Terquem |
Here in the USA, colleges are starting up their semesters right about now, the Super Bowl is about to take place, and I imagine a lot of people are dealing with winter snow storms, so if there is a slow down for the next couple of weeks, I understand.
Just remember, barring some unforeseen catastrophe, I’m not going away anytime soon (in fact for the next three days I am attacking CC3+ with more effort and am going to try to finally learn how to make a good map, wish me luck, I am old, and grumpy, but darn it, I want to be able to take all my old hand drawn maps and turn them into something I’d be proud to show my players).
I think Ritmush,and Droka are going to be busy for a little bit longer, but do Unbolath, Portia, Minerva, and Thikka have a plan for what they are going to do next? I am a little disappointed that the four of you haven't talked to each other very much.

Thikka |

I've been posting... nobody responded to my posts.

Thikka |

Well, that sort of goes both ways doesn't it? Brenda responded directly to you, and her first question was , "Who are you?" and you seemed to ignore that, which is probably going to make her suspicious of you, don't you think?
Thikka doesn't really like to give out her name unless she has to when obvious trouble is afoot (like grave digging, backstabing, and possible crooked town officials). Nothing Carvol's fault. Now that someone else gave it away, she'll admit to it. :)

Ritmush Noscale |

So a small concern for future here. Ritmush has absolutely no reason to follow you guys back to the fort. He just shoot straight to the prison.
If you have a thought as to how to solve that problem please do let me know.

Thikka |

There is a rumor that the Prison has banned all bacon.
On a more serious note, the NPC could express the idea that htere are not enough guards, and Portia, Unbolath, or Minerva could go track down more guards. Thikka's a bad choice, she'd never pick Ritmush. :)

Unbolath |

.... but do Unbolath, Portia, Minerva, and Thikka have a plan for what they are going to do next? I am a little disappointed that the four of you haven't talked to each other very much....
I think part of this is we are roleplaying our characters as the not very chatty, socially outcast, paranoid and/or crotchety people that they are. We are held together by a cool storyline, fun world and similar mission, but it could be a stretch to see some or most of us sitting down over some cold ales and chatting cheerily about the weather. Luckily, business at hand forces us to interact just enough to get things done. ;)

Minerva Malifect |

Unless Unbolath or Portia have an interest in ancient languages, Minerva has likely little to say
Though just to say so, Minerva prefers sweet dessert wines, or fortified reds on the road. She may well get chattier after drinks at the tavern.
Drunk people are generally more forgiving of her fiendish appearance.

Ritmush Noscale |

Well I do suppose you've a point there. Trouble being that ritmush specifically has a vested interested in going to the jail as he still needs to give retribution to the Valley Ambusher's bosses.
However it sounds like with very little effort one of the four who are talking with Brenda right now could convince him to come along with them by telling him that there is good chance that the guy who actually ordered the ambush (who ritmush thinks is in the prison) is in fact in fort horizon.
He basically cares about making sure it doesn't hapen again so He "Don' wanna smack a mok whens I'se can jus hurt their leader an makse sure it don'hapen again." Or something like that.
Unfortunately I'm not really sure how we would be getting that concept across in character, as ritmush has not actually demonstrated any capabilities that would make him useful help yet either.
Though I suppose that most of the villagers in the town would be able to spoil the secret of Ritmush actually being a sorcerer.
If the party has a Wagon I could finagle ritmush sneaking into it assuming that they are headed to the prison only to wake up halfway there and realize that he isn't traveling north. Not sure if we would even actually have a wagon for the trip back though.
Now I would say as a player that ritmush as a character actually has fairly simple motivations. Food, Drink, fun, the harming of folks who abuse those he considers kin...
The reasons for which he does these things are certainly absent though.
As for alcohol ritmush's answer is Yes. Though much of the reason behind that would likely be not having had the chance to drink many of the brews outside of what he can get from town here. (And with the lady barkeep aware of who he is I get the feeling she cuts ritmush off rather quick.)

Unbolath |

I feel like this was explained once recently, but I cannot find the post. What is the dollars to gold piece conversion? I assume all prices in this town are dollars? Trying to get a rough idea of the payment Brenda gave before I go to buy provisions.

Ritmush Noscale |

Wow, if thats the case those miners just collectively blew 2700 dollars in gold flinging it all at droka and calliope's feet. They are going to regret that in the morning. Though I suppose
that droka did just rock the house to the foundations. Wonder if he needs a peanut butter and bannana sandwich after that.

Terquem |
I’ll be going out of town tomorrow through Thursday for a three day two night hiking get a way. I’ll be sating in a nice lodge that has internet access and I’ll have my touch pad, so if something comes up that needs my attention I’ll try to respond, otherwise enjoy the break
And thank you to everyone for being patient.

Thikka |

I'm sorry folks, I'm just having trouble staying invested in this game. With the very long delays, and then having to dig back through posts to figure out what Thikka knows and doesn't know... I just don't have the character in my heart anymore. *sigh* I hate to say this, but I think it might be best if I just withdraw.

Terquem |
I hope that those who celebrate the holiday have a wonderful Easter or Passover, me not so much of a Christian or Jew (more like a non robe wearing Buddhist), but today I get to assemble a new swing set for my Grand Daughter. I think I need some kind of wrench or something I tried rolling to make it happen, but eh?

Movin |
Ritmush is attempting to keep the group in a single place, but if unholy wants to go hunting through the hills for a few hours I doubt the human can stop him.
Ritmush wants to go find out about his rat person lantern salesman. He is waiting for his magic ghost goggles to tell him things.
But he knows that the old guy in town is closer than both of them, so old guy first.

Unbolath |

I was hoping the cow hunt thing was fairly trivial, but if it will turn into a major enterprise I can delay that, or just hire some local kids to find the cows. How hard can it be? I do agree it makes things easier if we are not all split off in 50 directions.

Terquem |
I think from my perspective it's just about time keeping issues. I mean if Unbolath takes two hours to track down the cows, and does this without incident, then the others have two hours to do something else while he is gone. You know, just so I can keep track of where everyone is and how long certain things take.

Portia Morgan |

I figured Portia could "hopefully" track the cows fairly quickly presuming the cows are outside. If they are somehow in town. Unbolathe and I could go cow hunting for a few hours. Ritmush and whomever else could go wizard hunting. Meet back at the inn or WEAC office to recap then head into the prison mode for answers to the overarching plot?

Terquem |
There are only 4 active players left in this game. I will try to push you through the forest to the prison as quickly as I can, then it is basically
"Slave Pits of the Undercity" Module A1
Minerva has not posted in game since March 15, and I have sent one final PM to the character.
If Minerva has dropped, then three characters and an NPC fighter will be all that remains.
How do you all feel about that?

Ritmush Noscale |

I'm fine with that, I have a few folks still on here that I could draw on if you would like to add more players.
If not I'm entirely happy to roll forward as is until we truely run out of steam.