The Nameless GM |
Greetings recruits and veterans alike! I am the Nameless GM, and I'm looking to host a short game for new players and forum newbs alike. The campaign is called the Burning Plague, a simple beginner campaign for DnD 3.5, and with a little creative license, I can make it Pathfinder Compatible.
For those interested, I'll be accepting the newest players. Veterans can enter if they want, but if a newer player wants to join, please step down and offer your seat!
Character Build Requirements:
Classes: To keep things simple, only the Core Rule Book (CRB) classes will be allowed. Veterans who know what they're doing can play the Base classes and alternate classes (minus the Anit-Paladin), but again, I request that the newest players take precedent.
Races: Again, to avoid confusion, only the (CRB) races will be allowed. These races are:
- Dwarf
- Elf
- Gnome
- Half-Elf
- Half-Orc
- Halfling (sometimes known as Hobbit)
- Human
All other races are not allowed.
Ability Score: We will be using a system called a Point Buy system. The system is explained here along with everything else we'll be using to make characters.
Alignment: Alignment restrictions will be so there are no Evil Alignments (Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil). You can make a character that has evil tendencies, but nothing worse than the occasional pickpocket.
Starting Level: We will be starting at 1st lvl. Where better to start than the beginning?
Starting Gold: Because we are building at 1st lvl, you will be using the Class Average for starting gold. This changes depending on your class, so choose wisely.
Item and Other Misc Restrictions: There are no current item restrictions as we are starting at level 1 and you can't even afford most of the restricted stuff. Again, if Veterans want in, they can apply. If a newer player does show interest, I do ask that the veteran step down and allow the new player to join in.
If you have any questions, ANY at all, don't be afraid to PM me or my colleges in mischief:
Get those posts coming!
Good luck, future generations of Pathfinders!

The Nameless GM |
Cutler: Sounds great! I'd prefer a concept before your character is done, but no harm.
As for weaving your character into story, this is a free PDF and you can look up all you need to know about Duvik's Pass and the lore of the world.
Akolbi: Ply by Post is pretty simple. You make a post to determine what your character does in the game. GMs have different preferences, so I'll give you mine:
All in character actions must be written as if from a third person intimate narrative. The narrator knows the inner workings of your character better than you do, so certain actions that a character does have meaning to them alone. Make your own story. Your character is in the here and now, but that doesn't mean the reader is in the same time and space.
As for Points.....wow.....how could I forget the single most important part of building a character...
20 Point Buy, also known as High Fantasy.

ShadowyFox |

I'm thinking that he would be following in a legacy, becoming the 7th generation to take up the art of the sword. He is likely coming to this area, seeing that there are issues where he can test and strengthen his skill, as well as gain some wealth and improvements to his blade. He sees the impressive silver deposits as a good, good thing.

![]() |

I prefer arcane casters, but I can play any role. I have a dislike for dwarves, so I won't play one.
I don't know the background of the adventure. Essentially I could be a sorcerers apprentice sent into the world to learn on my own, but with a base of operations or safe area to return to. He would be reticent to leave unsure if he will succeed OR an arrogant and very boisterous type. Whatever works best. I've done little PBP, but it's the only option I have out here.
I will play whatever is needed.

The Architect |

Hey guys, just poking my head in to say hi! I'm a friend of your GM-to-be, offering any help you might want. If we don't get all the slots filled, the GM asked me to drop in as the party band-aid, but my spot is completely up for grabs to any new players. Also, if anyone wants a character sheet formatted for the paizo charactar/profile settup, PM me, let me know your e-mail, and I can drop it to you.

The Nameless GM |
Ok, just recapping, we have the following character concepts on the table:
Human Ranger
Half-Orc Sorcerer
Dwarf Wizard
Dwarf Monk
Elf Fighter
And Akolbi has yet to decide on race or class.
This is great! The party might be a little lop-sided, but I think you'll be ok.
Once every character has been built and has posted here we can start!

