Aubrey's Eberron campaign. (Inactive)

Game Master Aubrey the Malformed

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"This no Great Gate," says Choom. "Work from Control Room."

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

If Trose cannot find a trigger for this, and Choom believes it is not a trap, let us continue to the control room.

The party head gingerly under the portcullis, but nothing happens. They begin to draw closer to the light, which seems to resolve into a room. From this angle and distance it is hard to see what else is in the room, but an everbright lantern burns in a black iron chandelier in the middle of the ceiling.

Listen, DC 10:

You hear the creak of someone standing in heavy armour. You are not surprised.

As the party progresses, up the corridor, a couple of heavily-armoured kobolds peer round the corner of the room and goggle in horror at the oncoming warriors.

Roll initiative.

OK, the set-up. The party stands in a corridor 10' wide, heading east. The foremost members of the party at 20' away from the end of the corridor, where it connects with the room ahead where the kobolds are. You can see that there is a corridor leading out from the far side of the room, also heading east, which appears to be 30' wide. You cannot see further in than that.

Coordinates - A to R across the top, 1 to 10 down the side. The corridor runs from A-J/5-6. There is a turning south (not north, as I described in an earlier post - apologies for mucking up the description) at C-D/7-8 (it continues further than that into a storeroom, but I'm ignoring that for coordinate purposes).

The portcullises are between squares D/5-6 and E/5-6 and also between squares J/5-6 and K/5-6. They are currently raised - the one at the end of the corridor was spotted by Trose, so you know about it.

The room beyond (which I shall describe - to some extent - so you can map it ok) is 30' square, at coordinates K-P/3-8. There are corridors running north (M-N/2 and beyond), south (M-N/10 and beyond) and east (O/5-6 and beyond).

The kobolds are at K5 and K6 respectively. They are wearing full plate and carry halberds and crossbows. They are not surprised. You are if you failed the Listen check above.

Please place yourselves and the hired help (including Choom) in the corridor. No one can be further east than G/5-6.

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

Listen: 16+2 = 18. Init: 5

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

Listen r4+3=7; init r9=9.

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

Listen: 8+2 = 10
Init: 3+3 = 6

(As well as the skill and initiative checks, don't forget to place yourselves on the map.)

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

I thinking:

b5 ceshto
c5 arek
d5 ez
e5 gnarly
f5 janosz
g5 lightbringer
c6 bool
d6 trose
e6 choom
f6 rod
g6 runzyl


HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

Works for me, D5 it is. Better knock em out fast cause if they drop that porticullis it's just me, Trose and the half-orcs free. I don't have mage hand prepped to reverse the (presumed) lever.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Listen 2+11=13, initiative 14+3=17.

Listen: 14 + 5 = 19. Init: 9 + 4 = 13. The placement Heathy gave sounds good to me.

As the kobolds emerge, Runzyl quickly turns to Lightbringer. "Push them back!"

If the levers to drop the portcullises are just inside the door there (which I think they may be), if we bull rush the little varmints back, they won't be able to activate them this round (without provoking several AoOs at least). That's my thought. At the very least, we'll be inside that room and can release them ourselves if they get dropped. If they beat us both on initiative, though, we're pretty much hosed. :)

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

Placement sounds good, and bullrushing them back into the room sounds like a plan. My init sucks though, so they’ll likely beat me.

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1

If it isn't too much bother, could someone NPC me for the next few days... both kids sick... wife sick... me sick...

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

No problem. Initiative for Trose is 13+2=15. Listen check 7+6=13, so he's not surprised.

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

Janosz: 17
Trose: 15
Runzyl: 13
Rod: 9 (surprised)
Arek: 8
Ceshto: 7 (surprised)
Ez: 6
LB: 5
Bool: 4 (surprised)
Choom: ?
Kobold heavies: ?

Dragonmann wrote:
If it isn't too much bother, could someone NPC me for the next few days... both kids sick... wife sick... me sick...

