A Heavy Burden (Inactive)

Game Master Scott Williams 16

A poor fish's try at Carrion Crown

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Male Aasimar Cleric (Nethys)HP 14/14 | AC:12 T:12, F:10 | Save (F+5, R+3, W+9) | Init:+2 | Perception: +4|

Indeed miss...

He paused with a slight tiny frown marring his too beautiful face. He wasnt sure of that other newcomers name in the slightest.

The whispering way is a vile set of pardon my lack of eloquence, foul nastiness that would best be eradicated the sooner the better. If there is any hint of them here in town, it would be best to move fast and hurry, to cull the evil before it grows. I would help you this even if they were not responsible for the loss of one we all held dear.

he paused for a moment taking a deep breath and gathering his thoughts.

The fact they even have a chance to be part of the reason the professor is not here draws my ire. You have my skills and spells, such as they are miss?

He asked the question clearly directed to Ysmerelda, and by proxy the others.

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

The sorrow reawakened by talk of the Professor's death is soon replaced by a righteous anger as the others' suspicions are voiced. Furniture in the room begins to rattle slightly as she speaks through teary eyes.

"They will pay for any part they played in his death Kendra, I promise you that. Looking at Ysmerelda she nods solemnly, anything you need of me, just ask."

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

Clearly heartened by the others' responses, Ysmerelda remains silent as she observes their hostess' reaction to her revelations.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 2 HP: 20/20| AC: 20/10/20 | Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +2| Init: +3| Perc: +6| CMB: +5| CMD: 18|W.Hammer: +6;1d8+3| D.Longhammer: +5;2d6+4| L.Bow: +5;1d8|
Acro: -3| App: +3| Bluff:+0| Climb:-2| Dip: +0| Heal: +3| Inti: +0| K.(Dungeon): +| K.(Eng):+8| Prof (Soldier):+7| Ride:-6| SM: +3| Stealth: -6| Survival: +6|

Hotrek observes the others even as he takes note of each of the other's expressions, everything going on now would be going into his journals. He feels it in his bones, this was something big.

The others will just be written out, life happens.

Kendra remains silent as the group talks, looking into the eyes of each person as they speak their piece.

You believe this Whispering Way is responsible for my fathers death? That the statuary that fell on him...was not the cause of his death? It would be like him to bite of more than he could handle. The will has you staying for one month, then traveling to deliver some books to my fathers friend. It implies keeping his family safe.

Please, if you think this Way is still about, protect us by seeking them out and stopping them.

I know the people here are not the kindest or most charitable, but this is my home, I have known these people my entire life. Please, protect them as well.

My Father taught me, and some of you as well I imagine, knowledge is both sword and shield. We should learn more of our enemy and his plans.

I still do not know why father was down by the Harrowstone, do you think there is a link to it and The Way?

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

"I am sure there must be, and if so, we will seek the answers we need to protect you all and put those responsible to rest." Rhia says quietly.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 2 HP: 20/20| AC: 20/10/20 | Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +2| Init: +3| Perc: +6| CMB: +5| CMD: 18|W.Hammer: +6;1d8+3| D.Longhammer: +5;2d6+4| L.Bow: +5;1d8|
Acro: -3| App: +3| Bluff:+0| Climb:-2| Dip: +0| Heal: +3| Inti: +0| K.(Dungeon): +| K.(Eng):+8| Prof (Soldier):+7| Ride:-6| SM: +3| Stealth: -6| Survival: +6|

"Aye" the dwarf replies.

"I suggest we be going around learning more of this whispering way and this town's history. It may also be good to go about town making them friends with us. Be it Church, Forge or Mayor of this here town. We should go. There already be one zombie so me be thinking asking the church whereabouts be good."

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

Nodding in agreement with the dwarf's words, Ysmerelda ads. "The encounter threw me as well, Kendra. I'm afraid I didn't succeed in inquiring particularly deeply of the father, but I don't see that he would object to another visit."

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

"I would like to visit the church, both to seek more information and for...personal reasons." Rhia says quietly, thinking on her family history.

F Changeling Skald

As the others decide on a plan Arsalan nods and keeps her hands together, thumbs twiddling.

Male Aasimar Cleric (Nethys)HP 14/14 | AC:12 T:12, F:10 | Save (F+5, R+3, W+9) | Init:+2 | Perception: +4|

looking to their host, the aasimar frowns slightly but his words make it clear he wasnt frowning at her at all, rather just at the situation.

