Cap'n Voodoo's Freebooter PBP

Game Master voodoo chili

est. 2011
PF6 Fun and Plunder in Green Ronin's Freeport, around the Shackles, and Beyond

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Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Was thinking the Groom would be mighty handy in this - claiming this addict as one for the Drowner etc...

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

the Groom rises from his chair.

Hold! This one bears witness to a message from my Mistress, Queen Besmara. Come lowly prophet."

the Groom makes a beckoning gesture and a wave raises up through the floor boards and pulls Feren closer.

Surge domain power for a Pull effect vs Feren's Flatfooted CMD. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

That should be sufficient, if not Voodoo please ret-con this.

The wave recedes back through the floor boards as the Groom hand comes down on Feren's chair to stop its sliding.

Leaning over Feren. "Come. You have a believer in me. Your message is not not meant for the ears in this room."

To the proprietor, "Forgive the disturbance. We will see this lowly sinner is accounted for in the Queen's ledger."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

If anyone means to interfere, "I said this is the Queen's business, unless you have something you would like to bring to the attention of the Drowner."
Diplomacy 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

There is a collective gasp as the sea suddenly rises through the gaps in the ill fitted floorboards and Feren is washed forward and deposited directly in front of the Groom. As the sea pours back through the battered floor, the Groom’s threat causes the inn’s patrons to back quickly away leaving only Dagrit unconvinced.

”Who are you and what business of yours is this?” she demands.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

You don't want his tale in your tavern. I seek to remove him from your tavern....Peaceably.

The tales of Drowned men are hard on dry ears. But having drowned once myself, I have learned to listen when my Queen sends one back. You see, I am kind of wedded to Her whims." He holds up his hand showing the missing ring finger. "I am known to some as the Groom."

He places some coins on the table as he hauls Feren to his feet."For your trouble Ma'am." He reaches up to tip the brim of his hat and a trickle of water splatters to the floor.

Dagrit looks around nervously and whispers to the Groom, ”So you have some experience dealing with ghosts?”
She sizes up the crew with her sharp blue eyes and seems to reach a decision. ”You are right, I don’t care to spook my customers with this fool’s blathering, but I might have a proposal for you if you care to step into my office.”

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17
the Groom wrote:

You don't want his tale in your tavern. I seek to remove him from your tavern....Peaceably.

The tales of Drowned men are hard on dry ears. But having drowned once myself, I have learned to listen when my Queen sends one back. You see, I am kind of wedded to Her whims." He holds up his hand showing the missing ring finger. "I am known to some as the Groom."

He places some coins on the table as he hauls Feren to his feet."For your trouble Ma'am." He reaches up to tip the brim of his hat and a trickle of water splatters to the floor.

Dingus is a weird dude, but The Groom even freaks me out a bit. Kudos on the descriptions...

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

"Kaul, can you keep this one on the hook a while longer till we get outside? I will hear this out." He will make to follow Dragit and look to see if any of his companions follow.

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

Dingus picks up his heavy sack of snake, blood starting to ooze from it a bit and shuffles to follow. "Wouldn't miss this for anything", he dryly rasps.

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim says, "I'll stay out here with Keelhaul." He looks around the room at the regulars, smiling slightly. No threatening moves, just standing at ease.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.
Dingus Mack wrote:

Dingus is a weird dude, but The Groom even freaks me out a bit. Kudos on the descriptions...

Thanks! the Groom is pure inspiration. I never had thought about a character like him. I wasn't even going to enter a character when I saw this recruitment. But then he sort of formed in the back of my mind and I had to tell his tale.....and I mean had to.

I am thinking of punching up his backstory into a piece of short fiction for Pathfinder Magazine or the upcoming short fiction contest.

In the office: Dagrit leads you to a small functional office and closes the door securely behind you. She smiles at you displaying the few teeth she has left. ” Well, as I’m sure you can see, most of my regulars are pretty down on their luck. On the one hand, I don’t mind them drowning their sorrows in a little drink, but I don’t need them thinking about drowning themselves. Therefore, well, Feren isn’t the first to mention seeing spirits in the water recently and that’s bad for business. So I’d like to hire someone to take care of this ghost problem quickly and discretely, if you get my meaning.”

