[5e] Ssuth dal Har'oloth (Escape from Underdark) [Chapter 3 Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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Race: Halfling Background: Outlander Class: Sorcerer 4
Vital Stats:
HP: 24/24, - AC: 13(16)/T: 10(13)/FF: 13(16) – Passive Perception +10 - Initiative: +3 - Speed: 30

Um midget tossing. I will be on the far side of the pit.;)

Male DragonBorn (Blue) Fighter Lv4 - HP 10/33 - AC 16 Action Surge 0/1 LB 1/1 SD 3/4

lol just behind me, not over the put XD

AvernusArt 2Grid

Not as a bonus action, only certain things grant those. Cade could still Move on his turn, he took an Action...but it would provoke. So would throwing him using your action. I suppose you could try jumping over the pudding and the pit, landing on the other side with a str athletics or dex acrobatics check as part of your move.

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

Distance for long jump is a straight 5e calculation.

I am shooting the oozes on you, Kriv. Can't count on those arcane types...lol.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Its not even a calculation, its just strength score in feet. In this case though since he would be moving through an enemy's space I required a check. Moot point though since he backed off.

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

Gotcha...that is what I meant by straight calc...number of feet is easily determinable in 5e, as is DC setting.

CAMPAIGN COMPLETE HP (55/62) Rage (2/3) AC (18) Insight, Intimidate (+1) Perception, Survival (+2) Stonecunning (+3)Tools (Smith) Barbarian (4)


* Orange: 25HP.
* Khaz just did 12, so it drops to 13.
* Khaz is at 17HP. He will take 1d8...so average of 4. Will probably drop to 13HP.
* If Orange doesn't die before it gets to swing, it will hit Khaz on a 12+. If it hits, Khaz will probably go down.
* If it misses, Khaz will have 1 turn to do 13 damage to it. Given that he does 2d6+6 damage, 13 is the exact average for his damage.

Man this is close! If Khaz falls here, someone bring word back to his clan (and his partly melted silver hammer) about his heroic death. :)

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

Damnit! I needed one more point of damage, I think!

CAMPAIGN COMPLETE HP (55/62) Rage (2/3) AC (18) Insight, Intimidate (+1) Perception, Survival (+2) Stonecunning (+3)Tools (Smith) Barbarian (4)

So close! If either of us rolled 1 higher (me for to hit, or damage die, and you for damage die) then it would have gone down.

Well, it only has a 40% chance of hitting. This is exciting.

Race: Halfling Background: Outlander Class: Sorcerer 4
Vital Stats:
HP: 24/24, - AC: 13(16)/T: 10(13)/FF: 13(16) – Passive Perception +10 - Initiative: +3 - Speed: 30

I need to apologize. I see my hp is at 6/20. I think that is from the Lemmegorgon fight. I think we have rested and such. I looked over the last few pages. But crazily I don't think I have been hit. But I wanted to verify.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Thanks Cade, I also noticed that yesterday but forgot to mention it. Youre full.

Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
50 ft | AC 19 | Str +2 Dex +8 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha -1 | Initiative +5 | Perception +7, Darkvision | Insight +4

Hi team

I'm home. Besides reading all of these posts, I've got a ton of RL things to handle today. Please continue to bot me if necessary.

And GM, if you could post my HP and any conditions (like damage to my weapons as I've skimmed) that would be great, so we're aligned.


AvernusArt 2Grid

You've not taken damage, and I used your unarmed strikes and bow. I think you are 3 arrows down.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Froog, the flame token is on slide 2 along with Krivs breath attack if you need it again.

HP:22/33 AC:14 perc: +2, Init: +2 SAVES: Str 0, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +5, Cha +2

Thanks, I'm pretty sure I'll be using it again.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Absurdly long day, getting stuff together... will post shortly.

AvernusArt 2Grid

...and after saying that and posting in some other threads, site started acting funny on me.

CAMPAIGN COMPLETE HP (55/62) Rage (2/3) AC (18) Insight, Intimidate (+1) Perception, Survival (+2) Stonecunning (+3)Tools (Smith) Barbarian (4)

Do we know what the magic items are now?
And are we at full HP?

AvernusArt 2Grid

Yes sorry, its been a few hectic days of homecoming here. Will get those details in gameplay shortly. Basically they are +1 weapons but the mace comes on/off like a torch as well

AvernusArt 2Grid

Can't keep my eyes open, going to nap an hour or 2 before posting the X games results. ;)

AvernusArt 2Grid

Sorry got kind of confused there a second trying to distribute the damage in the best way.

Race: Halfling Background: Outlander Class: Sorcerer 4
Vital Stats:
HP: 24/24, - AC: 13(16)/T: 10(13)/FF: 13(16) – Passive Perception +10 - Initiative: +3 - Speed: 30

I got ninja'd. Looks like Red is dead. I am going to edit or redo my round 3.

Race: Halfling Background: Outlander Class: Sorcerer 4
Vital Stats:
HP: 24/24, - AC: 13(16)/T: 10(13)/FF: 13(16) – Passive Perception +10 - Initiative: +3 - Speed: 30

Fixed it.

Male DragonBorn (Blue) Fighter Lv4 - HP 10/33 - AC 16 Action Surge 0/1 LB 1/1 SD 3/4

I think Froog already attacked didnt he?

