[5e AL] Boltsmelter's Book [Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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Male Human Rogue (Criminal)/1; AC: 16; HP: 9/9; Initiative +4; Passive Perception 12; HD Used 0/1


Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Dotting for Love

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

Checking in

Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes


Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]



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I've spent a lifetime,
Sorting through your tangled mind,
Taking out the memories,
Trapped inside.
No more,
Now they're all mine,
I hope you don't mind.

—Aramesha, the Hope of Aramesha

The ship Indigo Wings sways lightly in the putrid mass of flotsam and jetsam, dead and rotted sealife of Mulmaster bay, tied against a large piece of what used to be the docks. You've settled into the monotony of this job over the last few days. Your employer has paid you a handsome sum of 125 gold pieces to protect him for several days, until the ship can be lifted across the destroyed harbor and set off for lands west beyond Moonsea. It's been three days and you're getting sick of being on this ship...

Your employer, Furgis Boltsmelter, a dwarf with a bushy unkempt beard makes a rare appearance on the top deck. Furgis reminds you of a mole, his black beady eyes set close together nearly hidden by bushy eyebrows. It was a miracle his ship survived the attack at all...at times it feels like he is trying to keep himself together as much as his vessel. The dwarf seems to be expecting trouble, but he's light on the details of what kind of trouble. He stretches and points his face toward the smoked out sun, soaking what little light breaks through for a few moments before "You there, what have you to report?", before any of you can answer he quips, "Those who would seek to do me harm could be anywhere and I've offered you good gold to protect me. Stay sharp!"

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

Scimitar at his hip and shield on his back, Elandil stands at the railing looking bored. "We've been out here for days and nothing's happened. I think you're just paranoid but you pay well. Don't worry, we're keeping an eye out." The wood elf looks around at the ruin around them with sadness in his eyes before intoning a small prayer.

Cast guidance

perception: 1d20 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (16) + 5 + (2) = 23

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Abrel nods, Who might be coming after you? What kind of opposition may we expect?

Wisdom (Perception): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Davin just grunts and adjusts his light, and colourful gambeson under his chain shirt. The garment is made of some light breezy material and is a vibrant yellow, orange and red in colour. He holds his dark bow at the ready, an arrow already nocked.

Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

"Aye, I'm watching you old worrier." Shaldinari says while continuing to whittle away at a piece of dark wood, the rough shape of a dinosaur slowly coming into being. "I've been cooped up with you on this ship ever since we left Chult, and every six bells there's someone out to kill you. Good thing I've a soft spot for cranky old dwarves." She adds with a soft chuckle.

"Kept you safe so far, even went as far as signing up with that ridiculous Brotherhood so the lady and I can do a little hocus pocus if needed." Her eyes turn a bit sad as she stares out toward the devastation of the city. "Not that there's much left to threaten a goldfish in this poor city. Blast even set the Lady of Summer's teeth on edge, thought I was going to loose it with all of the power she sent racing through me at that moment."

A shiver races down her spine and the scraping of the knife on wood stops as she gazes thoughtfully at the shattered shoreline.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

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At Elandil's question he grumbles in some chipped dwarven rubble, slowly meandering past everyone. Suddenly a rat darts from some debris nearby and he startles, bringing his bootheel down quick on its ratty cranium, killing it instantly. He picks up the corpse, no bigger than his forearm "Heads or tails?" before ripping it in half and tossing it to his first mate, Daldrum.

As he snacks he continues his scrutiny, first with Elandil "So ye say...do ye bathe regular?"

And at Abrel "Depends...whats the most underhanded thing ye've ever done?"

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Perception 10: The rat was the first lifeform you've seen this entire time in Mulmaster. Everywhere else seems simply repellent to living organisms, especially the water. You've seen cleaner tavern latrines. It doesn't help that its been raining recently, lending everything a stench of the damned. There are 3 large fires relatively nearby that have been burning unchecked for days and you are sick of smelling the dirty smoke.

Elandil, this shallow water isn't totally devoid of life, in your opinion. Of course tadpoles and minnows can thrive in such environs if given the chance. Perhaps, if nurtured correctly, the ecosystem could be repaired at least in part.

Furgis eyes Shal with utmost distrust "...what did you do on the day before yesterday??"

Male Human Rogue (Criminal)/1; AC: 16; HP: 9/9; Initiative +4; Passive Perception 12; HD Used 0/1

Col simply cracks his knuckles as he looks down at the dwarf. He then spits over the railing.At the mention of past bad deeds to Abrel.

