Burnt offerings, being part 1 of Reptilian's RotRL campaign (IC thread)

Game Master Philippe Kavanagh

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Male Goblin Rogue 3

Shakily, Darst moves to flank with Naomi.
Attack (flanking defensively): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Damage: 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 and 1d6 ⇒ 5

Male Goblin Rogue 3

Oh, and Acrobatics:
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Unknown Reptilian

I'm going to guess Darst avoids the wooden lids. :)

Round 1

Venmirl is in dim light, so I'll roll a miss chance for him (miss on a 1 or 2): 1d10 ⇒ 7. Venmirl steps up to the undead thing in front of him and swings his weapon. With a great crack, it hits the creature on the side of its head. The strength of the blow bends the corpse's neck, leaving its head in a crooked position. Yet, somehow, it still continues to lunge at the shoanti inquisitor.

Naomi quickly retaliates with a swipe of her own. She lands a well placed hit, slamming her mace into the undead's ribcage, but it has more speed behind it than power... (that was still a crit, if it's any consolation)

Shakily, Darst moves to flank with Naomi. He's too unnerved by the creature to land a solid attack however. His small blade doesn't pierce the creature's dry and leathery skin. I'm not sure how you got +8 to attack while fighting defensively. Fighting defensively is -4 to attack, +2 to AC.

Still a bit stiff and slowed by the effects of the quasit's poison, Venmirl doesn't manage to dodge his enemy's bony claw. It slams into his shield arm with surprising strength (7 points of damage). On the other side of the room, Naomi remains unharmed, despite the undead's attacks. The last remaining undead makes its way to Venmirl's side but it's too slow to attack him just yet. With no well lit target available to him, Izbahn launches his club at the creature attacking Naomi but misses, perhaps fearing to hit his friend.

Venmirl is down to 12/21 hp. Your turn.


Izbahn sees Venmirl get hit hard by one of the undead, and decides to give him a hand. Soon, arcane words flow from his lips, and a thick greasy oil appears underneath the ancient undead legs.

Cast Grease, centered in J1-K2
Reflex DC 14 or fall prone.

Female Human Cleric lv3

Time to Fight Dirty!

Grinning as Darst darts around the undead and attacks it, a bit of Naomi's old fighting habits kick in. She waits for just the right moment before swing at what looks like a weak point on the undead...

Cold Iron Mace:1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 4 + 2 = 20
Damage:1d6 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 + 1 = 6

She mace connects solidly with the decaying flesh and she lets out a light laugh.

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Seeing two of the undead facing him Venmirl overhears Naomi's slightly evil laugh. He swings his mace at the corrupt undead in front of him.

Morningstar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24, damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 2 = 10
Still in dim light...1d10 ⇒ 7

Unknown Reptilian

Due to the magicked grease, the undeads slip and slide in a way that would be almost comical if it weren't for their grim appearance. The one with the broken neck falls but the second one somehow stays on its feet, despite its clumsy nature. Venmirl loses no time and finishes his fallen foe. His morningstar crushes the monster's chest, sending dust and bits of dry flesh and bone in all directions (no need to roll for the crit, the normal hit was enough to finish it).

Naomi takes advantage of Darst's position and uses old team tactics perfected among her family. Her mace connects solidly with the decaying flesh and she lets out a light laugh (the walking dead isn't destroyed but it's in bad shape now).

Darst is up

Male Goblin Rogue 3

Oops! I guess I got so used to flanking and tumbling, I forgot I only had a +8 normally. :P
Darst cautiously strikes again.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Damage: 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0 and 1d6 ⇒ 5

Unknown Reptilian

Darst slips his razor between the ribs of the creature. A living being would have felt such a precise attack, but the undead seems totally unfazed by it.

The walking dead continue their attack on both Venmirl and Naomi. The shoanti avoid harm this time but Naomi isn't as lucky. A rotten fist connects with her right-hand side, sending her reeling and winded against the north wall (7 points of damage).

Naomi is down to 9/16 hp.

Map, the purple-shaded area is covered with slippery grease and anyone moving into or out of it will need to do acrobatics checks.

Izbahn heart constricts when he sees Naomi get clobbered by the undead creature. He steps over to assist her Move to F4, via D3/E3, to avoid the pits and swings his club at it!

