Bobson |

Half-elf Homeland: 1d100 ⇒ 57 -> Raised in a Human Homeland
Human Homeland: 1d100 ⇒ 13 -> Town or Village (access: Militia Veteran)
Half-elf Parents: 1d100 ⇒ 29 -> Only your father is alive
Half-elf Siblings: 1d100 ⇒ 40 -> No siblings
Circumstance of birth: 1d100 ⇒ 34 -> Lower-class Birth (access: Poverty-Stricken)
Parent's profession: 2d20 ⇒ (12, 4) = 16 -> Serfs/Peasants (access: Poverty-Stricken)
Major childhood event: 1d100 ⇒ 48 -> Troubled First Love (access: Worldly, roll d12 for relationships)
Adolescence and Training
Alchemist Background: 1d100 ⇒ 10 -> Accidental Discovery (access: Alchemical Intuition)
Influential Associates: 1d100 ⇒ 35 -> The Fool (access: Unpredictable)
Moral Conflicts, Relationships, and Drawbacks (Rolling as non-evil)
Conflicts: 1d12 ⇒ 6 -> Negligence (+2 CP)
Conflict subject: 1d20 ⇒ 1 -> Commoner
Conflict motivation: 1d8 ⇒ 1 -> Justice (+1 CP)
I will be in Denial (+1 CP), and put all 4 points into the good-evil track, making me LN.
Deity: Irori (access: Wisdom in the Flesh)
Romantic Relationships: 1d12 ⇒ 1 -> One Significant Relationship
Skipping relationship with fellow adventurers
Character Drawback: 1d100 ⇒ 76 -> Social Acceptance (access: Dependent drawback)
Trait access: Milita Veteran (r), Poverty-stricken (s), Worldly (s), Alchemical Intuition (m), Unpredictable (s), Wisdom in the Flesh (r)

Viscount K |

Of course, this ended up with him having two social traits (Merchant + Tireless Logic) but I'm not sure if the only-one-trait-for-each-category applies when one of those is an extra trait.
I do believe it does. Also, Meticulous is fine by me.
Communist: Urg, stupid text editor. I was gonna say, I know 18 Int is pretty standard for an arcane caster than can afford it, but that does put Angela up at genius levels of smart. Wasn't sure that fit your concept too much, but I suppose it could, and it doesn't bother me as long as you're cool with it, and ready to play it.
Red Velvet: I am more amused than is healthy with the ideas for your thematic spells, including the Delicious bit. Awesome.

Communist |

Viscount K, I'm still cool (geddit, winter witch... no, nevermind) with the concept. Super magical powers girl does job to which she is entirely unsuited! Hilarity ensues!
I just put the UCam generation stuff up on the profile. With mentored and apprenticed on the list, I'm surprised she stood outside long enough to pick up her cold blood.
EDIT: Or I did, then forgot to save it. I'll put it up again soon
Rolled for conflicts. (...and she didn't get enough points to get to chaotic good where she was) No, instead her conflict was failing to help her friend Beth bake a cake for her birthday. Why? Justice, of course! Beth had called Sarah nasty names and Angela would not help until Beth apologised. To this day Angela brings it up as an example of how mean she can be when she sets her mind on something. (Rolling literally the mildest possible conflict. Woo... hoo...)

Eliam Ronwe |

Eliam Ronwe wrote:I do believe it does. Also, Meticulous is fine by me.
Of course, this ended up with him having two social traits (Merchant + Tireless Logic) but I'm not sure if the only-one-trait-for-each-category applies when one of those is an extra trait.
Roger that. Eliam will give up Merchant to take up the Oathbound faith trait (though it's less oath and more being extremely stubborn).

Viscount K |

Just to make sure everyone's clear (for the one day remaining): While you are totally allowed to use the Ultimate Campaign background generator, you are in now way required to do so.
Still, at least in Communist's case - I have to say that I am thoroughly amused by Angela thinking she's mean and really being a big ol' softy.