Hmmmm...I hope he does not ask me about the most underhanded thing I have ever done. That may be quite a list.


Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Abrel's face darkens, Spat in the face of the Knight Commander of the Knights in Silver. And you?

Surveying the damage his face softens a little, I had heard of the devastation... It is much worse than I ever imagined...

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Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

Shaldinari's eyes squint in thought and some disgust as Furgis finishes the rat while seeming to know her hardly at all. "What do you mean the day before....?" She stops mid response, clamping her lips closed tightly and turns back toward the rail as the confusion and mistrust are clear on the captain's face.

Her memory flashes back to the old healer she met at the docks in Port Nyanzaru. She needed something, anything really, to help deal with her seasickness before she set sail. Only now did she remember the knots tattooed on the old man's weathered hands, the same knot work matching the arcane symbol hanging from her neck.

"Oh...a fine trick that was Lady." She whispers quietly to the wind. "I must have spent the whole trip in some fae induced daze. Only to find myself here with a bunch of false memories. But...at least I wasn't sick the entire time, right?"

Shaking her head softly, she a thin smile creases her lips as she just manages to hear the quiet laughter of a child gently drifting away on the breeze. Realizing her actual situation, she waves her hand casually in the air toward Furgis.

"Oh. My mistake, has it only been a couple of days. Seems like we've been stuck aboard for months in this foul place." She says casually. "But like the others asked, who exactly are you worried about bringing you harm?"

Sorry didn't catch that we had only been on the ship a couple of days my first read. Thought it was the same one we took from Chult. Hopefully this corrects things.

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Bhoors looks up from his Lute playing. "We've seen a single rat and dead fish." He looks over the horizon and puts his lute over his shoulder so that it is once more on his back. "We've our eyes peeled no worries Captain. Blades close too."

Bhoors looks at Shal and grins playfully, "Don't worry dear we took good care of you. Perfect gentlemen. . . .I mean they forced me to be a perfect gentleman."

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

"It may not be as dead he as it looks. Some small fish or tadpoles could possibly survive in the muck down there. There is some hope for nature to recover!" Elandil grins at the rest of the group until he realizes the others don't share his enthusiasm. He frowns and turns back to the railing.

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Elandil's enthusiasm actual causes Abrel to break a smile briefly as he looks out over the horizon...

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Nice recovery Shal, you could have come from Chult if you wanted. I am being a bit loose with the timeline. I much more like the twist, however.

Furgis' face pinches into a sphincter at Abrel's response in utmost scrutiny "So ye 'ave a problem with authority is it? Best be keepin' it down on the Wings..."

Walking down the line he reaches Shal "Maybe you lass, wots that, some kind of mystic figurine...? I'll have none of those thunder lizards sneaking away me kidneys tonight!" he tries to swat away the dinosaur carving from your hand. Opposed dexterity sleight if you care

Dex: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Next he stops at Cole, and a look of pure hatred boils off his face like steam "Ye...wot is yer favorite color?!?!"

And of course he finds Bhoors "Yer blade...when was the last time ye sharpened it?"

Finally he sneaks up behind Davin "..." he inches a little closer, whispering "...how many fingers am I holding up?"

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Abe watches the captain go down the line, bullying everyone as he goes, Gods, give me the strength to keep patience...

If the captain is able to swat the carving from Shal's hands...

Abrel kneels before Shaldinari and picks up the carving, turning it over in his hand before standing and handing back to the elfmaid with a sad smile, My lady...

Female Wood Elf Warlock 5 | HP:27/27 | AC:14 | Init: +3 | Per: 11 | PB: +3 |Inspiration: Yes

Dex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

In a blur Shaldinari snatches her hand and the figure away from Furgis. Cheeks flush and nostrils flare as instantly a deep purple aura bursts to life along her hands and in her eyes. The Eldritch power crackles in the air as she slowly slips the small dinosaur safely into her pouch.

"Try to touch me again old man and I'll use your corpse to feed the fish and tadpoles our druid friend thinks could still be living in the bay." She says in a cold deadly voice, completely different from the friendly banter of just a few seconds ago. "I don't know what's got you so on edge. But I doubt you want to go and anger the ones you've hired to protect you from whatever devils of the abyss you've called down on yourself. Especially over nothing more than a simple wood carving meant for one of the many orphans than now inhabit the city."

Seeing Abrel ready to intervene, she nods to him in thanks and her voice turns polite and brighter again. "Sir Abrel, perhaps. I could impose upon you to see the....captain...back below deck. It seems all the stench and devastation has soured his mood tonight."

