GM Gangsta Kingpin |

A few things about this campaign:
(Some copied from the goblins thread)
Pretty much RAW. If it's in any shiny hardcover book with "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" at the top, and the words "Ultimate," "Guide," or "Rulebook" at the bottom, it's probably okay to use here.
Other sources may be permitted on a test-case basis. I reserve the right to change things I don't like, but I'll discuss it with you first, and try to reach a solution that works for everyone.
I'm not using a published adventure. This is completely pulled out of my @$$, so comments, criticisms and suggestions are welcomed.
GM Goblin King's style of play:
As you may know, I roll real dice right here by the computer. I just like it that way. It lets me have more conversational, flowing posts if they're not punctuated with a lot of dice brackets and such. I do make critically important rolls ("This could kill Sidoze!") with the dice roller, just so you know I really am being impartial.
You can expect to level up very quickly, probably faster than the fast xp track, until we're around 6th or 7th level. Then, it'll be normal fast progression. I'm eager to see what higher-level gangster play will be like, and we've all played low levels more than any others...
PCs: (just so it's here in one spot)
3rd level, 25 pt. buy, 2 traits, at least one level must be in Rogue, with 4 ranks in stealth, and at least one in Bluff, Knowledge (local), and Sleight of Hand.
The arcane trickster and duelist prestige classes have been souped up to make them more powerful and fun to play. I'd encourage you to look at the changes and imagine the possibilities. You don't have to, though. Your characters are yours to build as you like, other than the above requirements.
Gameplay will start on or near Jan. 2. We have time to talk.
You can use this thread to discuss ideas and synergize your gang. I'll post more information as we get settled in, so grab a snifter of Varisian brandy, have a bowl of Jalmerayan pipeweed, and join us in plotting your ruthless and bloody ascent to power.

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

Character pages:
I want them to look like THIS.
I know many of you have Herolab, but I don't. I often have to look up a character's info, so a uniform format makes it easier for me. Flori is another character whose campaign died immediately, but I like how she's formatted with spoilers and easy-to-find info with everything about her nicely organized.
It takes a while to set it up, but leveling, adding treasure, etc., is fast for you to do and fast for me to find. Just today I leveled up a PbP character, and it only took a few minutes with that format.

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

The Numbers:
Hit points: PFS average. You get full hp at 1st level, then average +1/2 for every subsequent level. d6=4, d8=5, d10=6, d12=7, before adjustments.
BAB: You get fractional BAB. Poor = .5/level, Medium = .75/level, Good = 1/level. This is always rounded down to a whole number.
A rogue 1/ cleric 2 would have .75 x 3= 2.25, rounded down to 2. This works to his advantage, because with the regular BAB, his bonus would only be +1.

Raventhorn |

I would like to clarify I was not planning on being a necromancer so if thats what your worried about I wasnt even going to go there, it was more about the using of the spells to decrease enemies to be on par with Sidoze, "You look really strong i dont think I could take you on." Blast with enfeeblement ray "there we go much better" and If my posts annoy you let me know and I will cut back
Ok first things first how do you want us to organize? do we know each other well or barely run into each other before? or something in between

Grigori Hammerhands |

Ready for orders.
Anyone who wants to know Grigori can, he's more partial to people who can pay him for what he does, so if he say worked for one of the others in the past it'd help tie him in. Otherwise he's just the big scary guy with a scar on his face.
Really anything is fine, I like my role and I am really psyched for this character and this game.

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

** spoiler omitted **
Ok first things first how do you want us to organize? do we know each other well or barely run into each other before? or something in between
With the holidays coming up, many of us will be busy, so I wanted to give everyone lots of time to confer, check out the group dynamic, and even suggest possible ways to go. We can jump around a bit as far as backgrounds, where you're from, and maybe have a little interaction before you're all at the same place at the same time when we start the game.
We could start with how gangs are organized, and we've already got a resident expert (Kheldor) with some knowledge of that sort of thing. It's an interesting subject in itself. What would a criminal organization look like in Absalom? I have some ideas, but a little input from all of you would make it cooler, I think.

Andrezi Zeldana |

Ok, looks like Andrezi is ready to go and in the DM's preferred format.
First for Sidoze: Absalom
Looking at Grigori's background (and Sidoze's for that matter), it could be safe to say that he and Andrezi know each other as they both are coming from an orphan street urchin type background. (Maybe they even knew each other as kids on the street?)