Get well soon, dude.

For convenience, I have put stats up for Gnarly and Choom in the profile page for the Aubrey the Demented/Malformed avatar. You may manoeuvre them as you see fit, subject to the caveat that Choom prefers not to get too close and personal (though he will if he must - he understands this is a high stakes game and he is close to becoming king).

Also, as Dragonmann is feeling iffy he will need to be NPC'ed too for the moment - again I will leave that to you guys.

Gnarly: 25
Janosz: 17
Trose: 15
Runzyl: 13
Rod: 9 (surprised)
Arek: 8
Ceshto: 7 (surprised)
Ez: 6+
Kobold heavies: 6-
Choom: 5+
LB: 5-
Bool: 4 (surprised)

b5 Ceshto
c5 Arek
d5 Ez
e5 Gnarly
f5 Janosz
g5 Lightbringer
c6 Bool
d6 Trose
e6 Choom
f6 Rod
g6 Runzyl

Gnarly whips up his crossbow and opens up on the nearest kobold. One bolt bounces off its armour but the other hits it in the leg, causing it to yelp.

Gnarly rapid-shots the kobold in K5 and hits once.

Now, Janosz.

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

Equipment: Sailor Suit, LOL! I kinda forgot about that. Also after reading Choom's description, I'm more sure they are going to eat him alive as soon as we leave.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

I like the bullrushing idea. For convenience, I'll run Trose this encounter, as his and Janosz' initiatives are so close.

The Tharashk retainers sprint past their friends and bears down on the armoured kobolds, intending to knock them away from any levers that might drop the portcullis.

I'm plowing down the kobold in K5. Fortunately there won't be any AoO's as we are before them in the first round :) Touch attack 11+7+2(charge)=AC 20, Str check 17+2(str)+2(charge)=23. Don't forget he gets a -4 on the opposing roll as he's small.

Trose runs down the kobold in K6. Trose's a bit more of the careful sort than Janosz, so no charging here - touch attack roll 14+6=AC 20, strength check 16+3=19; again, the kobold has -4 on his roll. Trose's stronger than I thought. ;D

Final positions: Janosz in K5, Trose in K6.

(Trose's target is pushed back 15' to N6, Janosz's 15' N5. Janosz could not actually charge as he was behind LB.)

The two kobolds are forced back. At the threshold to the room, Janosz and Trose find two more surprised-looking kobold guards. The room seems to be at the confluence of a crossroads, with passages heading north, south, east and west. There is also a strange, milky orb about a foot across, attached to the east wall of the chamber by an iron claw.

(Two new kobolds are at P3 and P8, the orb is on the wall by P4.)

(Now Runzyl.)

Waiting for Runzyl to post.

Runzyl, following in Trose's wake, bounds forward with reckless speed and delivers a powerful slash at the kobold Trose pushed back.

30' move to M6. Attack: 9 + 9 = 18. If hit, damage: 3 + 5 = 8.

Runzyl's blow clangs off armour, leaving the kobold shaken but unhurt.

(Now Arek, then Ez.)

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

I'm surprised still, so I can't go.

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
Rodergo Xativa wrote:
I'm surprised still, so I can't go.

Since you're out this round, you can take the half-orcs if you like?

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)
Lightbringer wrote:
Rodergo Xativa wrote:
I'm surprised still, so I can't go.
Since you're out this round, you can take the half-orcs if you like?

Uh...can somebody else do that?

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
Rodergo Xativa wrote:
Lightbringer wrote:
Rodergo Xativa wrote:
I'm surprised still, so I can't go.
Since you're out this round, you can take the half-orcs if you like?
Uh...can somebody else do that?

Heh. Sure!

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

Arek takes a 5 foot step to D6, and readies an action to try to stop the portcullis from falling, should it be activated (if it doesn’t look like something he could attempt to hold back, he would position his greataxe held up on the floor beneath it, so that it wouldn’t fall all the way, allowing it to be lifted or crawled under). He’s dumb enough not to realise the flaws in the plan, but wise enough to realise the lot in the middle don’t want to get trapped if things go to s*@$.

