Cap'n Voodoo's Freebooter PBP

Game Master voodoo chili

est. 2011
PF6 Fun and Plunder in Green Ronin's Freeport, around the Shackles, and Beyond

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Anatoly suddenly laughs loudly. "You funny, Halfen. You gotta belly full of thunder. Just don't sleep over my hammock! HA! Next time we in port, you find the good stuff, huh?"

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Winking Dibbets counterpoints "Aye... but I dinnae wants tha good stuff... I'll find us tha rotten sh1te that'll strip yer innards." counting that at least the fur hatted mate was a decent bottle of grog between acquaintance and good friend.

Dibbs heads from there quickly into the galley to check on Estabo and Rafe. Rafe to make sure the lad was fine like... and Estabo to make sure the man was adjusting to non-Captain life without too many hassles.

Dibbets finds the former captain and his ward hard at work in the kitchen preparing for the dinner. Estabo seems to be enjoying himself. He says that he is glad to have no other responsibilities than preparing a delicious meal. Rafe makes himself useful and seems keen to learn and sample Estabo's work.


The navigator seems to take Dingus' strange ways in stride and is actually appreciative of his exoticism.

Kaul makes no further headway with the grumpy bosun.


Soon enough the four mates are called to the captain's quarters for the meal. Also in attendance are the quartermaster, first mate, gunner and "Handsome" Hinson. You enjoy the fine meal that Estabo has prepared finishing with tarts and kahve.

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbets keeps to himself for much of the meal... though his use of cutlery is somewhat questionable and table manners are an archaic construct that doesn't apply. Come tarts and kahve he devours the pastry - leaving copious crumbage in his beard - before giving the kahve a speculative sip. Musing that it's not that bad... Dibbs ponders a bit more before diluting his down with a healthy snifter of rum. The second sip is received better by his taste buds.

Known again for his delicate handling of social mores, Dibbets scratches at his arse before baldly asking "So... whass this about tha peg like?"

Dibbets wrote:
"So... whass this about tha peg like?"

Captain Lanteri finishes her Kahve and pushes the cup aside. She gets up and walks over to her chest and picks up the peg and a heavy old nail which she brings to the table. She tosses the peg to Jim and holds up the nail. "Not so much the peg as this nail that was in it. The peg was attached to an associate of my husband named Rahil Harkalm. The Rahadoumi zealot burned every priest and religious artifact that he captured including a couple of Besmara's own. That finally earned him a spot on Blackwarn's Gallows."

"This nail he pounded in his leg for safe keeping has a particular property- when tied to a deadman's bone, it'll point the way to his treasure. I suppose you can see the use there."

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Nodding along "Aye... I'm follerin ye so far like. Which stiffs bone ye gots fer trackin then?"

Dibbets wrote:
Nodding along "Aye... I'm follerin ye so far like. Which stiffs bone ye gots fer trackin then?"

Lanteri smiles. "My husband was a bold and canny man, but there was one part of his life he never talked about. Some years ago before we met, my husband and his partners, Harkalm the peg there and "Storm Eyes" Dahaoth, killed the sea dragon Kelizar. It wasn't an easy feat and Storm Eyes went down with his ship. My husband was marooned on the creature's island and only Harkalm got away."

"My husband spent a couple weeks dodging the horrors of the island before he escaped. I know this now from the sparse notes he kept which I found after his death. His journal also revealed that he and his partners had stumbled upon Jemma Redclaws grave even before taking on the dragon. They told no one of course, but determined that only the last one alive would take it all so as to be bale to make a bid to become the next Hurricane King. Now none of them are breathing. Idiots. But with this nail, at least someone can have a crack at it."

"It would have been easiest to just grab Harkalm's corpse off the gibbet, but removing a corpse from Blackwarn is rumored to earn the Pirate Queen's ire. Technically, the peg isn't really part of his body so I don't think you've been cursed..."

"Unfortunately, I consigned my husband's remains to the depths before I discovered his secret journals. If only the fool had trusted me or had the guts to just kill Harkalm. That leaves Storm Eyes. He's still sunk in his ship in that lonely lagoon. That's where we're headed."

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbets listens gamely and nods along before becoming perturbed when he realises that the woman's just thrown away the easy route for one more arduous. "An what if some bugger were to accidentalike disappear a few hours an come back wi' one o' tha stiffs boneys? We was jus there and take it from me tha gods dinnae gie a sh1te bout some rotted bugger hangin frae a gibbet."

