Elizabeth Grey |

This is the avatar I'll use in the discussion thread.
I have a few questions:
With Spell-Like Ability, At-Will, you could give a character Cure Light Wounds (or Infernal Healing) as an At-Will spell like ability for 2 RP, or Moderate Wounds/ Serious Wounds for 4 and 6 RP, respectively. Are characters allowed to have these spell-like abilities?
Will our characters be level 5 for the entire testing period? If not, how many levels will the testing period cover?
Yes, I realized it works as written. Just wondering if the GM will allow it.

B.I.T.E |

If we are doing high power for high power sake here, there is a 2nd level power from psionics that gives pounce. If you have the at-will 2nd level power you could get it for 4RP.
I'm staring to think the at-will spell like ability is really too easy to abuse, I would suggest we don't abuse it too much but up to the DM if that's the kind of power level we're going for!

Joseph Bonkers |

You can be armless for -3rp.
As for the SLAs, the only way they will work is with a bit of common sense/restraint or lots of gm nay-saying. CLW is a good example of what not to do. Other things you can do would be invisiblity for 2 points or greater invis for 6 points. Or bulls str for 4 pts.
User discresion is advised.

B.I.T.E |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Elizabeth: Well okay let's go with longer buffs then. If I were to be take Mage armour, Greater magic fang, Barkskin and shield of faith for 14RP. Might seem like a lot of RP but you get a ton for it.
+8 AC (4 armour, 2 nat, 2 dodge)
+1 to hit and damage.
Since all the spell like abilities are tied to character level they do scale up. All barring mage armour in the list anyone. At level 6 you get a further 1 to nat and dodge, so a creature of that calibre has +10 AC on top of it's class. Combine this with the defensive armour buffs that you can get with RP: 4RP dodge (+2 dodge), 7 RP Natural armour (+6 Nat armour)
That's 25RP so far, let's go for paragon template (1RP) for +4 Wis somewhere in there. An 18 in Wis and +4, go monk for one level. +6 Dodge AC.
Natural armour: +8
Mage armour: +4
Dodge: +10
Level 1, AC: 32 (30 if you ignore shield of faith as that's minutes per level)
Now just go synthesist, watch as monsters cry. Eeessh, yea so much abuse with SLA. Since we are going synthesist here who cares about physical stats. Go -2 to all physical and +4 Wis with paragon, then advanced wisdom for a further +1 AC. You will gain pounce shortly too, all your attacks are self buffed.
So total AC: 33 level 1. (with 0 dex mod, mind you)
Level 5: 40+ easily.
30 RP, I dub thee "The Boulder", you are a bucket of AC that rolls into enemies with your boulder form and crushes them.
"The Boulder is over his conflicted feelings, and now he's ready to bury you in a rock-a-lanche!"

Elizabeth Grey |

Absolutely insane? Absolutely. Its not entirely kosher, but still. (Shield of Faith is min/level, Mage armor does not stack with regular armor)
Again, I was the one who brought this up, and not because I wanted to abuse it. I am especially vary, as the possible "Player versus player" could cause some unneeded competition and take away from the fun.
Personally, I am not going to use Vanish, Shield of Faith, Shield, Barkskin, any healing or temporary hit point spell or power (my GOD, Vigor would be horrible). I would be kind of ok with others using these, but with pvp looming over my head, I feel like it is a bigger issue.

B.I.T.E |

Yea but above build can't wear armour anyway as it's Monk AC dependent, though you are effectively in Plate without the armor penalty.
I don't think you'd abuse it but we should probably set guidelines of some kind or we get something like what I put up there, I just don't think duration should be the deciding factor. (even ignoring shield of faith level 1 AC with 0 dex is 31.)

Elizabeth Grey |

Oh, thank you for mentioning the duration again, it means I know to clarify my earlier opinion.
When I mentioned the duration, I thought more in line with Josephs comment, about restraint. A reason to look at it twice before going with it.
I am actually often worrying about how abusive my own builds are, actually - it is genuinely hard for me to tell, especially since it is so different from group to group. Around the table at home, with my old RP buddies, I know the score – not so online, not without talking about it.

