Clegg Zincher

Cole Younger's page

272 posts. Alias of Filios.


Male Human Rogue (Criminal)/1; AC: 16; HP: 9/9; Initiative +4; Passive Perception 12; HD Used 0/1

About Cole Younger

Human Rogue (Criminal) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (human)
Age: 28, Height: 6'4", 225 lbs.
Init +2; Passive Perception 12
AC 16
hp 9, Current: 9/9
Saves Dex +4, Int +2
Speed 30 ft.
Rapier +6 (1d8+4)
Short Sword +6 (1d6+4)
2 Daggers +6 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 17(+3) Dex 18(+4), Con 12(+1), Int 10(+0) Wis 11(+0), Cha 9(-1)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Feats Dual Wielder
Skills Stealth +8, Acrobatics +6, Athletics +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Insight +2, Perception +2
Tools Thieves Tools +8
Other Gear Leather Armor,Burglar's Pack: Backpack, Bag of 1000 Ball Bearings, 10' String, Bell, 5 Candles, Crowbar, hammer, 10 Pitons, Hooded Lantern, 2 Flasks of Oil, 5 Days rations, Tinderbox, Waterskin, 50' Rope, Thieve's Tools: Small File, Set of Lockpicks, Small Mirror, Narrow-Bladed Scissors, Pliers, Gaming Set: Cards, Crowbar, Dark Common Clothes w/Hood, Belt Pouch


GP: 15

Special Abilities

Expertise: 2 times Proficiency at 1st Level for 2 Skills or 1 Skill and Thieve's Tools. Increases to an additional 2 Skills at 6th Level - Stealth and Thieve's Tools
Sneak Attack: +1d6 Damage with Advantage when using Finesse or Ranged weapon or target within 5' of ally.
Thieve's Cant: Can communicate with others via sign language.
Dual Wielder +1 to AC when wielding two weapons. Two weapon fighting even when not light weapons, and can draw or stow two weapons as one.

Contact: I have a reliable, trustworthy who acts as a liaison to a network of other criminals. You know how to get messages to your contact even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.
Personality Trait: The best way to get me to do something is to tell me that I can't do it.
Ideal: Regarding people, I am loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care.
Bond: My ill-gotten gains go to support my family..
Flaw: An innocent person is in prison for a crime I committed, and I am okay with that.



Cole Younger was born in this new world, growing up on the stories of his grandparents and those older of The Exile as it has come to be called. Cole is the second generation of his family to have been born on the New Mairena. His grandparents were part of the first group of refugees that fled through the gateway. No other group has come through since then and Cole wonders what happened to all those left behind. He knows the stories the older generations tell about the harsh difficulties they faced upon arriving in this new world and the dangers herein, including the native groups they encountered (The feline Tabaxi that make their home within the Forest of Kelimdorn near the Eaglehorn Mountains where the stone-like goliaths and the bird-like aarakroca make their homes). The Exiles often dismiss your inquisitiveness with veiled warnings about history coming back to repeat itself should the forbidden knowledge resurface. It was as if the original settlers made a pact not to allow the knowledge of the truth be known to the generations that followed.

Cole's criminal contact is a dwarven thief Maltharn Trueblood; he and his clan run a small tavern/brewery The Bloodstone Brewery. Maltharn also runs a small fencing operation out of the back of the of his office which has a hidden door into the alleyway behind it. Maltharn is the head of a small thieves guild that took Cole in as a younger street urchin and showed him the ropes of how to survive in the new world. Cole knows from stories told by Maltharn that there were many, many orphans of different races following the Exile. Maltharn has a soft spot for children in need and tries to provide places for them so that they can eat and have shelter. Even if they have to occasionally break the law to do so. Cole also knows that the remnants of the 1st Legion (now a mostly defunct military force staged in several outposts along the outskirts of Mairena) also take in a large number of orphans.

The Bloodstone was where Cole caused the accidental death of a man named Vagran Glowkeeper. He was a minor merchant in Dessen and a short investigation led to the arrest of a Legionnaire who had been observed stumbling out of the same alleyway where Vagran's body was located. Due to no other witnesses being involved in the investigation, the Legionnaire was arrested and is currently under lock in The Stockade for murder. The Legionnaire, Urdar Shala, was one of those who joined the 1st Legion because he had nowhere else to go. Cole knew him as a tremendous bully of children weaker than himself in Dessen and this behavior was only reinforced upon joining the Legion. Cole you feels this punishment was well deserved.