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![]() I noticed Hero Lab was doing something odd with my multi-classed Ninja/Slayer and it made me curious about some things. What Hero Lab was doing was adding my two classes together to determine if I qualified for Advanced Rogue Tricks so my Ninja 8/Slayer 2 qualified for advanced talents. This seemed...incorrect to me but it also makes a small modicum of sense since they both come from the Rogue base class one being an alternate and the other being a hybrid. So, my question is this: do you add the classes together to qualify for level 10 abilities or not? ![]()
![]() Bob Bob Bob wrote:
As far as I'm aware no where says positive energy always heals but that was never my argument. My argument was that positive energy can't harm living just like negative can't harm undead. ![]()
![]() Perhaps immune was the wrong word. However, positive energy used to harm only damages the non-living while negative energy used to harm only harms the living. At least that's the typical reaction. From what I understand the positive energy plane causes living creatures to become "overhealed" and once they reach a certain point they explode. That's not exactly the same thing as being damaged by positive energy. ![]()
![]() So I have a player using the Inquisitor archetype "Kinslayer" which gives him a brand ability
Quote: Slayer's Brand (Su): When using this judgment, the kinslayer gains the ability to brand undead creatures with positive energy. To do so, she must make a successful melee touch attack against the undead creature. This attack deals an amount of positive energy damage equal to 1d6 + the kinslayer's Charisma score, and burns her personal symbol into the undead creature's flesh, bone, or even its incorporeal form. From that point onward, the kinslayer can sense the existence of the branded creature as if it were the target of a locate creature spell (caster level equal to 1/2 the kinslayer's inquisitor level). A slayer's brand lasts until the undead creature is destroyed or until the kinslayer uses this ability on another creature. and also for a Greater Brand he picked up Holy Brand Quote: Holy Brand: The kinslayer can use her brand on creatures with the evil subtype as well as undead. Now, he tried to use this on an evil-subtype creature and say that it dealt damage to the creature. No where do I see that the Holy Brand changes the damage type from Positive Energy, so I have to assume that even though he can "brand" evil creatures, the damage does not apply. Am I reading that correctly or am I missing something? ![]()
![]() AncientSpark wrote:
What makes you believe he gets 0 penalty? Perfect Balance says specifically you use "normal light weapon penalties" which implies the typical -2/-2 modifier, the same that Improved Balance provides. Perhaps it's simply worded strangely? Chaotic Fighter wrote: Well there is a bit of a trade off. Since he can wield two one handed weapons at low penalty he can do something like wield two scimitars. Two good high crit range weapons. And since he can wield the same weapon in both hands instead of needing to use a dagger or a kukri or something all of his weapon focus and weapon specializations apply to both weapons. That +4 on two attacks easily equates to the same thing as weapon training and a single attack. Plus now you can two weapon rend on standard attacks which makes your standard attacks match a two handers attack easily. A typical fighter could also just wield a double weapon which would allow all his weapon focuses and what not to apply to both attacks. ![]()
![]() Not really sure if this is the correct forum to post this in but we shall see. Anyways, I've been trying and trying to figure out a way that the Two-Weapon Warrior archetype makes more sense for an actual dual wielding fighter than the base fighter class but I'm having so much trouble due to the lack of synergy between the archetype's skills. For example, Quote:
The archetype replaces the default fighter's weapon training with this piece of crap that requires you to full-attack to get the bonuses. "But they get more abilities for each level of weapon training like Double Strike and Equal Opportunity!" Wonderful! NONE OF THEM WORK with Twin Blades. So in addition to removing the default fighter's bonuses from his REGULAR attacks and his attacks of opportunity, you don't even get your bonus on your special, archetype abilities. In addition to that, take a look at Improved/Perfect balance. Quote:
The way it is written if a Two-weapon warrior is using a one-handed weapon in his offhand, Perfect Balance GIVES NO BENEFIT whatsoever (unless I'm not understanding something here). Considering how long this archetype has been around without any changes I may be missing something in the actual use of this archetype but from where I'm standing it seems...lacking at best. Does anyone see something I'm missing? ![]()
![]() Game Master Scotty wrote:
See, that's what I was trying to avoid. A "deck of cards" isn't usually considered a weapon. So would I even have to bother attempting to hide them? xD ![]()