I would hazard to guess your father probably has the most complete library here in town, perhaps there is an old wisewoman in town? do they have old records or books at the townhall? I doubt there would be information just waiting for use to find but I wouldnt imagine it would hurt.

He paused for a moment once again slightly frowning. This town like his home further east would no doubt be ...closed off and leary of outsiders.

What exactly is this Harrowstone place I've never heard of its like then again I am not from here.

I have read the back logs personally feel free to handwave that particular knowledge if you wish. Just didnt seem right to me to instantly head to where i felt i should go.

After some thought and a little discussion, Kendra comes up with the following places that my provide results.

The Lorrimor Place: Kendra offers to let the PCs use her father’s personal library to research. Lorrimor’s library provides a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks made to research the Whispering Way.

Ravengro Town Hall: The records kept at the town hall provide a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks made to research Harrowstone, but are normally off limits to outsiders.

Temple of Pharasma: The temple of Pharasma has extensive notes on the town’s history, and is perhaps the best site for research. Using the temple’s records grants a +4 bonus on all Knowledge checks made to research Harrowstone or the Whispering Way.

The Unfurling Scroll: This building is a combination schoolhouse and magic item shop run by one Alendru Ghoroven; using its small library provides a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks made to research Harrowstone. It cannot be used to research the Whispering Way at all. Alendru asks for a 10 gp payment for each day that he allows anyone to use his school’s resources.

She believes each may offer some insight, but they also offer there own challenges.

As a quick summery on knowledge checks.

Research takes 8 hours per "day". Sleep is for the weak Hahahahahaha!!!!

Aid another is your friend! DC10

The listed locations allow knowledge checks untrained.

How I do Knowledge checks.

You can take 10 at any time, expect for combat.

Taking 20 is perfectly fine for monster research off the top of your head, but not in combat.

You can not take 20 on some of the Story Research topics, you will learn of those as we move along.

Everyone involved with research at that site throws dice, the highest roll is the lead, everyone else is aiding another or not.

Retries for failed checks are allowed after a "new" research period, level up or discovering new information in game.

I will post this in the Campaign Tab for easy reference in a bit.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 2 HP: 20/20| AC: 20/10/20 | Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +2| Init: +3| Perc: +6| CMB: +5| CMD: 18|W.Hammer: +6;1d8+3| D.Longhammer: +5;2d6+4| L.Bow: +5;1d8|
Acro: -3| App: +3| Bluff:+0| Climb:-2| Dip: +0| Heal: +3| Inti: +0| K.(Dungeon): +| K.(Eng):+8| Prof (Soldier):+7| Ride:-6| SM: +3| Stealth: -6| Survival: +6|

Horek hoists a mug up.

"Well me friends. It be looking like we do have some places to be and pages to be turned. I'm admiting not being me best at such things and perhaps, I be best suited for helping around town. Who knows when a small favor could lead to bigger things?"

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 2 = 29, using the Lorrimor library to research the whispering way.
untrained knowledge (local/history): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16, using the Lorrimor library to research Ravengro & Harrowstone Prison.

At Kendra's tacit encouragement, Ysmerelda ensconces herself in the Lorrimor library, not leaving it 'til well after dawn the next day.
"I think I've found something!" She calls out a trifle maniacally.

Everyone figure she shares all the whispering way information & all the DC15 & under Harrowstone information.

F Changeling Skald

Looking like a lost puppy the moment everyone starts setting out Arsalan will follow Ysmerelda into the library, the main reason being obvious, the secondary reason being that it's close by.

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 1 + 2 = 22
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 1 + 2 = 17

The Paladin clearly has a better grasp of the research, so the Skald simply relegates herself to fetching books and other materials and doing cross referencing that Ysme might need.

Male Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 2 HP: 20/20| AC: 20/10/20 | Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +2| Init: +3| Perc: +6| CMB: +5| CMD: 18|W.Hammer: +6;1d8+3| D.Longhammer: +5;2d6+4| L.Bow: +5;1d8|
Acro: -3| App: +3| Bluff:+0| Climb:-2| Dip: +0| Heal: +3| Inti: +0| K.(Dungeon): +| K.(Eng):+8| Prof (Soldier):+7| Ride:-6| SM: +3| Stealth: -6| Survival: +6|

More interested in the town itself, Hotrek goes exploring. Finding himself near the temple, he walks in looking to see if he can discover more about the town history from the locals themselves and also to see if Professor Lorimor was truly dispised by its populace.

Diplomacy 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12

"Greetings. I am Hotrek Shieldson. Would there be anyone who could be spared to answer some questions?" he begins, having found that sometimes the simplest of approach was the best way to start.

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