a frequent guest lecturer at the school, and even though his time was in high demand he always made an effort to spend time with this young student. During one semester he taught a course entitled ‘Ancient Arcana – Myths and Mysteries of Lost Thassilon’. A most fascinating course! The Professor took us on several field trips to study ancient Thassilonian ruins, from the Irespan within Magnimar itself to the Old Light in the town of Sandpoint. Professor Lorrimor believed that it wasn’t enough to study records of the past in books and tomes, but that one must get out in the field and ‘get one’s hands dirty’ to truly appreciate the lessons of history. Perhaps it was due to my parentage, but I quickly found that I shared the Professor’s enthusiasm for exploration of ancient ruins. Throughout that semester the two of us spent countless hours discussing and debating the finer points of arcane esoterica. I remember that the Professor was particularly intrigued by the proximity of the ancient Thassilonian realm of Gastash (which encompassed the area known today as the orc realm of the Hold of Belkzen) to his own land of Ustalav, considering the influence that necromancy has had on the history of both realms. Realizing my enthusiasm for our mutual interest in Thassilonian history and arcana, as the semester neared its end the Professor petitioned the Stone’s administrators to allow me to assist him the following semester in an actual archaeological evaluation of the Old Light! We spent five months in Sandpoint working closely with the local sage Brodert Quink, who believes that the Old Light was a Thassilonian war machine capable of spewing fire for more than a mile. While we didn’t find any evidence to support Quink’s theory, it was a fascinating and rewarding experience all the same."

"Of all my teachers I would have to say that it was Professor Lorrimor who truly inspired me not only to excel at my studies, but to open my eyes to the wider world around me. If I can someday become at least half the man that he was - noted scholar, intrepid explorer, and kind, giving soul who inspired others - then I will feel worthy of all the effort he put forth on my behalf. This world is a better place as a result of his presence in it. He will be sorely missed."

Very interested in this Campaign. I present Darien Galveston for consideration.

'If ever the tide of darkness should overwhelm the light, let the last glimmer of light against the dark come from my blade raised in defiance'

An Orphan taken in by the Church of Sarenrae in Lastwall, Darien grew strong in faith and was eventually called as a Paladin. Given Sarenrae's doctrine of redemption of evil, Patience, and temperance, Darien sought to learn more about Ustalav, Theology as it relates to evil, and military tactics effective against the unrepentant. He attended a lecture given by Professor Lorrimor and remained in correspondence with him for years afterwards.

Further background and the crunch under the profile.

Hey, I know I'm a little late to the party, but I'd like to submit Mina. Her profile is almost complete - I've just got to finish buying gear.

I'm planning on doing a Manuever-based fighter using Lore Warden (something I've always wanted to try), possibly dipping into Monk a few levels later to help me get Wing Style to offset the loss of heavy armor in this archetype.

Thanks for the thread but please remove Oorin from consideration.

For one, my Hero Lab profile was corrupt and there are errors in the exported profile.

Secondly, the Oorin profile has become corrupt as well. I can no longer edit or post as Oorin.

While I'm sure the latter could be rectified eventually, I've received an invite for another game (which will be my second). That's plenty for me and I'm happy to bow out and give others a (marginally) better chance.

Thanks for your time!


GM wrote:

Other than the point-buy, he seems good mechanically. How did Faradir see the rivalry between him and Lorrimor before his death?

Was it friendly? or did Faradir see a bar set by Lorrimor he always thought he could surpass? Did Lorrimor's death stop Faradir's ambition at all, with no increasing bar set for him to surpass? Maybe did he finally realize that Lorrimor was intentionally nurturing Faradirs ambition through this rivalry?

That is all under the Background spoiler. I'm pretty sure.

Anyway, Rokannon has very few people he could talk to about his work and is an introvert to boot. Professor Lorrimor was one of the few he could speak to at his level; he would come alive in their conversations/debates whenever Lorrimor came by for a guest lecture.
He felt Lorrimor's death keenly, and wonders how he will continue without his friendly rival. Stepping outside the walls of academe to attend the funeral was a first step.

Cristiel wrote:

Cristiel Pallanen, Elven Magus (BlackBlade, Kensai)

** spoiler omitted **

First time playing a Magus so it'll be a possible learning experience already.

Feedback Reply: ** spoiler omitted **

After taking a real quick look at your character crunch, just a quick point: the Magus' Spell Combat class ability only functions with one handed or light melee weapons. You're on the right track with the ECB, if you cast keen edge, find/buy a keen weapon, or just use your arcane pool (after level 5 when +2 enhancements are available) your 15-20 threat range means 25% of your hits are criticals. If you're using spellstrike, that 5d6 shocking grasp is 10d6 before weapon damage. You'll get pretty similar damage out of a scimitar or rapier and stay within the confines of RAW. Sorry for the long post!

I am going to recycle a profile, that was used in another game. It will be a different character however.

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor
First off I guess introductions are in order. My name is Rhual Ghaan. I grew up in Last Wall, a place where it is hard to live, and not know the difference between right and wrong. Ever since my I was a child I was taught to do whatever I could to champion good by my parents who are both devout worshippers of Iomedae. I hold their beliefs as my own, not because I was told to do so as a child, but because I see that the active promotion of good is the only way to make sure that evil does not advance.

One must not only promote good however. We as a people must fight to vanquish evil. Many like to do so under a code, and while I admire the dedication to such ideals I realize that ideals alone don't save lives. Sometimes you have to use the enemy's tactics against them. Throw dirt in their eyes before they can do it to you. While many may not like my way of doing things, there is no doubt that my way gets results.