![]() Billybrainpan wrote:
Yeah that's why I made my samurai submission a Ronin. I get to chose my own code/edicts xD ![]()
![]() Introducing the hard-hitting samurai Felix: Spoiler: Felix Gral
Male Human Samurai (Sword Saint) 7 LG Medium humanoid (human) Init +3; Senses Perception +11 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 22 (+8 armor, +3 Dex, +2 natural, +2 deflection, +1 dodge) hp 60 (7d10+14) Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2 Defensive Abilities resolve, self reliant -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 20 ft. Melee +1 katana +13/+8 (1d8+9/18-20) and . . naginata +11/+6 (1d8+6/×4) and . . wakizashi +11/+6 (1d6+4/18-20) Special Attacks iaijutsu strike +4d6, challenge -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14 Base Atk +7; CMB +11; CMD 27 Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Furious Focus, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (katana), Weapon Specialization (katana) Traits anatomist, eyes and ears of the city Skills Bluff +6, Climb +5, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (local) +7, Perception +11, Ride +4, Sense Motive +9, Survival +10, Swim +6 Languages Common SQ brutal slash, orders (ronin), terrifying iaijutsu, weapon expertise Other Gear +2 breastplate, +1 katana, naginata, wakizashi, amulet of natural armor +2, ioun torch, ring of protection +2, backpack, bedroll, rope, 791 gp, 9 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Anatomist +1 to confirm critical hits. Brutal Slash At 3rd level, a sword saint’s iaijutsu strike becomes even more deadly. Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed. Furious Focus If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the penalty for your first attack of each turn. Iaijutsu Strike +4d6 +4d6 damage against challenged opponent when drawing weapon. Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage. Resolve (4/day) (Ex) Your resolve can remove effects or reroll saves. Ronin's Challenge +7 (3/day) (Ex) +7 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, +2 attack/dodge AC vs challenger when returning a challenge Self Reliant (Ex) At 2nd level, the ronin learns to rely solely on himself, even in the most difficult of times. Whenever the ronin fails a Will saving throw against an effect with a duration greater than 1 round, he can attempt another saving throw at the end of the Terrifying Iaijutsu (DC 15) At 5th level, a sword saint’s iaijutsu strike devastates the morale of foes that witness it. Weapon Expertise (Katana) (Ex) You can quick draw the chosen weapon, and gain +2 to confirm critical hits. -------------------- Felix was born and raised in Minkai under the strict tutelage of his father, a samurai of great renown. Felix enjoyed the training, but the oppressiveness of his father's Order grated against his own free spirit. The constant demand that one turn from their own desires in order to serve the lord got him in trouble more times than he cared to admit. While his skill with the katana improved rapidly during the day, many nights were spent doing penitence for some slight or other under his father's watchful eye. One day it simply became too much and Felix set out on his own to create his own path and form his own edicts, being called a Ronin and disowned by his father. He continued to be loyal to a fault but his experiences with his father and other authority figures caused him to treat most with disrespect. However he has made it his goal in life to be the most honourable man he can be and to never flee in the face of terror and to this day he has maintained those stances. He spent many of the early days of his freedom wondering the land, searching for a purpose. Eventually, he found on in the military's elite squad, having caught the attention of the man in charge while fighting against mob "protection money" collectors in defense of an old woman running an inn he was currently staying at. ![]()
![]() Question: I'm attempting to build a samuri but an issue I've run into before is Samuris get a free mount but a lot of Campaigns or DMs say "Sorry, you're mount can't enter X dungeon" and so he loses some of his bonuses. Obviously I can take an archetype and I'm cool with that I'm just curious to if that's needed or not. ![]()
![]() Dolarre wrote:
The only reason I was considering it was because zanac's main weapon is going to be a shiriken. Shirikens by themselves don't deal terribly much damage and you have to be really close in order to use them so the 10 foot sneak attacks are only there to prevent being aoo'd with my main weapon of choice. My target still only has to 5 foot step to swing and hit me so it's not like I'm sniping from across the room xD. But I'm cool without it'd just be awesome to have lol ![]()