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

OK. Here ya go! It's a pretty nice start to get familiar with the city. I like it a lot.
Edit: Hey, Andrezi, I said no ninjas!

garabbott |

Checking in as requested. If you end up needing another player sooner rather than later, I might reconsider my original character concept, especially if there is going to be another sorcerer ;)
A few quick ideas you guys might want to consider:
- Gang's name.
- Gang's specialty (weapons, drugs, people, assassinations, smuggling, etc.)
- Gang's origins, were the PC's the founders? Is it a young gang, old gang, recently-remodeled gang?

"Quill" |

Quill, Meowzebub's cleric/rogue checking in. I need to fix the formatting and add the background.
She will be street-tough who survived by her wits. She sought an advantage that would keep her safe on the streets. It led to a pledge to a shadowy shrine she came across while hiding from a gang of assailants. She has since carved a spot on the streets. She has an amazing memory that has made her indispensable to higher ups. She is actively working on mapping the city with an eye for territory, businesses, and safehouses.

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

So far, I like what I see. Interesting, unique characters, and since they've got levels, some sad and/or sordid pasts and rather naked desires. If you think about it and decide to change a few things before we start play, feel free to do so. That's not to say I think you should, but if you decide to switch a few stats around, or an item or something before we start, you don't need permission.
I've been looking at gang organization schemes and charters, oaths, and all that. Not settled on anything, yet. Just thinking about it.
Perhaps some of you are in an established gang and some aren't. All we need is some backstory events that bring you all to the same place with the idea to work together. Yes, that's really my job, but details about histories and such are helpful to get the ball rolling and flesh things out. I've got on a deadline, here! LOL
Just missing one, now.

Grigori Hammerhands |

I suppose the order of business for Grigori to place himwhere the others would be is who would maybe want to be his employer or the person he acts as an enforcer or bodyguard to? His character progression in feats are all orientated around roleplay, such as Bodyguard, Catch Off Guard, Throw Anything, and stuff like that which fleshes him out more than giving him special abilities or attacks.
Suffice to say, Grigori wouldn't be there without someone who 'hired' him on and the payment has alread been taken care of, using the starting wealth as that gold.

Sidoze |

I had an idea for how we could meet, looking at andrezi's post earlier since me, grigori couldve recognized how we are al slight outcasts from the gangs and decided to band together in order to survive thus a beginning of a gang. I havent read anyone's backstory and I dont tend to cause no way my character would know any of it lol
anyways if anyone else was sort of an orphan or was shunned excluding "quill" (that picture is so odd lol sorry) since she was saying she has worked for other gangs as a.....accountant? (sorry) could be plausible way for us to at least start
what does everyone think is another big issue to talk about?

Sidoze |

Wanted to ask how you think we could go about making contacts throught the city, what I was thinking was to use the kid gangs, like rolling a couple diplomacy, know local to pay the kids some silver to always keep Sidoze informed on things knowing he would pay them for the information and knowing they would report it to other gangs as well but sidoze pays well to be informed first. What ya think?
Also looking at the map of the city Gm which district would be better to be operating in, I was thinking that since the Puddles seems to have a few thieves guilds already established there we would maybe make on in the Precipice Quarter
Guys and gal thoughts?

Kheldor |

some suggestions:
The gang should use the organization system found with the Faction Guide/Inner Sea Magic. It makes all of us, as well as the missions and work we do matter much more.
I think we should start out as part of a larger gang, doing minor assignments and jobs, and either work our way up to being the specialist team called on to handle the important jobs, or eventually make a power play to take over the gang for ourselves.
Being a part of a larger group gives us structure, and a system to work with. While it might be fun to be a rebel gang of up and comers, I think that way loses much of the point of being a gang. We don't have higher-ups to answer to, sure, but we also don't have the knowledge that we could, if needed, rely on our entire gang to come down on any problem.
While that might seem a little silly as we're supposed to be the "heroes" here, knowing that you have hundreds if not thousands of allies to back you up gives you a certain sense of empowerment along with entitlement that I personally is an incredibly key aspect of the proper atmosphere of an organized crime game.

Sidoze |

If we went with Kheldor's idea then would be very simple for everyone to meet and have a reason to socialize with each-other
And yes just so you know Sidoze would be voting on the power play option hehe
If not I humbly offer the Night Runners as a simple gang name just popped into my head but thought id throw it out there so we have something to work with on gang name if that's on us
Any other thoughts Keldor?

