[5e AL] Boltsmelter's Book [Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Con save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24


Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

Con: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Well...it's not a one.

Male Human Rogue (Criminal)/1; AC: 16; HP: 9/9; Initiative +4; Passive Perception 12; HD Used 0/1

Con: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Con Adv: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Whoo Hoo

Cole trudges on as the pursuit is left behind!

Con Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Adv. Con Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Con: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Con: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

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Leaving the warehouse, as the cultists are surrounded still by the bats, Furgis takes a hard fall and knocks over a 10 ft wooden plank. This sets off a chain reaction like dominoes that demolishes half of the stalls inside, and even some of the ceiling joists come angling down.

After a few minutes of more running through the labyrinthine rubble Furgis pants "Me lungs are ablaze...let's take a breather..." You duck into a large stone building with broken glass windows, finding a regal library of some sort. There is some broken piping spewing water all over the books in the middle of the floor.

For once you don't hear the cult behind you anymore, and ruined Mulmaster is eerily silent.

Male Human Rogue (Criminal)/1; AC: 16; HP: 9/9; Initiative +4; Passive Perception 12; HD Used 0/1

Where's that damn dwarf...there you are! Furgis, you owe us, at least double!

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After catching his breath "*huff* Aye. Ye've done a fine job so far, more than a'keepin yer end of the contract...*pant*. We aint outta the s**& yet though, not time fer countin coins. We need to escape the city, and if ye saw what I did, the guard are in league with them water folk..." he thinks for a moment, stroking his sweaty beard "I know a lass might have a way out, but maybe ye have somethin' better in mind..." he squints an eye at Davin "Ye said ye were with the Alliance, didnt ye? Last I knew old Whitebeard was holed up in the southern gatehouse, or what's left of it."

Davin shakes his head.

"Yeah, well we can see, but with the city gone to hell I am not too sure I will be able to pull any strings but let's give it a shot. Who is in charge there? Whitebeard did you say? Don't think I know him....

Davin will follow the dwarf's directions, keeping his bow at the ready.

Is this counting as a short rest??

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

"DWARF! You have some explaining to do. Why are those raiders after some tome? And why didn't you tell us what we were really supposed to be guarding?"

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He sighs "Come on now, woodpriest...ye saw the powers that were brought about to get this tome. I had to keep it secret to have any chance at all. Can't be spillin the beans to every merc in me company. Besides, I didn't think anything could get through the flotsam in the harbor..." he reddens as he gets a little perturbed "What's more, I was right! That rotten minnow betrayed us..."

Slipping the book from his vest "Nay, this book's destiny isn't yet reached...ye want more coin? Fine, I'll double yer fee...just get us outta this city..."

You guys could try Arcana or History on the book.

Davin, there is nothing stopping you from short resting here, but no guarantees its safe. You'll need at least 1 hour.

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

"Bah, fine. You make a good point. Let's get back somewhere where we can't be ambushed again as easily."

Elandil is obviously frustrated but can see logic. He starts looking around for other cultists creeping about.

"Well, shall we try for the southern gatehouse, or hole up somewhere and catch our breath before we make a decision?"

The archer never stops scanning the surrounding area for potential threats.

Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

Her breath coming in gulps as the effort of the chase finally catch up to her, Shaldinari listens as the others question Furgis and discuss what to do next.

Hers hands holding her sides, she turns to Davin, "I don't...don't know about the others....but I could use a little rest...before we try to cross more of this blasted city."

After a few more minutes calming her breathing, she takes a closer look at the book that has caused so much trouble.

Arcana: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Abrel speaks up, I represent the Alliance, Boltsmelter. Let us get to somewhere a little safer, then take a breather. Shaldinari, you see something interesting about that book?

Intelligence (Arcana): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Do I know who Whitebeard is?

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You both likely know Whitebeard, yes. He is the highest ranking Alliance member in the area right now, the faction contact. Latest rumor coming into Mulmaster a few days ago was that they were seeking the Hawks, an elite special forces unit, to assist their goals of reconstruction.

There are other faction contacts as well, but not sure if other PCs have one. Emerald Enclave (for El) is a gnome named Seranolla the Whisperer...they are directly involved with trying to close the elemental rifts around.