Attack Club 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Damage 1d6 ⇒ 1

Unfortunately, his blow was off balance due to the proximity of the pit, and he misses badly.

Female Human Cleric lv3

"Uhh.. that hurt a bit." Seeing Izbahn move too close to the undead for her comfort, Naomi swings to finish it off before Izzy can get hurt.

Cold Iron Mace:1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 2 = 19
Damage:1d6 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 + 1 = 1

Unfortunately, Naomi has little luck getting used to fighting along side [/i]two people like this, and falters just before her mace hits decaying flesh..

Completely forgot to see if I know what these things are!
Knowledge(Religion):1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Hm.. guess that goes to show how much her Family cared about fighting undead...

Male Goblin Rogue 3
Reptilian GM wrote:
Darst slips his razor between the ribs of the creature. A living being would have felt such a precise attack, but the undead seems totally unfazed by it.

Just to clarify, this resistance is something other than undead sneak attack immunity? Because according to Pathfinder rules, almost all types can be critical'd and the like now.

Unknown Reptilian
Darst wrote:
Reptilian GM wrote:
Darst slips his razor between the ribs of the creature. A living being would have felt such a precise attack, but the undead seems totally unfazed by it.
Just to clarify, this resistance is something other than undead sneak attack immunity? Because according to Pathfinder rules, almost all types can be critical'd and the like now.

Yeah, now that I read what I wrote again it does sound like I say no sneak attack on an undead. But that's not what it is. It probably has more to do with the type of weapon you are using ...

Unknown Reptilian
Naomi Fairchild wrote:

Completely forgot to see if I know what these things are!

Hm.. guess that goes to show how much her Family cared about fighting undead...

You are sure it is undead and, ya, that's about it.

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Venmirl gets excited by falling the undead thing in front of him and turns his attention to the one next to him.

Morningstar:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14, damage:1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 = 8
Still in dim light...1d10 ⇒ 2

Male Goblin Rogue 3

Darst sees the undead's immunity to his attacks. Panicking, the goblin tumbles away.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Tumbling, at full speed, to C3.

Unknown Reptilian

Round 3

Izbahn heart constricts when he sees Naomi get clobbered by the undead creature. He steps over to assist her and swings his club at it! Unfortunately, his blow was off balance due to the proximity of the pit, and he misses badly.

Seeing Izbahn move too close to the undead for her comfort, Naomi swings to finish it off before Izzy can get hurt. Unfortunately, while her attack hits the target, Naomi lacks the strength to shatter its bones and put it out of its misery for good. Slowly but surely :).

Venmirl follows up his previous attack with a low blow at the next creature. Venmirl's morningstar violently breaks the thing's pelvis, twisting its legs in a weird, unnatural position. Only the necromantic magic activating it keeps it up on its feet. That would have been a miss due to the light, but, with Izbahn moving a bit closer, his light spell reaches both Venmirl and his undead enemy.

Darst sees the undead's immunity to his attacks. Panicking, the goblin tumbles away. The undead tries to grab him as he flees but the goblin is once again too fast for his opponent. Darst provoked an AoO but it missed.

The two remaining undead creatures are both severely damaged now but they keep attacking the same targets with the same emotionless face. This time, Naomi dives under the blows but Venmirl gets hit on the head with great force (9 points of damage). The shoanti inquisitor remains on his feet but blood drips down his temple and his vision is getting blurry.

Naomi still at 9/16 hp.
Venmirl down to 3/21 hp. These are proving deadlier then I thought.


Female Human Cleric lv3

Cold Iron Mace:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Damage:1d6 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2

"Stupid undead..." Naomi mutters as she misses the creature.

Izbahn glances at Darst and sympathizes with the diminutive warrior. These undead were proving to be a challenge. He flashes a quick grin at Naomi, and steps to flank with her 5’ step to G5 and swings at the undead.

Attack, Club 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 1 + 2 = 10 flank
Damage 1d6 ⇒ 2
Naomi, you can take a +2 as Izbahn would flank with you. I can see it won't help you here though.

"Grrr..." Why am I getting a sense of Deja Vu here?

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Dang! I meant to take a 5' step back to H1 after my last attack...

Male Goblin Rogue 3

Darst's eyes widen as he sees the blow Venmirl's taken. He realises he has to swallow his fear, and drops his war razor. Shakily, the goblin steps over to the closest lid and tries to lift it.
Assuming he can pick it up, of course....
He examines the item curiously. For a moment, he seems to forget about the battle.
Using Salvager to remove the penalty (though if it's too heavy, he may take a penalty anyways). The idea is to use it like a Frisbee.