Joseph Bonkers |

The whole thing about the race builder is that it has to be taken in moderation, otherwise abuse gets easy.
The other thing I do is I build a creature without a class in mind for it (if I can separate myself enough from it) so as to not purposefully cater a one track character. That is me personally tho.
Also note that you can only take SLA at will once, as it does not say you can take it multiple times.
Heres another example of abusing the race builder to make something kinda off...
Type: Humanoid (giant) 0rp
large: 7rp
Paragon stats: 1rp +4 str, -2 wis,cha,int
Advanced Str: 4rp
Advanced Str: 5rp
Advanced Str: 6rp
At will SLA: 4rp Bulls strength
At will SLA: 2rp Enlarge Person
Total 29rp
Since you are still a humanoid, you can still be affected by enlarge person, and at level 5 how hard is it to concentrate for a standard every 5 minutes?
With this you are sitting at +18 strength before stats, so +36 strength before barbarian rage :)
I do NOT condone this, but it is an example of a bad build.
Another one would be
Type: Fey: 2rp
Large Size: 7rp
SLA at will: 6rp Greater Invisibility
Bite: 1rp
Claws: 2rp
Quadruped: 2rp
More Legs: 1rp
More Legs: 1rp
More Legs: 1rp
More Legs: 1rp
Natural Attack: 1rp Hoofs
Natural Attack: 1rp Hoofs
Natural Attack: 1rp Hoofs
Natural Attack: 1rp Hoofs
Natural Attack: 1rp Hoofs
Natural Attack: 1rp Hoofs
build it into a sneak attacking rogue. At will greater invisibility and 9 natural attacks would do a lot of damage.
It is just bad design and one dimensional no matter how good the fluff you create for it, it just is bad.

Dr J. Upton |

Geez, you guys are active. Sorry, may have some trouble keeping up with you guys. Kay, heres for some rulings:
Can I be an armless fey?
Not according to the prerequisites, but perhaps you can convince me. What did you have in mind? Why does it have to be fey AND armless? I have a hard-time envisioning a pixie being bred without arms "because shes stronger that way!". As far as I know, 'fey' are sorta humanoid of shape.
SLA: Oh my freakin hell, thank you for pointing that one out. Its my first time using this system so I'm probably still missing a few loopholes. I kinda like the duration-nerve though. How sounds:
2RP/level for hour/level abilities
3RP/level for 10min/level abilities
4RP/level for minute/level abilities
5RP/level for round/level abilities
6RP/level for instant abilities (such as clw)
Does that sound fair to you guys?
OW! and the spell has to come from wizard, cleric, druid, witch or oracle list.
Alternatively we could make at-will powers usable 1/hour
Levels: might be that you guys make a couple of levels along the way, but I aint planning them yet. Don't expect to be hitting anything higher then 8 tops
About the power level: Well, I am planning on gradually toughening the opposition to see when we hit the bar. Make 'm tough but keep the insanity within limits. Giving your creature a pair of scissors and an acid tail, along with a gore is good. Making it look like a gibbering mash of hoofed legs for a gazillion tramples... not so much.
Make it something a moviescript writer would come up with. Something that is cool to watch.
Did I miss any questions?

S.c.a.r.l.e.t. |

Did I miss any questions?
*Waves arms frantically*
Oh! Oh! Oh! Here!
Just a question. The 'Android' as listed (Which Scarlet is heavily based off) is kind of a construct BUT has a CON score.
Is that okay?
Hoping to hear/read from yourself soon.
(Also, I'm in a completely different time zone AND do shift work. I hope I too can keep up.)
Very much cheers to all.

S.c.a.r.l.e.t. |

The character isn't a 'Machine'.
It's a biological entity. The "Android" build gives it aspect OF a construct though it still has a CON score and such.
Thoughts? Ideas? Veto....:(
Hah! As for 'European', you're STILL miles closer to American time than I shall ever be. As for English being a 'Non-native language' I can jokingly relate to that given my country's predilections. (^_~)

S.c.a.r.l.e.t. |

I suppose so, yes? Look up 'Android' as created in the SRD. I've actually winnowed it down a tad from what's been done there.
Well...if you've no problems with what's behind the avatar at the moment, then I'm hoping to cut down some of my R&D time. (^_~)
Already built to 15 points. Adding another 15 points for more 'flavor' shouldn't take too much effort.
Hope the page behind the Avatar meets with your approval.
Very much cheers to you and yours.

Dr J. Upton |

Just read it and no. I want aware you meant the scarlet as is. No contructs, half-constructed or otherwise constructed creatures.
Here at the biolab, creatures are created from dna and then birthed by the bio-pods. I'll think it over some more when I have more time, but for now, I think I'm gonna say 'nay'. Sorry. Perhaps try something new for a change?