Her brightly colored Chultan silks whirl as she turns and strides away from Furgis to the opposite side of the ship. The aura of energy slowly fades as she once again watches over the desolate ruins of the harbor.

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The captain coldly watches Shal as she speaks and as she goes, seemingly analyzing deeply every word of her response...but he does not make another attempt to swat the dinosaur carving.

At the suggestion of retiring below deck he shouts, raising a pointed finger to the sky "Oh no! We ain't done here yet!" he continues asking his bizzare array of questions to the men and women in line, not limiting it to just the hired guards but also his crew, and awaiting their response.

Male Human Rogue (Criminal)/1; AC: 16; HP: 9/9; Initiative +4; Passive Perception 12; HD Used 0/1

Cole stairs down at the dwarf with a scowl, and says through gritted teeth.

Blood red, bossman...blood red.

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Seemingly satisfied with Cole's response Boltsmelter grumbles "...mmm...aye, color 'o me mammy's beard..." he takes a long draught from a vial tied around his neck and offers a swig to Cole.

Just waiting on responses from El, Dav, and Bhoors. He will stand in front of you waiting stroking his beard until you answer his question.

Finally he sneaks up behind Davin "..." he inches a little closer, whispering "...how many fingers am I holding up?"

Davin slowly turns to look at the man. He does not answer but stares steadily at the fellow until he gets uncomfortable and leaves.

Intimadation: 1d20 ⇒ 18

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Davin, I need you to describe whats going through your character's mind as you stand there intimidating. Hostility?

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

I imagine that Davin is just staring at him incredulously, like, Why are you even talking to me? :p

Male Human Rogue (Criminal)/1; AC: 16; HP: 9/9; Initiative +4; Passive Perception 12; HD Used 0/1

Cole takes a slug of the drink and returns it.

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Yeah, that is about it...Why are you antagonizing those who you want to protect you...not very smart!!

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Cole, the drink is highly surprising, even for someone who frequents taverns. You have heard the legend of this liquor before and had hoped to never encounter it...Troll Shit: an Underdark speciality of the duergar made from fermented troll droppings.

Cole, DC 15 Con save or suffer disadvantage on Wisdom checks for 1 hour

Boltsmelter holds his ground before Davin, his fingers disappearing into his beard again fiddling with something. After a few tense moments he scoffs and averts his gaze, patting Davin on the shoulder "Aye, yer alright lad..." and moving on with this crazy interrogation.

Giving Bhoors and El just a bit more to respond before moving on

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Bhoors had previously been pretty lax but after the exchange with the dwarf and Shal he is tense and ready to spring. The girl can look after herself. Bhoors eases, "I've had this rapier just a few weeks. Hasn't failed me yet." His words have a bit of swagger to them and steel, he smirks and gets down right casual, "Its former owner practically paid me to take it off his hands. When my luck turns Tymora will bring me something else. Its all in the dice how sharp it will be."

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

I didn't see anything about him questioning Elandil unless it was included in the general crew part.

Elandil tries to hide himself behind some other crew members to avoid the strange questions. When he finally gets cornered he just shrugs, "I'm here to do a job, you don't need to worry about me."

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El, not a big deal Ill move on. But it was Monday's post:

As he snacks he continues his scrutiny, first with Elandil "So ye say...do ye bathe regular?"

"Mmm...we'll see. Lots have that appearance but don't mean it in earnest." he says somewhat cryptically. But as he moves on to the other standard ship crew, it becomes apparent finally what this has all been about...

Furgis without warning jerks to a stop with a troubled look on his face. "This sailor seeks to do me harm," he says, turning towards a shy crewman none of you have really spoken with, "...his allies are coming, protect me!" Before you have time to blink, he shoves the man bodily overboard into the sea!

Looking over the gunwales, you can see the man treading the filthy water, a look of smug indignation on his face. Suddenly, tentacles emerge all around the man. Alongside the ship, you see human men and woman with a harpoon, shark-tooth swords, turtle-shell shields, and crocodile-hide armor climbing up the side of the ship while others are lifted on the deck by the giant octopus tentacles!


A: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
B: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
C: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
D: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
E: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
S: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Enemies: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Map updated. Hint: Some battles are designed to be ran from.

Round 1:
Bhoors, Davin <--UP
Shal, Cole, El, Abrel

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To clarify on the tokens, 3 types of enemies here, besides the octopus. Knights, hooded cultists, and the white background warriors.

