Cap'n Voodoo |

You'll probably have better luck getting information in the morning. You are welcome to ask around the Eastern District or elsewhere. As far as taverns all of you are better acquainted with establishments at the Docks including: the Black Gull, Rusty Hook, Broken Mug, Lost Lass, Cracked Pot, and Bilge Rat which are all pretty rough considering your lot are pretty typical clientel. Very cheap rooms found at the Rusty Hook and Kergen's Kradle flophouse.
Kaul, Bloodsalt doesn't really provide for visitors so you can throw up some canvas or a lean-to somewhere and take your chances...

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Kaul hails the rest of the crew... "I'm bound fer either the Bilge Rat or tha Black Gull... I know's the bouncer in the Gull... Hur... hur... youse comin?"
Looked up a couple of the bars that sounded cool and noticed the Gull has a half-orc brute as a bouncer called Buster... thought him an Kaul might know each other?

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

"I'll stay with you gents as well, by your leave. There's but one thing I'd suggest we do, and that's look over what was taken from the house. I'm concerned that we have something we don't know about, and maybe that someone other than the little flay-boy is going to come looking for it after we've gone our separate ways."

Cap'n Voodoo |

As for loot you still have Goyne's 8 gp, potion flask, and MW rapier. Groom took the HH ring (which I assume was taken by Vinari, but I didn't say that explicitly). The bag of loot from the witch's chest mysteriously disappeared right after Beedle spelled you.

Cap'n Voodoo |

Kaul hails the rest of the crew... "I'm bound fer either the Bilge Rat or tha Black Gull... I know's the bouncer in the Gull... Hur... hur... youse comin?"
are you continuing that night or is this intended to be the next morning? It sounds like Groom and Dingus wanted to rest and renew spells. I'd suggest divvy up and decide where you want to start tomorrow. Were those votes for the Black Gull?

Dibbets |

I believe the votes were for the Black Gull - seeing as how Kaul was going there and we are following him. The intent being to rest up and renew spells before heading back out come morning.
Don't forget I still gots me bag of flowers from the house too! That is some fine loot.

Cap'n Voodoo |

Ah, Black Gull doesn't have rooms, just cheap drinks and a very tough crowd near Scurvytown.
The Rusty Hook is a bar in an old warehouse with closet sized rooms upstairs for 2 silvers a night complete with a stained cot. It's farther away near the Warehouse District.
Kergen's Kradle is a large flophouse in the middle of the Docks that rents small rooms for 2 pennies an hour or 1 sail a week; stained cot optional.
oh yes, I am quite aware of your sack of flowers, Dingus ; )

Cap'n Voodoo |

Consensus is that the Kradle is the cheapest option and sailor friendly. For a 2 sp deposit you are given a card with your room number. Upon check out you get the remainder of the deposit or pay the balance. It’s bring your own lock, but given the number of tough sailors per square foot, there are rarely any problems.
The next day is remarkably clear and warm as you step outside. On a corner near the Kradle a rather loud little moppet screams out today’s headlines for the Shipping News.
”Extree! Extree! Read all about it! Vampires in the Eastern District! Daring dusk raid by the watch finds victims drained of blood! Local Apothecary becomes House of Horrors! Vampire lord and Orcspawn seen fleeing the scene! Two pennies, READ ALL ABOUT IT!”
I was thinking you'd be ready around noon. Is that too early, Dibbets?

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Upon hearing the moppets calls Kaul almost swallows his chew;
"Vampires! Ere we was lucky to avoid 'em eh mates!?"
The brutal half orc seems genuinely relieved...
Playing up Kaul's lack of putting 2 and 2 together... :) Let the banter commence

Dibbets |

Dibbets slowly flows outside with the speed of cooled treacle, clearly 'morning' is not his strong suit. Eyeing the moppet with a red rimmed globe as he calls out, Dibbets then turns to Kaul.. "Oh aye matey, lucky we were. Best keep a lookout lest we fall prey."
He then stretches his back and an unseemly loud series of cracks and pops issues forth. Strolling over to the moppet, he flips a couple of pennies at him for a paper.
Cap'n - will the remaning Con damage Jim and I have go away over time? - or do we need to take magical intervention?