Elizabeth Grey |

Geez, you guys are active. Sorry, may have some trouble keeping up with you guys.
No worries.
Alternatively we could make at-will powers usable 1/hour.
Actually, I think we might have to use a solution along these lines, honestly. A limitation of 1 At-will power per character might also be an option. Your duration=RP solution does not really solve the abusability of the abilites; My character could still replace its 6 RP Fast Heal with 6 RP Cure Serious Wounds, healing up the entire party in moments. Since Fast Heal is usally considered amazing for player characters, that is saying something.
About the power level: Well, I am planning on gradually toughening the opposition to see when we hit the bar. Make 'm tough but keep the insanity within limits. Giving your creature a pair of scissors and an acid tail, along with a gore is good. Making it look like a gibbering mash of hoofed legs for a gazillion tramples... not so much.
Make it something a moviescript writer would come up with. Something that is cool to watch.
I like your priorities!
Did I miss any questions?
I got a new one - will our character get more equipment, and if so, is it their creators that handpick it and have it sent to them, Hunger Games style?

B.I.T.E |

Miscalculated the AC of the "Boulder" I think. Just remembered only 5 traits per category so he could take Dodge +2, Nat armour +4 instead of +6. As that would be all 5 from the defense category. Can't believe that limit only drops his AC by 2 though. >.>
Also that build up there suggested by Joseph has way too many in the offensive category; 8 of 5 allowed.
So I guess be careful of category limits. I miraculously didn't go over that for B.I.T.E but it's something to consider. I will be changing him up a bit however as we have lots of smack people in the face builds so I will change to compensate.
@Bobson: Infernal healing on the other hand does not 'attack'.

Bobson |

I like the juggernaut you posted there, just 1 quick thing. You should have +10 str, large gives you +2 as well.
You're right, and it should also be -2 Dex as well. Hero Lab had it right, but it got lost in the retyping of it.
Juggernaut racial stats: +10 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
The whole thing about the race builder is that it has to be taken in moderation, otherwise abuse gets easy.
The other thing I do is I build a creature without a class in mind for it (if I can separate myself enough from it) so as to not purposefully cater a one track character. That is me personally tho.
This is exactly as it was intended for the rules to be used. Despite games like this one which are explicitly "Go crazy with them", the intent is very much to build a balanced-ish new race to populate the world with, rather than create one-off twinked-out builds. Same as the custom magic item crafting rules - they're guidelines for GMs to use, not a mechanism for players to custom-build the perfect item.
Of course, that doesn't mean it's not fun to do the custom-built twinked-out builds, which is why we're all here ;)

Karnicore |

B.I.T.E - Each time you take Natural Armor the cost increases by 1, so I'm pretty sure you're calculating wrong. So 4 NA should cost 1+2+3+4 points or 10 RP.
Dr. Upton - It makes it stronger because they are designing it to be a synthesist and they know it won't need arms, they can use the extra juice elsewhere. Karnicore is a very powerful predator, but he can be stopped by a simple door. No arms, means no hands. :P
Everyone - These scenarios you guys are putting forward aren't very realistic for the SLA abuse stuff. So you can cure out of combat at will, so can a wand which every 5th level group would have. Sure it'll cost some gold, but that's not really the point of the experiment is it? I though we were trying to make the most badass creatures possible. Having it limited to 3rd level or lower spells and only 5 makes it not that bad. They still take a standard action to cast. Any abuse scenario beyond buffing your AC goes to shreds when put into combat rounds. So you can go invisible at will, you gonna give up every other turn to stay that way? So you have mage armor up all the time, who doesn't (wands, hour per level)? I guess it's just my two cents. But to me there is no such thing as "OP". The DM can always slap more HP on the monsters, or throw more monsters at us if it's not challenging.

