Full Name |
Anton Oasil |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Druid (Drake Shaman) 1 [Campaign Ended (Darksun)] |
Gender |
Male |
About Anton Oasil
Anton Oasil, NG Human Druid (Dragon Shaman) 1
------------------------ Appearance -----------------------
Anton stands just over six feet tall, with a powerful build and skin the colour of worn mahogany. His sand-coloured hair is shaggy and slightly unkempt, somewhat reminiscient of a sandstorm, while his dark brown eyes shine a little too brightly, revealing the passionate fervor within.
------------------------ History -----------------------
Anton was born to slaves who worked the Obsidian Mines. He was a somewhat sickly child with a fragile frame, and so, when he was but 6 years old, he was taken from his parents and cast out into the desert -- the overseers deciding that feeding what would be such a useless slave was a bad investment.
Anton, however, was much luckier than most, and was found, dying in a sand dune by Oasir, a Half-Elven Druid. Oasir took pity on the boy, nursed him back to health, and allowed him to join in his nomadic lifestyle, teaching Anton about the ravages of the world and how the evil sorcerer-kings were to blame. They traveled the area, seeking out rumours or signs of defilers, in order to stop their damage to the world. During this time, Oasir taught Anton how to protect himself from their power [Traits: Superstitious, Desert Child]
When Anton was fourteen, he and Oasir heard rumours of a defiler near Urik. The rumours, however, were false, having been spread by agents of Hammanu who sought Oasir for some of his more militant actions before adopting Anton. Oasir sensed the trap, however, and sent Anton off to scout, promising to meet him in a few hours. He never came.
Anton backtracked his mentor and found signs of battle, including pieces of Templar armour, but that was all he could find. After waiting for a few days, Anton headed back into the desert, filled with nothing but hate and a desire for revenge, even if he did not know where to direct it.... Something in the ravaged wilderness felt his anger and responded, drawing him toward the mountains in his dreams. As he got closer, his dreams became stronger, giving him the sense of a proud, noble and powerful beast.... one that hated the dark perversion that the land had become.
Anton wandered for three years, guided only by these dreams -- following instructions for exercises and training that reminded him of Oasir's guidance -- his skill increasing even as he changed, his shoulders broadening into thick muscle, and his sense of Athas -- her pain and her power -- growing within him. Finally, he received a final dream, in which he saw the battle in which Oasir was taken, seeing the Templar of Hammasu overwhelm and capture his mentor, dragging him off. He awoke with a start, realizing that his mentor may still be alive and need his assistance. He headed back to Urik immediately.
------------------------ General -----------------------
Vision: Normal Speed: Walk 30 ft. Languages: Common, Druidic, Elven
Hit Points: 10/10 XP: 0/2000
------------------------ Attributes -----------------------
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 17 (+3)
CHA 10 (+0)
-------------------------- Feats ---------------------------
Dodge, Verminheart, Wild Talent
----------------------- Racial Traits -------------------------
Heart of the Wilderness: +5 Bonus to Stabilization Checks, add half level to survival checks and negative con score before death. Replaces skilled.
------------------------- Traits ---------------------------
Traits: Desert Child (+4 saves vs. hot conditions, +1 save vs. fire),
Superstitious (+1 save vs. arcane magic).
-------------------- Special Abilities ---------------------
Wild Empathy (+ Verminheart), Spontaneous Casting (Summon), Domain: Catastrophe (Destruction Subdomain)
-------------------------- Combat --------------------------
Initiative: +1; AC: 16/12(Touch)/14(Flatfoot)
Fortitude: +4 ;Reflex: +1; Will: +5
Special: +1 trait bonus vs. arcane spells
BAB: +0; Base Melee: +3 ; Base Ranged: +1; Unarmed: +3 (d3+3)
CMB +3; CMD 14
Club +3 [1d6+3] or
Obsidian Scimitar +3 [1d6+3] (18-20/x2)
- Sling +1 [1d4+3] 50' increment
-------------------------- Skills --------------------------
------------------------- Equipment ------------------------
Prepared Spells Druid (CL 1st): *= domain
1st - [DC 14] - cure light wounds (DC 14) , produce flame, true strike*
0th - [DC 13] - create water , guidance, stabilize
------------------------- Equipment ------------------------
wooden armour, buckler, club, obsidian scimitar, sling, explorer's outfit, backpack, belt pouch (x2)
Backpack contains:[ Bedroll ; Rations (Trail/Per Day) (x6); Waterskin (Filled) ; Oil (Flask); Torch (x1)];
Belt Pouch #1 contains: [ Bullet (Sling) (Obsidian) (x20); ];
Belt Pouch #2 contains: [ Fire Lens; Tindertwig (x3); ];
Coinpurse Contents: 7.6 ceramic pieces.
Current Load: 71.5 lbs. (Light) [Backpack weight: 19lbs ]
[Light: 76, Medium: 156, Heavy: 230]