A Heavy Burden (Inactive)

Game Master Scott Williams 16

A poor fish's try at Carrion Crown

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Scotty, would a Varisian Dirge Bard (that would go Harrower before gaining the ability to animate anything) be of interest? I've had your thread in the back of my head since I saw it, but only thought of something beyond the obvious undead-slayer martial characters.

Haven't really gelled a solid personality or build yet, beyond the obvious hatred of the undead. Fortune telling + hating the undead is making me think probably a Pharasma follower (despite his most likely being CG). Might look at Deadly Dealer feat since he'll be carrying cards around anyhow.

@Borden: Combat WILL be a thing, but I will adjust the adventure for the characters in it. Every character need not be a melee monster or spell slinger extraordinaire. Having some one good with words WILL be a major help at points.

@Seraphine:Drawbacks are fine, just be sure to spend time in the Tavern thread!

ZanThrax wrote:

Scotty, would a Varisian Dirge Bard (that would go Harrower before gaining the ability to animate anything) be of interest? I've had your thread in the back of my head since I saw it, but only thought of something beyond the obvious undead-slayer martial characters.

Haven't really gelled a solid personality or build yet, beyond the obvious hatred of the undead. Fortune telling + hating the undead is making me think probably a Pharasma follower (despite his most likely being CG). Might look at Deadly Dealer feat since he'll be carrying cards around anyhow.

Dirge Bard is fine, but the Dance of the Dead is an evil act, not becoming of a hero. If chosen, you would have to not use that ability or find/create an alternate ability.

The rest is fine, sometimes it takes play to find the soul of a character, that is one of the reasons I place such emphasis on the tavern thread. It will help "solidify" the character.

Game Master Scotty wrote:
@Borden: Combat WILL be a thing, but I will adjust the adventure for the characters in it. Every character need not be a melee monster or spell slinger extraordinaire. Having some one good with words WILL be a major help at points.

Words? Thats his thing :)

Professional Bull-s&$# artist.

Going for the lovable rogue angle but also I just love the personality this guy has in my head, so I keep throwing him at PbP games. Hopefully this time will be the charm.

How many players you looking for?

Borden Read wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:
@Borden: Combat WILL be a thing, but I will adjust the adventure for the characters in it. Every character need not be a melee monster or spell slinger extraordinaire. Having some one good with words WILL be a major help at points.

Words? Thats his thing :)

Professional Bull-s#$$ artist.

Going for the lovable rogue angle but also I just love the personality this guy has in my head, so I keep throwing him at PbP games. Hopefully this time will be the charm.

How many players you looking for?

Haven't made my mind up yet,, likely 6ish. If this turns out well I MIGHT do two parties. Maybe, possibly, very maybe, no promises to any.

I just love this path.

Game Master Scotty wrote:
UnitedWeStand wrote:
Dotting for interest. Considering a rogue with Deadly Dealer. I'm trying to decide if that would allow me to treat my decks as "concealed weapons" xD

As long you can make your slight of hand for concealment, sure. Getting them out during combat may be an issue however!

See, that's what I was trying to avoid. A "deck of cards" isn't usually considered a weapon. So would I even have to bother attempting to hide them? xD

Game Master Scotty wrote:

Dirge Bard is fine, but the Dance of the Dead is an evil act, not becoming of a hero. If chosen, you would have to not use that ability or find/create an alternate ability.

The rest is fine, sometimes it takes play to find the soul of a character, that is one of the reasons I place such emphasis on the tavern thread. It will help "solidify" the character.

Absolutely wouldn't be using Dance of the Dead. I intend to have him prestige out after eighth level to Harrower, and never take Bard 10 so he'll simply never have the ability at all.

I'll finish up the build, create an alias, and join the other thread soonish.

Nice slight of hand check allow more chance of that tasty sneak attack damage.

Have you looked at this.

ZanThrax wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:

Dirge Bard is fine, but the Dance of the Dead is an evil act, not becoming of a hero. If chosen, you would have to not use that ability or find/create an alternate ability.

The rest is fine, sometimes it takes play to find the soul of a character, that is one of the reasons I place such emphasis on the tavern thread. It will help "solidify" the character.

Absolutely wouldn't be using Dance of the Dead. I intend to have him prestige out after eighth level to Harrower, and never take Bard 10 so he'll simply never have the ability at all.

I'll finish up the build, create an alias, and join the other thread soonish.

Excellent, I believe they are toasting some dead fellow over there.

Unfortunately as far as I'm aware "Sleight of Hand" doesn't help with sneak attacks. Feint does, but feint is limited to melee attacks only and Deadly Dealer is ranged :(

I've been looking for a game to join, but I'm a PbP noob and might need some guidance. Would you be OK with that? I was wondering if you would be interested in making the PCs mythic for this adventure since you were looking for "big gosh darn heros". :-)

If I were to play, I'd be an Aasimar (Scion of ?) Zen Archer Monk.