Shal, you turn the large iron and mithral bound tome in your hands and study its pages for some time. This must be the elemental codex. The elemental codex has been a sacred tome ever since it was recovered many years ago from a lost temple by the dwarves of Earthfast. It contains rituals that could focus or disperse energies in an elementally infused area. It also acts as something of an elemental divining rod. It contains ancient rituals used by the dwarven clerics of Moradin that would bind elemental energy to mundane weapons and armor – and in rare cases, could bind entire elemental creatures into powerful artifacts.

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Perhaps we can find Whitebeard and catch up on what is going on?

Davin looks Abrel over as he speaks of the Lord's Alliance.

"I did not know there was another in our group. It is good to see another in such a good cause!"

The archer then waits to see if they are indeed resting, or continuing onward.

Davin would agree to an hour rest before they attempt to get to Whitebeard

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

If we can find a safe place to hole up, Abrel will suggest they take a short rest. If the place that we are at is out of the way and stable, then we can rest here, but as the apocalypse seems to be happening outside... *shrug* Seems like a crap-shoot.

Abrel nods to Davin, I am here to help keep our people safe.

Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

A small gasp escapes Shaldinari's lips as she studies the tome and realizes the fundamentals of its power, and the likely extent the elemental cultists will go in their pursuit of the book.

"Do you know what this book is?" She says turning to Furgis. Her eyes drill into the dwarf as she contemplates both the danger and the possible good the tome could generate in this shattered city.

"In all likelihood it is an Elemental Codex." She says to the rest of the group, in a slightly hushed tone. "The rituals described within can focus or disperse elemental energies, as well as, be used to bind and control actual elementals creating weapons or even artifacts of significant power." She lets out a long sigh and lean back on her heels.

"This certainly explains why the water cult was so intent on its capture. It also means they and any of the other cults who attacked this city, won't give up on finding it anytime soon." She turns to Davin and Abrel. "We'll need allies. And to be honest, more swords to keep this safe. So a visit with the Alliance seems in order." She pauses for a moment in thought. "I also know that the Enclave is working to control or close the elemental rifts. My guess is this book could go a long way in helping push that work forward and with more success. Perhaps we try to bring both groups together?"

Shal is a member of the Emerald Enclave as well.

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Nodding gravely, Abrel says, Well, we should work together, the Enclave and the Alliance to make sure that this does not fall into the wrong hands, and that hopefully, the Enclave has members that can make use of it to bring this craziness to a close.

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Bhoors looks around as the dwarf talks about the mission, "You heard that he said double. DUB-ull. Do we need to ink it?"

Arcana: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
History: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Bhoors looks at Shal as she explains the book, "An Elemental Codex," He looks at it like its a big deal. "Are there more than one. I heard of one found by the dwarves of Earthfast many years ago." Davin and Shal who have known Bhoors longer are familiar with his habit of seeming in the know even when he is not. This time he seems to be in on the secret.

Bhoors looks at the dwarf, "So this book is supposed to help in some sort of rebuilding project here. Unscrew up gravity, put the lava back in the right spot and so on?"

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He raises a finger twiddling "I don't know about any of that...that's yer words not mine. Not the reason I was transportin' it, that be sure. Fella I know needs it to save his clan...and that's where yer coins are comin' from. Cloaks been overseeing the reconstruction...yeah walk up to them with that codex in yer hands and see how many steps ye get before poof...newt. No thank ye."

If you guys care you could roll up some more on those keywords: Earthfast, Moradin, etc. It is also a straight up spellbook and if you want, Ill treat it like attunement to know what spells are in it (short rest time spent). It is somewhat more difficult to read than a contemporary spellbook because of its age.

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Does it look like this place that we are holed up in is stable enough to take that short rest?

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Its a destroyed library consisting of stone columns supporting a good roof. There are a few entrances but plenty of stuff to barricade and fortify. Maybe 1 hour to build, 1 hour to rest if you're doing a short rest. If you want to scout around for someplace better, that would also take about an hour and would involve players choice survival or investigation skill check...and stealth if you want to do it without drawing attention.

