DAardvaRK SUN DM |
Here is the OOC/Discussion thread for the Dark Sun game.
Character Rules:
- Ability Scores: Roll 4d6 drop lowest, roll 7 times take top 6. Before racial modifiers, your total modifiers should be between +6 and +12. Any higher or lower, and you will need to reroll.
- Books allowed: Core Rulebook, APG, UM, and the Psionics material from Dreamscarred Press.
- Races Allowed: Mul, Thri-Kreen, Half-Giant (These three are posted in my profile), Human, Elf, Half-elf, Halfling, Dwarf.
- Classes Allowed: All classe from the allowed rulebooks except Alchemist, and Paladin/Antipaladin. All divine classes will follow either the elements or the Sorcerer-Kings.
- Starting Money: Average gold for the class. All money/prices in the books will be relabeled from Gold to Ceramic, Silver to Bits. Any silver in the game will be worth 10 CP, and gold worth 100 CP.
- Traits/Feats: 2 Traits, and everyone gets Wild Talent as a bonus feat.
- Equipment: All things initially made of metal must be made of a different material (bone, wood, obsidian). Athasian specific weapons are in my profile. If you roll a natural 1 on an attack, with a non-metal version of an item, you can choose to reroll the attack roll, but the weapon automatically breaks after the attack is resolved. For non-metal versions of other items, if you roll a 1 on the skill check you are using it with, it breaks.
- Magic: Knowledge: Arcana is only a class skill for arcane casters. Any other class that has it on their list replaces it with Knowledge: Psionics. All arcane casters add Bluff to their skill list, this can be used when casting (preserving only) to make others believe that you are using Divine or Psionics instead. Any spell that produces food or water only creates 1/4 of the result. All potions come in the form of fruits and berries, if you find them, odds are it's a potion.
- Preserving/Defiling: All arcane casters defile unless they choose to preserve. When defiling an arcane caster increases their spell level by 1, but they destroy a 1 sq radius of land/level of the spell. Anyone caught in the radius of the defiling, besides the caster suffers the same penalties as being fatigued for 1 rnd/level of the spell cast, but using an effect that fatigues them does not make them exhausted.
- Domains/Favored Weapons: The Domains and Favored weapons of the Elements and Sorcerer-Kings will be posted in my profile.
Sinorei |
Ah, but bone armor is so sexy when worn by a female psion!
Copying down the party to the OOC thread so we have it handy while finishing characters.
Anton Oasil, Human Druid - Tilnar
Sinorei, Human Wilder - wakedown
K'z'k, Thri-Kreen Monk - InVinoVeritas
Xanyon, Mul Ranger - Balodek
Averel, Mul Fighter - Mrdarknlight
Morthak the Mad, Dwarf Cleric - nomadicc
Solid - both a druid and a cleric, and two muls.
LOL, good to see you in another PbP, Balodek...
-- snip --
Here's some of the armor from Dragon #319 if Aardvark want's to comment/update/copy-paste/bless any:
Bark, 3cp, +2AC, +5 max dex, -2 ACP, 15#
Cord, 15cp, +2AC, +5 max dex, -1 ACP, 15#
Leather, 10cp, +2AC, +6 max dex, 0 ACP, 15#
Bone, 20cp, +2AC, +4 max dex, -3 ACP, 20#
Wood, 15cp, +3AC, +4 max dex, -3 ACP, 15#
Studded leather, 125cp, +3AC, +5 max dex, -1 ACP, 20#
Leather scale, 35cp, +3AC, +6 max dex, -2 ACP, 20#
Shell, 25cp, +3AC, +3 max dex, -2 ACP, 20#
Hide, 15cp, +3AC, +4 max dex, -3 ACP, 25#
Bronze breastplate, 200cp, +4AC, +4 max dex, -4 ACP, 30#
DAardvaRK SUN DM |
@Anton, good call. To resist the draining effects of defiling is a Fort save = 10 + spell level + prime stat modifier of the caster. Much like spell DC's except it cannot be modified by feats, it is a side product of the casting not a major factor of it. Not that the Sorcerer-Kings wouldn't use it to weaken their enemies at the same time they empower their spells.
@Sinorei, Just use the prices and equipment from the PF stuff unless it's one of my variants in the profile. If you have studded leather, then at normal price it is studded with bone instead of metal.
@All, in your profile under your gear could you include how much you are carrying, and what your light load is. Reminder, your first set of clothing is no longer weightless.
How do you guys prefer to handle XP and Passive checks? XP is either unseen and I just say when to level, or I award it individually to include if you are off by yourself and for good RP.
For passive checks in PbP, if for example you come across a Kank. Would you prefer I write Knowledge Nature 15 (spoilered), Nature 20 (spoilered). Or would you rather I roll everyone's nature, and just tell the people that got it what they know?
Same with passive Perceptions and Initiative, would you rather I ask for them from each of you, or just roll them for you and tell who sees what, goes when? If you choose to search or spot, you roll, but if you are not actively looking I would roll.
