Beyond Fort Horizon
Game Master
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An Edit was done to the end of K'vin's story
Jeannine's Story is added
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Female Ratfolk HP (7) Witch 1
Well, he did call her a hairy halfling, so he's not going to get forgiven for that. He has SUCH a wollop to the head coming.
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17
Unbolath did mention that he felt something was up, and that there were at least humans in disguise, but Unbolath merely mentioned it in sort of normal tone to those around him, and the battle had already begun, so its actually somewhat realistic that not everyone had heard or understood what he said in the chaos.
Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5
I get this feeling that this will be the first in a very long line of wallop worthy instances Thikka.
And yeah, that is entirely reasonable Unbolath.
We are making the final preparations to put our daughter on a plane for Australia (we are headed to Salt Lake City tomorrow). I've been very distracted. I will try to get things back on track Saturday when I return
male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight
Awesome...I got friends that live in Aussie. If she goes to an AFL game, I will be soooo jealous.
Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5
Thanks for keeping us in the loop, always appreciated.
Male Halfling Cleric/2 | AC 16, T 12, FF 15 |HP: 15/8 | F +4, R +1, W +5 | Init 1, P 2, I 1 | CMD 10
Hmm - watch out, it's a bit cold down here at the moment.
Update is coming tomorrow, sorry for the delay
A heads up announcement, and I will repeat it as the time draws nearer. Most of the timer I am a slightly unreliable poster. Most of the time
Coming up soon I will be a part of a major power system outage where I work, that will last for a week, while we bring in several large contractors to perform system maintenance on our electrical distribution system
I will be very busy from Sept 8, thru the 12
Also, for my Its “A” Dungeon games, I am working on revision 6, which is mostly a formatting excersise, and hopefully the tables will not change, much.
male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight
np first...thanks for the heads up....
Male Oread Monk/2; 20/20 HP | AC 14, T 14, FF 12 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Init 7, P 5, I 6 | CMD 17
Posting this on all of my games. I am leaving tonight to go camping for the weekend. I'm not sure what kind of service I will have so I may not be able to post. I'll be back Monday evening so I'll try and get everything caught up then.
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
Enjoy!...big post in the works
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight
Have fun..remember...leaves of 3, let them
Male Oread Monk/2; 20/20 HP | AC 14, T 14, FF 12 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Init 7, P 5, I 6 | CMD 17
Ok, I've been back a couple of days now and keeping up with the posts, but my wife and baby girl came down with hand, foot, and mouth, for those who don't know this disease gives you painful blisters on at least two of those body parts in some combination and this time it's hands and feet, so I've been taking off of work playing Mr. Mom and Dr. Dad so I really haven't had the chance to post on my games so I'm trying to catch up now and my posts might be a little short.
No worries, I've been swamped by preperations for an upcoming power outage where i am an engineer, so Im falling behind, and I want to address all those great posts!
Also, seems like the wooden box isn't interesting enough to warrant inspection
While I struggle to put together a post that A) Gets us moving again, and B) Tries to clear up some of the confusion (Agent Huges will be out of her element, struggling to try and explain things that even she doesn’t have a good grasp of), I want to award Experience Points
You are all tracking your own Experience points, right
Anyway, each Character receives 160 experience points for defeating the raiders, and 200 experience points for discovering the wagon is not what it was supposed to be
Female Ratfolk HP (7) Witch 1
Thikka hasn't received any other exp, so this would be her first exp award. Are we using the fast, the medium, or the slow advancement chart?
male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight
Holy crap Sith....that sucks...take care of the family...yikes!
I will be off line for the next week. I’m sorry if that makes it seem like I have left all of you in the lurch. If I can get to a computer on Sunday or Monday, I will try to update if I can
Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5
*shrug* just means we have an excuse for the various players to have sidebar conversations with each other.
Life is a compliacted thing, so long as I'm kept in the loop and it happens eventualy I am in no particular hurry.
Hrmm... now to decide who Ritmush wants to prod. He has already demonstrated some wisdom in avoiding to agitate the angry ratfolk, so I think that she is likely the only one off the table right now.
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
Eh, Prod Minerva and Derrick
They're out of the discussion about Planets and Planes.
male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight
No worries man. It's all good in the hood....
Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5
Eh, you two are already walking away. Ritmush is standing there waiting on the actions of our PC lady holding a pair of goggles toward her. It would likely confuse the narrative a bit were Ritmush to chase after you two when he is kinda locked into the place he is right now.
Though I suppose I could play up his being easily bored, tossing the the goggles to the lady and asking shiney knife guy and hood lady something.
Hrmm...Sithundan's got RL stuff that would likely delay any responses so much as Ritmush would likely enjoy asking 'rough rock guy' questions I think I might ask our local wizard contingent about the box they are muttering over.
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
The box is interesting..
You should probably check it for traps before attempting to open it.
though I'd expect Ritmush would have no issues, being a trap expert
Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5
too bad most of his experience is with the crafting, arming and disarming of mechanical traps rather than magical ones due to his upbringing.
Well ritmush being ritmush would likely just get a long stick and poke it, but that would require Terquems interaction if I physically did something to the box so I'm just going to get Ritmush up to speed on what the other Casties know.
that way he can jump on the topic once Terquem gets a response.
I'm back. Getting re familiar with all my games now
Thanks for being patient
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
Sorry if it sounds like Minerva's being a b!*~+ to Valind
There is a good reason, honest :3
Male Halfling Cleric/2 | AC 16, T 12, FF 15 |HP: 15/8 | F +4, R +1, W +5 | Init 1, P 2, I 1 | CMD 10
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
Debating how to approach this
Minerva would never (And I mean NEVER) approach a cleric for assistance of her own Volition (It's not you Valind, it's your class)
But the other Casters in the group don't know the spell :o
Maybe she could explain things to Thikka/Derrick, and ask them to ask for her?
Female Ratfolk HP (7) Witch 1
What spell is it? Witches get quite a few...
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
are you guys sitting down?
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
You know, at the rate at which these Plot developments and wrinkles are dropping, I'm not even surprised anymore...
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
and thus we must ask ourselves.
Is this just pointless weirdness from the DM?
Or does this doppel-cow have any relevance to the overarching Plot?
Well, the plot, itself, is probably just pointless weirdness, so not much of a difference
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
To celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary, the wife and I are spending two nights in the Tamarack Lodge in Ketchum Idaho, so I will be away from computers for the weekend. Have fun everyone, thanks for being patient with me.
I’ll try to get one update in today before I go
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
Male Oread Monk/2; 20/20 HP | AC 14, T 14, FF 12 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Init 7, P 5, I 6 | CMD 17
Congrats on the anniversary and have fun.
Male Human GM
Minerva Malifect wrote: Comprehend Languages Not only is that a 1st level witch spell, but Thikka has it. I think it's even one of her default daily spells.
Female Tiefling Rogue 2
Minerva will quietly Approach Thikka when it is dark and she can go without her covering cloak (it seemed to annoy Thikka last time)
Female Ratfolk HP (7) Witch 1
Most things annoy Thikka. :)
But yeah, she can cast it, and read the runes.
male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight
Male Human GM
Male Halfling Cleric/2 | AC 16, T 12, FF 15 |HP: 15/8 | F +4, R +1, W +5 | Init 1, P 2, I 1 | CMD 10
32nd! Well done! Have a nice anniversary :)