
Abrel Deadrose's page

160 posts. Alias of Aeshuura.

Full Name

Abrel Deadrose


human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1


Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]






32 yrs


neutral good


Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

About Abrel Deadrose


Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+3 or 1d10+3 slashing damage if using 2-handed.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+2 piercing damage.

Spellcasting. (Save DC 12; Spell Attack +4)
Cantrips (at will): green flame blade, lightning lure
1st lvl (3): burning flame, expeditious retreat, protection from Evil & Good, thunderwave

Class Abilities:

Fighting Style. Defense. +1 to armor class while wearing armor.

Second Wind. (Once per rest.) As a bonus action, heal 1d10 + fighter level hit points.

Action Surge. (Once per rest.) Take an extra action.

Weapon Bond. Summon longsword or longbow as a bonus action.

Arcana +4, Athletics +5, Perception +1, Persuasion +3


breastplate, longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, longsword, explorer’s
pack, backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, bullseye lantern, 10 days
of rations, 5 flasks of oil, waterskin, whetstone, 2 sacks, 50 feet of silk
rope, set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a scroll of pedigree, healer’s
kit, pouch, flame tongue longsword (Father's sword; note: Abrel will not use this sword until he makes 5th level - Dedicated DM's Award)

Proficiencies / Languages:

Proficiencies: all armors, shields, simple and martial weapons, gaming set (Dragonchess)
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Background (Knight) Traits:

Personality Traits - Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself
above other folk. We all bleed the same. Once you lose my respect, you will need to move mountains to regain it.

Ideals. Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and
care for the people beneath me. (Good)

Bonds. I am in love with the wife of the heir of a family
that my family despises.

Flaws. I act before thinking. Glory is ever on the