In the bar: The regulars seem a little disappointed at being deprived of a dunking, but with some muttering and dark glances at Feren go back to their drinking.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

"Are the ghosts here at your establishment, or at the docks in general, as Feren is seeming to claim? We are investigating a separate matter at the moment, but for a quick and discreet price we can look into the spectral problem."

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbets stays out in the tavern proper with Kaul and Jim. He pokes Feren with his staff "Oi, now that we's saved ye from an ass-whippin, mebbe ye'll be a bit more forthcomin on the half-orc flay pusher." before looking at him expectantly.

Well played Groom, well played

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

While Dibbets talks to Feren, Jim waves the barmaid over, holding up a few coins. "A round for the house, so's they won't miss the dunking so much."

well Hell, I never realized discreet was a discrete word. Thanks, grammar man : )

Dagrit nods, ”There is space between this pier and the sea below- about ten feet at most high tides. Just enough room for a hanging camp made of scrap wood and ropes. Since no sane captain would tie his ship up to this rickety old dock, there’s no one to chase squatters away. A number of desperate people that have fled Scurvytown and can’t find a place to stay at the Docks live between the tides below the inn. Some of my customers spend time down there as well and they are the ones that talk about ghosts. I can certainly give you room and board if you can take care of this. Only say nothing about what you are doing.” Glancing at Dingus’ sack, she asks, ”What is with the sack?”

Feren looks around anxiously and relents. ”OK, I been told he lives on a boat at the docks in front of Eddies. You know, next pier over. He sometimes comes around here to deal, but I haven’t seen him in a couple days.” Glancing at Dibbets’ sack, he asks, ”What’s with the sack?”

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17
Cap'n Voodoo wrote:

well Hell, I never realized discreet was a discrete word. Thanks, grammar man : )

Dagrit nods, ”There is space between this pier and the sea below- about ten feet at most high tides. Just enough room for a hanging camp made of scrap wood and ropes. Since no sane captain would tie his ship up to this rickety old dock, there’s no one to chase squatters away. A number of desperate people that have fled Scurvytown and can’t find a place to stay at the Docks live between the tides below the inn. Some of my customers spend time down there as well and they are the ones that talk about ghosts. I can certainly give you room and board if you can take care of this. Only say nothing about what you are doing.” Glancing at Dingus’ sack, she asks, ”What is with the sack?”

Feren looks around anxiously and relents. ”OK, I been told he lives on a boat at the docks in front of Eddies. You know, next pier over. He sometimes comes around here to deal, but I haven’t seen him in a couple days.” Glancing at Dibbets’ sack, he asks, ”What’s with the sack?”

"Why it's got an almost dead, deadly poisonous snake in it". "Do you want to see"?

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6
Cap'n Voodoo wrote:
Feren looks around anxiously and relents. ”OK, I been told he lives on a boat at the docks in front of Eddies. You know, next pier over. He sometimes comes around here to deal, but I haven’t seen him in a couple days.” Glancing at Dibbets’ sack, he asks, ”What’s with the sack?”

Dibbets flips the sail in Feren's direction "Now that werent so hard were it, appreciate the pointing. An the sack's contents is between me an Mr Flay." with that he stumps back to his own table. "Now where's me tucker?"

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

@Gtoom: Kudos on the character and descriptions are well deserved my friend, as you know I much admire both the Groom and Brambleknight [another vivid character from a sister pbp] - totally agree with the fiction idea... as long as his crew get an honourable mention lol.

Kaul silently lurks behind Feren; beady eyes shifting from the man spilling his guts, to those who might want theirs spilt, to the kitchen doors so he can fill his:

Perception:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

If anyone looks like their getting antsy about a dunking, Kaul will crack his bull neck loudly, smile like a hungry Mako and slide on his brass knucks:

Intimidate 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

@Groom: apologies for Kaul's poor spelling! Don't hit me with a briney curse!!

Just waiting on Ga-toom (Gtomb)'s response before rolling on, but let me just say I really appreciate everyone creating very memorable and fun characters. Yaarr!

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6
Cap'n Voodoo wrote:
Just waiting on Ga-toom (Gtomb)'s response before rolling on, but let me just say I really appreciate everyone creating very memorable and fun characters. Yaarr!