Unknown Reptilian
Venmirl of Skoan-Quah wrote:
Dang! I meant to take a 5' step back to H1 after my last attack...

Not a bad idea ... you wanna do it for this round?

Unknown Reptilian
Darst wrote:

Darst's eyes widen as he sees the blow Venmirl's taken. He realises he has to swallow his fear, and drops his war razor. Shakily, the goblin steps over to the closest lid and tries to lift it.

Assuming he can pick it up, of course....
He examines the item curiously. For a moment, he seems to forget about the battle.
Using Salvager to remove the penalty (though if it's too heavy, he may take a penalty anyways). The idea is to use it like a Frisbee.

While I like the idea, those lids are way too big for what you have in mind. They aren't extremely solid however, so Darst can probably tear out a part of it and use that as make-shift club (and clubs can be thrown).

Male Goblin Rogue 3

Ah, I see. Well, better than nothing.
Realising the item is far too heavy, the goblin instead devotes his energy to smashing part of the lid.

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Venmirl takes a step back and casts a spell, hoping to heal himself.

Move to H1 and cast cure light:1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Unknown Reptilian
Izbahn Douvurk wrote:
Naomi, you can take a +2 as Izbahn would flank with you. I can see it won't help you here though.[/ooc]

I guess I'm feeling magnanimous today and since you posted that only a few minutes after her (him, whatever...), I'll allow it. This means Naomi's attack is 12 which is just enough to hit and her damage is up to 3, which is just enough to finish the creature off.

Naomi strikes the undead again, which is just enough to break its spine and send it down, reducing it to a pile of bones, dust and mummified flesh.

Darst breaks off some part of a wooden lid, in order to make some crude club. Only when he's almost done does he notices another undead creature through the hole he just made in the lid. It's a the bottom of the pit and seems to notice Darst as well. It starts scratching the holes' walls, as if it's trying to find some way to climb out.

Venmirl backs away from the fight and uses his tribal magic to heal himself. The undead tries to follow after him but it slips on the magical grease and falls down of the floor with a plaintive moan.

Venmirl is back up to 10/21 up. Your turn

Map Oh and ignore the red dots ... I forgot to turn something invisible again.

Izbahn glances behind him to make sure there are no additional enemies behind him, and satisfied with this he utters a minor cantrip, while pointing at the fallen undead.

Ray of Frost at undead in J2
Ranged Touch 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 2 - 4 = 14 prone
Damage 1d3 ⇒ 2 cold

Male Goblin Rogue 3

Darst almost drops his new club in his fright at the creature below. Nervously, the goblin darts over and launches the chunk of wood at the fallen creature.
Move to H3.
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
Figures that by the time I get a bludgeoning weapon, the skeleton's down.

Unknown Reptilian

Izbahn's ray hits the undead on its face, leaving a bit of frost. Soon after, a chunk of wood comes whirling and smashes its already brittle skull. Its face smashed, the corpse's necromantic magic is spent and it stops moving. All the visible undead have been eliminated but the heroes can still hear moans coming from several pits.

Male Goblin Rogue 3
Reptilian GM wrote:
ooc]I forgot to turn something invisible again.[/ooc]
Reptilian GM wrote:
...All the visible undead...

[ooc]Invisible undead! I check the ceiling!{/ooc]

Izbahn sighs in relief and helps Naomi to her feet, even though she did not need it. He looks around him, and says "We should probably do something about these undead abominations. As long as they are trapped in these pits, they should be easy to dispose of."

Assuming the party agrees, we can wipe out all the undead still trapped in their pits one at a time, with Izbahn using his frost cantrip. It should take some time but we should be able to handle them easily. Let me know if this is feasible, Reptilian.

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Sounds good to me.

Unknown Reptilian
Darst wrote:
Reptilian GM wrote:
I forgot to turn something invisible again.
Reptilian GM wrote:
...All the visible undead...
Invisible undead! I check the ceiling!

