DM Mathpro |
Since I have recently taken a break from running games on the forums and don't really want to run any adventure paths right now I thought I would try my hand at running a few modules. This thread is for people to put forth possible characters for an Academy of secrets campaign I will be running here on the forums.
Character Creation guidelines:
Characters are level 13
Standard wealth by level(140,000)
Classes from Core, APG, UM, and UC are acceptable
NO third party publishing sources allowed
Non-standard races will be considered on a case by case basis but I'd like to keep most of the party consisting of the core races.
2 traits
Hero points will be in affect and I'll allow everyone to start with 3(the max allowed)
Stat generation will be 25 point buy
I'm looking for about 4-6 players ultimately and all slots are open as of now. I'm looking to have all slots filled by Sunday with the game starting on Monday morning. This is NOT first come first serve so continue to apply as you wish up until Sunday. Any other questions can be posted here.
Every year the Acadamae—Korvosa’s prestigious school of the arcane arts—opens its gates to the city to host the Breaching Festival, where the most skilled infiltrators are invited to enter the magically guarded Hall of Wards or die trying. Testing their luck against the university’s strongest defenses, the competitors pull out all the stops as they vie for a chance at a fortune in gold and magical treasure. This year, the school’s headmaster has invited the heroes to participate, against the contest’s longstanding traditions. While the Breaching Festival has not seen a champion in over a century and a half, this year’s festival promises to be the deadliest trial the school has ever known. Should the heroes reign victorious, the secrets they may uncover promise more than gold and glory—they may rock the very foundation of the Acadamae, and even the entire city!
The Acadamae is one of the oldest institutions in the city of Korvosa. Part university and part wizard school, the Acadamae has had numerous prestigious headmasters through the years, with its current one, Toff Ornelos, being one of Varisia’s most powerful arcanists. Despite the power and prestige Toff enjoys from being the Acadamae’s headmaster and an influential noble, he is also a bitter, weak-willed man who chafes at having to bear a family secret—that the Ornelos family has been
ruled for the past century by a man who history believes to be long dead: Volshyenek Ornelos. Unknown to Toff, however, is the fact that Volshyenek really is dead, and has been for the past 218 years. In his place dwells an exiled infernal duke, the powerful devil known as Lorthact. Forced to flee Hell after he aroused the wrath of Eiseth,
queen of the erinyes, Lorthact abandoned the powers and prestige of being an infernal duke in order to take on the guise of a human being. He arrived on Golarion in 4260 ar, and over the course of a century of hiding and stealth finally managed to throw Eiseth and her agents
off his trail. Yet in that time, Lorthact’s position among Hell’s aristocracy had vanished as well, and while he had survived the hundred-year wrath of a Whore Queen of Hell, he no longer had a position in Hell to return to. Without resources and allies, such a return would only result in his immediate destruction. And so for the next several centuries, Lorthact remained in bitter exile on Golarion.
For just over 2 centuries, Lorthact has posed as Volshyenek Ornelos, a real person beloved in the city of Korvosa for his role in helping found the city, protecting it from the savage Shoanti barbarians, and for establishing the magical college and wizardly school known as the Acadamae. When Volshyenek died, Lorthact stepped in to impersonate him.
Under his influence, the Acadamae has become one of Avistan’s most prestigious centers of arcane learning, yet its true purpose has become something of a sinister secret—it is now the means by which Lorthact hopes to collect enough mortal souls that he may someday bribe his way back into Hell’s aristocracy.
While Lorthact staged Volshyenek’s “death” in 4607 ar in a great conflagration of magic atop the Hall of Summoning, he did not relinquish his role, instead directing a succession of family patriarchs from the shadows. Although Toff has no idea that his ancestor Volshyenek is anything other than a powerful wizard who has used equally powerful magic to retain his youth and life over the centuries (possibly even making a deal with a devil, although this suspicion is as close as Toff has come to even guessing the terrible
truth), he does know that Volshyenek keeps many secrets. What Toff doesn’t realize is that one of the Acadamae’s greatest traditions, the yearly Breaching festival in which eager adventurers and students alike are given a chance prove their skill by breaking into the supposedly
impregnable Hall of Wards on campus, is in fact an infernal trap designed to harvest mortal souls.
In his time as Volshyenek—both publicly and in hiding since his “death”—Lorthact has used the concentration of magic the Acadamae provides to increase his personal power, building vast reserves of captured souls. The Breaching Festival, founded in 4544 ar, has become Lorthact’s most efficient and insidious method of soul harvesting. Unknown even to Volshyenek’s succeeding headmasters, breaching the Hall of Wards doesn’t
actually grant entry to the building itself, but sends the unprepared competitors into a twisted, infernal demiplane called Belzeragna, where they suffer eternal torment for Lorthact’s gain. As contestants perish on Belzeragna, their bodies manifest within the Hall of Wards as if slain by the deadly traps and magical protections in place within, but the victims’ souls remain forever imprisoned within the infernal demiplane—or at least until Lorthact has need for them. Hoping to harvest ever more powerful souls, Lorthact has over the past several years constantly urged Toff to make each year’s Breaching Festival larger and more dangerous. Toff dutifully followed his ancestor’s secret
orders, but the knowledge that he doesn’t actually rule the Ornelos family has been grating upon him for years as well.
Toff has constantly sought ways to stealthily undermine Volshyenek’s power, and hopes someday to orchestrate his ancestor’s death so that he can truly rule the family and run the Acadamae in a way that befits his own desires and goals, not those of an ancient secret mastermind. Toff decided to use this year’s Breaching Festival to weaken Volshyenek’s influence even further. If Toff can manage to produce a winner to this year’s Festival, he will not only be able to raise his prestige as master of the Acadamae, but also may gain enough clout to stand up
to Volshyenek’s condescending manipulation. Of course, little passes in the Ornelos family or all of Korvosa that Lorthact cannot learn about. The exiled infernal duke knows of Toff’s insubordination, but allows his puppet to twist the Breaching Festival rules nonetheless. Lorthact
is confident that none can survive Belzeragna, and that, indeed, allowing more powerful contestants will merely bring to him more powerful souls. What neither Toff nor Lorthact fully realize, however, is what will happen if someone does manage to escape Belzeragna—for
Belzeragna’s doorway was not built to open in both directions. If anyone were to escape from the demiplane, it would disgorge all of its awful secrets into the world— an event that could well result in the greatest scandal in the Acadamae’s history.