The Nameless GM |
Akolbi: Core classes, yes. Core materials, no. If you feel you can handle a Subdomain or an Inquisition, by all means, go for it. Sarenrae is a great
Viper/Grun: I like the character, looks great. Concept is also awesome. As for the +1/2 fire damage spells, it means you have to choose that favored class bonus twice, once at 1st and once at 2nd, to get the +1 damage, so you'll have to change that on your character sheet. I'd recommend putting it into health since you're only first level.
Any other questions? Shoot me a PM!
We're close to starting, so get those character sheets up!

Oouja |
Hello! I`m new to both Pathfinder and PbP games. I would like to play a beginner`s game with you. The problem is that I`m not a native english speaker, so heavy social classes are probably not within my limits.
If GM is ok with that, I`ll try to get the pdf with campaign lore and make a character. I`m leaning towards either Human Rogue or Half-Orc Barbarian.

The Nameless GM |
Oouja, good to hear you're interested!
I'd be happy to give you the site to the pdf.
In Browser PDF. Just download it if you want more info. Don't read how the story goes! It's more fun if you leave it alone and play it first time blind.
As for class, we already have plenty of damage dealers, so a Rogue would be a huge help!
I want to know if everyone would be ok with 7 players. 6 is usually the maximum, but 7 is doable.
Oouja, I need a concept and/or an alias/character sheet, consent from the other players, and you're in.

The Nameless GM |
We have the Half-Orc Sorcerer and the Dwarf Monk. Oouja and I are discussing his Rogue build, and the Ranger has stepped down.
Keep those characters coming! There are still three of you with just an idea. All characters start as an idea. It's your job as players to give your characters meaning, life, and good stats!

Loup Blanc |

Hello everyone! Bit of a veteran here, been playing for some time and been on the boards for a while as well.
Firstly, I'd like to leave a little helpful link here....
Doomed Hero's Guide to Play-by-Post Gaming
This is an EXTREMELY helpful guide for playing on the forums here, helped me get started when I arrived!
Now, as for this game, I've actually recently had an itch to play a support type character, the lackey type who tags along with another PC and provides muscle to compliment their brains. If I'm needed or wanted, I'd be happy to help out!

The Nameless GM |
Loup and Hejin, thanks for the interest!
However, we already have 6 players. We even had one person step down due to the high interest. Hang on....
As a grand total for characters and classes that have shown interest, we have the following list:
- Human Ranger(Ashern)
- Half-Orc Sorcerer (Lord Viper/Grun)
- Dwarf Wizard(EleMentalist)
- Dwarf Monk(Gendarmes/Drogan)
- Elf Fighter(Fox)
- Human Cleric of Sarenrae(Akolbi)
- Human Rogue(Oouja)
- Loup's Character
- Something Rogue(Hejin)
I love the interest. I really do. Ashern has already stepped down, and I haven't heard from Fox in a while, or Akolbi. Since Grun and Drogan are done, they are without a doubt in the game. Oouja is still making his rogue, and he's showing more initiative than the others so far.
Again guys, I appreciate you wanting to join, but I'm gonna have to ask you guys to step it up a notch.
Let's see some character sheets!

The Nameless GM |
ShadowyFox, thank you for your interest. If I run this again, you'll be the first to know!
Loup, thank you for offering your services as a player and as a veteran. Since we already have 6 players total after Fox and Ashern stepped down, would you be ok as a backup just in case someone falls? They shouldn't, but if the unthinkable happens, will you be there?
Oouja, your Rogue is pretty much done. All we need now is an alias to get you an official spot in the party!
Viper and Gendarmes, your characters are already done so you two are also in.
Akolbi, EleMentalist, and Hejin, we still have room for three more. If you have questions about a good build or need some help, just ask. That's what we're here for.

The Nameless GM |
Oouja/Tamir: Looks great! If you can get your character sheet onto your profile, it'll make playing the game much easier for me and the other players.
Thomas: It's not too late! We still have three seats at the table open, and currently we have no other character submissions. If you have a concept/character ready, let us know!

fbdaury |

If there is still room, I would like to try this out- have an idea for a game I would like to play but want some experience in actual PbP play first to understand better how it works. Looking at the point buy system I am currently leaning towards a quick, smart, and charismatic Bard but who is somewhat frail (lowered Con and Str), thinking Human but if another race is needed to fill out a party then I would be happy to try something other than human.