CKorfmann wrote:

I've been looking for a game to join, but I'm a PbP noob and might need some guidance. Would you be OK with that? I was wondering if you would be interested in making the PCs mythic for this adventure since you were looking for "big gosh darn heros". :-)

If I were to play, I'd be an Aasimar (Scion of ?) Zen Archer Monk.

Welcome! As it so happens, this is only my second play by post and my first attempt as a pbp gm. As long as you have a reasonable grasp of the rules (high good, low...very bad), I have no issues with rookies.

As for mythic, I rarely say this, I'm afraid not. Mythic changes the game on such a fundamentally level that the challenges after 5th level have to be totally thrown out. That would mean I have to rewrite four books in the path. I lack that time or commitment.

Let me know what you need help with, mechanics are easy, but as long as you have the basics down, head over to the tavern thread and role-play. What happens in there is a bigger factor than mechanics.

I understand about the Mythic thing. I think it would probably require APs written for Mythic characters. I'm in a table game with Mythic characters right now and I haven't taken any damage in several sessions. Our barbarian is constantly getting sapped by ability draining stuff though because the DM has to make the monsters tougher.

I understand mechanics well enough. If anything, I might just need help with posting format and jargon. You won't be looking for skill checks in the tavern, will you? The PFSRD has only six traits listed under the Carrion Crown. Is that the list you want us to choose one from? Would you consider allowing a third trait if we take a drawback also? Also, is there a players guide for this path I should download? Thanks!

What am I missing? I see in the tavern thread we are supposed to be linked to "the professor" but I don't see that in your requirements?? I'm utterly confused.

Envoy's Alliance

you are linked to the professor if you have a certain campaign trait.

CKorfmann wrote:

I understand about the Mythic thing. I think it would probably require APs written for Mythic characters. I'm in a table game with Mythic characters right now and I haven't taken any damage in several sessions. Our barbarian is constantly getting sapped by ability draining stuff though because the DM has to make the monsters tougher.

I understand mechanics well enough. If anything, I might just need help with posting format and jargon. You won't be looking for skill checks in the tavern, will you? The PFSRD has only six traits listed under the Carrion Crown. Is that the list you want us to choose one from? Would you consider allowing a third trait if we take a drawback also? Also, is there a players guide for this path I should download? Thanks!

Jargon, talking allow is bold, internal thought is italic, out of character comments are like so. If you look below your posting box, you will see a spoiler tag on How to Format your text.

Skill check CAN be made in the thread, its a good place to practice.

One of those six traits is mandated, drawbacks are fine and the free pdf download is here

Pauper Princess wrote:
What am I missing? I see in the tavern thread we are supposed to be linked to "the professor" but I don't see that in your requirements?? I'm utterly confused.

Check below, There is a link to the free pdf Players Guide.

I seem to be making to many assumptions about what people know, for this a apologize.

The campaign trait is your link to the professor.

Grand Lodge

search Painlord PbP or doomed hero play by post in the site search menu for a great guide on how to play PbP games.

I still need to pick a second trait, but otherwise Sandalero is finished. I'm heading over to the discussion thread; the second trait can wait for now.

Envoy's Alliance

I'm going to give mine a 3rd trait and a drawback before the game officially starts, I'll remember to roleplay the drawback as well.

I probably won't be able to have my character done before late tonight. I should be able to start posting at some point tonight as well. Just to be sure, we are starting at 1st level, right? I don't recall seeing that.

Out of curiosity, how long were you planning on keeping recruitment open, Scotty?

Yeah - I need sleep. lol.

Later all.

Also STRONGLY recommend people download and read the players guide, especially if there is a lack of awareness as to the background requirements and to give you a feel for the backdrop of the game.

Alright, character ready. Well, I just wrote down everything quickly.

Heaven if I had known in detail that this is some Ustalav classic horror campaign I'd have come up with a less debatable character. I am actually writing similar adventure, which also takes place in Ustalav, every now and then. But now that the character stands, it stands.

CKorfmann wrote:
I probably won't be able to have my character done before late tonight. I should be able to start posting at some point tonight as well. Just to be sure, we are starting at 1st level, right? I don't recall seeing that.

That is correct, Wet behind the ears rookies.

Seraphine Jakobs wrote:
Out of curiosity, how long were you planning on keeping recruitment open, Scotty?

Until I have a reasonable pool of victims. I will post a 24 hour warning before shut down.

I looks like a light date for Wednesday evening at the rate this is going.

Then I will let the tavern roll for a while, likely till Monday to see how the groups sort out.

Then I will let every know if they have been selected as victims and make sure everyone's character is up to par before starting.

Narah wrote:

Alright, character ready. Well, I just wrote down everything quickly.

Heaven if I had known in detail that this is some Ustalav classic horror campaign I'd have come up with a less debatable character. I am actually writing similar adventure, which also takes place in Ustalav, every now and then. But now that the character stands, it stands.

No worries, if selected you will have a chance to polish your character up a bit, as long as the "core" is the same.