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I would like to submit a character as well. Finally get to try my tank idea out.
Devon has long hated the Acadamae and it's bloodthirsty Breaching Festival. The youngest of three he watched as first his father and then his two older brothers all never returned again from inside those walls. Swearing he would have nothing to do with it he took an honest job working by the docks loading and unloading cargo.
As if life in Korvosa were so easy. It all happened so fast and one thing led to another and soon he was stopping slavers from shipping out slaves to Cheliax. His new friends said their good-byes and he went back to work.
They returned saying they needed his help. A "strong arm" to help in a pinch. Devon tried to say no but again before he knew it he was half way around the world and up to his elbows in animated skeletons in an old temple to some evil god or other.
The years passed and Devon continued to help his friends but the thought of how his brothers lost their lives out adventuring always made him wish to go back to a normal life.
Then one day he encountered a strange seer who preformed a potent spell allowing him to see one of his older brothers once more. Bran was in pain and suffering day after day. When he asked the seer where he was she couldn't tell him. But that didn't matter Devon knew where to look for answers he returned to Korvosa and learned all he could from whoever would tell him about the Acadamae and it's bizarre festival.
He trained and conditioned himself for the time when he would be allowed to go looking for Bran. The next time the Breaching Festival called for warriors he would be first in line.
Sorry it got away from me.

sphar |
I'll be a skillmonkey Rogue(Burglar archetype).Probably Half-Elf,going Dervish Dance.
Shade has always loved the thrill and excitement of traps and puzzles.He's always wanted to go on an adventure;until now,he's made his livings off of stealing from houses and fencing it to the local thieve's guild.
One night,the thieve's guild sent him a letter.It said,"The Breaching Festival is upcoming...you are one of my most favored...'staff'.I would like you to participate in it....among the riches from completing the challenge,I will award you ownership of the guild.I am getting old,and need a younger soul to take on such adventures as these.
-Headmaster Shaarash"
There's my short bit of backstory...wil try to get more in later.

Monkeygod |

Awesome,a fellow Pathfinder Delver.
I plan on going Rogue(Burglar) 5/Bard 1(Dawnflower Dervish)/Pathfinder Delver 4/Pathfinder Chronicler 2.
what sort of rogue are u thinking? I don't wanna step on ur toes with my Ninja. If I go that route, I am thinking full 13 levels in that, very infiltrator based.
Otherwise, I'll do the same, but as a caster.