Upon completion of my formal education I decided to give what I could to Last Wall by becoming a member of the militia. In my spare time I would study magic, and religion heavily. My devotion led to one of the priest getting me into a lecture by Professor Lorrimor. The fact that I knew about several of the things he spoke of regarding magic and religion, surprised him, and over time we had a few more meetings, but even when he was not available due to travels we corresponded by mail.

You may nave noticed that I did not say much about my experience in the militia. Well that is because while I often went on patrols, it was not until recently that I had to use a weapon in a life or death situation. We were on our way back when we heard a cry for help. It seemed two teenagers had snuck outside the gates for some “alone time” thinking no intelligent creature would approach the walls. Well I guess they were right, but they did not realize wolves are not so intelligent, and since they have no interest in scaling walls won't be considered a priority to any who is on guard duty. We easily dispatched the wolves with myself taking the last one out. I heard someone yell
“Run!!!”, but I found myself cut off from my horse by the biggest wolf I had ever scene. I look at the teenagers, and looked back to the wolf, and I knew I had to die protecting them. I was determined to win this fight, and I felt a rush of energy wash over me, and somehow I fought with a level of ability I did not know I had. Between the other members of the patrol using crossbows, and myself being able to get a few stabs in the wolf(dire wolf) was ran off. It was then that I realized I had been accepted by Iomedae. I was an inquisitor.

Rhual Ghann is very vocal about his support of Iomedae, trying at times to bring others over to his cause. While he believes that some fights are unavoidable, he tries to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. He also believes honorable enemies deserve an honorable fight, but those that are evil don't get the benefit of the doubt, and he is less likely to show them mercy.

What I bring to the group:
Buffs for myself and the group
A variety of skills.
I can be the party face if needed
Decent to good combat skills. I can't compete with a smiting paladin, but I won't be ignored.

edit: I am going to bring the character in as lawful neutral. Where he will go from there I don't know. At no point however will I be the "stab the party in the back" character.

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Init +7; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +7
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16. . (+5 armor, +1 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2); Judgement of Sacred Healing 1
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +6
Defensive Abilities Judgement of Sacred Protection +1; DR Judgement of Sacred Resiliency 1: Magic; Resist Judgement of Sacred Purity +1, Judgement of Sacred Resistance 2 (-Choose-)
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Light Shield Bash -1 (1d3+3/20/x2) and
. . Dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Gauntlet (from Armor) +3 (1d3+3/20/x2) and
. . Longsword +3 (1d8+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+3/20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +1 (1d6/20/x3)
Special Attacks Judgement of Sacred Destruction +1, Judgement of Sacred Justice +1, Judgement of Sacred Piercing +1, Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 1, +3 melee touch, +1 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Divine Favor (DC 14), Bless
0 (at will) Daze (DC 13), Read Magic (DC 13), Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Improved Initiative
Traits Reactionary, Teacher's Pet: Knowledge (Religion)
Skills Acrobatics -4, Bluff +7, Climb -2, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist -4, Fly -4, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +7, Perception +7, Ride -4, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth -4, Swim -2
Languages Common, Goblin, Orc
SQ Forbidden Lore (Ex), Inquisitor Domain: Conversion Inquisition, Judgement (1/day) (Su), Misdirection: -Choose- (Sp), Necessary Lies (Su)
Combat Gear Arrows (40), Dagger, Longsword, Scale Mail, Shield, Light Wooden, Shortbow; Other Gear Backpack (empty), Grappling hook, Holy symbol, wooden: Iomadae, Ink (1 oz. vial, black)
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Forbidden Lore (Ex) May cast spells of alignment opposed to own or deity alignment.
Inquisitor Domain: Conversion Inquisition Deities: Any deity.

Granted Powers: You are a powerful persuader. A honeyed tongue empowered by divine argumentation sways the indifferent and adversarial to your side.
Judgement (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Judgement of Sacred Destruction +1 (Su) Weapon Damage bonus.
Judgement of Sacred Healing 1 (Su) Fast Healing
Judgement of Sacred Justice +1 (Su) Attack bonus
Judgement of Sacred Piercing +1 (Su) Concentration and vs. SR bonus
Judgement of Sacred Protection +1 (Su) AC bonus
Judgement of Sacred Purity +1 (Su) Save bonus
Judgement of Sacred Resiliency 1: Magic (Su) DR/magic
Judgement of Sacred Resistance 2: -Choose- (Su) Energy Resistances
Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic) (Su) DR bypass
Misdirection: -Choose- (Sp) When prepare spells choose an alignment to count as for magical detection.
Necessary Lies (Su) Gain bonus to saves vs abilities detecting lies or forcing truth.
Teacher's Pet: Knowledge (Religion) Professor Lorrimor traveled the Inner Sea region lecturing and teaching at universities in locations as far-flung as Manaket and Magnimar, and as different in scope as the bardic colleges of Taldor and the battle colleges of the River Kingdoms. Speak

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I did not pick all of my mundane(rations, rope, etc) gear yet.

Do you allow caster to cast spells if they have a weapon in one hand, and a light shield in the other hand?

Ok, so here is the roll-call for everyone. If your name is in this post, please post within the discussion thread. As soon as everyone shows me they know they're in, I'll start up the game.

Cassandra Blackmoore, Changling Oracle (Life)

Mubutu, Half-Orc Witch

Dantrian Almaeus, Human Alchemist (Beastmorph)

Korvus Slade, Half-Orc Wizard specialist (Conjuration/teleportation)

Maya "The Edge" Palersin, Half-elf Rogue

So that's the list! I'm anxious to get the game started.

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