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Not technically Elemental, elemental essence infused into a biological framework.
Yeah I know about the entering the same square problems, but I plan to have good acrobatics, good AC, mobility, wind stance (at higher levels), And snake style (which lets you roll Sense Motive and choose to use that roll for your AC, roll first then pick which is better)
And yeah, multi-weapon fighting replaces two weapon fighting for creatures with 4 arms, as this applies to monks it would be first level flurry of blows -1/-1/-1/-1 eighth level +6/+6/+6/+6/+1/+1/+1/+1 and so on, although if I'm misenterpriting that let me know and I might change things around a bit before the game starts.
And I know, no flying is kinda weird but it was hard to fit in the points for anything better than clumsy maneuvering.

Dr J. Upton |

It functions as Two-Weapon Fighting. Using Two-Weapon Fighting in addition to Two-Weapon Fighting seems a bit odd.
When doing so, he may make on additional attack, taking a -2 penalty on all of his attack rolls, as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. These attacks can be any combination of unarmed strikes and attacks with a monk special weapon (he does not need to use two weapons to use this ability).
it is AS IF he uses the TWF feat, in respect to the penalties and the fact that, just as the improved and greater TWF versions, the penalties scale up (-2/-7/-12)
Also, unlike normal TWF, he can make the flurry with a single weapon.
Thus it is not actually the TWF feat but rather an ability that mimics its mechanics
Ergo, you still can add on off-hand attack to the flurry, but since this then becomes part of the full attack, it does need to be done with a weapon with which he could flurry.
thus a four armed creature can do the following:
-4/-4/-4/-4/-4 where the first two attacks are made with full strength bonus to damage from weapons of your choice, and the other three attacks are the three "secondary" hands and each apply only half strength bonus to damage (edit:)if he uses weapons rather then unarmed strikes.

Joseph Bonkers |

Heh I built an earth golem type of guy who couldnt burrow, just couldnt fit in the points :P
But I like it, I am now not to sure about flurrying with multiple weapons, I had thought that they wouldnt, but now I am not to sure. Ill let you guys decide that one :)
I should build a fire elemental type guy, I think that would be lots of fun :D
Edit: Just know that a monk has no "off hand" and always fights with both hands at full strength.
At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.

Dr J. Upton |

And Joseph/Croaky, Dont worry about posting, first two rooms will not kill you for being inactive. Third room might be somewhat more dangerous to idly stand around in though, but that wont be untill about another week. Real life is always more important then forum gaming though and I do appreciate you give me the heads up at forehand.
Off-hand monks: True about the strength I guess, but it would be stretching things a bit if a four armed monk would get bonus attacks made with knees and head-butt just because his arms allow him to take multi-weapon fighting...
I rule that if he wants to apply multi-weapon fighting, all strikes do need to be made with his arms/hands.

B.L.O.B |

Well there is this: Feral combat training It was what I was using with BITE's original build.

Bobson |

Hmmm, seems like my 4 armed super flurry monk may not work precisely as I had hoped, perhaps I'll swap out the extra arms for something else. Then again I could just take 4 light monk weapons in which case I kind of go back to the gigantic flurry... Hmm.
Yeah, it's really hard to get extra attacks on top of a flurry.
One option that would require a new house rule from the GM, but would fit with the set up: Normally, if you use a weapon sized too big for you, it takes up more hands, and once it goes above two-handed, you can't use it. House rule to say that if you have more hands, you can continue sizing it up: light, one-handed, two-handed, four-handed, eight-handed (or six), etc.
I would be very amused by the Tiny monk wielding a Large-sized kama bigger than it is with all four hands... Of course, that would apply a cumulative -6 to attack rolls from size issues, so you'd probably never hit. It's a great mental image, though.

Dr J. Upton |

Hmmm, seems like my 4 armed super flurry monk may not work precisely as I had hoped, perhaps I'll swap out the extra arms for something else. Then again I could just take 4 light monk weapons in which case I kind of go back to the gigantic flurry... Hmm.
Just out of curiosity, how did you hope it worked?

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Hordshyrd wrote:Hmmm, seems like my 4 armed super flurry monk may not work precisely as I had hoped, perhaps I'll swap out the extra arms for something else. Then again I could just take 4 light monk weapons in which case I kind of go back to the gigantic flurry... Hmm.Just out of curiosity, how did you hope it worked?
I was hoping I could flurry with +1 attack for each extra hand then +1 at each of the levels that gives you the enhanced two-weapon fighting. Cheesy as all heck but that was kind of the point.
Oh well, I still like my tiny lightning monk, maybe I'll take out the extra arms and add in some more defensive stuff instead.

B.L.O.B |

The extra arms won't give you more iterative attacks, even when you go up in level. However if you use feral combat training and have claws on all your arms they all count towards using Flurry of blows. Again though those two extra arms won't give you more than one extra attack as they don't gain bonus attacks from iterative attacks.