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Abrel will set to preparing defenses, This place should do, but we'll need to shore up these areas, in case we get discovered. We may also be able to come back to this building if we need to retreat to a defensible position.

Male Human Rogue (Criminal)/1; AC: 16; HP: 9/9; Initiative +4; Passive Perception 12; HD Used 0/1

Cole looks at those discussing the codex, and decides that it could be worth quite alot to the right buyer. He lends a hand in helping fortify their position.

Mahap the thing could fetch some serious gold to the right buyer? If we can get it out of the city, Fergis here will have to pay up, at least.

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

"I know the mystics in the enclave would be able to make good use of that book if we were to get it to them... But apparently it's already spoken for. Apparently we are being paid to help get it to this clan unbeknownst to us. You guys fortify the place, I'll see if I can find a vantage point to keep a lookout."

El mutters some words to channel the panther and begins climbing to a good lookout spot up high.

Cast guidance to help with acrobatics to leap from spot to spot. Mostly just trying to be helpful for the hour of build time

stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 3 + (3) = 12
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

While the others look to fortifying the groups position, Shaldinari continues to study the book, delving further into its secrets and rituals of elemental power.

Attempting to attune to the book

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GM: 1d20 ⇒ 16
GM: 1d20 ⇒ 1
GM: 1d20 ⇒ 7

Codex Spell List:

1st level: absorb elements*, alarm, earth tremor*, illusory script
2nd level: magic mouth, Maximilian's earthen grasp*, silence
3rd level: erupting earth*, meld into stone, Melf's minute meteors*
4th level: transmute rock*

With the fortifications in place you manage to let go of your worries and cares for a brief bit there in the fallen library. Furgis seems to be constantly on edge however and is keeping one eye poked through the board cracks to the streets. short rest activated

After an hour he whispers "Someone's a'comin...two of em...looks like the guard..."

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Town guard?

EDIT: Using a HD. 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 One more. 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 Back at full.

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Bhoors helps push stuff around as directed.

Short Rest

Hit Dice for Healing: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

Not entirely trusting the guard, Elandil finds a place to stay out of sight.

Want me to roll another stealth roll or use the one from before? No hit dice for me.

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You can use the previous one, that's fine. Also, staying sentinel up there gave you advantage on the hourly encounter roll so was definitely a good call.

The guards stop and look at the library entrance. One of them nudges the other "Hey, see that? I swear that wasn't there before...betcha someone holed up inside."

"Oy, yer dreamin' Tom, that's yer belly talkin." They are keeping their voices low but don't seem to realize you are so close.

Tom replies "Damn right it is, nothin but a tenday old stew fer us back at camp...just salt and water at this point, lets be honest. I say we check it out, give the old shake down to whoever it is..." he draws his sword.

"Eh...guess yer right Tom, demons don't build barricades like that..." he also draws his sword.

They come up and start trying to get through your defenses!

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Abrel moves over to lean back against the wall on the same side that the guards are trying to break through. He checks his nails and waits for the men to exhaust themselves breaking in.

He gives the others a smile.

Corrupt guards... great. More reason to hate this place...

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Hmm, alright, how about you make an intelligence check and add your prof bonus from your time with the knights (which would no doubt include castle defense etc). This will represent the strength of the defenses for them to roll against. You can have advantage since you had help from others in building it.

And just a reminder, this is happening after the short rest.

Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

Hearing the guards approach and start banging on the barricade, Shaldinari tucks the book safely away. Taking a few moments to rub a little more dust and dirt on her face she turns to the others and whispers quietly. "I'll see if I can get rid of them, but be ready in case it all goes wrong."

Slipping out of their hiding spot she raises the timber of her voice as she slides around a corner partially revealing herself to the two guards.

"Wh...who...who's there?" She stutters quietly. "I'm sorry if I've caused any harm. I didn't know where else to go..." A gentle sob escapes her lips. "My father worked here at the library...I...I thought maybe I would find him here after the disaster. But...he's...he isn't here. And now the streets are so dangerous and deadly, I didn't know what to do except hide here until help came along." She ends with a simple shake of her head and a few tears.