Viscount K |

Up to you, Jerome. I'm mostly just looking to get the basic flavor behind your character, and maybe a hint of your writing style.
Not any less than this, stolen from DM Jelani:
That's just the vaguest guideline of how much I'm looking for. You don't in any way have to follow that, but it's a pretty good starting place if you're stuck. That or the Ten Minute Background, but if you feel like writing out a full story or something more, that's cool too. So far, the best examples of concisely delivered backstories in this thread have been from Babbles and Winnifred.
Oh, and don't forget, folks,
Recruitment closes tonight at midnight, PST. That's approximately twenty-two hours from the time of this post, in case anyone's wondering.
Any questions I've missed? I want to make sure I'm giving everyone as much feedback as they'd like.

Boros "Babbles" Ironfoot |

Things he always does:
- Get drunk before brokering a big deal.
- Give medical assistance to anyone who asks (within reason)
- Tries to sing louder than the clanging when smithing metal. (he thinks it's a way of showing the metal who is in charge)
Things he'd never do:
- Attack anyone unless it's in self defense (including enemies). He'd prefer to talk through conflict.
- Trust an elf. (there is a story here)
- Let someone drink alone.
His Longterm goals:
- Become wealthy through the sale of the items he creates.
- Forge an item that rivals the most powerful relics.
- Become known more for his smithing ability than his Babbling.
Babbles was a traveling merchant and smith. Although he did hop from caravan to caravan he frequently travelled with a caravan run by an elf named Silnas. Babbles and Silnas were old friends and Babbles considered him a brother. They had fought off everything from monsters to bandits to defend their wares and saved each others lives on more than one occasion. Imagine Babbles surprise and anger when woke up on the side of the road with Silnas nowhere to be seen and all his wares missing. The betrayal cut deep within the normally cheerful dwarf.

R'kellor Stonehammer |

Things he always does
- Make small talk with anyone who comes to The Rundown
- Have drinking contests periodically
- protect Wilbur to the best of his ability
Things he never does
- stay sober all night
- Turn away a customer
- Dance. Jerome. Does. Not. Dance.
Long term goals
- Improve the reputation and livelihood of The Rundown
- Increase his skill with divine magic
- Become famous (It doesn't matter how)

Uta Badaxe |

Things she always does:
- Give drunks in the tavern the bum's rush
- Go for a run every morning, preferably in a forest or woodland.
- Paint during quiet times.
Things she'd never do:
- Harm children, even orc children.
- Trust an orc.
- Let a drunk cause trouble.
Her long term goals:
- Become wealthy through the inn prospering.
- Paint a masterpiece.
- Get married and have children.

Esmee Drimplegatto |

Things she always does:
- Flaunts what she hasn't got, then wonders why patrons aren't panting after her.
- Try's to act mysterious and secretive, particularly when tinkering. (fails a lot)
- Shows up to work 7.2 minutes early without fail.
Things she'd never do:
- Drugs, well not when anyone was looking
- Kiss a goblin, they are definitely too icky.
- Abandon a party member!
Her long term goals:
- Have this inn surpass her uncles shop in Katheer in terms of success. (Though a gnome's idea of success may very greatly from regular people)
- Finally get her bottom pinched by a patron at the bar/inn/tavern.
- Create the perfect Goodberry.

Bobson |

I'm going to have to end up passing on this one after all.
I have an idea for an Alchemist (Bramble Brewer, Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist, Psychonaut) half-elf who believes in better living through chemistry (or alchemy, actually). He'd make a great cook, too. But his mechanics are only about 2/3 done and his personality is still very vague. Neither would be problems if this were Monday, but characters are due tonight and I don't have any more time to work on him today.
So, I shall bow out in favor of someone who was actually able to complete a character within the week. If recruitment re-opens later, please PM me, because I'd still love to get in on it.

Viscount K |

Aaaand Recruitment is closed.
For reference (I should have said this earlier), this just means I'm not taking any brand new submissions. You still have plenty of freedom to work on your characters, if you've already thrown up a concept. I'm looking at you, Bobson.
Now then. Since I'm starting to look at final picks, let's get a quick roll call. Just say something letting me know you're still here and interested, and from those people, we'll see about narrowing it down.