Skerrin Maltisse |

I would like to submit an Arcanist: Skerrin Maltisse, a Lawful Neutral Elven Conjurer (Infernal Binder) 10 / Loremaster 3.
Skerrin is an elderly Elf, with a mane of fine silvery hair, and a tanned, weather-lined face. He generally dresses in a sturdy explorer’s outfit, dyed green with designs picked-out in silver thread. He typically has a journal and quill in hand, ready to make note of anything interesting which catches his eye.
Although he can be quite distracted at times, going off onto tangents about esoteric subjects, he is quick to smile, and is filled with boundless energy – although his strength is failing, he is still as spry as ever!
Originally from Kyonin, Skerrin moved to Korvosa almost two hundred years ago, when his master was made the Kyonin cultural attaché to Korvosa. As a means of furthering better magical relations between the Korvosan Acadamae and the mages of Kyonin, his master deemed that it was politically expedient for him to send his apprentice to take classes at the Acadamae.
Skerrin found that the majority of the humans were aloof, but he kept his head-down, and despite the fact that he had no particular skill at Conjuration, eventually took the Test of Summoning.
Having ensured that his token ‘olive branch’ of intercollegiate goodwill had succeeded, Skerrin’s master turned his attention away from the Acadamae, and focused on his ‘cultural’ portfolio with great zeal – in fact, he became quite notorious for his interest in the young women of Korvosa, much to the chagrin of more than one noble house or merchant family.
However, such scandalous activities were simply a cover for his actual purpose in the city – using a combination of magic and money, he maintained a web of informants that specialised in knowing anything and everything about the city.
Invariably, Skerrin was in the thick of whatever long game his master was running. Things continued in this fashion for close to a century, before someone managed to unravel the carefully constructed web, and attempted to finger the puppet-master – Skerrin took the fall for his master, and was ultimately expelled from the city for spying.
He returned back to Kyonin, and lived a life of quite mediocrity, pouring over ancient books, and developing a reputation as a respectable sage. However, in his later years, he was seized by wanderlust – he remembered the fierce excitements and the rush of adrenaline associated with adventure and discovery, and decided that he would like to experience it again before he retired.
Hearing of The Breaching, Skerrin has decided that, after his long exile, it is time to return to Korvosa, and show them what a *real* mage can do...
His crunch still needs a little tweaking, but the 'bare bones' of his concept is there :-)

sphar |
sphar wrote:Awesome,a fellow Pathfinder Delver.
I plan on going Rogue(Burglar) 5/Bard 1(Dawnflower Dervish)/Pathfinder Delver 4/Pathfinder Chronicler 2.
what sort of rogue are u thinking? I don't wanna step on ur toes with my Ninja. If I go that route, I am thinking full 13 levels in that, very infiltrator based.
Otherwise, I'll do the same, but as a caster.
I really don't care what you play;I am completely skillmonkey,largely scout-based.I have little to help with in combat other than swinging a scimitar for 1d6+4 a round.It could actually be nice to have a fellow scout so I don't die alone :P

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Sorry, my comp's been messing up pretty bad, and all of my HeroLabs stuff had to be gotten rid of. I'm going to be fixing my comp in the next few days, as well as hopefully re-applying my HL license. I'm thinking Dex/Int magus, although it is subject to change until I've got an actual build.
Edit: Looked over my comment, and my comp's not just messing up, it's hard drive was corrupted. I'm fixing it now, though.

