[5E] The Defense of Wood Creek Village (Inactive)

Game Master Jiggy

Location: Wood Creek
Day 8: Morning

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HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper

I'm happy to head back to Wood Creek.

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Corson seems to be thinking hard, then goes up to the elvish woman kneels before her, "As a representative of the Green I pledge an oath to protect these lands and maintain order."

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Growling a bit, "Thanks for your help with the spiders, I hope you guys get along, as for us, I imagine will be heading back to our village to explain the situation and start harvesting the trees we need,"

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Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

"Thank you for trusting us. We'll make sure to respect that trust"

I vote that we head to the village and finally get a long rest. Its been a LONG day :-)

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel simply nods with a smile and a half bow at the elves and quietly turns to follow the others back to the village.

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

Cedany has nothing to add to the other's comments and simply bows her head in assent.

GM Notes:

Parting ways with Elless, you begin the trek back to town.

1d20 ⇒ 15

It's a couple of hours of walking, but eventually you reach Wood Creek without incident.

This puts us into early evening. Anything you'd like to do, or anyone you'd like to talk to, prior to hitting the hay and fast-forwarding to the next day?

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel gathers with everyone as they enter town.

Perhaps we should all meet up in the morning and deliver the good news to the Elder Yana, letting her know that we were successful in garnering the trees. Unless, of course, you all prefer to stir her now.

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

I almost lost myself to the rage of the bear. And the strange senses of the spiders are still there. I'm almost seeing things in multiple versions

"I just want a VERY hot and long bath and then a long sleep. Lets tell her in the morning"

At that point, unless somebody has made a compelling argument otherwise, Pavel wanders off and has a long hot bath, meditates for awhile, and then goes to sleep :-)

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Corson smiles, "Some rest would be good. I am in agreement that we shall convene at morn to speak to Elder Yana. Until then, I will rest. I feel all kinds of battered."

The young knight-squire bids all a good eve and makes his way to the outskirts of the village to bathe in the creek and commune with the Green, itself.

HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper


"Yeah, that was a L O N G day. I will see you sometime tomorrow morning. But not too early, mind you."

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Before heading out, "I guess we'll just all meet at Elder Yana's house in the morn,"

Heading to his hovel--which is a blanket draped over a log on the outskirts of town, he'll scorch the earth before laying down to sleep.

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

"Good night all" Cedany returns home and readies for bed.

GM Notes:

Long rest completed!

You all take a much-needed night of rest, and meet in front of Elder Yana's home after breakfast the next morning. Once you've all arrived, you knock on the door and are soon greeted by a servant.

"May I help you?"

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

"Good morning. We'd like to talk to Elder Yana if we may. We need to report to her on what happened yesterday"

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Corson stands to Pavel's side, nodding in agreement.

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Flexing his powers, marveling at the new power surging through him as he awakens from his hovel, dusting himself off, flicking a caterpillar off his pants he’ll head to meet the group at the Elder’s house.

”As Pavel said, we've business with the Elder, she's expecting us,"

He'll add a bit of a growl to his voice, indicating his impatience.

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

Cedany feels refreshed as she approaches Yana's home in the morning.

She smiles at Crax a hint of mischief in her eyes.
"Calm yourself Crax, given how things have been of late, I'm sure we'll stumble upon something to take your aggression out on sooner or later."

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel simply waits patiently towards the back of the group, leaning upon his staff.

GM Notes:

"One moment," says the servant, closing the door softly. A few moments pass, and then the door opens again and the same servant ushers you quietly through the house to the receiving room in which you first accepted your task. Elder Yana arrives at about the same time as you, entering from the opposite side of the room.

"Welcome, friends," she says with a mixture of warmth and formality. "How did your venture into the forest go? Were you successful?"

