Beyond the rim... there dwells madness -- Moff Rimmer DMs the Planes

Game Master Moff Rimmer

Something is happening that threatens the existence of the planes themselves. Our heroes have been chosen and thrown into things to set things right -- are they up for the challenge?

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Bird Tengu Monk/8

Will save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 +1 vs divine, +2 vs enchantment spells and effects

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Pinna sighs. "This jocularity obviously led to a breakdown in discipline. What is there to party about, E.?" She tries to determine what sort of creatures are celebrating.

Pinna wrote:
She tries to determine what sort of creatures are celebrating.

The vast majority seem to be human or at least roughly so. There are some elves, some fey, satyrs, very few dwarves, with a smatering of creatures that you most likely don't recognize.

It looks like everyone saved...

As the group approaches you are swarmed by various beings. Many of them put drinks in your hands. It's a little confusing, from the noise of the singing and dancing and everyone talking at once, but you hear bits of ...

"Welcome noble beings."
"Have a drink."
"Join us."
"We're having a 'rebuilding' party."

Male Halfling Cleric 8

Lanwin approaches someone who looks knowledgeable. "Do you know what precipitated the attack?"

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Pinna peers back to where they first appeared, trying to see what the demonic creatures are doing. She also tries to watch what's going on with the fighting reptiles, shaking off offers of drinks. "What is this place?" she mutters to nobody in particular.

Pinna wrote:
Pinna peers back to where they first appeared, trying to see what the demonic creatures are doing.

Perception --> 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25

There are fewer there -- it looks like they are starting to move out in smaller groups.

Pinna wrote:
She also tries to watch what's going on with the fighting reptiles...

The fighting appears to have stopped. It looks like the lighter-colored blue-green dragon lost. Not sure where the other one is now...

Lanwin Fairweather wrote:
Lanwin approaches someone who looks knowledgeable. "Do you know what precipitated the attack?"

You approach someone who appears to be a little less ... crazed at the moment. (This may or may not be one of the new members. Looking for something from Flash to be sure...)

Perception --> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

"I'm not sure what happened. Those fiends appeared from the river and started attacking. What's more confusing to me is that they've stopped. They came looking like they were invading us -- but now they're not. Strange times... strange times..."

While there are a few people (like this being) who are actually working on removing the rubble, and fixing the building, it looks like the building is also repairing itself.

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Pinna sidles over to Lanwin's conversation with the relatively sane creature. "Why were the giant snakes fighting? Where did the brown one go? And where is this?"

Male Halfling Oracle 8

<Casts dismissal on another yugoloth corpse>

Male Halfling Cleric 8
Pinna wrote:
Pinna sidles over to Lanwin's conversation with the relatively sane creature. "Why were the giant snakes fighting? Where did the brown one go? And where is this?"

"It seems that the natives didn't know what was going on either. They don't know why they were fighting or why it stopped. The place seems to be mending itself, however."

Confirming in character where we are. Knowledge (planes) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

E. wrote:

<Casts dismissal on another yugoloth corpse>

Not sure how serious you are here. But this is not working. At least not any more than the plane is taking care of things anyway...

Pinna wrote:
"... And where is this?"

"Not sure as to your other two questions, but you are currently in Arborea -- land of pleasures and experiences. At least until recently. And this...", pointing to the rubble around, "... used to be the magnificent Guilded Hall."

"How is it that you are here but don't know where you are?"

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Pinna glances uncertainly at Lanwin, then points in E.'s direction. "Our driver followed no roadmap. He thought this looked interesting. There is a key here we need to find, somehow."

Male Halfling Oracle 8
Moff DM wrote:
E. wrote:

<Casts dismissal on another yugoloth corpse>

Not sure how serious you are here. But this is not working. At least not any more than the plane is taking care of things anyway...

I'm being serious. I thought dismissal might have a chance to remove the bodies, since they don't belong on the theory.

E. wrote:
Moff DM wrote:
E. wrote:

<Casts dismissal on another yugoloth corpse>

Not sure how serious you are here. But this is not working. At least not any more than the plane is taking care of things anyway...
I'm being serious. I thought dismissal might have a chance to remove the bodies, since they don't belong on the theory.


When a creature dies, does its corpse become an "object" as opposed to a "creature"?

Ok, either...
a)the spell doesn't work because it doesn't work on a dead creature,
b)the spell doesn't work because the DM doesn't understand the rules (I was originally thinking that it only worked on called or summoned creatures), or
c)there is actually a reason or ... force(?) that is not allowing the spell to work in this case.

In any case, for some reason casting dismissal on the corpses here is having no effect...

Male Halfling Cleric 8

"Have you seen anything that might serve as some type of key?" Lanwin asks.

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Pinna kneels by one of the yuguloth corpses. "How did these come to die? The others said the building killed them - your Golden Pavilion? How is that possible?"

She looks on the cavorting crowd curiously. "Just like my family," she mutters.

Haven't heard from Flash so we'll just move on and keep thing open if he wants to join.

The individual you've been talking to is named Thoroar and hopefully will come on soon and describe himself and such. In the meantime...