Her eyes grow wide with hope at seeing the men's guard uniforms, "Are you with the city guard? Would you help me get someplace safe? My father said I could always turn to Whitebeard for help. Do you know him and could you tell me where he is or the safest way to get to him?"

Persuasion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Davin keeps his bow at the ready, aimed at the area the "guards" are attempting to clear.

Male Human Rogue (Criminal)/1; AC: 16; HP: 9/9; Initiative +4; Passive Perception 12; HD Used 0/1

Cole draws both swords, and hides against the wall, ready to pounce.

Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Intelligence: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Bhoors considers Shal, I'm never getting over her am I.

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"Aw...don't be scared little girl, just come on out now and we'll get you where you need to be...the High Blade has got the Alliance securing the Twisted Mare's Run...just a few streets to the west before it bends south...we could get you there by sunup...ust c'mon now, yer Daddy's there too awaiten for ye..."

Insight 12:
The are obviously being deceitful, but perhaps not entirely.

The other one pokes at the barricade a bit...

Int vs Abrel: 1d20 ⇒ 3

...confused he whispers "What the hell...? She must have some damn fine carpentry books in there, look at this craftsmanship..." unable to find a way in.

Boltsmelter shakes his head no, his hand under his beard in his particular fashion...he gazes over you all expectantly.

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Abrel looks to the others, especially the wise ones, Elandil and maybe Davin, with a questioning look...

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

insight: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Elandil shakes his head no but then looks thoughtful for a bit. Her then shrugs and wiggles his outstretched hand as is to say "sort of". He grows his sword ready for the 'guards' to make their move.

yay! Glad my watching was helpful!

Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

Insight: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Watching the men carefully, Shaldinari easily picks up on their shifty looks and shared glances.

But she continues the charade, only now as she talks she subtly begins to weave her fae energies into her words. The power flowing from her voice and eyes into the guards minds. "Oh! You know where he is. Thank you so much for your kindness and assistance."

With a warm smile, she steps a little closer to the first guard. "The city is so lucky to have good men like yourself to help it recover and rebuild. I was so worried at first that you would be some of those scoundrels and thieves I've heard about prowling the streets."

She reaches out and grabs the man's hand, giving it a light shake. "I'm glad you are the ones who offered to help."

With her last word she unleashes the full power of her face presence to charm the two into guiding her to Whitebeard.

Fey Presence: Will save DC14 or charmed

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Tom vs Shal: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Other vs Shal: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Tom bends under the influence of the twilight queens "Oy...don't mention it love. Ere ta help and all that rot." he chuckles and blushes.

"Uhh...we are...?" then hushed and quieter "..whats yer angle her Tom...? ey..Tom...?" but the charmed guard seems to ignore his old friend in favor of a new one.

So, looks like youve got a tenuous escort here, and have advantage on further checks with Tom.

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Abrel looks at Shal then back at barricade. Are we good? You'll have to tell me what you did sometime...

Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

With a bright, beaming smile for Tom, Shaldinari gives him a quick peck on the cheek. "Wonderful! You are my shining hero." She says and then quickly turns and signals the others. "Now let me just gather my friends who were helping me search and staying out of harms way and we'll be off."

She continues to smile and put forth a face of cheer and innocence as the rest of the party emerges from behind the barricade. Her eyes flick to Tom's partner and her smile grows even wider. "You see, isn't it fortunate that you came along and were able to escort us to safety. We were all so worried that this could have ended in a much more....regretable way. Don't you think it was the Lady's fortune smiling upon us all?"

Not really waiting for the man to answer, she turns back to Tom, links her arm with his and leans in close to his ear. Her breath warm and soft as she whispers to him. "Just in case we get separated by cultists or some other nefarious bit of chaos, don't you think it would be wise to share any passwords or special signals we might need when passing other guards or check points? It would make me feel much safer knowing I could call on other fine watchmen like your self if needed."

Finally she turns them both and starts to leave the blasted library.

Persuasion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Advantage Persuasion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Shaking his head in disbelief, Abrel steps out from the wall, You have our thanks for being such good upstanding guards.

Davin nods to Shal and gives her a wry smile as he heads out with the others.

"Reminds me not to ever get on yer bad side girl!", he says as he passes her and the guards.

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