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Looking excited at the prospect of sharing the previous day's events, Corson happily explains, "...and we even got the elves to help us identify the trees to take for our defense! It was amazing! Pavel was a spider, then a bear, and Crax breathing fire, and Narnel with some kind of wind-fist technique! Cedany threw ribbons of rainbow and Holly kicking and smacking beasts with her swingy club thingie! Holey moley!"

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

The squire quiets, "It was amaaazing." Suddenly aware of the looks from his companions, Corson looks sheepish.

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Nodding along with Carson's story, "it was an adventure, we are ready and available to lead the loggers into the forest as well".

-Posted with Wayfinder

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

Cedany can't help but smile at Corson's enthusiasm.

"To summarise we have located the required trees, while managing to avoid angering the residents, removed several threats from the area and with luck and grace may have begun the process of a lasting treaty with the elves. Corson's enthusiasm is not without cause."

"There is however still work to do, even with the elves on our side, the woods are a dangerous place. We should at the very least accompany the first few trips, perhaps later we should rota in some kind of schedule to to keep the area safe while folk gather wood?"

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

Pavel is also amused by the way that the story was told.

"Truly it was a group effort but we managed to accomplish a lot in that day. We do need to make very certain that we do not upset the elves, we can only take the trees that they allow us to take.

Yes, we should definitely accompany at least the first few trips to make sure things are proceeding correctly"

GM Notes:

"Excellent!" Yana says, obviously pleased. "Well done! First things first: your payment." She gestures to an attendant, who promptly leaves the room.

"So," she continues in the meantime, "When can we begin? What are the conditions of the forest's elves?"

No sooner has she finished speaking than the servant returns, carrying six pouches, and hands them out to each of you. 200gp apiece, as promised.

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

"We should hear from the Elves soon, likely today. Then, we go to the forest and take ONLY the trees that they have marked. We should see if they'll also allow us to take any deadfall large enough to be useful

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Bowing his head, "Thank you Elder, we'll build that wall soon enough,"

GM Notes:
GM Jiggy: Defense of Wood Creek wrote:
"My name is Elless. Give me three days..."

Miss that, Pavel? ;)

GM Notes:

Yana nods at your explanations.

"Very well," she says. "I will begin organizing the laborers, and wait to hear from you before initiating anything. Again, thank you for your service. Now, if there is nothing else, I have other work to be doing."

If anyone has anything they still want to say to Yana, now is the time. Otherwise, we can get on with the day: spending your newfound cash, finding new ways to get into trouble, taking some time off, or otherwise occupying yourselves until the inaugural logging day arrives.

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Corson smiles and asks, "Elder Yana, do you think that the smith might allow me to use his smithy? I have a personal project that I would like to get started on. It may take a while, so I would like to get started."

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]
GM Jiggy: Defense of Wood Creek wrote:
GM Jiggy: Defense of Wood Creek wrote:
"My name is Elless. Give me three days..."
Miss that, Pavel? ;)

Hey, I was de-bearing at the time. That is my excuse and I'm sticking to it too :-).

Not sure if I'm allowed to correct myself or not. No problem either way. If I can :::

"Wait a minute. We might have to wait a few days. At any rate, we definitely shouldn't proceed until we hear from the Elves"

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Crax, taking his leave will return to his Hovel under a log, and hold the coins out,

I've never had or seen so much gold in my life, all I have is my amulet, its the only thing left to remember my parents with. What should I do with all this gold?

He'll think on it a long while, really not sure what to do or what even he can do with so much gold.

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AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Crax should begin building a bed from the coinage!!! ^_^

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

Corson! That is so racist, I expected better of you!

Cedany spends the morning tending to her business, her body still aches a little from all the travel yesterday - she's out of practice for life on the road, become a little too soft and settled perhaps? Refusing to dwell upon it, she allows herself the use of an [i]unseen servant[i] to clean her house and maintain her belongings.

She smiles a little, as she realises that the pouch of money is more than she'd earn selling flowers for year. But money was never her goal here, with her magic she find easier ways to make money.

