![]() I do apologize if my posting is holding things up. For the record, I don't take it personally if you just move along. I've finally got a new job in the new town, but I work nights and it's been kicking my rear. So my incentive to get on and update has been lackluster. I honestly don't mean to hold everybody up, and seeing as how my home games have practically stopped, you guys are really all I get to RP with these days. So consider this as my 2 cp to work harder on my end. ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, I've decided that with this campaign's 2 year anniversary coming up in just a month, I'm going to do a piece of artwork of our group. To that end, everyone send me as detailed as you feel necessary physical description of your characters. Be aware that since I (and I believe most of us) have come to associate our characters with their profile pics, some portions of those may creep into the piece. Also keep in mind that anything about your character that I don't get I'll take some artistic license with. And I am aware that most of us have pretty detailed descriptions in our characters' profiles; I'm talking about anything not already described. Hopefully I'll have it done by Aug. 4. I'll post a link up here for it when I'm done. ![]()
![]() For the record, I swear I'm not trying to be difficult. I am finding Salvi to be a difficult character to play, though. With the GM's permission I wouldn't be opposed to changing her out to a more party-friendly character should the need arise. Also, I attempted to run this at home, and had a TPK on this very encounter. Also, also, I apologize for the scarcity of my posting lately. I haven't had internet for the past week. ![]()
![]() I've only just realized that I seem to have inadvertently created Brick from Borderlands, lol. On that note, for all you fans of that series, I give you this if you haven't already heard about it.
![]() I've never played one myself, but I helped a player in my home game run one for a pretty good while. He was new, so I kind of had to learn the class to explain it to him. And I've always wanted an excuse to try one. I initially thought to go with ranger because it fit the AP. But really, a more arcane type character would fit with the plane-hopping parts of the AP. The more I think about it the more I lean towards alchemist. I'll need to concoct a background. I'm just looking for some input. ![]()
![]() Reign of Winter final cover design is now officially up. Looks quite awesome if I do say so myself. ![]()
![]() I think the original forward of Pathfinder #6 gave the perfect cast for Karzoug: Chow Yun-Fat! Jared Padalecki as Aldern Foxglove.
In general I find up-and-coming actors to be better for this kind of thought exercise than a list of A-listers. ![]()
![]() I'd say somewhere human-centric and in Avistan. As we'll be spending at least a fair portion of the AP in Irrisen, it would be a little jarring for our characters to be from warm climes. Not that we all need to be already used to being in furs, but at least acclimated to more temperate zones. I'd also think somewhere near-ish to Irrisen would be better to give our characters more emotional involvement. The only thing I can gather, though, is that it describes Heldren as being "far to the south". But really I think it amounts to wherever the group wants its characters to be from. I still think it would be best to wait for the Player's Guide. My 2cp. ![]()
![]() No idea, I'm still tossing things around. I'll probably go through several character concepts before I decide on one. I also thought of something. From the description, it seems like we won't be starting in Irrisen, but will be going through a portal and end up there. When the player's guide comes out, I hope they let us know where we'll be beginning at, as it might influence my character. ![]()
![]() ARC, I'm really enjoying the game, but some RL issues are causing me to have less and less time to post. Rather than drag everyone out waiting for me or having you run my character for, I think I'm just going to have to back out of this one. I've really enjoyed the game so far, and thanks for letting me in. Happy hunting everyone. ![]()
![]() I've got roughly 2,000-ish points of Chaos Marines. Looking to add a Helldrake and a Forgefiend to my army soon. Also thinking of taking Daemon allies to get some horrors, flamers, and screamers. With the update White Dwarf gave them, Tzeentch daemons can be nasty. To look at the price of the game though, one: you have to consider the rate at which you make purchases. As long as you're not looking to jump strait into the tournament scene, $50-$100 is enough to get you a decent beginning army (roughly the same amount one would spend on a new video game). You can increase slowly from there as you get your models painted. $30-$40 dollars every month or two from there isn't bad. Two: realize that the models you're assembling are permanent. You don't beat the game and are done, nor will new ones be released 5 months later that invalidate the ones you currently have (i.e. like any TCG). Three: on a note to all TCG (trading card game) players, the money looks like a lot because you're spending it in larger doses when compared to card booster packs. When you only drop $3 for a pack, it doesn't seem like much, but the amount you get, the frequency they are being bought at, and that's not counting the new release big box sets to go along with that... People who play card games spend way more on that than Warhammer players, it's just harder to notice. The main thing to consider is that it's not just a game, it's a hobby as well. You're not just buying and playing with them, you're painting them, modeling them, making scenery to go with them. It really should be looked at more as a hobby than a game when looking at price. ![]()
![]() In the DnD 3.5 Eberron setting, clerical spells WERE powered by the strength of the cleric's faith. There were a variety of religions in the world: some of them the standard DnD polytheistic approach, some were more like Taoism, and others still worship beings who are clearly not gods. But if the cleric's conviction was strong enough (ie. high enough Wis score) he could cast his spells. Also, since clerics had no god persay (it was debatable whether or not the dieties existed) they did not risk loosing their spells for breaking their church's code of conduct or for having a wildly different alignment than their religion. Hence corruption in the curch was rife.
![]() Imperial World Psyker: WS: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (8, 10) + 20 = 38
Re-roll Toughness: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (8, 4) + 20 = 32 Sanctioning Side Effect: 1d100 ⇒ 73 - Tongue Bound Wounds: 1d5 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Build: 1d100 ⇒ 75 - Fit: 1.75m/70kg
Imperial Birth Planet: 1d100 ⇒ 21 - Backwater