The ghost of future Christmas appears and takes Darst away! :P

Izbahn puts his plan in motion, slowly reducing all the ancient animated corpses into frozen heaps. The process is long and tiresome for the mage. The undead complain loudly as soon as the lids are removed and they see living beings but they are pretty helpless at the bottom of the pits. Two of them almost make it out before Izbahn can finish them off but Venmirl has little trouble pushing them back in their holes. In the end, they check all the pits and Izbahn has to destroy 8 more corpses (for a total of 11). He feels a bit drained but the room is finally silent.

Izbahn rests against the wall, after his spellcasting. It was tiring work indeed. Still, he did feel a sense of accomplishment.

"Let's rest here for a few moments, then we can continue on."

Izbahn will spend 5 RP to heal to 14 HP.

Female Human Cleric lv3

Hehe, I can't remember how many reserve points I've got. It's been so long since I've used them...

Edit: Nevermind. Using 4 RP for health reasons.

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

"Sounds good, I could use a rest myself.

I think I'll use my RP too. All 10 to get myself up to 20/21.

Once the group has rested, Izbahn stands and helps Naomi to her feet. He whispers something in her ear which causes a blush to creep out on her face. Once satisfied with that, he turns to the others, and points at the south corridor, "Are we ready now?"

Unknown Reptilian

The group members take a few minutes to catch their breath, bandage their wounds and rest before continuing their exploration.

Where to now? There's a passage to the south of this room or you can double back to the torture room where you left a door unexplored.

"Let's check this southern corridor out. Darst, if you will?"

Male Goblin Rogue 3

Darst shakes his head. "The corridor's too open. I can't sneak there."

"I meant please check out the corridor anyway. If there was anybody down there, they already heard our fight with the zombies, so we won't be able to sneak up on them anyway."

Female Human Cleric lv3

"Don't worry Darst, I'll go with you." Naomis says as she steps forward. "If there's trouble, I'm sure we can handle it long enough for Izbahn and Venmirl to get to us."

Male Goblin Rogue 3
Naomi Fairchild wrote:
"Don't worry Darst, I'll go with you." Naomis says as she steps forward. "If there's trouble, I'm sure we can handle it long enough for Izbahn and Venmirl to get to us."

Darst nods. Naomi hears him grumbling as he runs off ahead of her down the corridor.

Looking about for threats or shinies: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Unknown Reptilian

While there is little chance for hiding in the corridor, Naomi and Darst head south in it as silently as possible. After about 30 feet, they come upon a short passage to their left. It leads to a flight of spiral stairs, much like the one they encountered earlier, but this one leads down instead of up. To the south, the corridor continues for about 10 feet and ends abruptly with a closed door.

Heh, splitting up the group is not the wisest plan. Let's forget that part.

Izbahn, along with Venmirl, rejoins the others in front of the door. He says, "Let's check this door out."

Unknown Reptilian
Izbahn Douvurk wrote:

Heh, splitting up the group is not the wisest plan. Let's forget that part.

Izbahn, along with Venmirl, rejoins the others in front of the door. He says, "Let's check this door out."

This corridor isn't all that long anyway.

Izbahn opens up the door. It reveals a most peculiar room. This room consists of a perfect fifteen-foot-diameter sphere. Several objects float in the room, spinning lazily in space—a ragged book, a scroll, a bottle of wine, a dead raven surrounded by a halo of floating and writhing maggots, and a twisted iron wand with a forked tip. Yet perhaps the most unnerving aspect of the room is the walls, for they are plated in sheets of strange red metal that ripple every once in a while with silent black electricity that seems to coalesce into strange runes or even words far too often for the effect to be chance.

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Venmirl's eyes widen and he gasps, "Whoa.", before casting a spell to determine what sort of magic is at play in this room.

Cast detect magic. Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Female Human Cleric lv3

"Well isn't this a pleasant change of pace." Naomi comments as she tries to see what words are being formed on the wall.

Not actually going into the room.
Perception:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
*sigh* I think the raven keeps getting in the way.

Unknown Reptilian

Venmirl can't really tell what sort of magic is at play here but he sees that the whole room radiates a faint magical aura. The iron wand and the scroll also have their own magical aura.

Naomi doesn't manage to get a really good look at the letters forming on the wall. It just appears like a garble of letters to her.

Izbahn stares in slack jawed amazement at the magical effects before him.

"By the gods, what sort of magic took place here?"

He casts his own detect magic spell and scans the room, while staying outside its boundaries..

Knowledge Arcana 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Knowledge History 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Spellcraft 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

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