"Quill" |

anyways if anyone else was sort of an orphan or was shunned excluding "quill" (that picture is so odd lol sorry) since she was saying she has worked for other gangs as a.....accountant? (sorry) could be plausible way for us to at least start
That is sort of exactly how I see Quill, a deadly recordkeeper. I purposefully chose a bookish looking Avatar. She needed to do something to keep herself out of the whorehouses as a young girl on the streets. She made a deal with Norgorber to get the power to remain free and eventually ascend over those that sought to prey upon her. She carries the Deceit and Memory Domains as his gifts.
So yeah, she could "keep the books", but a lot of its in her head. Which could make her valuable to her boss, or perhaps she knows too much and be forced to flee, or have to flee due to being a target by other gangs. She could look up fellow street orphans for protection.
Oh, and the innocent bookish appearance is just that, her appearance. As a secret disciple of Norgorber she can bring the pain. She is good for intel missions and mission planning and can patch up the wounded. She is not a healbot as she channels negative energy, so you don't want to get her angry. Lastly a master of bluff and disguise, look, she already has you off guard based on her appearance. :-)

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

I forgot to list the feat.
There's one feat specific to this campaign:
Full Fighting: With all your diverse training in the many skills you learned as a rogue, your strongest talent in adventuring is still giving your foes a good fight. If you have at least 2 levels of a full BAB class (such as fighter) you may add .25 to your base attack bonus. A rogue 1/ fighter 2 could, at 3rd level, add .25 to her BAB, raising it from 2.75 to 3.
Grigori could take it, or anyone with 2 levels of a full bab class. It's a one-time deal.

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

GM Gangsta Kingpin,
If a slot opens up I would like to be considered. I can submit a character concept if you'd like or wait for an opening and then submit one.
OK. You're next in line after garabbott. It's probably easier to wait for now, but if you have an idea you want to play with anyway, post 'er up. Can't hurt.

Sidoze |

@ Jin I think we were probably going for being part of a larger gang and later on maybe break off on our own (I know Sidoze will be talking to others gaining their loyalty maybe make a powerplay)
I think its three cause you cant have 4 ranks in anything at level 3
when it comes to who is leader I think its hard for players to say oh my chracter is leader, ran into that problem with real life game for kingmaker, but occ knowledge Sidoze is planning on being a leader of his own gang or just taking over the one we are already in if we go with that angle
guess we shall see what the gm has planned for us lol
oh Jin have you made a profile for your character yet? make sure you pic a picture helps ;0

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

I have a few questions are we starting our own organization joining another one? If creating our own who will be our leader? With the stealth rank requisite is it three or four cause its changed from the recruitment thread?
Sorry. Typo. You can only have 3!
We've yet to decide. I wanted a little input on player preferences. So far it looks like you'll be part of a larger gang, but not everybody's weighed in. I just wanted a little space to discuss things before I hit you with organizational details and challenges suitable for a gang of 6 CR 3 characters the first day, only to have it not matter 2 pages in.
I still like the idea of gang rejects or street urchin refugees banding together to establish their own thing, too. Both ideas have their charms.
If we get that settled, we could discuss gang rules; the difference here being the rules of the gang you're in, or the rules you make for yourselves.

Andrezi Zeldana |

While starting out as part of a larger gang would be easier, I think starting off on our own and trying to rise to power is a more compelling story.
So witg that said, my vote is for banding together/forming our own gang.

Kheldor |

Yup, larger gang for me.
I would much rather this be a mafiso style game than a crips/bloods gang banger game. I'll still play no matter what, just lettin you all know feelings.
Its all good thoug,h no reason why I can't make my own deals with a bigger organization and subsume our little ragtag band of punks into a far prestigious gang, if you all so choose to go against me.
Never take sides against the family.

"Quill" |

Vote for a new gang too, but could be perfectly happy in a larger gang. But I think there at least should be some prior gang experience both good or bad to sort of flesh out contacts and rivals for those characters that want it. i.e. are you looking to move up, looking to lie low, new and looking to carve a piece, tired/scared of working alone, etc....

Andrezi Zeldana |

Yup, larger gang for me.
I would much rather this be a mafiso style game than a crips/bloods gang banger game. I'll still play no matter what, just lettin you all know feelings.
I'm not sure that a smaller gang really implies crips/bloods gang banger stuff.
My thought train was more along the lines of a small gang that eventually grows into one of the larger more prestigious gangs. I think you can still do the mafioso style game that way.