I have made a first post, just to have a foot into it. I hadn't read the entire discussion thread up, because I am afraid you guys post faster than I can read. Thus, I didn't address anyone directly so far. Printing and reading up now.

Allright, got my profile updated Scotty!

Morthos Thadrius wrote:
Allright, got my profile updated Scotty!


I don't quite get as who Game Master Scotty is currently speaking. The host?

The innkeeper.

Narah wrote:
I don't quite get as who Game Master Scotty is currently speaking. The host?

The bartender is your host, so I am speaking as him as no others have speaking parts at this time.


Male Halfling Rogue 1
NG Small humanoid (halfling)
Hero Points 1
Init +7; Senses Perception +6
AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee rapier +1 (1d4/18-20) and
rapier +1 (1d4/18-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 11, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 14
Feats Two-weapon Fighting
Traits chance savior, resilient
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+6 jump), Climb +1, Disable Device +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (history) +1, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +6 (+7 to locate traps), Stealth +12, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb, +2 Perception
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ hero points, trapfinding +1
Combat Gear oil (3); Other Gear studded leather, rapier, rapier, backpack, bullseye lantern, pathfinder's kit, thieves' tools, 28 gp, 7 sp
Special Abilities
Chance Savior Fate smiled on you and Professor Lorrimor one day in the not so distant past. Through a matter of pure chance, you were in a position to save the late scholar's life and did so. His gratitude was effusive, and he promised that he would never forget y
Fearless +2 racial bonus vs Fear saves.
Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

Game Master Scotty wrote:
Narah wrote:
I don't quite get as who Game Master Scotty is currently speaking. The host?
The bartender is your host, so I am speaking as him as no others have speaking parts at this time.

Ah, I thought there was still some woman, probably his wife. I only skimmed over it to catch up...

Narah wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:
Narah wrote:
I don't quite get as who Game Master Scotty is currently speaking. The host?
The bartender is your host, so I am speaking as him as no others have speaking parts at this time.
Ah, I thought there was still some woman, probably his wife. I only skimmed over it to catch up...

All good, dropping in the middle is challenging sometimes.

Are you allowing the Heirloom Weapon trait (and if so, which iteration)? I have an idea for my backstory to have a bow passed down from my father (ranger) and if I go that route, I might actually take my first level in Ranger and then go ZAM from there. We can discuss it off-board if you'd rather.

CKorfmann wrote:

Are you allowing the Heirloom Weapon trait (and if so, which iteration)? I have an idea for my backstory to have a bow passed down from my father (ranger) and if I go that route, I might actually take my first level in Ranger and then go ZAM from there. We can discuss it off-board if you'd rather.

The newest version, please. The old one was a little over the top.

=================ATTENTION APPLICANTS========================



If you are interested in this pbp, this is your hard deadline to dot for interest or post a character.

Submissions after this time will be politely declined from consideration, but I will still consider those that have posted for interest.

Reminder, my selections are based heavily on the tavern thread.

I am biased like that.

I will post this notice again tomorrow.

Grand Lodge

I thought of tweaking my character a bit, any races that are absolutely banned?

Bran Grindle wrote:
I thought of tweaking my character a bit, any races that are absolutely banned?

No, not really. But keep in mind, I prefer, but do not mandate, normalish races.

If you look like a monster, be prepared to be treated as one.

Just sayin'.

Grand Lodge

I was thinking of the Aasimar with the racial trait Scion of Humanity, allowing to pass as human without a Disguise check. Something along those lines maybe..

Submitting Zorusk White Star for your comsideration.

Envoy's Alliance

Zorusk, please keep in mind that since you submitted the same alias across both carrion crowns, one is 20 buy points the other is 25 along with other minor stuff. You can do what I did and copy past, but leave a spoiler at the bottom for the other campaign. You can delete it later, as the odds of getting into both are unlikely.

Edit: and remember to make the minor tweaks as necessary.

Submitting the same character I submitted for another CC game, if I get selected I will be withdrawing.

I believe the only thing I would need to fix is to make her a 25 pt buy. ofc if selected I will undoubtedly flesh out her background even more. possibly turning it into a short story as I do with other characters.

Finally worked it out, but still working on the details. Posting as Brother Key (rhymes with eye, Kai was taken).

Bran Grindle wrote:
I was thinking of the Aasimar with the racial trait Scion of Humanity, allowing to pass as human without a Disguise check. Something along those lines maybe..

There are several of those submitted already (myself included) and they make for an easy choice, but you are currently the only Giant-blooded PC. I think that's pretty cool.

Yeah - I like the angle.

The undine performer moves swiftly to the bartender, "Good day sir, you are blessed this day since Gozreh as led me to your tavern. You am I? Well haven't you heard of the Typhoon Lord the largest attraction of the 9 ring caravan and with the right price I could perform in your bar tonight? What do you say?"

I offer up my Undine Cleric of Gozreh and all his info is in his alias.

Lantern Lodge

Dotting for interest, will have character up by tomorrow morning.

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