[dice]1d20+7[/dice] Perception(Telurion)
[dice]1d20+7[/dice] Perception or Stealth (Caks) Low light vision
[dice]1d20+8[/dice] Perception (Barry) Dark vision
[dice]1d20+7[/dice] Perception (Rail) Low Light vision
[dice]1d20+4[/dice] Perception (Brennus)
[dice]1d20+7[/dice] Perception (Creature)
[dice]1d20+7[/dice] Perception (Creature2)
High Resolution Bards Gate Map
Filthy Lucre
Plot Hooks
Quest Log
Exploration & Marching Order
Travel Time
In Dungeon:
1. Telurion (Defend) with Sword in hand
2. Caks (Defend) with Dagger in hand (Gets auto perception check for traps).
3. Rail (Investigate)
4. Barry (Search)
5. Brennus (Scout)
In this case All searching will get secret perception checks for finding traps, secret doors. Nobody gets Recall Knowledge checks as you travel as this is the Investigate activity. Telurion still gets to determine his Dungeon Exploration activity.
In Wilderness:
1. Caks (Defend) with Dagger in hand (Gets auto perception check for traps).
2. Rail (Investigate)
3. Telurion (Defend) Sword in hand
4. Barry (Search)
5. Brennus (Scout)
This gives us a starting point. The goal of this is to keep the entire party from checking for traps every move, and constant perception rolls. It's very easy to metagame if you see that the Searching character rolls a 1... then everybody else wants to try perception rolls due to this knowledge... This helps eliminate meta-gaming. "What you don't trust the ranger up front that has this as his favored terain".
Intro: The Fiddler's Lament by Greg A Vaughn - Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast, it's true, but some music truly is the devil's music. An orphan girl, now full-grown but still lost and alone, must face once more the tragic curse that destroyed her past. Will her darkling music bring ruin to the village she now calls her home? Can the heroes earn the townsfolk's trust, or must innocence be sacrificed for the heroes to save town from the mysterious hauntings that plague a village huddled in the shadow of an accursed ruin?