Beyond Fort Horizon (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

New Notes are in the Campaign Tab

An Edit was done to the end of K'vin's story

Jeannine's Story is added

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Female Tiefling Rogue 2

I'll probably stay in the town.

Minerva's a new arrival, I'd think. She follows the caravans :)

Male Tiefling Slayer 2 | HP 0/24 | AC 18, touch 14, FF 14; CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +5, Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)

Aye, I don't think it'd be that hard to dismiss it as either a new caravan or they were just busy while we were starting out. We spread ourselves out, sure, but I doubt we visited everywhere in the fort.

Derrick's definitely joining the guard duty, though.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2


Less chance of you catching Minerva stealing stuff :D

(It's just a hobby, honest)

male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight

I will stay on guard duty. Oh btw, was it max hp of half +1 after first?

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Sod, a sorceror will make her hobby much, much more annoying.

ah well, c'est la vie

[Edited cuz I checked my facts :p]


Many distractions this weekend, I’m sorry

Let me see if I can catch up (my mind got disconnected from gaming this weekend, but I’ll try to get it back)

These are the finished Characters

Minerva - female, tiefling rogue (player sentient hydra)
Rolandor - male, elf, sorcerer {player grimdog73)
Edgin - male, human wizard (player Gavin)
Unbolath - male, Aasimar ranger/wizard (player cave toad)
Droka- male, fetchling bard/summoner (player sarpadian)
Ritmush Noscale – male, human sorcerer (player movin)
Thrikka – female, ratfolk witch (player mdt)

Now the way I understand things

Minerva and Rolindor have declared that they will stay In Fort Horizon (for the time being)

Unbolath and Droka will go with the existing characters to Mystic Valley
(they have not indicated otherwise)

Edgin, Ritmush, and Thrikka have not checked into the Discussion thread (please post in the discussion thread, introducing yourself and your character when you can)

Ritmush will be introduced to the game some time after the party has left for Mystic Valley

Edgin and Thrikka can go with the party, or stay behind

Once I have these details finalized, I’ll update the game

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

A gangly male human, perhaps 16 at best bobbles over a hill. elbows and knees covered in dirt as he clambers up a hill. shoes, socks shirt and gloves all look to be of decent make in average cut were they not festooned in dirt. he wears goggles cover his brow with excited eyes glancing about, the pack he wears jingles and several workman's tools, small knick-knacks and other odds dangle from it.

Hi thar' I'm Ritmush! Player is Movin
So I heard you'se guys go into dark places an' not so dark places an' inbetween places an' beat up things an' take their stuff. Sometimes tha' things are even bad.

Oh a horny lady! Didn' know they was serious when they talked abou' that. Huh I wonder where the other ladies horns were...
anyways you have a hobby? I have loads a'em, does it involve stuff like this? *reveals mangled bear trap from pack*

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Hi all. Sorry, I didn't realize I'd been approved to join. :)

Thikka is a young ratfolk who was born old. :) She's a bit curmudgeonly, but she'll try to help those who need help. If they did something stupid, she'll harangue them for being dumb. If they're stupid enough she might just do the minimum necessary to heal them up to keep them form dying.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka would be a very new arrival, and trying to figure out how to pay her way, so if someone offers her a job, she'd probably go along with it (so she could go with the party if they are looking for a healer). If nobody offers her a spot, she'd be just as fine staying at the fort and finding work.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

I get this odd feeling that Thikka is not going to enjoy Ritmush's exuberance at all once they meet. Well perhaps she would enjoy it if said exuberance is inflicted on others in her presence, but not when she has to deal with it.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

*Minerva hides her horns under the shade of the hood, tail carefully tying itself around her waist*

"Horns? Don't be silly, I don't have any horns.. that'd make me a deformed monster, or something.."Minerva finishes, then steps into deeper shadow.

"I have a few hobbies.. Locks, traps, Painting."

Tweaked my character a little before game start.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka snorts. "What? I'm supposed to enjoy someone acting like a mewling pup? What do I look like, a gnome? You need glasses." She snorts again.