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul also sits, piggy eyes alternating between widening like pennies to becoming enveloped in a scowl.

"Hur Quite the tale..."

At Dibbs' disparaging comment about the Pirate Queen, he shakes his jogging;

"Course they do mate. I knows Bess and Mara await in the deep armoury and the stale breeze that drifts from your arse on a morn can only be god given!Hur-hur-hur-hur..."

The thug chuckles away at his own razor wit.

Lantern shakes her head. "The Shackles would be the wrong place to bear Besmara's black mark. I'd take Harkalm's death for the warning it was intended to be. I don't think the crew would take it well either. Sailors can be particularly superstitious."

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Muttered under his breath "Feckin stupid lot iffin ye ask me... we was jus bloody there"

The captain gives Dibbets a dark look, evidently picking up the mumble. "Don't worry I'll be sure and give you a chance to rob another grave soon enough without antagonizing the Pirate Queen."

She stands to signify that dinner is over. Iulia, Horemheb and Creed make their exit with you. "Handsome" Hinson lingers behind and you overhear the captain asking him if remembered to bring his flute.

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm
Cap'n Voodoo wrote:
She stands to signify that dinner is over. Iulia, Horemheb and Creed make their exit with you. "Handsome" Hinson lingers behind and you overhear the captain asking him if remembered to bring his flute.

There's a euphemism iffen I ever heard one ;)

Kaul mulls the opportunity to dredge another grave, last time they crossed the dead Lopper fell into his hands...

"Hur... Hear that Lopps? That's the knock o' opportunity... hur-hur!"

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Hustled out of the superstitious captain's cabin Dibbets shakes his head "Bastard spirit chasin luck trustin imbecile... we're off tae feck tha dog when we coulds be already onna ways tae tha payoff."

To Kaul's words he shrugs "Well be some loppin... hope ye ken handle thats unna tha waters too like... we's goan be divin soon methinks."

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

The burly thug shoots Dibbs a confused scowl;

"Unna tha water? Hur. There's a reason they coined my briney backside "Keelhaul" mate... 'sides I ran with Smiler Keefe... 'e was scrag-blooded! All that makes practically makes ol' Kauly 'alf fish! Hur-hur-hur..."

The night passes quietly and the next day, the Magpie moves out of the sheltered bay. The tropical depression has quietened a bit over night, but that doesn't last long and a ferocious storm catches you in a broad opening northwest of Besmara's Throne.

Captain Lanteri is a little late to call all the sails in and the riggers scramble to haul in the sheets as the ship is tossed by a sixth verse storm.

Help out as you see fit.

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

In his element, Dibbs gets above deck and swaying with the wind concentrating on getting the rigging under control. A consideration is given to whether he could implore Gozreh's indifference against the storm... but to be honest he's far happier riding the worst than seeking to soften it.

So essentially focused on assisting in getting the rigging under control

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

Dingus rushes to help wherever needed. He makes judicious use of his new unmoving rod to help stabilize himself, for his actions.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 Profession: Sailor

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul too mucks in, assisting wherever his brute strength and deck savvy can assist;

Profession: Sailor: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Dingus- I wouldn't advise using that immovable rod in this case unless you want to be left behind by the quick moving ship.

Dibbets seems to be enjoying the gusting winds far too much while Kaul scrambles up to lead the efforts in securing the dangerously whipping lines and sails. Dingus levitates up to lend a hand. They quickly bring the shrouds in and avert one catastrophe.

Meanwhile down on the weather deck, Jim offers to help with controlling the ship, but is rebuffed. Cobb begins howling at any who will listen that Jim's disturbing of the Pirate Queen's gibbet has brought her wrath upon them all!

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16

Dibbets can't hear a jot of anything that Cobb's moaning about - far too engrossed in the brutal and savage lashing he's getting above decks.

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Wet through, a grinning Kaul watches Dibbs spin and buffet with the howling winds. Lumbering up to Cobb the thug tips his nod toward the crazy wee Oracle;

"Hur... Ain't Besmara's wrath mate... This is the Wind an' Waves... The Stormy Sea! As long as that crazy wee bird is with us we ain't fer feedin' the sharks this night! Hur-hur!"

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

"Kaul's got the right of it, mate! If the Pirate Queen's out for you, it won't be a storm that gets you! Now lend a hand here!"