AvernusArt 2Grid

Na, Froog is good he:
Rnd1: Cast bless, Rolled nature
Rnd2: Sacred Flame (miss)
Rnd3: Not yet, after enemy

AvernusArt 2Grid

Yeah, its actually a Spectator (CR3) not a real Beholder (Legendary CR13). Of course your characters dont know that. ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Race: Halfling Background: Outlander Class: Sorcerer 4
Vital Stats:
HP: 24/24, - AC: 13(16)/T: 10(13)/FF: 13(16) – Passive Perception +10 - Initiative: +3 - Speed: 30

I think Cade stumbled onto the next great hashtag.


AvernusArt 2Grid

Haha, yes I love it.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Cade, I google image searched "drow meme" hoping this already existed. It didn't, but I was still quite entertained.

Race: Halfling Background: Outlander Class: Sorcerer 4
Vital Stats:
HP: 24/24, - AC: 13(16)/T: 10(13)/FF: 13(16) – Passive Perception +10 - Initiative: +3 - Speed: 30

My wife and have commented on how often we hear people say, "Not today Satan." So it just seemed to make a weird sort of sense.

CAMPAIGN COMPLETE HP (55/62) Rage (2/3) AC (18) Insight, Intimidate (+1) Perception, Survival (+2) Stonecunning (+3)Tools (Smith) Barbarian (4)

I hear “Not today, ISIS” fairly often. Haven’t heard the Satan version...where are you from?

Race: Halfling Background: Outlander Class: Sorcerer 4
Vital Stats:
HP: 24/24, - AC: 13(16)/T: 10(13)/FF: 13(16) – Passive Perception +10 - Initiative: +3 - Speed: 30

Ft Lauderdale, Florida but its come up a few times on TV or whatever. Holly Conrad on "Dice, Camera, Action" says it from time to time if you watch that on Youtube.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Getting post together now, was exhausted

AvernusArt 2Grid

Wow, I cant believe the curse word filter censored that word. It was another name for balls.

Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
50 ft | AC 19 | Str +2 Dex +8 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha -1 | Initiative +5 | Perception +7, Darkvision | Insight +4

I've another week-long business trip starting tonight with spotty posting availability. Please bot me if necessary. Be back Friday evening.


AvernusArt 2Grid

Alright how about this, whoever bots Ed gets 2 inspirations and a consumable magic item 2nd or lower?

Male DragonBorn (Blue) Fighter Lv4 - HP 10/33 - AC 16 Action Surge 0/1 LB 1/1 SD 3/4

lol thats bribery!, alas not enough experience to do it. XD

HP:22/33 AC:14 perc: +2, Init: +2 SAVES: Str 0, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +5, Cha +2

I'll do it. I don't want to get to crazy I in Melee with him quite yet as he seems to love that bow.

Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
50 ft | AC 19 | Str +2 Dex +8 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha -1 | Initiative +5 | Perception +7, Darkvision | Insight +4

Thanks captain. Feel free to take Ed to melee and flurry.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Anyone here interested in joining my 5e Storm Kings Thunder game?

I'm opening recruitment soon to try and breathe some life back into it, need some fast posters and thought I'd ask here first. Starting level is 7th, have room for 2. Rolled stats and no unearthed arcana.

We've completed 4 of 10 chapters but really no events super significant have occurred yet, other than the party getting some renown. Faction optional.

Party is:

wizard 6/cleric 1
wizard 7
fighter 7
rogue 7
druid 7

I'm always down for more adventuring. Looks like ya'll are in dire need of some divine support... or maybe some bardic support! What kind of druid is it?

AvernusArt 2Grid

Moon, wild shapes nearly every combat. Quite effective character. We've had a bard in the past and it was also nice. Then of course we had a giant slaying ranger that kicked serious ass for a while. Fighter and warlock there at the very beginning as well.

This game branched out of my first 5e DM on the boards last summer, a converted Master of the Fallen Fortress, with the some of the same characters. The rogue and the druid have been with it since the beginning with others joining slightly more recently (just missing the original conversion and one chapter).

Race: Halfling Background: Outlander Class: Sorcerer 4
Vital Stats:
HP: 24/24, - AC: 13(16)/T: 10(13)/FF: 13(16) – Passive Perception +10 - Initiative: +3 - Speed: 30

I would be up for it. I love your games.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Cool, Ed (Jubal) plays there too so I think this will really help post rate having you guys. You can roll stats and gold over in the discussion for that game, the original creation guidelines are in the recruitment thread (only change being level).

Male DragonBorn (Blue) Fighter Lv4 - HP 10/33 - AC 16 Action Surge 0/1 LB 1/1 SD 3/4

How many you need?

AvernusArt 2Grid

Kriv I was looking for 2. I don't want to run more than 7 PCs but let me make you choice #1 if someone drops.

AvernusArt 2Grid

You know what, f$$* it Kriv, you want to join join. You rock. Im just going to take everyone that wants and run a huge table.

Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 (Swashbuckler); AC: 16, Unarmored: 14; HP: 21/29; Saves: Advantage vs. Charm, Dex and Int; Init: +4; Perc: +4 (Passive 14), HD 4

I would love to, but that large a table gets cumbersome for players and the GM.

BTW...this madness fail could really suck!

CAMPAIGN COMPLETE HP (55/62) Rage (2/3) AC (18) Insight, Intimidate (+1) Perception, Survival (+2) Stonecunning (+3)Tools (Smith) Barbarian (4)

You’re my favorite GM, loved your other campaign and this one. Too many players is...less than ideal. If things become dire with player dropouts I’ll join. Otherwise I’ll be on the lookout for any other campaigns you run.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Understandable, I'm going to give it a try since only 2 players post somewhat regularly at the moment. If nothing else I can learn from the experience.

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