Lanwin Fairweather wrote:
"Have you seen anything that might serve as some type of key?" Lanwin asks.

"I'm guessing that you did not simply lose the key to your luggage. In which case, I'm fairly certain I do not know anything about what you are seeking."

"However, you seem to have a better handle on what may be happening than most people around here. Perhaps you can enlighten me."

Pinna wrote:
Pinna kneels by one of the yuguloth corpses. "How did these come to die? The others said the building killed them - your Golden Pavilion? How is that possible?"

"It is rumored that the Golden Pavilion was so beautiful that lesser fiends cannot stand the sight of it. More than that, I just think it's 'magic'."

Male Human (Des) Rogue 1

"Excuse me, I have been quite rude. Let me introduce myself." says the man to whom you have been speaking.

He speaks in a flat monotone voice and seems oblivious to all of the frivolity going on around him. He puts down his tools and rises to his full height of 6' 3". He has green eyes, tan skin, and a shaved head. He is wearing full plate, but seems to move around in it easily. As he turns away for a moment you catch a glimpse of a greatsword and a composite longbow strapped to his back with Terran runes inscribed on each. Also, you cannot help noticing the prominent birthmark on the back of his neck. It is in the form of Grumbar's holy symbol. He has some human features, but he is definitely some other race.

"I am Thoroar Silentall, and who are you?"

Male Halfling Cleric 8

"Lanwin Fairweather, servant of the Dawnbringer," Lanwin bows deeply. "We are seeking to prevent the destruction of these planes, which are being threatened with destructive chaos."

female halfling Sorcerer 8

Elysia giggles as she spins past, having wholeheartedly joined in the party.

"Which isn't anything like constructive chaos, which is what this party seems to be...although I guess you need a little bit of both in the universe or things just don't work right, but then you have to be careful because too much of a good thing isn't a good thing anymore, like if you add too much salt to the soup...ooh, that looks like fun...."

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Pinna bows as well. "Pinna of Prime. The holy man has stated our mission quite well. Any help you can give us is welcome, since everything depends on our success. Everything."

Male Human (Des) Rogue 1

Thoroar bows in return.

"Ever since my arrival here, I felt I was destined for a greater purpose beyond this plane. This was just a way point along the way to make it easier for that purpose to find me. Perhaps that time has arrived and not coincidentally accompanies your arrival here. I do not have much knowledge of the planes, but I can lend aid with my greatsword, Eormengrund Scalding Tears, and my longbow, Eormengrund stinger. I will join your quest."

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Pinna bobs her head and holds out both claws. "Pinna Left and Pinna Right will be glad for the company of Eormengrund Scalding Tears and Eormengrund Stinger, if Pinna's companions all agree." She points at the partying party members. "They are brilliant, but a bit... birdbrained." Pinna chuckles and fluffs her feathers.

Male Halfling Cleric 8

Lanwin looks indignant, but does not otherwise acknowledge Pinna's remark.

"I believe we may need all the allies we can muster in the current struggle. Thank you, Thoroar Silentall."

Male Human (Des) Rogue 1

The faint crack of a smile breeches Thoroar's stern demeanor, at Pinna's comment. "You are welcome. I am ready to follow when you are ready to go. Be wary of this place, many are lured in by the experiences it offers, and lose their way." Looking toward Elysia, as she continues to soak in the festive atmosphere, Thoroar continues, "Some are beginning to succumb already."

Male Halfling Oracle 8

"Darn it! I was assured this would work!"

<Looks over at Thoroar>

"Excuse me, can I get something to drink?"

female halfling Sorcerer 8
Thoroar Silentall wrote:
The faint crack of a smile breeches Thoroar's stern demeanor, at Pinna's comment. "You are welcome. I am ready to follow when you are ready to go. Be wary of this place, many are lured in by the experiences it offers, and lose their way." Looking toward Elysia, as she continues to soak in the festive atmosphere, Thoroar continues, "Some are beginning to succumb already."

Elysia giggled. "I don't know what this drink is, but it has bubbles in it and they tickle my nose."

"And I'm always like this. One should embrace new experiences. Especially if one is lucky enough to be able to make a tour of the planes. Oh yeah, and there is the whole saving the universe thing....but that doesn't mean we can't have fun while doing it."

"I'm Elysia, by the way."

While you are all talking...

Everyone make perception checks ... ok, you all made it...*

There is suddenly a sound like a large group of large creatures are running through the woods. You then quickly hear a loud ... roaring. A good sized herd of creatures comes into the clearing and runs past the party. They are quickly followed by a couple of large nasty looking creatures. They see the "party" happening (the dancers seem to think that this is part of the show or something) and one of them manages to eat one of the partygoers in one bite.

And we need initiative rolls...

Lanwin – 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Elysia – 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
E. – 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Pinna – 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Thoroar – 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Dinos -- 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

...and here's the map.