Kommandar Killjoy |

Ima here still as well! You cant get rid of the kobolds that easily!!!
Things he always does
Look for ways of making money
Treat those who are looking politely
Berate, belittle, degrade, curse, cuss, disparage, chide, rebuke and all sorts of not-nice nasties to those around him. Always. In his head at least! He would never say that out loud!
Things he never does
Pass up an opportunity.
Attack someone from the front. He might attack from the back although, with a poisoned dagger.
Betray a teammate who is paying him. At least not without sufficient gain and a big enough bribe... It has happened rarely enough so far. Note. I have no intentions of betraying teammates, that is a sucky, crappy thing to do. IF someone is ok with it, knows about it before hand and wants to do it for role playing reasons, we might work together on something like that, but that is a big if...
Long term goals
Make lots of money. Lots. What he plans on doing with this I havent decided yet... Bribe his old burrow? Buy a town? Make himself numero-one via his wealth? He does have a bit of a superiority complex.
Learn more arcane power. "With great power comes great wealth", or something like that :) It will be quite the shock when he finds out that his power has nothing to do with his own ability, it is all from a divine source :D Of course he might start sucking up to that divine being once he does figure it out ;)
Get rid of his accursed luck! It takes him forever to find anything! His stuff always ends up in odd places, or flying away from him! He figures its got to be gnomes... Could be bad luck, but better blame the gnomes just to be sure...

Viscount K |

Okay, so by my count, we've got:
Eliam Ronwe: Young human wizard whose intelligence and arrogance marks him as a bit of a brat.
Boros "Babbles" Ironfoot: Drunken dwarven merchant and cleric of Torag.
Esmee Drimplegatto: Gnome druid, known for her tinkering and many-flavored goodberries.
Samael Ecsthalion: Prudish human paladin seeking to rebuild Iomedae's shrine.
Uta Badaxe: Tiefling barbarian with a predisposition for boar-stunning, daughter of the former bartender.
Angela Berger: Human witch with a frigid streak.
Jerome Greenberry: Dwarf druid with an ape animal companion.
Invokweek: Kobold oracle seeking his fortune through caravaneering.
Bannock Rabinabick: Gnome rogue, obsessed with making a name for himself as a brewer.
And I think that's everyone who's chimed in. Not much attrition so far, so that's good. I think we have yet to hear from Winnifred McSnee or Poogslurp (man, that name makes me cringe every time), so let's give them until Sunday evening (let's say, 8 PM PST), and then we'll get down to unpleasant process of making some cuts. Sorry guys, you all have good ideas, but I don't think I want to try and run for more than four people. If I get truly stuck making cuts, I'll consider a second game - one focused smaller scale (the tavern/small business and town), the other large (the town and kingdom). Don't count on that too much, though, I doubt I'm that ambitious.

Bobson |

For reference (I should have said this earlier), this just means I'm not taking any brand new submissions. You still have plenty of freedom to work on your characters, if you've already thrown up a concept. I'm looking at you, Bobson.
Ooh, I appreciate that! This weekend has been crazy busy, but I'll try to get the character done by tonight. If that fails, he will be ready by tomorrow night. And if you want to go ahead without me, I'll understand.

Esmee Drimplegatto |

Hmm... I wonder how this goodberry turned out. Esmee pops the berry in her mouth and begins to chew. After a couple swishy chompy moments, the flavor of strawberry and bitter willow bark flood her taste buds. Eww that's not what we are going for... not at all... Then she gets back to tinkering on the latest pot delivered for mending.
Really looking forward to see if I make the cut for this campaign!

Viscount K |

Okay, guys, that's more than enough time (got distracted by heading out for vacation, sorry about that). Anyway, let's get down to business. Without further ado, here's the final choices, in no particular order.
Angela Berger
Eliam Rowe
Boros "Babbles" Ironfoot
Esmee Drimplegatto
And that's that. As soon as you can, folks, report to the discussion tab above. We'll be getting this thing started Monday or so, as the previously mentioned vacation is taking way too much of my attention to start running a game until then.
Everyone who didn't make the cut, I'm sorry. Everyone had some good ideas that I would love to see played out fully, but for whatever reason, those other four took precedent. If you'd like me to keep you in mind in case we lose a player, sing out, and you'll get first crack at re-recruitment.