Female Tiefling Rogue 2

I love Thikka's Backstory :D

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Yeah, Mdt is great at this stuff. I've seen some of his other characters on the board. Thikka's an awesome concept so far, hopefully we meet in game at some point and get to have these wonderful chats.
Ritmush scratches his head in confusion "but..." a strike of inspiration "Oh that's what she was talkin' about when Mamo said that women have problems that are not polite to talk about!" adjusting the strap on his glasses the young one fidgets "'m sorry, I didn't mean offense" he says in a monotonous tone of someone parroting anothers words.
"But you like traps!" Ritmush picks the mangled trap he had previously placed on a nearby log "I like traps too, s'my favorite thing in the world! Melangrocha said I was blessed by Griyem Toarth with his cleverness an' love of lobsters." he slows slightly the smile on his face fading "Well he did once at least..."

Turning the boy finally takes notice of the other person in the area he examines her for a moment "Wow! I didn't know rats got that big around here!" he states bluntly before soldiering forward with his machine gun speech pattern concern on in his tone "Granthilisa tol' me that if a rat stands on two legs an' talks to ya' you've either had too much mushroom beer or its a fairy princess in disguise. He looks at himself for a moment hand in front of goggled face Well I only have four and a half fingers so you must be a disguised princess! Where are ya' wings? Did ya' lose'em on tha' way here? Do you have a magic wand? How 'bout animal friends? do they look like rats too? the boy chatters animatedly.


I'd like to remind Ritmush not to engage too much in dialog with characters he hasn't actually met yet, you know, just so there isn't a lot of confusion ahead.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva's eyes glinted a little red in the dark.

Oh? You and I have much to discuss then. If you'd be willing to talk on a few designs, little boy."

She smiled, and nodded to the large humanoid rat "It is interesting, to meet something of a race I have not seen before." her head tilted, and she had to grab her hood to keep it up "I would love to paint you.."

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Don't worry, I'm counting this as OOC practice, to get a gauge of the other characters and possible future interactions, and keep interested in the game.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

*Chuckle* Like Minerva its practice and using it as a tool to iron out his flaws and ideals. I'm rather terrible at creating characters from whole cloth, I tend to adlib stuff to add to them as I go forward. it keeps them fresh in my mind but can be endlessly frustrating for folks who like a measure of a person before the game starts. So having him chatter away means I get to put more kernels away for other scenes.
I think that last little bit has given me what I need though, so unless any of the players have a question for me relating to Ritmush I'll avoid cluttering the thread.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Yep, more just giving people an idea of personalities, so they know what to expect, and thanks for the compliment. :) One last bit from Thikka, she's a big believer that (non lethal) pain is a great teacher for immature minds.

The little ratfolk woman glares at Ritmush. "Where's your tail and whiskers? You look diseased and manged." She huffs, muttering dark implications under her breath. She also glares evil eyes at Ritmush, who suddenly seems more clumsy. "If you really want to see some wings, go over there and take that round egg shaped thing off that tree, you'll find thousands of wings in it." She points to a large wasps nest on the tree nearby, after hexing Ritmush to make him clumsier (-2 saves).

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

Yes, I'll head to Mystic Valley.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Non-lethal my left handed PC, have you seen a wasp swarm in action? Also I would hope you don't mind the exchange, want to show that Ritmush isn't an idiot much as he is over exhuberant.
DC on the grease is 17 if you would prefer to try and make it.