![]() The final paragraph of the "Deadly Dealer" feat reads: Quote: A spellcaster with this feat can enhance a deck of cards as though it were a ranged weapon with 54 pieces of ammunition. This enhancement functions only when used in tandem with this feat, and has no affect on any other way the cards might be used. Only a character who possesses this feat can make use of an enhanced deck of cards, and must still use the Arcane Strike feat to activate the cards’ enhancement. When I first looked at the feat it seemed to me that in order to use this feat one would have to pay for the enhancements as if the cards were ammunition. However upon reading that paragraph I'm not quite as convinced. So my question is this: does this feat allow us to treat a deck as a weapon for which we simply have to buy more ammunition for in order for the enhancements to stay with us or do we have to spend gold on enhancing the cards as if they were ammunition? ![]()
![]() So I recently acquired a spell storing set of full-plate for my paladin and so I've been considering multiple choices for what types of spells to put in the armor. The fact that the stored spell only targets the person who hits you limits the options to mostly offensive spells, which the paladin is sorely lacking in as his spells are mostly oriented towards himself. Thus you usually need someone else to store the spell for you, except in a few instances. Now, currently my paladin claimed the Oath against Fiends which, at 4th level casting, gives him Plane Shift. So my question is this: Can I store Plane Shift in my armor and use it to shoot some other creature into another plane? From everything I'm reading I can but that just seems too...trollzy to be fair XD ![]()
![]() Can we add points to a low RP character? Sometimes if you're playing, say, a sylph, who only has 6 RP the GMs will allow you to take alternate traits up to a certain value. For example add "Like the Wind" without taking away the trait it replaces, that sorta stuff. Brings lower RP races up a bit. I'm perfectly fine NOT doing that I was just curious if it would be considered ![]()
![]() Hrm...I like the plan. Western makes me think of gambling and there's a character concept I've been trying to get off the ground. Race: Human
Background: Grew up on the street and developed a history of gambling, using various magic tricks to ensure he always got a favorable outcome. Used proceeds to help family/friends/others who needed it. Got caught stacking the deck one too many times and had to fight his way out. Throws card's as his main weapon (look at Deadly Dealer feat if you're wondering how lol). Personality: Alignment is Chaotic Good. Obviously he's not afraid of skimping the rules now and then if it serves his purpose and helps out someone who needs it. A bit of a flirt but never seems to do it very well. ![]()
![]() I believe we were actually talking about this the other day lol. The thing is I'm not sure you can use spellcombat with ranged weapons such as a bow since two-weapon fighting is not allowed to be used with a bow or any other two handed weapon. Thus I interpreted it as the only way to use spell combat with ranged spellstrike is with throwing weapons. Throwing weapons are specifically mentioned as being allowed to be used with two-weapon fighting (one throwing weapon in each hand) and thus, to me, should be allowed to be used in conjunction with ranged spellstrike since spell combat says it functions similar to two-weapon fighting. ![]()
![]() ArmouredMonk13 wrote: I'm pretty sure the intent of Myrmidarch is to make a magus that is more of a fighter who casts then a caster who fights. Not sure "fighter" is the term I'd use. The Myrmidarch seems to push the Magus into a more ranged combat role than a frontline fighter. Although in my specific case he's gonna be a dart throwing caster so the range is still gonna be short but...meh that's the fun part XD Cyrad wrote:
The issue I see with the level 11 part of this ability is that it specifically mentions using a "full-attack" action. However, Spell Combat is clearly labeled as as "full-round" action and not a "full-attack" action and I keep having people remind me that those two things aren't exactly the same... ![]()
![]() williamoak wrote: @ UWS: no, spell combat specifies you need one hand free "while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand". No exceptions for ranged attacks, unless you're throwing daggers (which count as both, i think?). But I still think you dont "maintain" a chrge for a ranged touch attack, since you've "sent it out" in a way. Maybe it's like the fact that after you've thrown an encahnted arrow, even if it misses, it looses it's enchantment? This isnt exactly something I'M 100% clear on. Neither am I, hence the question XD lol. But I believe this is what allows ranged spellstrike to work(taken from the rules on two weapon fighting): Quote:
Thus, you can use spell-combat with "light weapons" which include darts and shurikens in reference to two weapon fighting. Yes I know spell combat specifically mentions "melee" weapons but I believe the intent of Ranged Spellstrike is to allow use of spellcombat with it. i.e. it needs an errata or FAQ as you suggested XD lol ![]()