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

Jim wakes up ravenous and thirsty. "Need some grub sharpish, no mistake. Those stirge things take it out of ya!
"Here, Dibbets. When you're done with that rag, I'd like to have a read as well."

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

The half orc watches the newsrag being bought and curiously walks up to Dibbs... he gently feels the texture of the newspaper, nods slowly and smiles;
"...and Jim, once your done readin this rag can I hav it? Might need to pinch one off after breakfast, and this'll be perfect to wipe me arse with afterwards! Hur-hur-hur-hur-hur!"
Kaul chuckles to himself, a sound more akin to groans of a dying man than laughter...

Cap'n Voodoo |

Yep, recover a point of CON for each night’s rest. Depending on how late you slept, you might not have any pennies left, Dibbets ; )
Glancing over the full page spread you sense a bit of sensationalism which is the mainstay of the Shipping News.
“In a bold move just after sunset last night the Watch moved in on a recently abandoned building at the north end of the Eastern District. Eyewitnesses said the move was precipitated by a disturbance. A cloud of fog issued from the house and a pale gentleman appeared in the cloud striding boldly forward with an unholy gleam in his eye. A panic ensued as a burning skull flew through the air behind him cackling madly. One witness watching from across the street spotted a shadowy figure that resembled a short heavily scarred and tattooed half-orc following his master through the shadows down the street.
The Watch moved in through the chaos to clear the building. Sergeant Duncan Wilker of the Watch, declined to comment, but a source close to the action said at least one victim was found in the building drained of all blood. Other remains were found, but details are unclear.
Neighbors say this building served as an apothecary and herb shop owned by resident owner, Goody Erskin. She had disappeared recently and the shop was condemned nearly a week ago by Council order. Neighbors said it was rumored to be haunted.
Further investigation by the Shipping News shows that a buyer had already been found for the building and the deal was to close today. No Council members would comment other than to say they were unaware of the events and would closely examine the deal for corruption. A reporter here at the shipping news found that the purchaser was affiliated with the Aspis Consortium which has been expanding its influence in the Merchant District with the recent purchase of the Auction House.
No word as yet on the whereabouts of Goody Erskin, the missing owner of the building or the fugitive vampires. Ms. Erskin was unmarried and said to have lived on her own after the departure of an estranged nephew. As always we will keep you informed on events as they develop. ”

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

"That story sounds a mite familiar, Kaul. Though I can't say I've ever heard the gleam in my eye described as 'unholy' before. And does it seem to the rest of you that perhaps Goody Erskin's nephew may be our flayleaf addict?"

Dingus Mack |

If the Aspis Consortium is involved, then we certainly need to keep a low profile". "Perhaps we should check on this Goody Erskin with the neighbors, and try to determine what happened to her...If she's not the bag of skin that is". Digus whispers. "At least maybe find out if she's had anything strange and non-routine happen in the last while".
"Probably wouldn't hurt to check some of the town records, and find out who might have bought the place as well". "I'm cautiously interested". "If that skull, and the rumors of the black box that Beedle so coveted are signs of things to come...it might behoove us to keep an eye on what's happening here". "What do you think"?

the Groom |

"It sounds like more than one party wants what Mrs Erskin was hiding. Funny thing is someone might buy the place because it is abandoned, but it is not unoccupied."
"The Addict or He of the the Red-Face seem our best leads, as the box seems most important. Ledgers and records will tell us who else wants the box."

