Game Master Scotty |

So, we begin.
Character creation
Non monster races are preferred but not required.
No 3rd party stuff please.
2 traits, one must be a campaign
I will use hero points
What I am looking for are heroes. This path requires people to do the right thing, to be big gosh darn heroes.
After posting your submission, head on over to the discussion thread and start role-playing. I will choose my party based on the interactions between you all from there.
This will be an exercise in writing for me, so I am looking for regular posting. Once a day is nice if possible, but this is a game, not a job. We are here to have fun folks!
If you have questions message me or post here.
I am looking forward to your submissions.

Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose |

@Ysmerelda: Changelings can pass mostly as humans, so I have no problems with them. Nor should most of the normal folk you will deal with.
Cool! I have posted in Discussion. This character will be staying Paladin (barring falling in-game) through the AP or until she dies, whichever comes first.

Game Master Scotty |

@Seth: I seem to have not put that down, whoops.
Max starting gold.
Max hit points at each level.
No restriction on classes or archetypes.
Dhapirs are Ok, and thematic, but ranks in Disguise are your friend. If you look like a "not normal" person, be prepared to handle the reactions if chosen.
This does not bar you from consideration in any way, but it is a thing.
Alignment, I NEED HEROES. If you have a non good alignment, you can hide or not talk about it and then let your actions and role-play show who you are in the Discussion thread. Just to be clear, you are big gosh darn heroes. Build and role-play what that is to you.

Ulam Bone-Cracker |

Please take a look at my character, Ulam. Ive submitted him to several CC campaigns but havent gotten selected yet. I really like his backstory so Im sticking by him till he finds a game.
Im aware of the prejudice against his kind, and welcome the roleplay challenge. Perhaps Ill adjust his ranks to accomidate the disguise skill, at your suggesstion. His stats also have to be adjusted for your parameters which I am happy to do.
Let me know of you have any other ideas/suggestions/concerns.
thanks for running this great AP

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I'll be using this guy. Heads up, he is applying to another campaign, but if he gets accepted in both I will make an almost exact clone copy, he will have a different name in this campaign, while maybe changing a feat or two around and a few skill points. Backstory will be different but similar.
I still have average gold, but if he gets accepted I will update his gear to include max starting gold. And if I do get accepted in both, the leveling up part will definitely branch out. While one character has feats x, y and z, he will have feats a, b, and c. While one character has skills of one set, he will have skills of another set. while one multiclasses as this, he will multi-class as that. so although he starts out as a clone copy, the more he progresses, the less of a clone copy he will be. Not to mention, I will have to update him to 25 buy points.

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Well then, get into the Discussion thread & show Scotty why you are too awesome to ignore, Ulam!
Please remember that the other crown has 20 buy points and this one has 25. So you might have to make a clone copy like me, but don't forget to update her.
Also, one more thing, though my alignment reads CN, he is actually NG, not creating a 2nd alias clone copy until I know he makes it in both campaigns, when I can just fix the one I have depending upon circumstances.
Edit: guess you already said that, but do you have plans if the rare chance that you get accepted in both like me?

Game Master Scotty |

No worries on mechanics just yet. They can be adjusted when the time comes, your role-play and interactions with your possible team mates is the main thing I am looking for. Your actions with them carry more weight than your character sheet at the moment. As long as your sheet shows me the "flavor" you are trying for, that is the main thing with that.

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On my alias at the bottom, I put a spoiler called, use this if alt alias that applies only to game master scotty's campaign. I have yet to change the backstory, but it will be very similar. I have updated buy points and gear.
Languages will remain the same, but the alt alias is in the spoiler.
The only thing that needs fixing is backstory if not accepted but very similar and of course alias will change if accepted in both, of course a new alias will just be made at that point.
To put it, he will have the same backstory if rejected from the other campaing, but if accepted in another campaign, all I have to do is chance thy backstory.

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Dotting for interest.
I have a char that needs to be rewritten for this.
Hotrek Shieldson

Game Master Scotty |

@ Morthos: The post monster gets hungry some times, but it should be well fed now.
@Blik: Looks fine, but just be aware that a "bird head" will draw attention, and it may not be good. If you are willing to deal with that in game no worries.
@Nightdeath:Crunch can be done a little latter, I like the idea of him, so show me your stuff in the tavern.
@Daniel: Same for you!

Game Master Scotty |

Please take a look at my character, Ulam. Ive submitted him to several CC campaigns but havent gotten selected yet. I really like his backstory so Im sticking by him till he finds a game.
Im aware of the prejudice against his kind, and welcome the roleplay challenge. Perhaps Ill adjust his ranks to accomidate the disguise skill, at your suggesstion. His stats also have to be adjusted for your parameters which I am happy to do.
Let me know of you have any other ideas/suggestions/concerns.
thanks for running this great AP
I like orcs and am playing one in an upcoming campaign. Just be aware of the prejudice you WILL face in this path. Your race will not bar you, just show me your colors on the Tavern thread.

