Campaign: Without Their Rangers (Inactive)

Game Master Connor McGinnis

Sovereign Court

Male Human

Here you can ask questions, share ideas, and comment on things within the campaign.

Male Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

So this is THE campaign thread then? This is where the action goes down?

Male Human Technician 1

Are characters from 3.5 or Pathfinder?

I noticed Theriandis has 6 hp listed, but Bards in Pathfinder use d8.

Male 1/2 Orc Rogue 2/Barbarian 1, HP:31, AC:19, t:15, ff:14, Init +6, Percep +4, Saves Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0

Is there a format for characters that I'm blowing? I typed mine out but seem to have missed a few things.

Also it appears that certain portions of new posts should be written in different fonts/ bolded/ etc?

And there is a built in dice roller? I just rolled a d20 here next to me and added bonuses...

Sorry. First PBP game on here.

Male Human Technician 1

Click the show button next to "how to format your text"

there was a primer around here on how to post

use [ dice ]1d20+3[ /dice ] but remove the spaces to get 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
you can preview to see the result if the result will impact what you would post

Many players use HeroLab which has a statblock output preformatted for Bulletin Boards

M Human geek/20

Thank you sir. I had the formatting thing on HOW to do.. just wasn't sure what each meant Bold=Speech apparently etc.

Thanks on the dice tip.

Sovereign Court

Male Human
2goth4U wrote:

Are characters from 3.5 or Pathfinder?

I noticed Theriandis has 6 hp listed, but Bards in Pathfinder use d8.

Characters are from Pathfinder. I have never played 3.5, and would not be able to manage a game of it.

Male Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Can anyone help me figure this dice formatting out? Mine always comes out all f*&!ed up.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 2214 = 14


That's what came out, this is what I actually typed: d20+7=>(14)

Human Ranger 1; hp 13/13; AC17, t13, ff14; Init+3; Perc+3; F+3, R+5, W+0

I think I can help, I had to figure it out myself just a few weeks ago. :) First thing I'm curious about is why are you adding "=>(14)" to what you typed? Since you're just telling the dice roller what to do, you don't need to add that part.

For example, to roll a d20+7, I type the following: dice]d20+7[/dice]

When typed correctly, it shows this result: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Not sure if that's what you're asking, but keep posting if not and we'll keep working until you're good.

Male Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Oh! I got it now...i was rolling my own dice and putting it into the formatting. Thanks for the help dude.

Ah, okay, now I get what you were typing, glad we got it worked out. No problem. :)

Just curious about the initiative order on the Gameplay thread. Darien had a 26, but ended up going 3rd, which was behind Daven (25), and Theri (23).

I don't really care, and I'm definitely not complaining, but I am wondering if there are some other factors that affected the order aside from our Initiative rolls?

Male 1/2 Orc Rogue 2/Barbarian 1, HP:31, AC:19, t:15, ff:14, Init +6, Percep +4, Saves Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0

Looks like our party is Ranged heavy and Melee light. I was thinking next level as Fighter to add some BAB and HP + feat but maybe 1 level dip into Barbarian as suggested might add some synergy and still stay within my theme for Sturk.

Who else can modify to give us a front line?

M Elf Bard 1

I'm happy to modify Theriandas so he's more of a swashbuckler type - I'm not sure whether that's what we need, really, and I doubt anything will make him remotely tank-y, but I could make a decent agile melee combatant out of him, I think.

Male 1/2 Orc Rogue 2/Barbarian 1, HP:31, AC:19, t:15, ff:14, Init +6, Percep +4, Saves Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0

It seems that we are Tank light in any case but at least be capable of getting stuck in because with no front line, everyone is going to be vulnerable.
Maybe Sturk will just need to wait until the bad guys get up on you guys and THEN flank :) I guess a Shortbow or other ranged attack might be in order.
We'll survive whatever tho. Don't modify your character if you don't want to.

Sovereign Court

Male Human

Darien had 26? Sorry! Must have misread something. No, there where no other factors in initiative. I agree that the party is in need of a meatshield, though I don't doubt Sturk could easily take on the roll. He just needs to keep his hp high.

Male 1/2 Orc Rogue 2/Barbarian 1, HP:31, AC:19, t:15, ff:14, Init +6, Percep +4, Saves Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0

We'll have to be a party of Skirmishers and not get bogged down in melee as much. Move and shoot, move and shoot :)

Sovereign Court

Male Human

I'd love to see how that will work out for you, and it should, unless you find yourselves all bunched up in a small area.

Male 1/2 Orc Rogue 2/Barbarian 1, HP:31, AC:19, t:15, ff:14, Init +6, Percep +4, Saves Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0

we'll have to try and avoid that :)

Dripping with male privilege Mongrelman Swashbuckler -4 / Investigator - 13

Just to let you know, I'm away until the 8th of June, so please DMPC Theriandas until I get back, just to keep things moving.

Sovereign Court

Male Human

We could do that, or we could have him fade into the background, then act like he was still there the whole time. He would still share in the exp. Would you want to do that?

Male Human Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Haldhin (err...Darien), I just saw that I applied for a carrion crown game you volunteered to GM.

Male 1/2 Orc Rogue 2/Barbarian 1, HP:31, AC:19, t:15, ff:14, Init +6, Percep +4, Saves Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0

We really need some more setting information to proceed. It seems that big events have occurred and we don't seem to have gotten the memo..

Can we get a synopsis of pertinent information and rumors?

Sovereign Court

Male Human

It's summarized in my last post in the gameplay section.

Dripping with male privilege Mongrelman Swashbuckler -4 / Investigator - 13

I know Connor's away until next week (and that we've been forbidden to post) - this is just to make it clear I'm still keeping up with things and haven't abandoned the game :)

Sovereign Court

Male Human

I'm back now. You're free to post again,

I am petitioning to take over this game from Connor since he seems disinclined to continue as GM.

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