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Kaul takes the paper and asks; "If no-one else be fancying a peek at the rag, I'll be keepin it fer privvy fodder..."
If anyone else in the crew wants a read its yours, otherwise Kaul will fold it neatly and stows it in his sailor's bag for later :)
Rubbing his scarred paws together the former pressganger smiles, amber eyes glinting...
Right lads... here's what we took from... our little sorty in the skinbag's abode... a damn fine looking blade...(shows off Goyne's rapier) not my mug o' grog, bit... fragile... aye fragiles the word... I likes my blades like my wimmen... robust like... hur-hur-hur!"
He jingles a money pouch... "got some coin too... 8 sails... nice eh?" he jingles the coins some more, the sound seems to beguile the thug for a second or two...
"Oh aye... and this... (produces a potion flask) "No idea what's in it... don't smell like grog nor spirits tae me...
Grinning like a gargoyle Kaul looks around the group;
SO... who want's what then lads?"

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Kaul jingles the bag at Dibbs again... "Hell's reef Dibbs... take another mate, there's plenty fer all!"

the Groom |

"I would say our Vampire Lord earned the blade with his blood. But I will take a sail in honor of the Queen." the Groom takes a coin from the bag.
"But what of the gains from the upstairs room? Did you not also get a bag from up there?"

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

The big half orc looks a little sheepish (if that's possible);
"Errr... aye... THAT bag... seem to 'ave mislaid it like... had it afore the Beedle laid me low, then I didn't see... reckons he nabbed it..."
(offers Jim the rapier quick smart)
"this'll be yours then Madman... and a sail for each, an what's left fer the pot?"

the Groom |

In response to Keelhaul's admission, "This addict named Beedle's reckoning is greatly anticipated."
Then to the others. "But if more information is needed, I will accompany you. But as to questioning the locals...my means usually involves getting them to contemplate their fate under the Briny Deep."

Cap'n Voodoo |

Jim- there's nothing on the rapier in particular that would identify it as a Hell Hound blade, but I suppose there's a small chance a friend of Goyne's might recognize it.
So looks like a whole lot of Intimidation in the party. I suppose a Diplomacy check to Gather Information might result in a lot of broken fingers and drownings unfortunately. Better let Dibbets do the talking... and let me know when you are ready to head to the Eastern District.

Cap'n Voodoo |

You easily find your way back through the Eastern District passing near the Field of Honor now filled with colorful stalls and wagons selling a wide variety of necessities and gewgaws. The smell of street food beckons and there is a wide assortment of vendors with shark-on-a-stick, sausages, and various packages of fried things. Once you reach the now familiar narrow street on the border of Drac’s End you find a number of locals out gossiping about the eventful night before. A couple of Watch members still stand outside the building directing folks away to little effect.
Fortunately, no coercion is required to get more information as everyone seems to be in a fine mood to share their theories and opinions on recent events.
“She was a WITCH! I’m not surprised at all that she was consorting with vampires. Her so called treatments included turning people into bats and letting them feed on you!”
“She might have been a witch, but not the bad sort. She never did no harm. In fact, she did wonders for my phlebitis.”
“She was a saint, I say. Took in that wretch of a nephew Beedle after Letty died. You know he tried to poison her. She should have handed him over to the Watch, but no, she even gave him some money when she turned him out. Lot of good that did the little snake!”
“Aye, she was a witch. She would slip off her skin and take the form of a big black bird flying around spying on people. I suspect she hexed folks first and made’em sick so they’d have to come to her for treatments!”
Give me a diplomacy check if you want find out anything more specific.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

As they wind through the streets Kaul will flip a food vendor a couple of pennies for some boiled sausages that he calls "Drowned Man's Fingers" and sets about them like a hungry shark...
Upon hearing some of the anecdotes Kaul chuckles "...so we's lookin' fer a big black bird? Hur-hur-hur... whatever yer drinkin' mate can I have some? Hur-hur-hur!"
He nods hearing about the phlebitis... "Pity she's gone... I gots some fleabites too..." How looks quizzically at the rest of the crew... "Hey lads...Maybes there was some fleabites cream in the bag Beedle nabbed... Bet that was it!"