Sidoze |

Perhaps Kheldor the gm could create an angle for you say that a larger gang or organization sent you to join us and make sure we pose no major threat to their power? I dunno was driving and thought about that for you
Quill I can definitely see Sidoze hearing of you be ousted by a larger gang seeking you out and wanting to help you in exchange for information

Sidoze |

Running Vote
Im having a hard time deciding it sort of makes more sense for Sidoze to have helped form a new gang sense others gangs rejected in his earlier childhood but having the backing of a larger gang helps establish credentials as well as being able to hide behind the shadows of the gang leader
Ill wait for Jin to throw in his/her vote

"Quill" |

We could also play it that we work a few missions in a bigger gang before the opportunity arises that we split off, or survive a downsizing/gang hit, or get a burn notice, or find the perfect opportunity to set up a new operation.
Either way, Quill will have worked for a big gang, its just a matter of - is she still on speaking terms with them?

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

It's quite possible to have done some work for a local gang, but never joined it officially. All the gang organizations have hangers-on, whether they're called associates, wanna-bes, prospects, or shatei, or a hundred other things.
Street gangs are custom-made to attract unguided youth with no real prospects. They're loosely organized, except at the top, and attrition changes things frequently. Organized gangs like the mafia have a more rigid family-business way of doing things. You won't outrank the boss's son, and killing him won't get you closer to being the boss (unless maybe you're his other son).
If it were me, I'd do it biker style. They have chapters, which all pay homage to the original. That would work for the districts, each of which is bigger than most cities in Golarion. You start in one, branch out to others, and force out the competition. I also like the chapter structure for this sort of game: Pres, VP, Sergeant-at-arms, etc.
As for the kind of crime you do, there's a lot to choose from. With a geisha in the group, I can think of at least one.
Just putting it out there. I won't vote on this except to break a tie, but I like the idea of starting your own thing. Creating your own charter, rules, rituals, who does what, who gets what, etc., could be a lot of fun.

Sidoze |

I think I will have to vote on creating our own gang which just works better for my characters personality lol so vote stands at
Larger: I
That said I think we can move on to other formalities, GM are we starting with us just barely forming this group or a couple of days/months into it?
I only ask cause with the latter we can set out our rules for the gang now or in the first option we discuss it in gameplay
hehe just excited to play this game

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

It would be cool to start out already formed. You could take this time to set up your organization. You'd be the "O.G.s;" founding members of what may become the most notorious gang in the history of Golarion!
Or, maybe not...
You could draft and ratify a charter, elect officers, decide on initiation rites, penalties for "violations," come up with a name, ideas for insignia, and a zillion other things.
Once we start, you'll have to establish yourselves as a force to be reckoned with. There are lots of criminal elements who like things just the way they are, and aren't going to give up their income streams without a fight.
A cool way to start would be at the secret meeting in which you have just ratified the charter (or whatever you decide to call it), and begin planning your first forays into dominating the neighborhood, getting recruits, pushing out the existing protection rackets and setting up your own, etc.
I'd love to see what you'd all come up with. I'll be giving you some details about local gangs and such pretty soon, so you can maybe incorporate some of that into your backstories.
Also, if someone could put up a site of some sort about the gang once it starts, or post s journal, that would be sweet, too. I realize that not everyone has the time or inclination to do that, but if it floats your boat, it would be great.
If you look at this page, you'll see that all I have is short chapter descriptions, and the characters are only briefly mentioned. They're just goblins, though. They're great characters, but this adventure is more humanocentric, and has characters who know how to read and write. LOL

Sidoze |

There is a site Obsidian portal if that would help using it a little for a different campaign im in (has pretty much died though) but wondering if that is what you meant.
Well if we all wanted to we could rp some thus the secret meeting oh look the title of the room hehe anyways would everyone want to do that and start setting ourselves up? kinda wonering where jinchi is though

Sidoze |

Hey gm if you go onto the site I gave you above you would need to create the actual campaign cause it will say im the gm of it lol but in there there are a bunch of tools once its all set up like journals blogs and such anyway that was just a clumsy attempt but if someone else has a better site I would be willing to go to it since I have no idea actually how obsidian portal operates lol game ended to quick to understand it

Kheldor |

How much leeway are we going to have regarding being established criminals already? I would like to have it so, at least in maybe a small are, that I am a known and feared, yet respected person, much like the Mafia during its height. Sure, they did bad things to people, but those they protected were almost part of the family, and felt far safer with the Italians around.
ok, so ideas for our little gang:
1) Is there anything we hold as off limits? The Red Mantises refuse contracts on rightly established kings and the Italian Mafia for the longest time refused to deal in drugs.
2) We should each lay out exactly what our chosen specialties are, so that this way we can not only plan and adventure accordingly, like a normal PC group, but also recruit accordingly.
3) Which brings me to recruitment: Is there any restrictions on who, what and where we recruit from? Personally, especially with a girl in the group already, I would like to not be gender biased. Any other restrictions are fine, but if you feel the need to not let in a certain group, explain it.
Also, I would suggest we do have at least a few limitations, though perhaps general and broad at first. When we grow in power, size and prominence, we can enforce stricter policies on recruitment if we so desire.
This is a good start, along with what Kingpin posted above.