Bobson |

SLA: Oh my freakin hell, thank you for pointing that one out. Its my first time using this system so I'm probably still missing a few loopholes. I kinda like the duration-nerve though. How sounds:
2RP/level for hour/level abilities
3RP/level for 10min/level abilities
4RP/level for minute/level abilities
5RP/level for round/level abilities
6RP/level for instant abilities (such as clw)
Does that sound fair to you guys?
OW! and the spell has to come from wizard, cleric, druid, witch or oracle list.Alternatively we could make at-will powers usable 1/hour
Don't panic - there's abuses, but they're not as bad as they may seem.
For instance, mage armor at will costs 2 RP, and gives you +4 armor. Compare to taking Natural Armor and Improved Natural: That's 3 RP (2+1) for +3 armor (or take it again and have +4 armor for 5 RP)... but that +3 armor will stack with worn armor, while the +4 won't. Or you have Greater Defensive Training, which is only +2 AC for 4 RP, but it's a dodge bonus so it stacks with everything and helps against touch attacks (i.e. spells) which neither of the others do. Admittedly, as B.I.T.E. pointed out, you can stack all of those, but then you're an AC-focused build and you're still just as vulnerable to spells as the fighter in plate armor.
Also, an at-will minutes/level buff will be up just as much as a 1onger one. Taking 6 seconds every few minutes to maintain it isn't that hard, at least for any creature that's not too lazy to be an adventurer.
My suggestion, if you feel the need to make a change, is to change the power from "Up to five spells can be chosen when you take this trait." to "Up to five spell levels can be chosen when you take this trait." Combine that with the PFS rules for purchasing magic items (a spell counts as the lowest of its cleric, druid, or wizard level, unless none of them get the spell), and that should curtail any abuses without trying to balance a major overhaul.
Also, on half-constructs. They do have Con scores, and I can easily imagine something where a metal framework is put in a vat and an organism is grown around it. However, I don't like the concept of half-constructs, so I'll be perfectly happy if you continue banning them.
Edit: @Karnicore: The Natural armor progression is actually 2+1+2+3+4, because it's just the Improved version (which requires the base) that increases and the base version is just a flat 2 points.

Azure_Zero |

SLA: Oh my freakin hell, thank you for pointing that one out. Its my first time using this system so I'm probably still missing a few loopholes. I kinda like the duration-nerve though. How sounds:
2RP/level for hour/level abilities
3RP/level for 10min/level abilities
4RP/level for minute/level abilities
5RP/level for round/level abilities
6RP/level for instant abilities (such as clw)
Does that sound fair to you guys?
OW! and the spell has to come from wizard, cleric, druid, witch or oracle list.Alternatively we could make at-will powers usable 1/hour
I think that will cause a few new problems in balancing
the older text is better at stopping breakage with "At Will" SLAs requiring twice the costs and are limited to a max of level-3 spells (No Greater Invisibility for the sneaks).That and as GM you could just say no to certain spells or put a restriction on how many you can have or go with only allowing a spell level total of 4 for "At Will" SLAs.
ie (At Will limit) can take two level 2 spells, a one level 1 and one level 3, or one level 2 and two level 1s
and a spell level max (excluded if it's the same spell for more daily uses) of 6 for normal limit/day SLAs.

Azure_Zero |

He knew he would not get the 3 B's (Beauty, Brains, Brawns) so he left out brains knowing it would allow him to control them better,
but his haste made a few errors and allowed the race abilities he did not want.
Type: Outsider(Native) (3 RP)
Speed: Medium
Stats: Advanced (+2STR,DEX,CON -2INT, +4CHA)(4 RP)
Auto: Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Bonus: Abyssal, Celestial, Elven, Giant, Dwarf
Racial Traits:
Energy Resist 5 (Acid, Cold, Elect, Fire) (4 RP)
Fey DR (3 RP)
Fast Healing 1 (6 RP)
Seducer (2 RP)
Gliding Wings (3 RP)
Breath Weapon(Fire, Powerful) (3 RP)
Claws (1d4) (2 RP) They are morphable into normal hands

Joseph Bonkers |

Looks good there Azure, except fey dr requires the fey type. Its minor so I imagine the DM will be ok with it but its his call :)
As for the SLAs, I think the best course of action is to use moderatly and post any taken/intended to be taken up here for scrutiny rather than trying to fix it by throwing more rules at it.
My shadowling has vanish as a SLA costing 2rp. The intent is not so that he can go invis and sneak attack as he could only get 1, rather it meshes well with the whole sneaky shadow thing he has going. It costs a standard to activate and only lasts 5 rounds so it would be useful for short bursts of stealth when needed and a way to get beside someone for a full attack occasionally.
I've built up my poisonous reptile now to get him in the profile and he's good!

