Half-Giant Traits •+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom: Half-giants are immensely strong and hardy, but somewhat slow-witted and brash.
•Large: Half-giants are Large creatures and gain a -1 size penalty to their AC, a -1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus to their Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) and Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD), and a -4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
•Long Arms: Half-giants have a natural reach of 10 feet.
•Long Legs: Half-giants have a base speed of 40 feet.
•Giant Blood: Half-giants count as both humans and giants for any effect related to race.
Thri-Kreen Traits +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -4 Cha: Thri-kreen are agile and fast, but their pack mindset leaves them lacking individuality.
Medium: Thri-kreen are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Wild Speed: A thri-kreen's base land speed is 40 ft.
Sleep immunity: Thri-kreen do not sleep and are immune to spells and effects that cause sleep.
Carapace: Thri-kreen have a +3 natural armor bonus.
Multiple Limbs: Thri-kreen have four arms, and thus can take the Multiweapon Fighting feat instead of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. Thri-kreen can also take the Multiattack feat. (These are not bonus feats).
Natural Weapons: Thri-kreen may make bite and claw attacks as a full round action. Their primary claw attack does 1d3 points of damage for each of their four claws. Their secondary bite attack, deals 1d4 points of damage. A thri-kreen can attack with a weapon (or multiple weapons) at its normal attack bonus, and make either a bite or claw
attack as a secondary attack.
Leap: Thri-kreen are always treated as having a running start when making Jump checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Thri-kreen treat the gythka and chatkcha as martial weapons instead of exotic weapons.
Mul Traits (Ex): +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.
Medium: As Medium creatures, muls have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Mul base land speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision: Muls can see in the dark up to 30 feet.
Tireless: Muls get a +4 racial bonus to checks for performing a physical action that extends over a period of time (running, swimming, holding breath, forced march , and so on). This bonus stacks with the Endurance feat. This bonus may also be applied to saving throws against spells and magical effects that cause weakness, fatigue, exhaustion or enfeeblement.
Nonlethal damage reduction: When a mul takes nonlethal damage from any source, that damage is reduced by 2.
Dwarven Blood: For all special abilities and effects, a mul is considered a dwarf. Muls, for example, can use dwarven weapons and magic items with racially specific dwarven powers as if they were dwarves.
Athasian Weapons:
Most of these weapons are martial weapons, the Gythka, Chatkcha, and Dragon's Paw are exotic.
Alhulak: a 5' rope with a four bladed grappling hook on the end. This weapon is effectively a flail. Use can use the rope to attack someone 2 squares away, but it takes a move action to recover the other end of the weapon.
Cahulaks:A pair of four-bladed heads tied to either end of a 12-foot length of rope. As a melee weapon, the wielder holds one blade cluster in each hand and swings them in unison or in succession at his opponent. One end can be thrown to attack someone 3 squares away, and at the end of the attack you can make a trip attempt. It takes a standard action to unwrap the tangled end and recover it when you use it this way.
Damage: (s)1d6/1d6 - (m)1d8/1d8, Crit x2, Range 15', piercing, 25 gp, 7 lb Carrikal: An axe made from the jaw of a Mekillot, this weapon functions as a battleaxe.
Chatkcha: This thri-kreen throwing weapon is common among the steppes tribes. It’s a crystal wedge that can be thrown with a range of 20' and, due to its spin and effect upon the air, returns to the thrower if it misses the target.
Damage: (s)1d4 - (m)1d6, Crit 18-20/x2, Range 20', slashing, 1 gp, 1 lb Dragon's Paw: This weapon has two blades, one attached to either end of a 5 to 6-foot-long wood shaft. A centrally located curved bar or basket protects the wielder’s hand and features a protruding blade that juts perpendicularly to the shaft. It equates to a two-bladed sword, with a punching dagger in the middle.
Gythka:This thri-kreen polearm has wicked blades at either end. This weapon functions as an Orc double axe.
Tortoise Blade: This weapon is basically a small shield with a protruding blade. Though named for a specific creature, its protective shell can be carved from bone or chitin, or fashioned from hardened leather. The blade is mounted to the underside of the shell, and the entire ensemble is worn on the forearm. This weapon is treated as a small spiked shield, that deals slashing damage.
Trikal:This small polearm is a 6-foot-long, mostly wood shaft. The uppermost 12 inches consist of three blades projecting from a central shaft. The other end of the shaft is weighted to increase the momentum of the weapon. This weapon is effectively a halberd.
Character Rules:
- Ability Scores: Roll 4d6 drop lowest, roll 7 times take top 6. Before racial modifiers, your total modifiers should be between +6 and +12. Any higher or lower, and you will need to reroll.
- Books allowed: Core Rulebook, APG, UM, and the Psionics material from Dreamscarred Press.
- Races Allowed: Mul, Thri-Kreen, Half-Giant (These three are posted in my profile), Human, Elf, Half-elf, Halfling, Dwarf.
- Classes Allowed: All classes from the allowed rulebooks except Alchemist, and Paladin/Antipaladin. All divine classes will follow either the elements or the Sorcerer-Kings.
- Starting Money: Average gold for the class. All money/prices in the books will be relabeled from Gold to Ceramic, Silver to Bits. Any silver in the game will be worth 10 CP, and gold worth 100 CP.
- Traits/Feats: 2 Traits, and everyone gets Wild Talent as a bonus feat.
- Non-standard Equipment: All things initially made of metal must be made of a different material (bone, wood, obsidian). Athasian specific weapons are in my profile. If you roll a natural 1 on an attack, with a non-metal version of an item, you can choose to reroll the attack roll, but the weapon automatically breaks after the attack is resolved. For non-metal versions of other items, if you roll a 1 on the skill check you are using it with, it breaks.
- Magic: Knowledge: Arcana is only a class skill for arcane casters. Any other class that has it on their list replaces it with Knowledge: Psionics. All arcane casters add Bluff to their skill list, this can be used when casting (preserving only) to make others believe that you are using Divine or Psionics instead. Any spell that produces food or water only creates 1/4 of the result, and in the case of cantrips/orisons can only be cast 1/day. All potions come in the form of fruits and berries, if you find them, odds are it's a potion.
- Preserving/Defiling: All arcane casters defile unless they choose to preserve. When defiling an arcane caster increases their spell level by 1, but they destroy a 1 sq radius of land/level of the spell. Anyone caught in the radius of the defiling, besides the caster suffers the same penalties as being fatigued for 1 rnd/level of the spell cast, but using an effect that fatigues them does not make them exhausted.
- Domains/Favored Weapons: The Domains and Favored weapons of the Elements and Sorcerer-Kings are: