-Within 60 ft, treat dim light as bright, darkness as dim light
-ADV on saves vs charmed
-Meditating 4 hours counts as 8 hours rest
-Can hide while lightly obscured by natural phenomena
Urchin: Party can travel through a city twice as fast when not in combat
-Wild shape 2x per day cr 1/4 no flying or swim speed.
-Circle of the Land (Grassland)- Natural Recovery Once per long rest ~During a short rest, you choose expended spell slots to recover. Combined slots no more than half druid level rounded up. No slot can be higher than 6th lvl.
Leather Armor
Explorer's Pack
Druidic focus
Small knife
Map of your home city
pet mouse
token of my parents
belt pouch
Coinage: 75gp
Friends in Low Places. You have met a drow mage of
Szith Morcane, if he was allowed to copy the items he
needed from the codex he sees you in a favorable light.
Perhaps one day he will be able (and willing) to return the
downtime: 10 days
renown: +1
Elandil made his way to Mulmaster with the Emerald Enclave. He was assigned to pick up trash left over from the stronger members of the Enclave trying to calm the winds in the harbor. Growing bored of his duties he wandered off. The disappointment of his superiors was obvious when he was tasked with duties intended to teach him humility. One of his duties was to find an employer to make a wage on his own. In doing so he found himself employed by a surly dwarf and his miracle of a ship.