She opens up her stall for a few hours, spending some time arranging flowers into decorative bundles.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Are there any potions of healing available in Wood Creek?

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

I want to do that so much! The one campaign that I was playing a dragon polymorphed into a human died before making it to 2nd level! XD It's dragon nature, not racist! ;p

GM Notes:
Corson, the Green wrote:
Corson smiles and asks, "Elder Yana, do you think that the smith might allow me to use his smithy? I have a personal project that I would like to get started on. It may take a while, so I would like to get started."

Why would the town elder know whether or not the blacksmith would do you a favor?

Does anyone plan to leave town at all prior to Logging Day? Does anyone have anything that needs any kind of resolving before then? And is the plan still for you all to accompany the first logging expedition?

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

Pavel would definitely leave the town before the Elves arrive. He has now figured out how to wild shape into a WHOLE NEW CLASS of things. He spends lots of time at the local river, ponds, lakes, ocean turning into fish, otters, amphibians, etc. Talking to other fish and befriending them at the same time. It is a new world for him to explore. It is all INCREDIBLY fascinating for him and he finds it hard to force himself to get sufficient sleep.

Pavel thinks us all accompanying the first expedition is a good idea.

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

I figured that Corson had just recently come back to the village, and was asking for introduction, in an indirect way. If she gives me that kind if response...

Corson looks sheepish, "Sorry, I will ask him myself. Good day, Elder."

Corson will approach the smith to ask if he can make use of the smithy.

EDIT: I don't think that there is anything that Corson will be doing out of town. He is going to be spending 2 downtime days to start a suit of plate armor. Only 298 days to go! Unless, of course, he has objection. :p

Corson will go with the first expedition.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel will purchase two healing potions in his downtime, and he will be ready to go when called upon.

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Crax makes a visit to the General Store, eyeing the shopkeep as he is eyed right back, "I have money this time,"

He'll go about buying some basic stuff, a tent, a bedroll, a blanket, a lantern, some candles, 10-days of rations, a nice backpack.

Gathering up all the stuff he'll return to his depression under a log and begin setting the Tent by it, laying out the bedroll inside the tent and the blanket down.

Talking to himself, "Well thats a bit more homely now,"

He'll bury the gold in the ground under where he set his tent up, making sure no one is watching him from afar.

Buried 175 gold

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Dang, Crax... making me feel bad... so lonely.

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

No real plans, Cedany will probably spend some time perfecting her magical replication of the spiders webs and tending her flowers.

She will also buy a healing potion if she gets chance and will accompany the first expedition.

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Heading to find Corson around the town, "Any plans while we wait these three days? We could always spar or something, or if you need any help, I am pretty free"

GM Notes:

You all go about your various endeavors for a couple of days. Soon you are informed that the laborers are ready, and that you should contact the foreman—an unusually tall and stout halfling named Gorn, who could almost be mistaken for a smallish dwarf if he could manage more than a bit of stubble on his chin—when it's time to depart.

The third day after your adventure in the forest, each of you is approached by a local messenger kid and given a note which reads:

"Greetings. The arrangements have been made. Please meet me north of your village immediately.

~ Elless

P.S. — My kin and I have no money, so we told the messengers that you would pay them a gold piece. See you soon."

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Corson looks at Crax with a smile, "You have my thanks, Crax. Are you adept in the ways of smithing? We can spar as well! Fighting imaginary foes only does so much!

EDIT: Corson chuckles a bit and tosses the kid a gold coin. Character profile updated.

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

Bloody cheap elves. And a Gold Piece? Wow

Pavel gives his messenger the gold piece, NOT letting his opinion show.

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Looking at the messenger, growling, he'll give the boy a gold coin, "Thanks,"

He'll hurry to the north edge of the forest, meeting his group there.

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

Cedany smiles, at the messenger. passing him a gold piece and putting a flower in his hair.

She then readies her gear and heads to the edge of the forest.

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