I second Cap'n's statement on the characters. Much fun is being had :)

An that goes for the Cap'n too! Some fine NPCing and vicious bedchambers

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

"Well, that definitely sounds a step up from where we spent the night last night. We will talk it over and be back tonight. Like I said, there is one other matter that needs our attention, then we can get started on your spirits."

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

When I read the Groom's background I thought, "I'm about to go adventuring with a Tim Powers protagonist*. This will not end well for me, but it'll be entertaining." And it has been.

*I don't know if you're familiar with him, but he's of the opinion that a proper story starts out with the main character being mutilated or otherwise injured, so the reader will know that the author is serious.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

Ha! Tim Powers in one of my favorite authors, right up there with Dan Simmons. Last night, I just gave a friend, On Stranger Tides, and told her to read it before seeing how butchered it might be in the new Pirates 4 movie.

Speaking of hand mutilation...I love the scene in Stress of Her Regard..with the know of what I speak. ;-)

Oy, we got an OOC thread...somewhere : )

"Fair enough," Dagrit agrees. She then looks from Dingus to the Groom. ”Snake? He’s kidding right?”


Jim gets a couple of appreciative whistles as the barmaid hurries to fill mugs. The blonde finally returns with plates of crab and onion and lays them on the table in front of Dibbets with a stiff smile. Amidst all the hubbub a lone half-orc enters the Broken Mug unnoticed by all except Feren who suddenly shouts, "Hey, there's Slick now." The furtive half-orc catches Jim's eye and jumps back out the front door.

Shall we have a merry chase?

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

That depends on if he can make a reflex save or not.

Dingus rushes to the door, and casts grease on the street in front of the fleeing ugly.

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Sorry 'bout that, Cap'n. Won't happen again. <g>

Jim will give chase if needed. "Come on, Kaul!"

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Bulling through the customers if needbe, Kaul charges after Slick at full pelt...

Rammin' speed hur-hur!

Now settle down Dingus, you're still behind a closed door. Give me a second to post the chase notes in the Muster thread.

Jim nimbly dodges customers and vaults tables to reach the door with Kaul plowing through everything in his way. They burst through the door together and enter the dark and drizzly night. Kaul catches sight of the retreating pusher with his dark vision, but Jim hears only the thudding of boots echoing off the boards ahead.

Dingus and the Groom hear Jim's shout from the main room.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.
Cap'n Voodoo wrote:

"Fair enough," Dagrit agrees. She then looks from Dingus to the Groom. ”Snake? He’s kidding right?”

the Groom leans down to her ear, and in a wet, gargled whisper. "Yeah..he is a bit odd, that one."

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul will piston off (that sounds... wrong on some level...) after the pusher shouting at Jim to follow;

"Hur! This way Jimmer... he's a runner!"

Kaul will try and get closer before contemplating an attack

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim pivots to follow Kaul, straining to see the fleeing half-orc in the dark.

The rickety pier is difficult to run on due to splintered boards and damp conditions. The scuff marks of Slick’s boots show an easier path though.

Part 1: Make either an Acrobatics check DC 14 OR
Perception check DC 15 / DC 20 without light

Decided to do initiative.

Dibbets- 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Keelhaul Kaul- 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Madman Jim- 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Lone half-orc- 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Dingus- 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
The Groom- 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12


Doh, may be a short chase :P
Slick will get a head start for the surprise round, but Kaul and Jim can catch up this round with their checks. Dingus and Groom are still two steps behind, but can catch up if they make a check at DC +5.


Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Acrobatics check:

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Jim sprints down the rickety pier, making it look easy.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

the Groom opens the door and sees his companions running for the door. He steps aside to let Dingus run out, then turns to Dagrit. "If you will excuse us, it seems our previous appointment has arrived and left."

He will reenter the dining hall and approach his table. As Ferun starts to perhaps sneak out of his chair, the Groom's hand will come upon his shoulder to stop him. Bending down to his ear, "Where was it that you saw your spirit in the water?...quietly now...I am right here listening. Then you are free to go...with the Queen's blessing"

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Looking at the half-orc scarper and his mates set off in pursuit, Dibbets knows that he wouldn't be much help in this endeavor with his gnarled and crippled leg. Shrugging his shoulders he looks towards the waitress "Oi, I'm still waitin fer me dinner"

Figure you boys can handle it without me slowing you down

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

Dingus runs out into the night to assist the others. Passing Dibbets along the way he shoves the sack at him. "Hold this"!. "I'll be right back"., then dashes out the door.

