Beyond Fort Horizon (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

New Notes are in the Campaign Tab

An Edit was done to the end of K'vin's story

Jeannine's Story is added

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Nice back story!

Sorry I disappeared on you Terquem, but I need to bow out of this. I hope you enjoy the game!

Is Valind okay to join the discussion thread?


Valind has profession:lawyer. I'll change his appraise skill to know:local and pick up appraise next level. That okay?

This full up already?
I might be interested depending upon what roles are still needed.

This game has no upper limit on characters (at this time) and is not full.

Please feel free to create a character and please take a minute to familiarize yourself with all this, sh...stuff that we have been talking about. You can create any character you think is interesting (and do not have to consider fulfilling any "roles") but for the sake of information only, there are no arcane casters rolled at this point, I think. I am checking the roster again.

I am aiming for Thursday to open the game thread with a small caravan (about three or four NPC's) and all ready player characters standing outside of and at the gate of Fort Horizon on a midsummer day, before noon.

Valind - sounds good!

Hmm... Ok, I actually prefer arcane casters.
1st: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 1) + 6 = 9
2nd: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 3) + 6 = 13
3rd: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 = 10
4th: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 6 = 12
5th: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 = 12
6th: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11

Wow, that's a pretty crappy set of numbers. Average roll is only 2.5.

I'll have to see if I can figure out something to make that work. The only thing that immediately comes to mind is a master summoner and I'm not sure that is a great idea with this many players. I will think on it.

Terquem wrote:
This game has no upper limit on characters (at this time) and is not full.

I'm curious as hell about how this is going to work. Do we often split up or is it like a Roster where we don't all go on adventures at the same time? Or are you just planning to kill us off faster than George R. R. Martin?

I am going to try and see if the player characters are willing to create their own parties (from all available characters) once they know what opportunities are available to them. Should it turn out that everyone meets at the tavern, and everyone agrees that all of the PC's should go on the same "quest" it will then turn out to be just a standard adventure, but there are going to be a lot of things to look into, a lot of choices (I hope!) and I hope that players will see things that interest them and then try to convince only those characters they think will be helpful to join them.

There is going to be a strong cash incentive ( a gold piece reward) associated with the challenges that will be presented, and those rewards will have serious contractual responsibilities (Valind is likely to suffer a minor head explosion or two trying to keep up with the contracts, but he won't be alone in that effort).

Terquem, what do you think about a fetchling shadow caller (summoner archtype)?
Would use the eidolon mostly as a scout. Then dismiss it to summon shadow monsters for combat.
Fetchlings are a kinda powerful race and many GM's do not like to allow them.

I think we can allow a Fetchling

I am going to introduce a sort of mild racial animosity that exists between the Green Skinned Elves of Zieferland and the Fetchlings, having its origins going to a far distant time in the past when the Elven lands were plagued by “Shadow” Creatures.

In order to rid the land of these Shadow Creatures (it is said) some elves made unusual packs with other Shadow Plane beings.

Many Elves still believe that this pack did not actually rid the land of the threat of these Shadow Creatures, but only bound those creatures to specific places, people, and items and that the threat never really went away, but for some reason it was after this pact was made that the first Fetchlings began to appear in the world

That works. Fetchlings may be a bit more powerful, but with those crappy rolls I certainly won't dominate the field. :-)

I will start putting it together tonight.

I use hero labs for my characters. I don't know if there is any way to make perception an int skill. But there is a category for "knowledge, other." I think I can use that and label it "knowledge, perception."

What is the difference between the wisdom based sense motive and the wisdom based intuition?

Sense Motive works exactly the same way it does normally, only it is now something you do with Intuition (and Intuition allows you to do more than just Sense Motives). So you can use your Intuition to tell you if someone is not telling you the truth or trying to lead you into a trap, and you can also use Intuition to get a "feel" for a place or situation whithout regard to another person at all. You can also use Intuition to guage how wounded a monster is, or how close to death it might be, or if it is immune to something you have tried to do to it.

But let us say you make a perception roll, and really roll poorly. Then you decide you might try to go with your gut feeling about the same thing and try an Intuition Roll. This is a situation where a modifier from failing one roll can have an effect on the other. (And it works the same if you tried Intuition first and then Perception.)

Ok, that seems reasonable.

Again, I don't think I can make an intuition skill in hero labs.
But I think I can use a "profession, other" to get a wisdom based "profession, intuition" skill.

Or when you transer your hero lab information to your alias (which is something I would like you to do) you can just type it in manually.

You know I have a gripe with Hero Labs in that for some players (some, not many and certainly not all) it takes away the "learning" aspect of character creation.

You don't need to know why your stats and scores, modifiers and such are what they are, you just fill in the blanks at hero Labs

Will definitely put the stablock output in the alias.

I 'can' type it in manually in the alias, but I am 'likely' to forget by the time we level. If I can get something in there automatically I don't have to worry about that. I'll see how it works out. If if won't let me or works poorly, I'll just have to type it and leave some notes for myself as a reminder.

