Capitalism Ho! Swords, Sorcery, and Small Business Owning (Inactive)

Game Master Viscount K

What do you do when your small town's business is starting to dwindle? Adventure for the cause, of course!

Current Characters

Jolis Raffles

(77 posts)
Sleeping Human
Viscount K

Hyperactive Lazypants Bard 2
(779 posts)
Angela Berger

Female Human Winter Witch 1

played by Communist (16 posts)
Boros "Babbles" Ironfoot

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

played by Galeigh (24 posts)
Eliam Ronwe

Male Human Scroll Scholar (Divination Wizard) 1
Quick Stat:
[ HP 7/7 | AC 11/11/10 | CMB -1, CMD 10 | Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3 | Init +2; Perception +1]

played by rashly5 (32 posts)
Prankster Illusionist
Esmee Drimplegatto

Female Gnome Cleric of Brigh

played by Viskous (39 posts)