Dr J. Upton |

limiting the SLA to a maximum total level of spells does nothing to stop someone from taking CLW/CMW for cheap, or buffing up on defence spells. So no, aint gonna happen.
I think I stick to my own here proposal. If someone is willing to take 27% of his RP to become the groups healbot, then that is fine by me. Your gonna need a healbot just to keep you from having to rest a night after every 2 or 3 rooms. And if we see the healbot is making it to easy, then we'll make damn sure he gets stretched to his sanity limit keeping you guys alive. I put it in the campaign info thread (though made it 6 for round/level ones and 8 for instants)
"If life gives me lemons, I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon and throw it back at life!"
In fact, I'm gonna up the power a little of OTHER abbilities. 1/day powers are changed to 1/hour. Breath weapons deal HALF damage on successful save instead of no damage at all.
Equipment: You will get no new ones, other then what you might loot along the way. Loot is only what combat gear other creatures may wear.

Joseph Bonkers |

"Behold! For my genius has created yet another form of life so terrifying and yet so cute that no one would expect their impending and untimely doom approaching them!
What? no Igor! I did not dig it up from the archives and change the patented name on it! Bad Igor! Back to the breeding pits with you!"
Here is my latest submission, a poisonous lizard that hails from the depths of the deep and is so toxic that its victims will be screaming in agony at its touch. It is also hard as nails... A rather unfortunate side effect of trying to make sure the poison sticks so to speak. I imagine coming across a pool of these guys to be a truly harrowing experience for our little monsters :)
Noticing how you just upped the power of some of the abilities, I am glad to say I got the better end of that deal, now my breath weapon is usable 24x as often and deals damage even on a miss :{>
Description Poison Dart Skinks are often brightly coloured, a warning to other creatures of the venomous nature under their skins, yet they retain an almost chameleonic trait as they can mute their skin tones to an almost dull green, grey or blue hue to blend in with their surrounding water. They are quite lithe and nimble with large, almost gator like jaws and slitted green eyes on the sides of their heads. Standing around 4 feet tall with the females slightly smaller and thiner while often more brightly coloured, they sport thin frog-like legs and an elegant flat tail. They make for good swimmers and their natural habitat is below the sea among the reeds but they can be found in any body of water large enough to hold seaweed or something similar. It is within these reeds or seaweed that they make their home and unlike most of the other created specimens of Arcenture Science Industries have been around long enough to create colonies and communities.
Standard Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Poison Skinks are small yet incredibly hardy yet they lack the strength of larger creatures and only have an animalistic intelligence. They gain -2 Strength, +6 Constitution and -2 Intelligence.
Type: Poison Skinks are Humanoids with the reptile subtype.
Size: Poison Skinks are small and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Base Speed: Poison Skinks have a base speed of 30 feet and a swim speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Poison Skinks begin play speaking Aquan. Poison Skinks with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages; Common, Aboleth, Draconic or Boggart . See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Defence racial Traits
Poison Resistance: Poison Skinks gain a racial bonus on saving throws against poison effects equal to their Hit Dice.
Scaly Skin Poison Skinks have scaly, slimy hides that grant them +2 natural armour.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Camouflage: Poison Skinks gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks while within or above water (as the ranger favored terrain).
Weapon Familarity: The favoured weapons of the Skinks are the bola and trident and they are proficient with them.
Weapon Finesse: Poison skinks are small and weak so they rely on their nimbleness in combat. They gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
Noxious Bite: As their namesake, Poison Skinks are lethally poisonous and gain the noxious bite feat as a bonus feat.
Movement Racial Traits
Amphibious: Poison Skinks have a swim speed of 30 feet and can breathe both air and water.
Terrain Stride Poison Skinks can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed while on or within water (as the Ranger favoured terrain).
Offense Racial Traits
Bite Due to their formidable jaws they have a natural bite attack that deals 1d4 damage.
Acidic Breath Weapon Poison Skinks have an internal sac of toxins and acid that allows them to make a breath weapon attack for 2d6 acid damage with a range of 20 feet (DC is 10 + 1/2 the Skinks character level + the Skinks Constitution modifier) usable once per day.
Poison Use: Skinks are skilled with poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying it to weapons.
Toxic: Skinks have an internal sac of toxins and acid and a number of times per day equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), a member of this race can envenom a weapon that it wields with its toxic saliva or blood (using blood requires the creature to be injured when it uses this ability). Applying venom in this way is a swift action. Envenoming its bite attack is a non-action.
Paralytic Venom: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + the 1/2 Skinks Hit Dice + the Skinks Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.
Senses Racial Traits
Deepsight: Skinks are specially adapted to the lightless depths of the oceans, but not to air-filled environments. They can see in the dark up to 120 feet while underwater, but do not gain this benefit out of water.
Race Points: Poison Skinks
Humanoid (reptile) Type: 0rp
Small: 0rp
Greater Paragon Stats: -2str, +4con, -2int: 2rp
Xenophobic Languages: +0rp
Advanced Constitution: +4rp
Poison Resistance: +3rp
Natural armour: +2rp
Improved natural armour: +1rp
Static Bonus Feat: +2rp
Terrain Stride: +1rp
Camouflage: +1rp
Swim Speed: +2rp
Amphibious: +2rp
Bite: +1rp
Breath Weapon: +1rp
Extra Damage: +1rp
Poison Use: +1rp
Toxic: +1rp
Weapon Familiarity: +1rp
Weapon Finesse: +2rp
Deepsight: +2rp
Total: 30rp
Note: Lots of little abilities :P They are mainly an underwater race and as such some of there abilities will be useless above ground, but that is ok, they still have enough going for them that this shouldnt be much of a problem. I also reduced the time it takes to poison your bite attack from a swift to a non-action, as getting saliva on your teeth is not all that difficult to achieve..