I found that as a DM, I would ask for perception checks when the character would have to be dead not to notice. I also found that I wasn't the only one. I was playing in a game where the DM had us make DC 15 listen checks to wake up in the wilderness while a battle was going on around us. Then one of the people said -- "So, according to you, the average person would wake up to a blasting alarm clock 25% of the time."

I still feel that it's kind of a way to announce "something's about to happen", but I will only now force rolls if it's regarding something that you would miss otherwise.

And Pinna's up...

After Pinna goes...

if Pinna makes herself a target...:

They move in to attack Pinna. (Oddly coordinated for animals.)

Bite --> 1d20 + 14 + 1d5 - 3 ⇒ (4) + 14 + (1) - 3 = 16 if hits 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (1, 6) + 8 = 15

Bite --> 1d20 + 14 + 1d5 - 3 ⇒ (16) + 14 + (1) - 3 = 28 if hits 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (1, 2) + 8 = 11

if Pinna doesn't make herself a target...:

They move in to attack a reveler...

Bite --> 1d20 + 14 + 1d5 - 3 ⇒ (9) + 14 + (5) - 3 = 25 if hits 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (4, 3) + 8 = 15

Bite --> 1d20 + 14 + 1d5 - 3 ⇒ (5) + 14 + (1) - 3 = 17 if hits 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (5, 1) + 8 = 14

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Pinna charges the nearest huge reptile (moving to K-19 to attack Mr. K20-M22). "They're eating the party people! Stop them!"

One attack at +15 (charging) AC 23 (-2 charging) and selecting electrical damage for no particular reason.
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16 for 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 regular plus 1d6 ⇒ 2 electrical if she hits.

Nat 1? Seriously. Sheesh... OK, peeking now to see what happens. Second bite hits for 11 damage, ow.

Pinna squawks indignantly as the second big nasty ends up with a mouthful of bloody feathers.

And that brings us to...


I'm going to be crazy go nuts busy this weekend. If you have a chance to post before the Dinos go, go ahead. If it's not yet your turn, spoiler what you're going to do -- make it conditional if you like. I'll do a "recap" before the Dinos' turn to make sure everyone knows what just happened and what's going on...

for me...:
1d4 ⇒ 1

Male Human (Des) Rogue 1

On Thoroar's turn:

Thoroar grabs his greatsword and charges the same dino that Pinna is attacking. As he charges, he calls out his greatsword's name in his native tongue and the weapon becomes slick as a corrosive liquid oozes out the entire length of the blade.

Power Attack with acid: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 15 + 2 = 22 (-2 to AC)
Damage: 2d6 + 17 ⇒ (1, 3) + 17 = 21 + 1d6 ⇒ 3 Acid Damage
Move to M19

Male Halfling Cleric 8

Lanwin bestows his blessing upon his allies.

Move to I12 and cast Bless.

Male Halfling Oracle 8

If the two are adjacent, spray of shooting stars on both. Otherwise, I'll hit the one closest to me.

8d4 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1) = 24

(Reflex save DC 19 for half damage)

Waiting on Elysia and then Pinna and then I'll recap and go...

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Did F22-H24 move? If so, my action may change. If not, these suckers have 20' reach!


I think this is what I want to do, but I'm not sure if any of them are damaged or have moved. If the one I attacked first is damaged, I'll go ahead and full attack it, I guess.

Flurry of blows:
One: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20 for 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 regular and 1d6 ⇒ 1 electrical
Two: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14 for 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 regular and 1d6 ⇒ 4 electrical
Three: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27 for 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 regular and 1d6 ⇒ 1 electrical
Four: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18 for 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 regular and 1d6 ⇒ 2 electrical

Pinna wrote:

Did F22-H24 move? If so, my action may change. If not, these suckers have 20' reach!

** spoiler omitted **

He did move. They have a 15' reach, but if he didn't move, he'd have to attack through the other dino.

For E. -- There's a 5' space between them. Does that matter?

Thoroar -- You're a bit more than 60' away. I don't think that you can move that far and attack (unless you're using something I'm not aware of.)

female halfling Sorcerer 8

Elysia casts Rainbow Pattern near the dinos, trying to get them entranced so they would stop eating the partygoers.

Will DC 19 to negate. I think that there is a pretty good chance of Pinna also being in the area of the spell, but can't be sure.

Bird Tengu Monk/8

Elysia should be able to place a 20' radius spread so that it only hits the critters. If not will save is: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 Another one? PMG! *shakes fist*

Male Human (Des) Rogue 1

oops, make mine just a double move.

Bird Tengu Monk/8


Male Halfling Oracle 8
Moff DM wrote:
Pinna wrote:

Did F22-H24 move? If so, my action may change. If not, these suckers have 20' reach!

** spoiler omitted **

He did move. They have a 15' reach, but if he didn't move, he'd have to attack through the other dino.

For E. -- There's a 5' space between them. Does that matter?

Thoroar -- You're a bit more than 60' away. I don't think that you can move that far and attack (unless you're using something I'm not aware of.)

It's a 5' radius, so they'd have to be adjacent to get both of them. Oh well...

Plus, I'm going to have to check here "manually". The RSS feed has been wonky at best, so I keep missing stuff.

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