Ayrphish's Dragon Empires - Blue Team (Inactive)

Game Master Ayrphish

Blue Team Go

OOC discussion for Blue Team.

Please 'check in' below.

Hooray! I will make a profile for Meilin shortly.

EDIT: And here she is! Ready to go when you are!

Once everyone has a profile and checks in, we will get moving.

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

Asura has a green tile. :)

Thats ok, for everything that matters you're blue now :)

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

Oh, but Asura still has the green tile. He controlled his own destiny, that's what he'll explain. ;)

Male Kitsune Bard 1


Looks like we need Jin to check in and then we are good

Male Vanara Rouge

Checking in, wont be posting till friday again thou. past two days have been murder.

No worries. Will put up a post in the gameplay forum shortly.

Hope you all have a good time.

Male Human Wizard - 1

post up in gameplay

Male Human Wizard - 1

Letting you all accept the call, I will check in and post what I can over the weekend, but I don't have any expectations or anything on the weekends. I will do what i can between now and Monday, and we'll get things rolling Monday.

Male Vanara Rouge

Okie dokey :3

Male Human Wizard - 1

Alright, I'm back and ready to go when you all are


great introduction asura :)

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

I wouldn't say its great, but it felt fitting. I'd like to portray him as someone who does not talk a lot but when he does, its insightful.

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

With a 26, I'd hope I can see/hear precisely what's going on up over the hill.

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

I'm pretty sure Asura has nearly broken that door.

Asura, I don't see a post where you break down the door. Has the post-monster eaten it?

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1


Male Vanara Rouge

I blame asura for startling Jin. xD

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

1. If the woman doesn't cooperate, and I know she won't, Asura will knock her out with non-lethal damage.
2. Asura is burning the place down, that's too much evil in one place to just leave be.
3. I think we need to find out where 'Lin' is and kick his ass.

Male Vanara Rouge
Asura of the Iron Fist wrote:

1. If the woman doesn't cooperate, and I know she won't, Asura will knock her out with non-lethal damage.

2. Asura is burning the place down, that's too much evil in one place to just leave be.
3. I think we need to find out where 'Lin' is and kick his ass.


Male Human Wizard - 1

Sorry guys, been on spring break.

Male Kitsune Bard 1

sorry guys, but I'm having a hard time connecting in this game. I wish you all the best, but I believe chan Gho is going to drop out. Good luck, and hopefully we'll get another chance to game together.

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

In the last three weeks, you only posted twice so that's clear to see. I'm sorry you could not connect though what exactly is it that you couldn't connect to? Your character? The party? The story?

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

Hey, GM Ayrphish, I feel that this campaign is incredibly boring. I don't feel like we've went anywhere and we have been struggling to work with a very, very boring NPC. Can we expedite this scene, move this along? I'm frusterated with this game and want it to be successful, but I may have to agree with Gho: connecting is an issue. Can we remedy this? I don't know how the other players feel.

I hate to, but I agree. I keep waiting for something to happen, but so far, the only thing that's happened (the mudslide) was largely off-screen. I like my character and I feel connected enough to the character, but so far, not to the game. We need to kick it up a notch.

Male Human Wizard - 1

Certainly. Let me do some re-drawing and re-thinking; I will magic wand some things to speed them up and have a renewed course put up probably Monday morning.

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

Thank you for understanding, DM. Like Meilin, I feel invested in the character however I feel the story isn't very exciting.

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

La la la~

Male Human Wizard - 1

working on it, been a little busy :)

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

Working hard!

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

DM Ayrphish, do you feel comfortable continuing the game?

Male Human Wizard - 1

I would love to continue the game, however, this time of year is the absolute worst for me. I apologize, but I do not think that I will be able to produce something that I will have enough confidence in to present to you all to play. You have made great characters and are great players, and I can't meet your needs at this time.

My apologies for letting your hard work and imagination go to waste with some incredible characters.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

No worries, DM. It happens to all of us. The enthusiasm meets real life and obligations and things have to give. It's better to give up a game than stiff real life. Real Life has a tendency to stiff back...

Male Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Monk 1

It happens, plain and simple. Don't feel hard on yourself, it has been fun playing with you and the others here.

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