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

Jim will likewise pick up something to eat and drink on the way. "Kaul, I'm amazed a flea would dare to bite you. The stirges were smart enough not to. Say, now I wonder if she didn't keep those things herself. Some of these charlatan medicine men use leeches for cures; why shouldn't she use ones that fly?"
He shudders slightly. "Even if she weren't gone, I don't think I'd like to go to her for, um, treatment."

the Groom |

the Groom will locate a strip of grilled octopus tentacle on a skewer. It is tough and rubbery, but the Groom seems to relish it.
Seeing the others' looks, "I like to get a bite in against what bit me." As he waggles the ragged stump of his ring finger.

Cap'n Voodoo |

No training necessary for Diplomacy.
The crew eventually attracts the attention of the seedier residents of the neighborhood including one fellow with a lazy eye and tell-tale red stains on his teeth. He apparently mistakes Dibbets’ sack of weeds for something more illicit, but despite his disappointment seems to enjoy the odd halfling’s company.
“Fat red man? That doesn’t narrow things down much. Ah, but Beedle, that piece of s**$ owes me six skulls! He used to live around here, but spent most of his time scoring flayleaf and robbing drunks down on the Docks. Last I heard he owed Finn some money and was hiding out in Scurvytown. I don’t know how long an idiot like that’ll last in Scurvytown. Might be on Dreaming Street or the waterfront. He’d probably last longer on the waterfront. If you see the bastard, don’t forget to remind him Purdis wants his money!”
As the afternoon passes, the loud and heavily scarred and tattooed half-orc seems to be attracting more suspicious looks from the locals.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Kaul warily leers back at a few of the locals and grumbles to his companions;
"Lads... didn't me privvy sheet say sumin about the Vampire lord avin a Bloodsalter as a servant... reckon this lot think that's me... tides turnin boys... reckons we should be on our way... sniff out that turd Beedle..."
He scrunches his scarred face and passes wind that would do a foghorn proud...
...speakin o'turds that'll be the Drowned Man's Fingers gettin ready to set sail...hur-hur-hur!

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

Jim starts to smile, then turns it into a cough, covering his mouth with one hand. "I'm with you, Kaul. Time to be on our way...this place might not be too healthy after dark. *cough, cough* Start at the waterfront?"

Cap'n Voodoo |

Not wanting to cause too much of a stink (oops, too late), the crew plans to vacate the Eastern District and follow the lead on Beedle being in Scurvytown.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

As they make their way to Scurvytown, Kaul will lean into Dibbs and mutter the following:
"Hoi Dibbs... Scurvytown ain't too welcoming the less human ye are... best we keep an eye or four out fer gangs and bravos who fancy tryin their luck with me, you an Bess..."
At an opportune moment Kaul will either nip into a building likely to have a privvy or duck into an quiet alley to commune with nature...
When he returns the thug has a spring in his step and menace in his amber eyes;
"Aye feeling better after unloading THAT cargo... hur-hur. Been over long since I hit somethin'... WAY over long... Now let's get to business eh lads an' put the hurt on Beedle or anyone else who crosses our prow..."
He stalks on, fingers flexing and eyes narrowed...

Cap'n Voodoo |

On the way to the waterfront, Kaul ducks into the Black Gull to lighten his load. It’s still pretty quiet as things don’t really pick-up until last Dog Watch. Currently, only a couple of retired pirates are drinking and one upping each other with tales of the exploits of their glory days. Buster hasn’t shown up yet so Kaul takes care of his business and rejoins the others.
The rambling mansion of the Star of the Sea and its black veiled widows and orphans signals the shift from the vibrant cacophony of the Docks with the constant coming and goings of sailors, merchants, and travelers to the slatternly and glowering reclusiveness of Scurvytown. The stink of rotting fish and other waste intensifies and you have to dodge beggars and puddles filled with unidentified trash to make your way to the low warehouses of the Fishery.
At least the Captain's Council has made it a priority to keep the Fish Market clean and orderly since the time of the original Drac. Shoppers from around town peruse the seafood displayed on trays of ice as workers gut fish and toss the offal into chutes that end in the murky water and ominous shark fins of the harbor.