Diplomacy check, incl. tattoo: 1d20 + 5 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 5 = 15

Cobb isn't convinced. He points at Jim and shouts through tobacco stained teeth. "I'm not the one Besmara's out for. You touched the gallows meat. Why should we all go down for your sin?"

Creed peers up at the wildly swinging halfling. "That one showed no respect for the Queen either. Said, he wanted to go get the rest of the body down."

The bitter quartermaster is drawn to the yells of the superstitious carpenter. Iulia joins in addressing the crew still remaining on the storm drenched deck. "I knew they were trouble. That little one started a storm in the Revels. How do we know that he's not stoking this storm as well?"

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21 Up to the Cap'n as to whether Dibbs has picked up on anything

Those looking up towards the cavorting halfling above likely catch snatches of off-key drinking songs... and harrowing flashing glimpses of what dwells beneath the kilt...

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul grunts a laugh... then as the rain continues to lash and drip like a curtain off his scarred brow, the brute's mood changes like the weather;

"Hur... See wee Dibbs is touched. Inna good way see... He bobs like flotsam, smells like bilge but he's gold. A storm in a rum cup hur! An' Jimmer there is as sharp as his blade and has touched far worse than a hang'ed man and came out smiling... Besmara's beau so he is!"

The burly thug rolls his no-neck as his paw taps Lopper's pommel afore bellowing his response;

"Trouble?! Ye talk o' trouble? Hur! Well 'ere I is. Ol' Kauly will give ye all the trouble ye want... Sharkeys are always hungry hur-hur... So yease all goin' tae keep mewin' like seal pups or clam it and stay kickin' for another day? Hur!"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33

Kaul's Yawp shuts-up the yapping and the captain orders unnecessary officers below until told otherwise. Up top, the storm continues to howl, rolling the ship with powerful waves and ripping at your sodden clothes with gusting winds. Time passes and you feel the ship is handling things well so far when Yarba emerges from an inspection below to report flooding in the lower compartments are threatening the stores.

More crew trickle below to help leaving the captain, bosun, riggers, a couple swabs, and the newcomers on deck. Dibbets still swings in the riggings while everyone else keeps their watch from deck.

Everyone- perception DC 26:
A dark triangle is seen contrasted against the pale foam of a wave crest. Then you spot webbed claws and gaping maws clambering aboard with the wash.

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16

Dibbets is still having the time of his life... up until he mistimes a wave and ends up faceplanting into a mast. The snatches of drinking song grow quiet for a few moments... being replaced by bluer language.

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Kaul too is enjoying the fact he's cowed more established members of the crew with ne'r a scowl and a shout.

The thug continues to make himself busy whilst keeping a beady on his crazy wee mate up in the rigging.

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Male Fer de Lance AC 17/15/14; HP 16/16; F+1, R+5, W+4

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23 Perception

Richard hangs on with all his might, wishing for a surface that doesn't move.

Only the sharp-eyed captain spots the danger. Dibbets is too busy cavorting in the spars. "SEA DEVILS!" Captain Lanteri yells. Another crashing wave washes the deck bringing along strange dark shapes with the salt water. Man-sized sea creatures scramble aboard falling on the surprised crew of the Magpie.

Dibbets- 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Keelhaul Kaul- 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Madman Jim- 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Dingus- 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Magpie- 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Seas Devils- 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Round 1
Sea Devils


Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

No way Jim can make that Perception check. Is he above the main deck, and if so how far?

James "Madman Jim" Patterson wrote:
No way Jim can make that Perception check. Is he above the main deck, and if so how far?

yeah, percep out of reach so I moved on. You're on the poop so 5' above the action.

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim vaults down behind one of the sea devils (landing on AB-18) and lands a quick thrust on it.

Acrobatics check: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
Rapier to raider (add +2 if flanking): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
Rapier damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

Dingus moves closer to the rail AB-16, and brings his forked tongue into play on the two enemies just coming over the rail.

Lightning Bolt DC-17

6d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 1, 6, 4) = 20

Jim vaults the railing dropping down on the slippery deck with ease and slashes a sea devil from behind. Dingus weaves over to port and send a blast of forked lightning at two of the fishy invaders. One is blasted and the second wounded leaving Kaul at least something to lop.