Averel |
XP is fine either way to me most PbP do unseen only been in one that gives us xp. The checks like Knowledge and stuff like that I would prefer you go with the Nature 15(spoilered). While the perceptions and initiative I am fine you rolling unless someone wants to roll perception for something.
Sinorei |
Here's the info on weapon materials from the same source, again this is all up to Aardvark to modify/certify.
Bone: Most weapons are made from bone. Bone weapons suffer a -2 penalty on attack and damage. They weigh half the weight listed in the PHB and cost the same number of ceramic pieces as listed in gold pieces.
Obsidian (Blood): Obsidian weapons have a natural +1 to damage. A masterwork obsidian weapon is both +1 to hit and +1 damage. Obsidian weapons cost 2,000cp more than the PHB prices.
Bronze: Inferior to iron, but not as bad as stone or bone. Suffer -1 on attack and damage. Weapons of bronze cost 5X the price in the PHB in ceramic pieces.
Iron: As per PHB stats, price is 10X the PHB prices in ceramic pieces.
Stone: Suffer a -2 penalty on attack and damage. Stone sling bullets do not have this penalty. Same price as PHB in ceramic pieces.
Wood: The club, quarterstaff, sap, great club, and all bows and crossbows can be made from wood with no penalty. Any bludgeoning weapon can also be made from wood only, but suffers a -3 penalty on attack/damage. Same price as PHB in ceramic pieces.
Ah yes, I remember a brief 3.5E Dark Sun game, Sundering was very popular with all the bone weaponry.
... if Aardvark goes with these rules, or even a slightly modified version, it can dramatically affect starting purchases.
Xanyon |
@wakedown We do seem to keep running into each other. :D
@Aardvark My preference for XP is however you want to do it. For knowledges and other passive checks I'm fine with either method. For Perception and Initiative I think it works best for the GM to post rolls for each new room/combat, and if somebody wants to actively search they roll it.
DAardvaRK SUN DM |
I am going to avoid the clunkiness of the different modifers for all the different materials. To me it's nice got can get bogged down like the old 2E weapon VS. armor types optional rules.
I have a rule for susbstandard materials in the profile. I took it from the 4E Dark Sun. I think it simplifies it, and gives it a nice little benefit at the same time.
Sinorei |
I am going to avoid the clunkiness of the different modifers for all the different materials. To me it's nice got can get bogged down like the old 2E weapon VS. armor types optional rules.
I have a rule for susbstandard materials in the profile. I took it from the 4E Dark Sun. I think it simplifies it, and gives it a nice little benefit at the same time.
+1 for stream-lining.
Any chance the weight is different for bone items versus iron items?
Morthak the Mad |
Totally up to you on XP... I find that masked xp, and/or DM-directed level-ups (based on campaign flow) works best for PbP, as we're not likely to follow the standard tabletop kind of combats, etc.
I think the Skill DC(spoilered) works really well for most checks - we can derive our own responses based on our rolls.
Anton Oasil |
@Anton, good call. To resist the draining effects of defiling is a Fort save = 10 + spell level + prime stat modifier of the caster. Much like spell DC's except it cannot be modified by feats, it is a side product of the casting not a major factor of it. Not that the Sorcerer-Kings wouldn't use it to weaken their enemies at the same time they empower their spells.
Excellent -- otherwise the side effect would often be more powerful than the spell itself.
In response to your other questions, I usually prefer just being told what we know, but that's me. For passive rolls, I'm good with you rolling those as well.
In terms of XP, I like the idea of individual awards, personally... but if you'd rather reduce the overhead and keep it abstract, I'm fine with that, also.
I've put my weight limits on the sheet, as requested.
Sinorei |
On the questions.
Initiative: Definitely like when the GM rolls it for everyone; games go much faster that way.
Perception: Same as above (ie. for passive checks prior to an ambush), GM rolls for everyone and spoilers who gets to see what.
XP: Generally I'm good with PbP being a GM hand wave "OK you all leveled" since leveling up usually means some downtime between major parts of the adventure. Having 1 person level, then another person a week later could slow things down.
Player Rewards: For PbP I a fan of: instead of awarding XP for individual performance, awarding a temporary circumstance bonus. (i.e. Anton gets +1 on Knowledge checks for the next day, or Morthak gets +1 on Will saves for the next day, Xanyon gets +2 on charisma checks with other muls while in town, etc).
Sin's basically done. Gear purchased, traits selected.
How should we handle where we are, prior PC relationships, etc?
K'z'k |
I am going to avoid the clunkiness of the different modifers for all the different materials. To me it's nice got can get bogged down like the old 2E weapon VS. armor types optional rules.
I have a rule for susbstandard materials in the profile. I took it from the 4E Dark Sun. I think it simplifies it, and gives it a nice little benefit at the same time.
I'm afraid I'm not seeing the rule in your profile. Where might it be?