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbets leaps back from the sack in shock with a girlish yelp.

Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Luckily moving out of it's way so it lands on the chair he was sitting on. He quickly checks the seal on the sack to make sure it didn't come loose, before sitting down in the chair Kaul vacated staring venemously at the sack.

Will save to resist childish impulses: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Though sorely tempted, Dibbets resists poking the sack with his staff repeatedly to rile the reptile. He instead casts a glance toward the kitchen to see if his food is going to eventually arrive.

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul barrels after Slick, aware of Jim sprinting alongside;

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

The thug mugs his trademark gargoyle grin as the pusher gets ever closer...

The barmaid piles plates full of crab, fried fish and onions in front of Dibbets, ”Are they going to be back? What do you want to dr-EEEK!” The barmaid retreats to the kitchen when the bag starts hissing at her.

Feren collapses back into his chair under the Groom’s grasp as if crushed by the implacable weight of the ocean depths. Gulping loudly he spits out, ”Under the inn! It was under the inn! I drink down there with my buddies sometimes!”

Dingus hears shouts from up the pier as Jim and Kaul easily close on the half-orc climbing down the side of the dock.

J and K, go ahead and take an attack of opportunity. Slick will have concealment from Jim due to low light- 20% miss chance.

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

If I don't get him, Kaul will...might's well try something fancy....

Jim attempts to trip the fleeing half-orc.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Miss chance:
1d100 ⇒ 24
The dice module appears to be on my side today. Not sure what I did, though.

Male Halfling Oracle of Gozreh 6

Dibbets chuckles at the fleeing waitress, before triple double checking the bag seal holds. He then gets elbow deep in crab n onions, eating loudly and occasionally sighing contentedly.

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

Dingus, seeing the others had the situation well in hand carefully picks his way to where the ruckus is going on.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

the Groom takes his hand off of Keren. "Thank you for your assistance." He then walks to the door to see how the chase is going.

Male Half Orc Rogue (Thug) 6+5 | HP -12/70| AC 21/14/NA | F+5, R+9, W+2 | IP 1 | Perc +10 (+11 Freeport), Darkvision 60ft | Init +3 | Move: 30ft. | Status: Bleedin' 3, Rage 2/6 & -4 with Claw arm

Kaul draws his Sap and nails his fellow half orc with an almighty shot:

Sap Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Nonlethal Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Critical Confirmation: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 Oooof! LIGHTS OUT!!!! Can you get critical criticals lol!!!

Nonlethal Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

"Night Slick... hur-hur!"

Kaul and Jim reach the fleeing pusher as he climbs over the edge of the dock. Kaul smacks him nearly senseless with a well placed blow from his sap. Slick teeters for a moment and Jim kicks his arm away causing Slick to tumble off the pier into the water about fifteen feet below. The night is ominously still as you hear no struggle after a loud splash.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Besmara 6+2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/Flat 17/Touch 13 | CMD 17/Flat 14 | F+5, R+5, W+8 | IP 0 | Perc +12 | Init +6 | Move: 20ft.

I thought we were going to question him, not add him the Queen's Ledger.

The Groom moves a bit quicker down the wharf to find out what what those two are up too.

Male Taldan Human Free-Hand Fighter/5 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler/1+5 | AC 22 T 16 FF 17 | HP 42/62 NL0| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +3| Perc +7

Jim looks down into the darkness, then back at Kaul. "Well, bother. Do you want to go in after him, or shall I? If I do you'll have to spot for me."

Male Human Sorcerer 6/4, Cleric 1: HP 33/(44); AC-16/14/12; F+5, R+5, W+5/+4. (Spells:3: 5/0, 2:7/6, 1:7/4) IP-17

Dingus arrives just as the other two complete their 'rock,paper, scissors' routine to see who goes in after the bloke.

"Kaul". "You must keep in mind that not all skulls are as thick as yours". "And Madman...Why did you throw him in the water"?

Kaul is probably a better candidate for search and rescue unless someone wants to light Jim up. Will require swim and perception checks.

over 500 posts. hooray!

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