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

Thanx, man. I'm kinda forked up right now...

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
Rodergo Xativa wrote:
Thanx, man. I'm kinda forked up right now...

I spotted that - it's cool. Hope all is well...

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

Ezreal hustles down the center of the corridor pulling one of his wands free as he goes. Just before the second portcullis, he stops and leans against the wall to angle around Janosz and blasts one of kobolds with a crackling electrical burst.

MA: J5 (30 ft)
SA: Wand Lesser Orb (point blank)
Ranged Touch: 14+6 = 20 vs N5
Damage: 5+2 = 7

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)
Lightbringer wrote:
Rodergo Xativa wrote:
Thanx, man. I'm kinda forked up right now...
I spotted that - it's cool. Hope all is well...

Yeah--just hell of day; cold wet loooooong drive home; didn't wanna fork nothing up.

The kobold yelps as Ezreal hits it with an orb of electricity, but it staggers on. It and it's companion move to flank Runzyl, while a third attacks Trose. The last, standing by the orb, leans close to the peculiar device and begins yammering in Draconic, before moving to attack Janosz. The room is filled with martial shouts and cries of pain.

(Since Ez can understand it: "Intruders in guard room 1! General alarm!")

(The guards in N5 and N6 move to M5 and M7 respectively and attack Runzyl with their halberds. One hits - 5 points of damage. The one in P8 moves to L7, attacks and misses Trose. The one in P3 moves to L4, swings at Janosz and hits for 7 points of damage.)

Meanwhile, Choom moves up and, his crossbow in his hands, nervously watches the unfolding combat from behind Trose. He fires at the kobold guard attacking the Tharashk scion but simply hits the wall.

(Move to J6. Misses his attack on the kobold in L7 by miles.)

(Now LB.)

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

"We're about to see how organized they are. Get ready for whatever they can throw at us!"

(LB, then Gnarly.)

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

Lightbringer hefts his blade and jogs down the corridor, muscling his way past Ezreal and Janosz and into the guard room, taking a powerful swing at one of the armoured kobolds.

Move to K4, attack the kobold at L4. Attack:16+8-1 PA = 23. Damage: 9+3+2 (PA) = 14.

The kobold falls under Lightbringer's blade, its helm (and the skull inside) crushed.

(Who wants to do Gnarly?)

(EDIT: damn! Serves me right for not looking at the map while posting. Apologies to LB, thought he hit the wounded kobold in M5, not L4. LB's target is now wounded but still standing. Again, apologies. Maybe Gnarly can rectify the situation.)

Gnarly moves up the corridor and fires again at the kobold he hit before. Two more quarrels are fired - one flies over its head, the other is deflected by its armour. "Tough little buggers!" he snarls in irritation.

(Gnarly moves to I5, rapid shots the kobold in M5 and misses both times.)

(Now Janosz and Trose.)

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Spitting blood, Janosz swings his flail at his tiny assailant.

Attacking the kobold in L4. Attack roll 19+8=AC 27, crit confirm 15+8=AC 23. Damage 8+3=11x2=22. 5' step to L6.

Seeing an opportunity, Trose slides by his opponent and shivs him in the kidneys.

Tumble to L8 - check 12+5=17. Attack roll 15+6+2(flank)=AC 23, damage 5+2+10(sneak attack)=17.

Janosz's furious blow flattens his target. Trose slides his blade between the plates of armour protecting another, which staggers but does not fall.

(Kobold in L4 down.)

(Now Runzyl.)

Surrounded by friend and foe alike, Runzyl clenches his teeth and whirls about, lashing out at the foes on all sides like a hurricane of blades.