Shanosuke |

Kesh has always been an outcast. His own kind saw him as an abomination. Normal society would not readily accept him. So Kesh would travel the land as a hooded figure doing everything he could to survive. He was surprisingly good hearted considering all he has suffered. He studied the art of sorcery and melee combat. He would travel with groups and leave shortly after they complete whatever job they were to do.
Kesh had heard the Acadamae. Kesh has always had potent Arcane talent and he always seeks to discover more talent and this school held secrets Kesh desperately wanted to know more about his lineage and the depths of his power. Everything he could hope to gain lies beyond those vaults. And so Kesh sets out for the festival the Acadamae to learn everything they have stowed away.
A simple story. Kesh's race is a secret, DM Mathpro I have already told you what he is.
Here is Kesh's specs.
Male, White Dragon Disciple 8 Sorcerer 5
CN Small Humanoid
Init +8; Senses Blindsense (30 feet), Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +17
AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 21 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size, +7 natural)
hp 123 (8d12+5d6+52)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +10
Resist cold 10, Dragon Resistances
Weakness Light Sensitivity
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Bite (Cold Claws & Cold Bite) +15 (1d6+9/20/x2) and
Claw x2 (Cold Claws & Cold Bite) +15 x2 (1d6+6/20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +15/+10 (1d2+6/20/x2)
Special Attacks Breath Weapon (2/day) (DC 19), Cold Claws & Cold Bite (8 rounds/day), Dragon Bite
Spell-Like Abilities Dragon Form (I) (1/day)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 11, +15 melee touch, +13 ranged touch):
5 (6/day) Spell Resistance (DC 20), Cone of Cold (DC 21), Monstrous Physique III (DC 20)
4 (7/day) Fear (DC 19), Invisibility, Greater (DC 19), Phantasmal Killer (DC 19), Dragon's Breath (DC 20)
3 (7/day) Magic Weapon, Greater (DC 18), Invisibility Sphere (DC 18), Gaseous Form, Fly (DC 18), Monstrous Physique I (DC 18)
2 (7/day) Resist Energy (DC 17), Mirror Image (DC 17), Bull's Strength (DC 17), Spider Climb (DC 17), Animal Aspect, Unnatural Lust (DC 17)
1 (8/day) Magic Missile, Mage Armor (DC 16), Mage Armor (DC 16), Burning Hands (DC 16), Enlarge Person (DC 16), Chill Touch (DC 16)
0 (at will) Resistance (DC 15), Ray of Frost, Disrupt Undead, Acid Splash, Touch of Fatigue (DC 15), Read Magic (DC 15), Message, Detect Magic, Jolt
Str 18/22, Dex 14/18, Con 12/16, Int 14/18, Wis 10/14, Cha 17/21
Base Atk +8; CMB +13; CMD 27
Feats Arcane Shield, Eschew Materials, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack: Bite (Cold Claws & Cold Bite), Improved Natural Attack: Claw x2 (Cold Claws & Cold Bite), Multiattack, Power Attack -3/+6, Rending Claws, Silent Spell, Toughness +13, Vital Strike
Traits Finding Haleen: Sorcerer, Suspicious
Skills Bluff +16, Diplomacy +21, Disguise +18, Escape Artist +9, Fly +6, Heal +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +12, Linguistics +17, Perception +17, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +23
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Druidic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Necril, Sylvan, Terran
SQ Draconic: White Dragon (Cold), Kobold Cryomania
Other Gear Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Backpack, Masterwork (empty), Belt of Physical Perfection, +4, Bracers of Armor, +3, Case, map or scroll (empty), Headband of Mental Superiority, +4: Disguise, Linguistics, Healer's kit (10 uses), Ink (1 oz. vial, black) (5), Inkpen (2), Paper (sheet) (30), Parchment (sheet) (30), Perfume, exotic (20), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (4), Potion of Enlarge Person (8), Scholar's outfit, Surgeon's Tools, Thieves' tools
Arcane Shield Convert a level 1+ spell into + Spell Level deflection bonus to AC for 1r.
Blindsense (30 feet) (Ex) Sense things and creatures without seeing them.
Breath Weapon (2/day) (DC 19) (Su) 2/day, Breath Weapon deals 13d6 Cold damage, DC 19.
Cold Claws & Cold Bite (8 rounds/day) (Su) 2 Magic Claw attacks deal 1d6 damage + 1d6 Cold Bite attack deals 1d6 damage.
Damage Resistance, Cold (10) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Draconic: White Dragon (Cold) +1 damage per die for [Cold] spells.
Dragon Bite (Ex) Bite atacks deal 1d6 damage
Dragon Form (I) (1/day) (Sp) Use Form of the Dragon I as a spell-like ability 1/day
Dragon Resistances (Ex) You gain Cold resistance 10 and +2 natural armor.
Eschew Materials Cast without materials, if material cost is <= 1gp.
Kobold Cryomania +1 to the save DC of all cold spells you cast.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as they remain in bright light.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rending Claws If you hit an opponent with 2 claw attacks in a turn, add 1d6 precision damage to the second hit.
Silent Spell Cast a spell with no verbal components. +1 Level.
Vital Strike Standard action: x2 weapon damage dice.