Joseph Bonkers |

Actually I think I will stick with this guy, I am really liking the creation I made here and besides, its a cute frog :D
As such mind going over it and seeing if it meets your ok so I can go ahead and create a class for him? I am thinking of a barbarian/rogue mix or possibly alchemist or monk. Not entirely sure yet :)
Barbarian: Animal fury
Rogue: Sticky poison
Alchemist: Sticky poison, better poison use
Monk: make use of grappling or monkey style >:D
Options, options, options...

Devil Dog |

sorry, I remain firm on the no-arms thing. It is included to make creatures that walk on all fours or to create wyvern-like beings. Not to mutilate fairies for an extra few RP
So no dog form for the Devil Dog? Or dog-like form but with opposable thumbs on the forelegs? I wrote up as an intelligent dog but no man-made weapons...

Dr J. Upton |

what do you mean no dog form? Outsider is on the list. When I put that one on the list I was actually thinking of elemental beasts, but devil-dogs or hell-cats work too. Slap on armless flaw and take the quadruped trait and you walk on four legs. Quadruped is situated under OTHER traits and costs +2, armless is -3 so you even have 1 point left over there. But you wont be able to manipulate objects like a humanoid can. Dog is born.

Karnicore |

I'm also planning on not having any way to manipulate small objects besides mage hand. Which doesn't do all that much.
Edit:Changed from fey to an Aberration, and switched out a couple of the SLAs. Build is much less stealthy now. It also doesn't have redundant DR anymore. Can you look over the Mk II build and make sure everything is kosher please DM?

Dr J. Upton |

I count 32 RP rather then 30
N Medium Fey should be N Medium Aberrant
THP is 30, HP is 41
Other then that, it seems to be in order.
Next Devil Dog.
Please note down the abilities you used for the race
also for all you natural attack crazy mutant babies:

Azure_Zero |

limiting the SLA to a maximum total level of spells does nothing to stop someone from taking CLW/CMW for cheap, or buffing up on defence spells. So no, aint gonna happen.
Fair Enough
"If life gives me lemons, I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon and throw it back at life!"
Nice, A paraphrased Cave Johnson Quote
In fact, I'm gonna up the power a little of OTHER abbilities. 1/day powers are changed to 1/hour. Breath weapons deal HALF damage on successful save instead of no damage at all.
Then what happens with the Powerful Breath augmentation if you apply this or do they get it for free?
Equipment: You will get no new ones, other then what you might loot along the way. Loot is only what combat gear other creatures may wear.
So use what life gives you, even if it's lemons.

Devil Dog |

Abilities chosen from Race Builder are in "Race Crunch" section, and some repeated in "Stats" section :-) Or are you asking about something else? I continue to update that page as I add Ranger level stuff, the magic barding, etc...
Also, the damage listed for natural attacks in the d20 link you gave is higher than that in the Pathfinder PRD...which I'm OK with if you are! Also, my Bite and Claws are both primary attacks, yes? So full BAB+STR bonus for all, plus STR bonus on damage (and fire damage :-)