"Wow fer'real?" The boy meanders over with wide eyed enthusiasm "Oohhh, that's a really big egg I wonder if I can..."
the boy states eyes scrunched in concentration as he closes on the nest climbing a tree stump to get there.
Whirling on the rat woman he snaps off a spell of grease to send her sprawling into the muddy forest floor, thumb sized grubs waiting to greet her "Ha! I know what buzz swarms hide in you mean ol' witch, you!"
he leans forward crowing from the stump he stood on to reach the nest. "No one gets a trap past Ritmush! You're not a princess at all an' I caught you ya' mean ol' ratfaced bi- Woah!"
The boy is cut off as the previously solid stump crumbles inward sending him flying backward into the oak tree.
the boy cries as he impacts the tree half dazed he looks up and hears an ominous creak followed by a buzz.
"Oh, no. No,nono!
the boy pleads as the wasp nest detaches from the tree with a thump landing solidly on his half chest and face splitting like a rotten pumpkin and disgorging an avalanche of honey and angry wasps.
The number of curses the boy unleashes as a result is astounding as he bounds out of the area though most of them are muffled slightly by having a hornet hive stuck to his face and a buzzing horde of insects after him.
And... Outro.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

:) Nice. :)

Basically, Thikka will go with whichever group is short handed compared to the other.


Edren and Sithundan have not checked in for a while

Portia, Valind and Derrick, will act as guard and guide, for the wagon of supplies to Mystic Valley
This means we have
A Ranger, a Cleric (negative Channeling), a Witch, a Fighter, a Wizard, and a Bard leaving Fort Horizon in the morning
And, a Sorcerer and a Rogue staying at the fort
Can I get a check in from the current players

Grand Lodge

Male Human Wizard Conjuror (Teleporter) 2 HP16/16 AC12 Init+6 Int+7

Sorry guys, didn't realise I'd been accepted

A well dressed gentleman ambles over. He would be fairly unremarkable in most places, except for things: His hair is pure white, despite the youth of his face; he has an unfetterd hawk perched on his glove; and he's not in most places. Fort Horizon is hardly the place for a well-dressed gentleman, yet he's here all the same.
Upon reaching the group he addresses the nearest person,

"Pardon me, am I to understand that there is a group looking for guards for a caravan heade for Mystic Valley? The guard at the entrance told me I might find suitable employment here when I asked."

Male Tiefling Slayer 2 | HP 0/24 | AC 18, touch 14, FF 14; CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +5, Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)

Derrick holds to himself as the others trade banter.


Okay, I will begin working everyone into the Game thread, so be watching

Grand Lodge

Male Oread Monk/2; 20/20 HP | AC 14, T 14, FF 12 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Init 7, P 5, I 6 | CMD 17

The slow speed of the game had kind of turned me off, but seeing the enthusiasm of these new recruits and their most creative personalities may bring new life to this game. Have you figured out how your going to run both a dungeon crawl and a in town adventure at the same time without getting the posts to confusing?
If you will still have him Sithundan is an adventurer and defender of the weak at heart and would head for Mystic Valley.


If any of you followed "The Woodbridge" campaign you might have seen that I learned how to manage a split party there (into three seperate groups). Now, it might not work here, but I'm going to try. If it fails I will open a seperate game thread for the game heading to Mystic Valley.

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

If you can split 3, I know you can do 2 lol. Still here

Falcon...HP: 15/15 | AC: 15 FF: 12 TCH: 13 | Perception: +6, Survival: +6, Fly: +6

Caw, caw

Male Halfling Cleric/2 | AC 16, T 12, FF 15 |HP: 15/8 | F +4, R +1, W +5 | Init 1, P 2, I 1 | CMD 10
Thikka wrote:
Thikka would be a very new arrival, and trying to figure out how to pay her way, so if someone offers her a job, she'd probably go along with it (so she could go with the party if they are looking for a healer). If nobody offers her a spot, she'd be just as fine staying at the fort and finding work.

So much wanting another healer. I keep telling them to not get stabbed, but do they listen?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Wizard Conjuror (Teleporter) 2 HP16/16 AC12 Init+6 Int+7

People never listen.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Never do

Especially when you tell them that the treasure chest is still trapped, and you're in the middle of disarming it so please don't o- oh god he's dead now.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Least ya brought your umbrella this time so you aren't covered in kidney.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

true, blood never comes out properly

Grand Lodge

Male Oread Monk/2; 20/20 HP | AC 14, T 14, FF 12 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Init 7, P 5, I 6 | CMD 17

Ah blood and chocolate, the two worst things to try and get out of clothes, and I think I might have them both on the shirt I'm wearing right now.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Thats why you wear waxed leather, slides right off and the meat gibblets don't get traction to stay. Plus there's the whole dead sexy leather outfit thing going on.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

My girl's got sexy leather on


well, slightly sexy.