Spending 2 APs for another use of Rage today. Attacking L7 kobold (the one Trose and Janosz are flanking): Nat 20! + 7 = 27. Confirm: 6 + 7 = 13. Feh. Damage: 9. After first attack, 5' step to L5. Attack #2 vs. L4 kobold (the one LB just hit): 15 + 7 = 22. Damage (if hit): 4. Attack #3 vs. M5 kobold: Nat 1. :( Kobold in M5 is my Dodge target.

When did you rage today? You had a night's rest before setting out into the king's halls. Also, the kobold in L4 is already down, so I will transfer your attack to M5.

Runzyl's blades smite two of the remaining kobolds, but neither falls.

Tough little buggers. Heh heh heh....

Now Rodergo.

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

Move to k6, morningstar on the fool in L7,
r18+3=21 damg 8!!! WOOOOOOOT!!! First hand to hand hit EVAR!!!


HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

Ceshto joins Arek at the portcullis, ready to catch or jam it if it should drop.

Meanwhile Ezreal slings his pack over one shoulder, digs and eventually comes up with a vial of ink. The mages takes aim and cocks his arm back for the throw. The vial flies end over end all the way across the room towards the embedded orb.

Ceshto: Move to D5, both Ceshto and Arek continue readied actions where one will aid the other.
MA: Retrieve vial from pack
Ranged Touch: 19+6 = 25 +6 AP = 31, -4 range (30 ft, 10ft increments) = 27
1 AP

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:

When did you rage today? You had a night's rest before setting out into the king's halls.

Oh... must've missed that somehow. Very well. I'll restore the spent APs. I'll likely need them.

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Rodergo Xativa wrote:

Move to k6, morningstar on the fool in L7,

r18+3=21 damg 8!!! WOOOOOOOT!!! First hand to hand hit EVAR!!!


A silence falls briefly immediately after Rodergo's hit on the kobold warrior's shoulder. It seems as if reality has altered somehow, the spheres no longer turning in exactly the same way. Eyes bulge in surprise, a hush decends. A pregnant moment, after which nothing will be the same again....

Then the kobold snarls in broken Common, "You die!" at the priest, and normal service is resumed.

Ezreal Farlowe wrote:

Ceshto joins Arek at the portcullis, ready to catch or jam it if it should drop.

Meanwhile Ezreal slings his pack over one shoulder, digs and eventually comes up with a vial of ink. The mages takes aim and c**@* his arm back for the throw. The vial flies end over end all the way across the room towards the embedded orb.

Ceshto: Move to D5, both Ceshto and Arek continue readied actions where one will aid the other.
MA: Retrieve vial from pack
Ranged Touch: 19+6 = 25 +6 AP = 31, -4 range (30 ft, 10ft increments) = 27
1 AP

Ezreal's vial of ink covers the orb at his deft throw across the melee.

Um, does it do anything, or is it just intended to obscure the orb?

The kobolds bravely hold their ground and strike at the intruders to their realm. However they fail to connect any forceful blows.

They stay where they are and don't hit anything. They attacked Runzyl, Rod and Trose.

Choom, meanwhile, snipes again at one of the kobold fighters but his bolt simply snaps on impact with the floor.

He also doesn't move.

By the way, I think you guys have missed a salient point which I did point out in the set-up section. There is a portcullis also between J/5-6 and K/5-6. I say this as the alphabet guys are busy trying to hold up the one at the end of the corridor but no one seems concerned about the one closer to you. Forgive me if you have a cunning plan you haven't shared with me yet.

Now LB and Bool.

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

I was just thinking about that second portcullis actually – although to be honest I’m not sure how much luck the alphabet brothers will have with holding them open anyway.

“Everyone move into the chamber, in case those gates come down,” orders Lightbringer loudly, before stepping over the dead kobold to reach one of the others, swinging his blade savagely as he goes.

5 foot step to L4, attack the kobold at M5. Attack: 15+8-1 (PA) = 22. Damage: 5+3+2 (PA) = 10

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