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Shush the Halfling Rogue
Shush hails from Egorian. His actual name is Drais Rakerrusk. His slave name was Bit. He now claims a home outside of Almas in Andoran, preferring the quiet countryside to living in a city.
Shush was born to Halfling parents in Egorian, living on the streets until caught stealing at a young age. He was then sent into slavery, owned by a middle-rank autocrat and his wife. He served them until the age of 22, at which point he quickly tired of that life.
Always curious and never satisfied, he began to realize the benefits of living under the foot of a slavemaster did not outweigh freedom. He engineered his escape and his masters’ demise, fleeing Cheliax and ending up in Almas. He took with him only a few objects, a small pile of gold, and the clothes on his back. He currently works for an Andoran bureaucrat, having good working knowledge of government administration. On the side, he makes money gambling and doing odd jobs.
Shush is a utility rogue that will fight when he needs to and stab an enemy in the back when he wants to.
Stats to come.

Feuerrabe |
Hmmmm. I am interested, but it really depends on how my currently running applications work out and what happens to some groups I am currently in, which seem to be stagnating.
I would like to ask in general whether you find a bit more daring concept generally acceptable, or whether I don't even need to apply with it. I was considering either a fetchling bard or human cleric who belongs to the clergy of Calistria and is a prostitute, chaotic good either way.
She maintain relationships to good deities such as Desna, Sarenrae, Shelyn or Cayden Cailean and be sensual, but calm (even as bard), unobtrusive, but suggestive and somehow somewhat tragic, though I can't say yet in which way.
I have a few ideas for the background already, but I'd have to study the campaign background first and I still lack a really good idea for some turning point or development in her life that made her be an adventurer. If I decide she comes from a smaller temple in a pastoral part of the country side in Andaron that would make a completely different character than a street girl from Absalom or one that grew up in some pirate harbour.
Here two of a total of five rule drafts for the character, not spefically designed for your campaign and would likely be adjusted for the background once it stands. Combat Expertise in both cases, because they both use whips (Calistria's holy weapon) as main and it paves the way for Improved Trip and Improved Disarm.
Female Human Cleric of Calistria 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20) and
. . whip +1 (1d3+1 nonlethal)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 12, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 5/day—bit of luck, dazing touch
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3):
1st—bless, charm person [D] (DC 13), obscuring mist
0 (at will)—detect magic, enhanced diplomacy, light
[D] Domain spell; Domains Charm, Luck, Lust
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1 (+3 trip); CMD 13 (15 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Trip
Traits calistrian prostitute, prehensile whip
Skills Diplomacy +6 (+7 to gather information), Heal +6, Linguistics +6, Profession (courtesean) +6, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +6
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Varisian
SQ aura, domains (luck, lust)
Other Gear scale mail, dagger, whip, cleric's kit, courtier's outfit, 51 gp
Special Abilities
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Bit of Luck (5/day) (Sp) Target takes the higher of 2d20 for a d20 roll.
Calistrian Prostitute (Diplomacy) +1 Gather Information and Sense Motive, and one of these is a class skill.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 12) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Luck) Granted Powers: You are infused with luck, and your mere presence can spread good fortune.
Cleric Domain (Lust) Associated Domain: Charm
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Dazing Touch (5/day) (Sp) Melee touch attack dazes target.
Improved Trip You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
Female Fetchling Bard 1
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +2
Defensive Abilities shadow blending; Resist cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20) and
. . scorpion whip +3 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks bardic performance 7 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1)
Fetchling Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1/day—disguise self
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4):
1st (2/day)—charm person (DC 14), comprehend languages
0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation (DC 13)
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits calistrian prostitute, prehensile whip
Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7 (+8 to gather information), Escape Artist +7, Linguistics +6, Profession (courtesean) +4, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Draconic, Shae, Varisian
SQ bardic knowledge +1
Other Gear dagger, scorpion whip, bard's kit, courtier's outfit, 72 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action) (7 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Calistrian Prostitute (Diplomacy) +1 Gather Information and Sense Motive, and one of these is a class skill.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Shadow Blending (Su) Miss chance in dim light increases to 50%. This does not grant total concealment.

Game Master Scotty |

@Cato: Cool!
@Feuerrable: As long as the themes are suggestive (pg-13}, I ok with most any thing. The more intimate themes and work of Calistria push a little in my comfort zone, but as long as you are discreet and tasteful about your "work", it is not really an issue.
My first Carrion Crown Campain had a female goblin cleric of Calistria. It was...interesting, to put it lightly.
As long as you are not pushing the comfort zone of the other players, go for what you feel is a strong choice.

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Dotting for interest.
I have a char that needs to be rewritten for this.
Hotrek Shieldson
Updated with crunch and fluff.