Dr J. Upton |

Well, the extra arms are allowed to make 'off-hand' unarmed strike attacks. When a normal person wields a one-handed sword, he too could opt to make an unarmed strike with his free hand using the rules for two-weapon fighting. It is just rarely done because the standard warrior doesnt have the improved unarmed strike and thus takes an AoO for the off chance of dealing only very little extra damage. For a monk, who gets the feat for free and with increased damage, it is actually a pretty good option.
and the -4's were not total attack bonus, only the penalty for flurry+ penalty for multi-weapon fighting
He would actually have +5BAB (cause flurry uses full bab progression) +2 size +X Dex -4 TWFflurry & MWF penalty = 5x 3+dex attack bonus
Not bad at all, especially in combination with Elemental Weapons which would be fitting for an air elemental monk.
Also, still no word from tech... If I havent seen any response by tomorrow morning, I'll just reroute to a new campaign thread and start the game.
For those who are currently dealing with serious stuff such as floods: dont worry, you can join in when you got the time.

Eapheu Damira |

I just added two weapon cords (attached to the two primary pistols) which I forgot about. Very important not to drop your guns when you're 20 feet up in the air...
I also am making the assumption that they're only 4 inches long, since that keeps the same general proportion as a 2' cord to a 6' human.

Lacuna 6 |

From the FAQ on Feral Combat Training:
Normally a monk who has natural attacks (such as a lizardfolk monk with claw attacks) cannot use those natural attacks as part of a flurry of blows. Feral Combat Training allows you to use the selected natural attack as if it were a monk weapon—you can use it as one of your flurry of blows attacks, use it to deploy special attacks that require you to use a monk weapon, apply the effects of the natural weapon (such as a poisonous bite) for each flurry of blows attack, and so on.
The feat does not allow you to make your normal flurry of blows attack sequence plus one or more natural attacks with the natural weapon. In other words, if you can flurry for four attacks per round, with this feat you still only make four attacks per round... but any number of those attacks may be with the selected natural weapon.
You can't make any attacks in addition to a flurry with natural weapons, even if you have this feat.

Dr J. Upton |

A tiny sized strength-build? Now there's something you dont see every day!
One thing though, you have mobility listed twice.
Okay, I learned something new about recruitment threads; you can dislodge then from one campaign and then affix them to another!
Team Alpha, post away in gameplay thread
Team Beta, place 1 post in gameplay thread, delete it afterwards and then post away in discussion thread
I will flag our current (recruitment) campaign as inactive by the end of this week.

B.L.O.B |

@Lacuna: So that makes flurry worse than multiattack with more arms, that's kind of stupid. Oh well, you can still do what Raijin was hoping by using multiattack and taking master of many styles using the style feats on your claws instead with feral combat training. That was how BITE was getting lots of strength to his hits.

Dr J. Upton |

I have good reason to believe Lacuna is sabbatical at the moment, from the 8th. He posted once more on the 12th in another campaign, but thats the only time. He is awal in three campaigns.
BLOB mentioned being back on the 30th
I think the rest is just somewhat stumped
both teams are halfway through a solution for their chamber

Devil Dog |

Doc - I've lost that luvin' feelin. I'd like to resign and let you combine both groups into a single party - hopefully allowing your campaign to contiue...Thanks for the opportunity to try creating a creature!
Good luck to the rest of you - hope not to see any of you on the wrong side of an encounter =)

Dr J. Upton |

Unfortunate, yet I understand the criticism. I had planned this campaign to somewhat resemble the co-op campaign of portal2. Having you facing challenges and puzzles that gradually scale up in difficulty, then start doing some "missions".
With both teams down to 3 man (Lacuna's inactivity is for indefinite time) I am indeed considering combining the two teams into one.
The next room for team Beta will be prosponed a bit due to a lag of time on my part. I am planning on having it online on sunday eve.

Dr J. Upton |

Dear gamers, I have some more unfortunate news.
Due to recent devellopments in real life, I have been re-evaluating my free time and decided to stop this campaign.
Other more pressing (but very possitive) issues rhen GM-ing demand my focus so... I hope you guys have found some enjoyment in this campaign and wish you all the best.

Eapheu Damira |

Dear gamers, I have some more unfortunate news.
Due to recent devellopments in real life, I have been re-evaluating my free time and decided to stop this campaign.
Other more pressing (but very possitive) issues rhen GM-ing demand my focus so... I hope you guys have found some enjoyment in this campaign and wish you all the best.
Sad to hear. I definitely enjoyed the crazy characters and the direction the puzzles were going. But it is much better to admit when you don't have the time and bow out, than to try to string it along. (And I ought to take my own advice elsewhere...)
Congratulations on your positive event, whatever it is. If you ever find yourself with the time to do something along these lines again, drop me a PM and I'd love to join.