She binds her chest flat, makes it easier to fight.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

I wonder how Terquem's gonna intro Minerva.

In the middle of a thievery?

Just getting off a caravan?

Sketching stuff?

Grand Lodge

Male Oread Monk/2; 20/20 HP | AC 14, T 14, FF 12 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Init 7, P 5, I 6 | CMD 17
Ritmush Noscale wrote:
Thats why you wear waxed leather, slides right off and the meat gibblets don't get traction to stay. Plus there's the whole dead sexy leather outfit thing going on.

Well when you're a stone monk your options of attire are a bit limited.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

I bet Sithundan could pull off sexy leather

Dem abs and all ;)

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

so what you mean to say is that Minerva is in a tight leather outfit that may or may not be sexy?
also, we all know a Stone cold hunk o'granite like Sithundan could pull of leather so well that no one esle would wear it. That's why he doesn't for the world would weep at the loss of sexy leather outfits for the masses.

Also I'm going to need to include an umbrella in Ritmush's purchases for this. As i'm getting ideas that are unkind for this.

As to Ritmush's character position, he is next to useless as a caster skill point wise. He can cast spells of his own but it isn't like he learned them from anyone. If its just perception/disable device/stealth that is needed ritmush has full ranks in them.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Disable device, stealth and perception are Minerva's Shtick silly :p

She's the Rogue.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

You ought to inform ritmush of that, because he didn't get that memo.
Though it would be fair to say that there is no promise of us both being in the same place, and even if we are having a second option for opening traps on the low chance of Minerva/Ritmush say failing and getting their hand stuck in a hole with a beartrap in it would increase both our survival chances.
-plus we just got a massive influx of smurt casties, so it just means I have an excuse to bother you IC more often if we share interests. -

Grand Lodge

Male Oread Monk/2; 20/20 HP | AC 14, T 14, FF 12 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Init 7, P 5, I 6 | CMD 17

And with all of you new spell punks walking around it's even more important to have a stony mass of munkish furry around to keep those baddies away so you don't end up getting cut to ribbons.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

dunno about fur but I bet one of the spell punks can give you mage armor, that could be pretty cool.
Ritmush is rather allergic to death so he would likely prefer someone else face it in his place.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Just to note, I'm here, reading the discussion, nothing directed at me, but I'm here. Waiting for the GM to intro Thikka to everyone else.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

what you man you don't think Thikka would look sexy in leather?
I bet she would, leather is to fantasy clothing what bacon is to food if I'm to believe fantasy art drawings.

Also, does anyone know some decent ways to render a foe flatfooted?
The Kobold bloodline boost the DC of a spell cast at a flatfooted opponent and beyond ambush at the start of combat I don't know a whole lot of ways to get flatfooted as a condition. (I also get a DC boost for Blinded,Entangled or Stunned enemies if some of you folks have plans to rock down debuffing)
Flatfooted means you are denied your dexterity but apparently being denied your dexterity does not mean you are flatfooted.
It confuses my brain.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

If Thikka and Minerva meet, I think they'd get along :)
(Probably bug you about getting some delicious poisons and lock-melting acids for her roguing/alchemical paints for her art)

We both look odd to society, and have skills that might be frowned upon.

I think she'd look very sexy in leather.

Leather Is the Bacon of sexy, I'd agree ;D

How Ritmush and she got along would depend on how in your face he gets. She's usually quite insular/paranoid people will try and hurt her for her heritage.

male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight

@Ritmush-maybe get Improved Initiative to get the drop on them in the first round? other than that....sneak up on someone.

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