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

How much leeway are we going to have regarding being established criminals already? I would like to have it so, at least in maybe a small are, that I am a known and feared, yet respected person, much like the Mafia during its height. Sure, they did bad things to people, but those they protected were almost part of the family, and felt far safer with the Italians around.
You have 3 levels in PC classes. Considering that most people in Absalom have few, if any levels in adventuring classes, it's safe to say you already had an interesting history before you got here.
That goes for all of you. We're starting at 3rd, but your characters started at 1st. 3300 xp means you've been around a bit before you got here, and you've done some adventuring, one way or another.
I read the whole post, and I will answer it all later.

Sidoze |

lol so much promise for later RP hehehehe
though I would like to say I dont see us as being hitmen, thats something that would tread on assassin guild territory not something me as a player or Sidoze as a character would want.
Sidoze plans, and lays out how things should run and anything that doesnt go according to plan on his peoples side, he meets it with viciousness maybe not outright but lets just say he is vindictive leave it at that
Again though some of this I think needs to be expressed through rp maybe general outlines can be done here but needs to have the chracters immersed in it to make it feel real lol anyways shuting up now I swear. Hitting the sack.

GM Gangsta Kingpin |

ok, so ideas for our little gang:
1) Is there anything we hold as off limits? The Red Mantises refuse contracts on rightly established kings and the Italian Mafia for the longest time refused to deal in drugs.
You would probably have some taboos. Maybe you don't like slavery. Or, maybe, you love it, and make money catching escaped ones. You may have rules about not hurting kids, or kidnapping, etc.
2) We should each lay out exactly what our chosen specialties are, so that this way we can not only plan and adventure accordingly, like a normal PC group, but also recruit accordingly.
Good idea. I'll have more on recruiting later.
3) Which brings me to recruitment: Is there any restrictions on who, what and where we recruit from? Personally, especially with a girl in the group already, I would like to not be gender biased. Any other restrictions are fine, but if you feel the need to not let in a certain group, explain it.
This is a fantasy world where females can start with a 20 strength. Sure, they can be in a gang. As far as races and such, you can do as you like. There are race-based thieves' guilds, ethnic guilds, etc. Others are open to anyone who can prove themselves.
Also, I would suggest we do have at least a few limitations, though perhaps general and broad at first. When we grow in power, size and prominence, we can enforce stricter policies on recruitment if we so desire.
This is a good start, along with what Kingpin posted above.
I'll get into more detail about the many trade guilds, houses, shops, and all that as we go along. I would definitely start small, and build up control of an area before trying to expand too quickly. There are lots of fingers in lots of pies, and they won't go running scared just because some upstarts think they're going to take over Absalom in a day.
This is a bad time for most people to be buying themselves gifts, but if you can afford it, Guide to Absalom will give you a good idea of the general flavor of the city. It's a very good overview, considering that it's only 60 pages, and would save me a lot of 'splainin'.
So, any ideas you all have will only help me make it more fun. I expect at least one post daily, once we begin, weekends optional but encouraged. Big groups move slowly, even with good participation.

Grigori Hammerhands |

1) Is there anything we hold as off limits? The Red Mantises refuse contracts on rightly established kings and the Italian Mafia for the longest time refused to deal in drugs.
I will lay out personal rules, I will not kidnap or have anything to do with involvement of children. Or slavery, stick to other things, such as extortion and such. Children and Slavery out for me.
2) We should each lay out exactly what our chosen specialties are, so that this way we can not only plan and adventure accordingly, like a normal PC group, but also recruit accordingly.
Specialiteis as in what Comrade? I specialize in bodyguard details and hitting people, also Intimidation.
3) Which brings me to recruitment: Is there any restrictions on who, what and where we recruit from? Personally, especially with a girl in the group already, I would like to not be gender biased. Any other restrictions are fine, but if you feel the need to not let in a certain group, explain it.
I am fine working with whoever as long as they don't try to replace Grigori. Or cause trouble for us, otherwise they may find fist in face sooner than they'd like. Woman, Man, does not matter to Grigori who he works with, but no kids. Contacts only, not involving the little ones in business.
Any other business, Grigori is ready to listen. I just handle grunt work and tough jobs where people need lesson.