![]() Mojorat wrote: The ability to hold a charge as far as I know is unconnnected to holding a charge. If the question is can I hold a charged on a ranged touch spell the answer is no. Hrm...that's not quite what I'm asking but I think I've gathered enough pieces of the puzzle to figure it out. Ignoring ranged spellstrike, a ranged touch spell is a hit or miss with no holding, as opposed to a melee touch spell, correct? Thus ranged spellstrike would have to work the same way. Bleh. Lame. Ah well. ![]()
![]() Quote:
I believe the bolded part allows shocking grasp to be treated as a ranged touch attack. However that's not quite my question. Sorry if I wasn't clear. Lets try it this way: You cast Acid Splash, ranged touch attack with only a single charge. Using Ranged Spellstrike grants you one free ranged attack via the casting of Acid Splash that you can transmit through a ranged attack along with a normal attack. Now under regular spell-strike you can miss with the free attack granted by the touch attack and then hit with the normal attack to discharge the spell. So my question is does the same work with ranged spell strike? Situation would be this:
Ranged Spellstrike allows you one free attack with a ranged weapon augmented by Acid Splash=>Miss first attack Use normal attack with another ranged attack=>Hit. Since Acid Splash was never discharged can you apply it to the second hit? Edit: Whoops I think I figured out the confusion. Most ranged weapons require two hands, thus no spellcombat. However, thrown weapons such as darts apply to ranged spell strike and only take one hand, thus can be used with spellcombat which is what I'm doing here. ![]()
![]() Quote: At 4th level, a myrmidarch can use spellstrike to cast a single-target touch attack ranged spell and deliver it through a ranged weapon attack. Even if the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single missile, ray, or effect accompanies the attack. At 11th level, a myrmidarch using a multiple-target spell with this ability may deliver one ray or line of effect with each attack when using a full-attack action, up to the maximum allowed by the spell (in the case of ray effects). Any effects not used in the round the spell is cast are lost. So I have a question about the above. When one uses "normal" spellstrike one can miss with an attack while holding a charge and hold it indefinitely. In the Ranged Spellstrike ability the phrase "Any effects not used in the round the spell is cast are lost." I'm assuming prevents me from holding charges between rounds. So like say I had 3 charges of Chill Touch and could only attack twice in the round I cast it, I'd lose the third charge, right? If that's the case it sucks, but I can deal with it. However there's another situation that isn't quite so clearly labeled to me. Say you cast Shocking Grasp with metamagic Reach (or simply Snowball if you'd prefer since it has to be a ranged touch). You only get one charge of it but the damage goes up based on caster level. The way the ability is phrased sounds to me like you put the charge into the ranged weapon which then transfers into the projectile. That's well and good if you're using a bow of some sort...but say you were using a throwing weapon? If I'm reading this right you imbue the charge into the thrown weapon (shuriken, dagger, whatever) and then throw it. So my question is this: What happens to the charge if you miss? If the ranged weapon clatters to the floor does it discharge the spell and it's just wasted? Or do you get to hold on to the charge until you make a successful connection assuming you make one that round via multiple attacks? I hope it's the latter but the former does make sense in some respects XD ![]()
![]() Mark Moreland wrote:
Fair enough. One of my friends was going to be using the pregenned Oracle because I told him he could but when I started going over it I realized things looked...strange. So thanks I'll work around it :) ![]()
![]() So I was scrolling through some of the iconic characters and I realized the level 1 Iconic Oracle gets Cure Light Wounds as an "At will" spell for level 0 spells. How is that possible considering CLW is a lvl 1 spell? Am I missing something in her description? For reference here is what I'm looking at:
![]() TriOmegaZero wrote:
Ahha! I am officially blind. Thank you, kind sir. That works out well enough for me. ![]()
![]() So I know back in the old days when my group of gamers was fluctuating a bit I (as the GM) would run a PC of my own to help round out the party whenever it was needed. It was fun but also...difficult at times especially when I ended up killing my own character but hey that's simply being fair. So my question is this, in PFS is there a rule preventing GMs from running their own characters through a game? I'm assuming there is but I was unable to find any direct reference to this in the manual (wouldn't be the first time I missed something though). Obviously there would be an issue of playing fair but whenever that comes into question I tend to use dice to roll to decide who my monsters attack instead of me personally picking them. |