Saerdna |
Basic build ready, need to add languages and spend some ~20000gp on scrolls :D
Gunslinger 1 Spellslinger 5(F) Elderitch Knight 7
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +11; Senses Perception +17
Active Spells:
Extended Mage Armor, Extended False Life [1d10+10]
AC: 23 (+5 Dex, +2 Natural, +2 Deflection, +4 Armor)
hp: 100 (8d10+5d6+26) +[1d10+10]
Fort 14, Ref 15, Will 12
Speed 30 ft
Spellstoring Dagger +1:
+12/+7 (1d4+5 19-20x2) + Slow (DC 22)
Musket +3:
+18 (2d6+6 x3) Range 50ft
Str 13, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 24, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +10; CMB 11; CMD 26
Traits: Magic Knack & Reactionary
Feats -
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Spell Focus: Transmutation, (+Greater).
Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Improved Precise Shot, Spell Specialization
(Disintigrate), Empower Spell, Arcane Strike, Improved Initiative
SQ - Gunsmith (x2), Grit (2), Deeds: Quick Clear, Arcane Gun (Su), Mage Bullets (Su),
School of the Gun, Diverse Training, Opposing Schools: Illusion, Enchantment,
Abjuration, Conjuration.
Skills -
Spellcraft +23, Know (Arcana) +23, Perception + 17, Sense Motive + 17,
Know (Dungoneering) +23, Ride +9, Swim + 5, Hide +18, Acrobatics +21,
Appraise +23, Survival + 17
Languages: Common, Draconic,
Spells (6/6/6/4/3/2 day, DC 18/19/20/21/22/23, CL13)
I: Mage Armor (O), True Strike, Read Magic, Gust of Wind, Ray of Enfeeblement
II: False Life, Spider Climb, See Invisible x2, Scorhing Ray x2
III: Ray of Exhastion x2, Fly, Slow, Arcane Sight, Fireball
IV: Fear x2, Wall of Ice, Obsidian Flow
V: Quickend True Strike, Wall of Force, Persistent Slow
VI: Disintigrate x2
Gp : 41000 - 15550 (consumables + scribing = 20000)
Headband of Int +4, Belt of Dex +4, Cloak of Resistance +5, Musket +3,
Mwk Musket, Spell Storing Dagger +1 [slow], Amulet of Natural Armor +2,
Ring of Protection +2, Handy Havresack, Pearls of Power I x3, Universal
Solvent x5, Bag of Holding II, Elexir of Vision x2, Rod of lesser Extend,
Wand of Cure Light Wounds x2, Ring of Featherfall,
Spellbook I:
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Mage Armor
True Strike
Ray of Enfeeblement
Ray of Sickening
Alter Winds
Feather Fall
Crafter's Fortune
Oh, and he got a name: Alex Truman. A short backstory will be up shortly