Sinorei |
Hopefully nobody takes offense to my cliff notes version of their recent events, I took these notes to see how various PCs may have connected.
K'z'k - "Artist-slave" to templar in Urik
Anton - wandered last 3 years, returning to Urik to find half-elf druid mentor
Morhal - since oasis, chasing "semi-real" slaver's trail from Kled (to Urik?)
Averel - following lead on mercenaries to Urik who attacked his employer, now with employer's children
Sinorei - lost family while traveling to raiders, wanderer since
Xanyon - trained as scout in Urik, escaped with druids who freed slaves
It seems plausible that any of us could have crossed paths outside Urik in recent years.
It's possible that Sin may have some "trust issues", so I'd be in favor of her having a pre-existing relationship with some trust with another PC.
I could see how Anton, Averel or Xanyon would be the most likely choices there. Morthak maybe - depends how crazy he really is :)
Sin's likely been a bit tight-lipped about losing her family, she's still fairly innocent - Quib (her psycrystal) hasn't really convinced her to seek retribution yet, as they've been more focused on basic survival.
I'm quite excited to see K'z'k in play, I'm getting a Perdido Street Station vibe from her.
DAardvaRK SUN DM |
Sorry, K'z'k, it is in the first post of this thread, not my profile. It's in the part about equipment.
As far as pre-knowing, I have always liked the meeting each other during game over any pre-existing connections. I will actually be doing seperate posts for each until I put you all together. Don't worry it will be short, I like to do a quick one-on-one spin up to the point where the campaign starts and you find yourselves together.
EDIT: I am also eager to see K'z'k in play. So many differences than most Kreen. First a female kreen, and no one can tell the difference, second having never really known freedom or the hunt. She will be fun to see. I the Perdido name is familiar, but I can't place the reference.
Also, for the alternate materials. If it is most of the weight of the item (sword, Great axe) 3/4 the weight. If it is a small part of the item go ahead and 4/5 the weight. So for bone studded leather which is 20 lbs, will be only 16 lbs. An obsidian Longsword is only 3 instead of 4.
Sinorei |
As far as pre-knowing, I have always liked the meeting each other during game over any pre-existing connections. I will actually be doing seperate posts for each until I put you all together. Don't worry it will be short, I like to do a quick one-on-one spin up to the point where the campaign starts and you find yourselves together.
Good times - I like this too; wasn't sure since you mentioned the game was a bit of sandbox-style.
EDIT - Making a last minute tweak to switch my scores around, didn't realize most feats I'd want at higher levels had such requirements on a Wisdom score, and that focusing takes a full-round action without a feat.
Sinorei |
.. but I can't place the reference.
One of the characters in the book (linked here) was a female khepri (insect-people like thri-kreen) who was a sculptor, she used her secretions to make art, as well.
Paizo was lucky enough to get the author to write a section of the River Kingdoms book.
Morthak the Mad |
Morthak, I forgot to give you a replacement for Hatred. Make it a +2 to saves vs compulsion. This is to represent the Focus aspect of the 2E dark sun dwarves. Basically it's hard to get a Dwarf to act against his intent.
Sounds great, thanks!
K'z'k |
Thanks for all the kinds words! It's kind of funny, because I originally was thinking just about a Thri-Kreen Monk, then I started reading through my Dark Sun material for ideas. I've the original boxed set, and read about the slaves. Reading about artist slaves made me think, there's a thought... but what would a thri-kreen artist slave be like? I'm sure that Lin from Perdido Street Station ended up in there. I imagine that her Elemental Fist is usually an acidic bite, and half the time she just uses it to chew up whatever she finds for pigments and paints with that.
Perdido Street Station is a novel by China Mieville--really fun, worth a read. The name K'z'k is from Sluggy Freelance, and describes something quite different.
Sinorei |
I believe Sin is ready as well.
I swapped feats yesterday with the juggling of ability scores. I dropped:
Psionic Weapon (add +2d6 damage if spending Focus)
Psionic Meditation (gain Focus as move action instead of full-round action).
(This is because I finally read the bit about needing to spend focus to use the Wilder's Energy Surge feature).
** BTW, this is my first psionic character since AD&D 2nd Edition. I've DM'd 3.5e Ardents and Psions, just never had the chance to play one.
Averel |
Averel wrote:Updated my profile a bit also added a bedroll I cannot believe I forgot to get one.Well that is sweet of you, giving all the snakes, scorpions, and spiders someplace to hide. I didn't know you were concerned about the desert wildlife, lol.
I know right? Got to be one with nature plus Anton might get mad if I did not worry about the little critters. Going to have to shake them out though when I have to pack up.
DAardvaRK SUN DM |
I took the verminheart feat.... So I'll talk the bedbugs into not biting. ;)
Bedbugs? Good idea, it will give the spiders something to snack on.
As an aside, I will not be posting the start tonight, almost leaving work, and if I work on it at home tonight I will amass A TON of wife aggro. I will finish writing it and post it at work tomorrow.
DAardvaRK SUN DM |