The captain orders Yarba to take the helm and moves to block the stairs to the poop deck with rapier in hand. She stabs the nearest sahuagin. Hinsin pulls out a flute and begins to play a rousing jig which pierces the noise of the storm and emboldens the crew.
inspire courage= +2 attack and damage

The crew fight back, but they are simply outnumbered by the sharkmen who enter a kind of blood frenzy. Anatoly and a swab fall. Captain Lanteri yells, "All hands on deck!" Yarba begins ringing the alarm bell.

Know local DC 15:
You note that the sea devils are strangely armed with cutlasses at their side rather than tridents though they seem to be mostly relying on their claws and fangs instead of their weapon.

Round 1
Sea Devils


Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Round 1

Matching the shark-men's toothsome grimaces, with his own jigsaw smile Kaul gets to work, bringing Lopper to bear on one sea-devil (AB11) with venom enough to make Richard proud:

"Hur! Loppsey Daisey!"

Melee: +1 Adamantine War Axe: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 2 = 26
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 2 = 16

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Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Finally having the scene below brought to his attention Dibbs is mildly perturbed at the distraction... before realizing that he probably should get involved. Bereft of his musket and lacking much that could be called to use as weaponry, he considers calling on Gozreh's trident... but the swift nature of Anatoly's falling indicates that's a bit of a naff idea. Instead he clings to a nearby vantage and picks out one of the sea bastards next to the lads, screaming "Oi you scaly fecker! Dinnae start now!"

Casting Forbid Action (attack) on Z,13
If it understands Common, it needs to make a DC 15 Will save to be able to attack.

still need Jim and Dingus.

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

Turning slightly to his right, Dingus lines up Z17 and W18 for a flick of his electrical tongue.

6d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 4, 2, 5) = 19 Lightning bolt

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

If the one at Z-17 falls to Dingus' bringing the lightning, Jim will sprint across the deck into the flank between Y-14 and W-16 before turning on Y-14. Otherwise, he'll double up on Z-17.

Rapier redux, incl. inspiration: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 12 + 2 = 26
Rapier damage, incl. inspiration: 1d6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 2 = 9

Iterative attack on Z-17, if applicable, incl. inspiration: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 2 = 20
Rapier damage, incl. inspiration: 1d6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 2 = 10

Kaul indeed lops the sharkman's head right off and it does seem that the sahuagin understand Taldane because Dibbets' demand stalls another. Jim readies his rapier against the closest sea devil, but it is blasted by another bolt of electricity causing it to fall to the deck jerking spasmodically. The bolt also injures the one facing the captain. Jim leaps over the dead marauder and with a quick thrust drops another onto the slick deck.

Hinsin keeps up his jig while the captain finishes off the bleeding and burned sharkman trying to get onto the quarter deck. The sound of the alerted crew below decks grows louder as they rush topside. Without warning, the sea devils retreat by leaping over the sides of the ship as the tall waves crash over the deck.

Five of the ugly creatures are left dead on the deck. The ship has suffered six casualties including Anatoly and a swab rolling around unconscious in the spray.

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Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Without hesitation, Dibbets releases himself from the ropes - stumps towards the edge of the deck and dives head-first into the sea...

...the magic of his skate cloak twisting and reforming him into a bearded manta ray as soon as he contacts the water. Despite lacking the manta's instinctive senses... Dibbets does his best to assay whether the bastards are still hanging around... and whether they've done anything nefarious below the water line...
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Round 2
Sea Devils

The bearded manta does indeed see a couple sahuagin prying at the rolling ship's bottom with crowbars though apparently with limited effect given the conditions. Then a sleek form rushes toward the halfling and a gaping tooth-lined maw tears at the manta-ling. Dibbbs-7 bite

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Is Dibbs being munched by a shark?

nom-nom-nom! yes. one of the two chum chasers on the map.

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

"Damn it. He can't go down there alone".

Dingus summons a Dolphin to follow Dibs-ray into the water.

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim remembers a useful piece of jewelry he's been carting around for a bit and leaps into the water after Dibbets, the magic of the Sea Pact ring transforming his legs to fins. He goes after the nearest shark, rapier in hand.

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Knowing that he's got slim to buckley's chance of facing up with the bastard in the water... Dibbs nips away from the shark's jaws, taking a circuitous route to the other side of the hull to double check if there's any other funny business going on.

Withdraw action, then maneuver to a position where sharky can't charge (but likely could still move and attack).
AC currently 17, HP 30/37

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