Saerdna |
Sorry about the doublepost, but I just finished the stats..
Gunslinger 1 Spellslinger 5(F) Elderitch Knight 7
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +11; Senses Perception +17
Active Spells:
Extended Mage Armor, Extended False Life [1d10+10]
AC: 23 (+5 Dex, +2 Natural, +2 Deflection, +4 Armor)
hp: 100 (8d10+5d6+26) +[1d10+10]
Fort 14, Ref 15, Will 12
Speed 30 ft
Spellstoring Dagger +1:
+12/+7 (1d4+5 19-20x2) + Slow (DC 22)
Musket +3:
+18 (2d6+6 x3) Range 50ft
Str 13, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 24, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +10; CMB 11; CMD 26
Traits: Magic Knack & Reactionary
Feats -
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Spell Focus: Transmutation, (+Greater).
Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Improved Precise Shot, Spell Specialization
(Disintigrate), Empower Spell, Arcane Strike, Improved Initiative
SQ - Gunsmith (x2), Grit (2), Deeds: Quick Clear, Arcane Gun (Su), Mage Bullets (Su),
School of the Gun, Diverse Training, Opposing Schools: Illusion, Enchantment,
Abjuration, Conjuration.
Skills -
Spellcraft +23, Know (Arcana) +23, Perception + 17, Sense Motive + 17,
Know (Dungoneering) +23, Ride +9, Swim + 5, Hide +18, Acrobatics +21,
Craft (Alchemy) +23, Survival + 17
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Ignan, Gnoll, Infernal, Sylvan, Celestrial
Spells (6/6/6/4/3/2 day, DC 18/19/20/21/22/23, CL13)
I: Mage Armor (O), True Strike, Read Magic, Gust of Wind, Ray of Enfeeblement
II: False Life, Spider Climb, See Invisible x2, Scorhing Ray x2
III: Ray of Exhastion x2, Fly, Slow, Arcane Sight, Fireball
IV: Fear x2, Wall of Ice, Obsidian Flow
V: Quickend True Strike, Wall of Force, Persistent Slow
VI: Disintigrate x2
Headband of Int +4, Belt of Dex +4, Cloak of Resistance +5, Musket +3,
Spell Storing Dagger +1 [slow], Amulet of Natural Armor +2,
Ring of Protection +2, Ring of Featherfall, Scroll of Invisiblety,
Waterskin, Trail Ration, Mwk Dagger, Muleback Cords, Spell Component Pounce,
Gp 40, Sp 90, Cp 100
Handy Havresack [
Elexir of Vision x2, Pearls of Power I x3, Universal Solvent x5, 20 Bullets,
Poion of Clw, Potion of Fly, Potion of Remove Disease, Gp 40, Sp 100
Tounges x3, Malfunction, Passwall, Teleport, Invisiblity x3, Message x10,
Break Enchantment, Dismissal, Mnemonic Enhancer, Rainbow Pattern, Control
Summoned Monster, Scrying, Fly x2, Protection from Evil x3, Knock x2,
Darkvision, See Invisible x3
Bag of Holding II [
Gp 4000
Sp 2000
Cp 500
Rod of lesser Extend, Wand of Cure Light Wounds x2, Nobles Outfit x2, Royal Outfit,
Travelers Outfit, Explorers Outfit, Adventurers Outfit x3, Needle & Thread,
Alchemists Kindness x10, Mwk Musket, Bullets x 30, Paper Cartridge x 50,
Tindertwig x20, Flint n Steel, 5 ibs firewood, Trail Rations x30, Hooded Lantern,
Bulls Eye Lantern, Oil x10, Alchemists Fire x2, Acid x3, Crowbar, Bedroll,
Barrel of Water, Flask of Wine (Fine vintage) x3, Flask of Wine (Ok vintage) x5,
Bar of Soap x2, Axe, 1 Ibs of flour, Smokestick x5, Alchemist kit, Winter Blanket,
Iron 5 Ibs, Backup Spell Component Pounch, 500gp worth of Alchemical Components,
Silk Rope 50ft x2, Firework; Desnan Candle x15, Firework; Paper Candle x 100,
Hourglass (one hour), Hourglass (one minute), Sheep of paper x30, Ink x3, Inkpen x3
Spellbook I: 6*15
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
Obscuring Mist
True Strike
Ray of Enfeeblement
Ray of Sickening
Alter Winds
Feather Fall
Crafter's Fortune
Spellbook II:
Gust of Wind
Scorching Ray
See Invisible
Spider Climb
False Life
Resist Energy
Spellbook III:
Dispel Magic
Lightring Bolt
Arcane Sight
Ray of Exhaustion
Spellbook IV:
Magic Anchor
Diminsion Door
Named Bullet
Wall of Ice
Resilent Sphere
Rainbow Pattern
Shadow Projection
Obsidian Flow
Stone Shape
Beast Shape II
Spellbook V:
Break Enchantment
Wall of Force
Baleful Polymorph
Overland Flight
Planar Adaption
Spellbook VI:
Antimagic Field
Legend Lore
Contagious Flame
Circle of Death
Symbol of Fear
Flesh to Stone
Stone to Flesh
Spellbook VII:
Resonating Word
Truman is of above averge statue, with short well kept black hair and grey eyes. A smug expresion is the most frequent one to visit his face, for he is an adventurer first and foremost and his mind is almost always circulating around his latest scheme.
Born in Alkenstar as the third son of a minor noble, he found his call wandering around in Golarion, seeing the world and its wonder. The greatest wonder of them all was the art of magic, something he rarely seen as a child. He was determinated to master its secrets, and he has come a far way on his journey. When he heard of the Breaching Festival he knew he found the test he was looking for.
If you really want to keep your race secret, you should probably edit you statblock a little (F3 search your race name if you can't find it... :)

DM Mathpro |
Okay after a big debate I've chosen my select group for this.
Will the following please post there full characters in the Discussion Thread:
Kesh(Shanosuke)-Dragon Deciple/Sorcerer
Skerrin Maltisse - Wizard/Loremaster
Nadya Dimineata- Oracle
Click on the discussion tab above and post your full character(alias) so we can begin this thing. I'd like to be able to start tomorrow morning.