Hero Labs? Well to do a decent job of it you still need to know how it all works. I think the people that use it without knowing the system still wouldn't bother if they didn't have Hero Labs. They would just have piles of mistakes on their sheet.

I used to do it by hand in excel for years. But it was a lot of typing and math checking over and over. This way it keeps track of my encumberance. Reminds me that I have to have 'this' before 'that'. and consistently prints it out looking similar with the same info in the same place.

Are low level wands likely to be fairly easily available? If yes, I will definitely be putting ranks in UMD. If no, I probably won't put in very many.

Spoiler Alert! Magic:
Low level wands and other incidental magic items (scrolls and potions) are in high demand and are very hard to get and very hard to make. There is a high incidence of failure, particularly with Divine Magical Enchantments - BUT Major Spoiler Alert!!! There will be discoveries galore.

Beginnings of the Gruingar the shadow caller are in this alias.

I will be adding details to the background with some notes on his personality as I get time through the day.
Let me know if there is anything in particular you don't like or want to see more details on.

Build will be finished up this evening when I get home. Really just need to buy him some gear.

So far that looks good.

Any last questions before I open the game?

Will you allow the spell Infernal Healing to work on the eidolon?

(I've read that some GM's rule that it does not. Otherwise they wouldn't have made the rejuvenate spells.)

Okay well here's where I am on the subject. Infernal Healing is not in the PRD. Where it does occur it is a spell with the (Evil) descriptor, so good characters should not be using it, period. Evil characters could use it, and I don't have a problem with that only this particular campaign is not going to be welcoming for evil characters (and I have not categorically stated that there can be no evil characters, but it would be a difficult player character choice). And lastly, I think that the spells created for healing the Eidolon are part of the balance of the class and companion, so I would rule as a GM that Infernal Healing does not heal the Eidolon.

I see it so much, I had forgotten that it wasn't in the PRD. Gruingar is straight neutral. I will switch to the lesser rejuvinate eidolon spell and just hope there is someone around to heal me when needed.

As of today this is what I make of the Player Character Roster

Ginger Pheuke – (aasimar or human?) – Inquisitor (I can’t figure out, from the alias, if you want to be Human or aasimar?); player = fnord72 Not Checked In

Derrick Tramsem – (human) – Samuri; player = Loup Blanc Checked In

Teekmorg – (goblin) – Cavalier; player = Yokum (still have not seen an alias) A PM has been sent for confirmation of status

Chaucer Tarsi – (human) – Cavalier; player = KDinIN dropped

Dolin Smith – (dwarf) – Barbarian; player = hustonj Checked In

“The Kid” – (Halfling) – Gunslinger; player = YoricksRequiem Checked In

Edren Ket – (human) – Fighter; player = HunterCyprus84 Checked In

Sithundan – (oread) – Monk; player = Iron Killer Checked IN

Portia – (human) – Ranger; player = Gilthanis Checked In

“Big Al” Redthistle – (Halfling) – Cavalier; player = gyrfalcon Checked In

Valind – (Halfling) – Cleric; player = Harakani Checked in

Bjarki – (Human) – Viking; player = The Fool Checked In

Gruingar de”Morcaine – (Fetchling) – Summoner; player = Kydeem de'Morcaine Not Checked In

By NOT CHECKED IN, I mean I have not seen a post by the player in the discussion thread, if I missed your post please tell me about it right away.
I hope everyone can get as much information about their character entered into the alias format before we begin (I can access those easier than I can links to other web sites).
I am building the three NPCs that round out the caravan and writing some introductory material that puts these characters right at the gate of Fort Horizon
Also, some of you may receive PM’s with some plot hooks that I think will affect your characters (though they were not created to do this) and I don’t want anyone to think I am “Setting them up” for unfair surprises.

I actually don't mind being set-up for unfair surprises. Makes life interesting (or short). 8-)

Even though the alias isn't filled yet I will post over on the discussion thread right now.

Scarab Sages

Here's my character. Anything that needs to be changed?

Looks good, can you post as your alias in the discussion thread, and I will send you a PM to work out how we introduce your character

If there were players interested in this game who have not joined yet, I would still love to have you.

Sorry I vanished Terquem, family emergency. I'm still very interested in this and I have free time today so I will try mightily to get the character finished and ready to rock.
1d6 ⇒ 4

Here is Crunch. I'll add fluff when I get home.

Okay, I'll try to work something into the story that can bring you on as soon as I can

I'm dotting if this is still going. I have a character who I made from another campaign would just have to roll stats and change to starting level is that okay with you?

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 1) + 6 = 9
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5) + 6 = 16
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 = 14
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 4) + 6 = 16

Here is Levicus Wildspeaker ready for consideration.

sure, I'll be away from computers this weekend (starting tonight) but I'll be back on Monday to look all of this over.

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