Brought up in Alkenstar by his mother Xanyon has never questioned his mother's stories about his past before. Pale eyes set above his heavy jaw have always set him apart from the humans and dwarves he grew up with even beyond his orc heritage. Believe his father had died in an accident working at the Alkenstar Gunworks, Xanyon dedicated himself to learning more about the factory as soon as he was old enough. Working with the devices gave him a respect for firearms as well as teaching him how to use them, but left him with even more questions about his father's death.
If his predilection for firearms weren't enough to set the 6'3" Xanyon apart from his half-orc brethren then his worship of Torag the Forgefather certainly would. Temples to Torag are common around the Gunworks and Xanyon considers his beliefs to be practical as well as suitable. The hammer of Torag rests easy on his chest alongside the ammunition bandolier Xanyon now sports.
On his 17th birthday Xanyon began experiencing troubling dreams. Images of an orc tribe living in the desert came to him, scenes of daily life in a village he'd never seen among a people he didn't know seemed as lifelike as his shift and coworkers at the Gunworks. Not understanding why this was happening he told his mother of them. She assured him these were normal and he should pay them no mind and speak of them to no one. Not understanding but trusting her, he found himself dreaming under the moon of a distant desert. An ancient shaman conducted a rite of manhood under the stars, handing Xanyon a pristine pistol as the ceremony concluded. The incongruity of this convinced Xanyon he'd simply been working too much overtime and he gave them no further thought.
Soon after this dream of passage Xanyon came home to find his mother lying on the floor. Calling quickly upon the clerics of Torag he discovered it was too late for her. Not understanding what had caused her passing, the heartbroken young man began going through her things in the months following her death. Finding an old locked chest with strange markings on it, Xanyon broke the seal and opened it to discover a strange heritage.
Lying on top of a well preserved chain shirt he found a letter from his mother. She explained that his father had not died in Alkenstar but instead in a town called Kelmarane. Though she did not speak of the reasons for his death she urged him not to explore this further but rather to embrace his newfound life in Alkenstar.
Initially deciding to heed her advice Xanyon experienced another dream that night. In it the old shaman looked at the pistol in Xanyon's hands before pointing behind him. Turning to look Xanyon found the entire horizon on fire before waking in a cold sweat. Convinced this is a sign he quit the factory the next day and packed what belongings he could before setting out for Kelmarane. Meeting with Garavel proved to be a fortunate circumstance and Xanyon now finds himself in search of both is past and his destiny.