Feuerrabe |
@Feuerrable: As long as the themes are suggestive (pg-13}, I ok with most any thing. The more intimate themes and work of Calistria push a little in my comfort zone, but as long as you are discreet and tasteful about your "work", it is not really an issue.
Well, there is always a fireplace the camera can pan to, so you won't be reading more than a kiss, if even that.
Strike the bard concept; it's kinda cheap to use a really exotic species in the given context. A Calistrian should be either human or elf, depending on which wing of the clergy she belongs to.
I must admit I'd like to make a Sylph, cheap or not... but I don't see that working with a bonus on Int and Dex. Still, the characters were designed for point buy 20. A sylph cleric might be worse than a human one, but still good enough...
We'll see, not sure yet whether I'll have time for a round and an application.

Pauper Princess |

Bran Grindle is originally from Absalom, but that life was long ago.
Bran Grindle is a bit crazy.
He currently has no home, as he wanders around the cities, towns, and villages in between wandering the countryside of Varisia.
Bran witnessed the murder of his parents, wealthy aristocrats, by a common thief. He was young, only 15.
Due to the brutality of the murder he witnessed, his mind is a bit addled. The brutality was made worse by Bran's actions- when he witnessed the murder of his parents, he went into a rage and literally tore the attacker limb from limb.
It was a very grisly scene when the authorities arrived to see a young boy amid 3 bodies. Bran was to be taken in by another wealthy family, but he fled, wanting to get as far away from the city as possible.
He went north into the wilds of Varisia, suppressing his rage. One afternoon, however, it all boiled over- he was sitting at the edge of a small stream when two goblins crept up on him.
Too bad for them. He savaged both of them, beginning his barbaric path of destruction.
I have never played in play by post and would be grateful to be accepted.
Stats to follow today after work (5pm EST).

Borden Read |

Helaman here with a bard was made for another pbp and I just cant let him go.
Campaign trait - I'll update as well with some minor updates in background so I can be attached to others. He's not what you'd call optimised(Improved Unarmed Strike is hardly the choice of many bards) but he's not ineffective either. Do we use the Inner Sea Primer for starting languages for regions?
Borden is a man's man. He is honest about his dishonesty and unapologetically open about his faults: Ale swiller, b&&*%#*~ artist, whore monger and brawler. Oh, and add to that, 'failed Pathfinder', 'treasure hunter' and 'tomb robber'. He'll drink with any man that will buy a round in return and fight any man that gives him cause.
A native of Absolom Borden ended up here about 2 years ago, not long after washing out of the Pathfinder Society. One too many failed examinations (caused by whatever carousing he could manage to cram into that dreary existence) had led to the Society washing its hands of him but he still had the skills. By strange coincidence he signed on as Lorrimors guard on a boat out of Absolom and ended up following the Professor back to Ustalav. It wasn't long before he ended up breaking into tombs looking for ancient relics, though its fair to say that never did tell the Professor about his current approach to employment. He does feel a personal debt to the old man - he made history come alive and excite his interest where the Society lecturers always seemed to suck the life out of even the most interesting aspects of the past.While under the Professors employ and with his gentle guidence Borden has applied himself with a rigor that would have surprised his old teachers. He has become knowledgeable in the history of the region and has a keen instinct for its artifacts. He is exactly the sort of foreign expat that is frowned on in dour Ustalav - loud, disrespectful of the local 'superstitions' (though he is unfailingly polite to anyone who can help him) and with no regard at all for historical claims of ownership when it comes to antiquities.
Though he has many failings he's got heart of gold and is a soft touch under all his bluff and bluster. He's always up for a fight, true, but its his hand is typically held out in friendship afterwards, rarely bearing any grudge. When not trying to denude such tombs that remain unspoiled of their treasures he earns his drinking money as a professional story teller - specialising in tall tales and sagas.

Seraphine Jakobs |

Meet Seraphine Jakobs, perikin aasimar Fire Sorcerer
Traits: Pyromancer, Teachers Pet(Religion). If drawbacks are allowed, I'd take headstrong or pride with Arcane Temper as the extra trait.
Adeen is fire haired and fire hearted. Highly argumentative and headstrong, but with a good heart. She will do anything to protect the little person, the underdog, or the oppressed. She is, however, mischievous at times and a little immature. She also has a quick temper.
She stands at 5'6" with long, fire red and gold hair, the only hint at her extra human nature. Her clothing is utilitarian, but form fitting and a step above common clothing, with overtones of red, gold and black.
Adeen met Lorrimor at University. For a time there, she was a student in one of his classes. Lorrimor took a liking to her as she always questioned everything he said. He liked the spark in her and her curiosity. However, many of the other professors hated that quality, so she had many run ins with faculty and students alike. Eventually she was kicked out, only months away from graduating. For the last few months, she has simply been traveling, a little unsure about what to do next.

Game Master Scotty |

I present Kienyach, half-drow brawler (mechanically a half-elf with some alternate racial traits). His class is from the ACG so let me know if that's alright.
I am good with playtest stuff, just be aware that if it seems a little over the top (which is common for 1st run stuff) I may ask you to make changes. I haven't read anything that makes me overly worried.