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

So you say, but I am not looking forward to jumping into the see with those tentacles! Are we close enough to solid land that we can flee? ;)

By Tyr's missing eye! Get the captain back! Davin, you and I up front, everyone else provide support so that we can funnel them!

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Yes, it isn't shown, but the lower right corner of the map (starboard bow) is where the destroyed docks into the city offer a path above the filth and tentacles. I'll mark with a little arrow.

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Got it, so we at least have an escape strategy!

Moving back a bit, Davin aims his arrow up to bring 3 foes in a line. He releases the arrow and it streaks towards the enemy, seeming to pass through all obstacles as if they did not exist.

Using Piercing Arrow - Dex Save vs DC-11 for 1/2 damage

Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (6) = 13

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Ooo, Arcane Archer!

Abrel's eyes widen at that, Or not. Hells, am I the only front-liner here?

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O Reaver vs Davin, Dex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 6
B Cultist vs Davin, Dex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 13
W Cultist vs Davin, Dex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 6

Davin's arcane arrow moves so quickly it appears as a mathematical object, a traced out line instantaneously flashing from the Reavers face to the Cultist's rear nape. In between, a second cultist is pierced from armpit to armpit, boring a hole nearly wide enough to see through and taking the arm with it on the way out...he looks at his wounds completely shocked for a split second before tumbling dead off the side of the ship.

Wood elf Druid 3 HP:21/21 AC:16 perc: +5, Init: +3 SAVES: Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +1

oops, i glossed over that and focused on the minnows.

when being questioned: "Erm, I try to...

appearance of the enemies: This isn't the kind of life I meant!

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Insight: 1d20 ⇒ 5 Does Furgis' choice seem arbitrary or does the shy crewperson seem up to something.

Bhoors at first looks for the compatriots the dwarf mentioned. But then the commotion of the tentacles takes his attention. "Can we get clear of the ship fast. I don't see any weapons on the ship that can hit fish much less giant handsie ones. Besides I think it has outlasted its current usefulness."

I edited to reflect we are at the docs. Only changed a few words.

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Bhoors, the ship is immobilized in the destroyed harbor...the only ship not blown to bits. It is surrounded by the rubble of the huge apocalyptic destruction that happened recently. In some parts, it even seems drained leading it to resemble more of a muddy mess than a sea. These mysterious strangers are obviously no stranger to water, and seem to have found a passage through the scrabble, regardless.

Also, by the look on the man's face (his lack of surprise and satisfaction at the attack taking place), you can tell Boltsmelter was right: the overboard man was the one who betrayed you all and must be in league with these odd water folk. How Boltsmelter was able to tell so just by walking past him remains unknown...

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Round 1:
Bhoors, Davin <--UP
Shal, Cole, El, Abrel

Also your insight check didnt take any actions from this round if you would like to do something else before the enemies act.

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Bhoors yells over the noise. "Fighting fish people away from their pet sea monster seems all kinds of strategic." He turns toward the dwarf they were hired to protect. "Time to go boss. Dry land calls. He whips a sling stone at one of the fish people.

Sling: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

He looks discouraged. But still yells support to Shal. "Blast something."

1d6 Bardic Inspiration Shal

When the captain is ready to move Bhoors will guide him off the ship away from tentacles.

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One of the Dark Knights being grasped in the octopus' tentacle shouts some orders to the squad as it is held above the main deck "Get below and find the book. You five with me!" and the large group swarming aft quickly advance below deck, shoving sailors away as the tear the doors down and rush downstairs.

Boltsmelter cries "Arg...these the bastards that ruined Mulmaster, elemental cultists! Ye can't let them at me treasure!" and he too rushes down a hatch in the bow below.

Attacks still to come...

Male human fighter 4 | hp: 40/40 (used 4/4 HD) | AC: 17 | Init +2 | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +5, I +2, W -1, Ch +1 Insp [ ] | Spell DC 12, +4 spell atk | Slots 1st - 3 (0 used) | Passive Per 11 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ]

Gods be thrice-damned! What are you doing? What is this book? Abrel looks exasperated, but tries to follow after Boltsmetler.

Male Half-Elf Bard 4 College of Blades HP 14/29 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 11 I Inspiration 1 |ACP 2 | TCP 2 Current Picture of Bhoors

Where we aware of treasure. I thought we were protecting the dwarf. Is the treasure new information.

Second possibly more fun question. The map shows Ballista. Do they rotate all the way around? XD

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