[5E] The Defense of Wood Creek Village (Inactive)

Game Master Jiggy

Location: Wood Creek
Day 8: Morning

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AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Corson is a simple man, it hasn't even occurred to him to offer to back down. He was asked his opinion, and so he gave his opinion. He only elaborated because Crax pressed him on it (albeit indirectly). :)

HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper

Does anyone have a compelling out-of-character reason for their choice? Mine is simply that I think exploring a keep sounds more fun to me than building a wall. But I imagine everyone probably has that same reason — that their choice sounds more fun to them — so I don't know if that counts as super compelling. Does anyone have something else to offer? I'm happy to discuss this from other angles. :)

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

"I still maintain that a wall would be better, retreat to the keep leaves all our people's livelihoods and homes exposed for raiders to do as they wish. Not to mention the chaos of evacuation should we be taken by surprise.
That said - it is more important that we are unified in our decision, I will support the will of our council here fully."

Cedany believes the wall a better option, but if no-one else shows any evidence of backing down after her plea, she will withdraw her vote.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Holly, Corson, and Crax,choosing the Keep over the wall is NOT only a chance to explore the Keep. We can do that and use the Noble's financial patronage to build the wall. Choosing the Keep really means fortifying it, leaving the village exposed to threats while that occurs, and then moving the essential functions, and eventually the whole village, closer to the fortified Keep. I am not sure that everyone understands that.

My personal reasons for choosing the wall are the same as the "in character" reasons that I have been explaining over and over again. I think some of us are under the misconception that choosing the Keep will be fun because we get to explore a Keep. It is WAY more than that. It is essentially abandoning the Village. Can I please have the DM confirm that what was said in recruitment and the results of choosing the Keep are still the eventual relocation of the entire Village?

GM Notes:
Narnel Falerathon wrote:
Can I please have the DM confirm that what was said in recruitment and the results of choosing the Keep are still the eventual relocation of the entire Village?

Not the relocation of the entire village, but rather the transplanting of "certain essential functions". For example, hiding in the keep doesn't do much good if all your food storage/stockpiles are in the village, so food stores would be moved to the keep. Things like that, to make sure the people can subsist in the keep long enough to resolve whatever threat prompted the evacuation and get back on their feet afterward.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Ok, but the eventuality is clear...how long are the people going to want to trek those essential functions overy a mile, and have to go that far for safety? The Village will eventually move, in my opinion.

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GM Notes:

Okay, gonna step in and get things moving here...

1Wall2Keep: 1d2 ⇒ 1

Yana closes her eyes in thought for a moment, clearly sifting through the arguments presented. Presently, she speaks:

"Wood Creek needs action more than it needs perfection. An imperfect solution that gets enacted in a timely fashion is better than endless debates. For that reason, I'm making the call. We will harvest lumber from the northern forest to build a town wall."

She pauses ever so briefly, probably for emphasis on the finality of her decision, then speaks again. "Now, with that settled, I have a job for you. Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to do any public speaking on the topic. However, as I'm sure many of you know, the trees on the outskirts of the northern wood aren't really big enough or strong enough for the wall; the lumber will have to be harvested from deeper within the forest. As I'm sure you also know, the deep interior of the northern forest can be a dangerous place: monstrous predators inhabit the area, bandits or small war-tribes sometimes wander through or make temporary camps, and there are even rumors of a secretive and fiercely territorial clan of warriors based in an unknown location within the woods. As a result, and also because we don't want to cause excessive damage to the forest itself, we can't just send our loggers in blindly."

She scans all your faces, as though looking to see if you've guessed what she's about to say.

"I'd like to send you all on a scouting expedition into the woods. You would need to find one or more suitable spots for harvesting, make sure they're clear of major threats, and report back with a viable set of directions for getting there and back safely. Naturally, I will contact a relevant expert to consult with you on the details; I can probably have a meeting arranged by this afternoon. Then, probably setting out tomorrow morning, you can begin your expedition. Upon successful completion of the task, you will be paid two hundred gold pieces per person—which of course," she adds with a wink, "would be billed to our noble friend as part of the project's expenses. While you're gone, I'll do a bit of public relations work and use your excursion as a rallying point to get the village united behind the project. Will you accept this task?"

HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper

Holly Berrythwaite jumps to her feet, excited. "Alright! Sure thing, Yana, you can count on us. Right Crax?" She reaches for the dragonborn's hand.

"Pavel, you know more about the forest than any of us, you should lead this expedition." The halfling smiles warmly at the druid.

Thanks, Jiggy, for getting us unstuck. ;)

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

"I'd be honoured to take part in this exploration.

I am no leader. I'm very happy to give the benefit of my expertise, such as it is, and voice my opinion. But, if we need a leader, it should be someone better suited to the task. I sometime lose my temper and a good leader should always stay calm."

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

I was born and raised in these same woods years ago. I will certainly join the others on this expedition.

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Corson smiles, "Well, it is decided then. We will shore up the defenses of the village, and leave the keep for another day. I have spent the last score seasons in the wilds..."

A flash of pain crosses the man's face for just and instant before he continues, "I can also be of help out there."

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Letting out a small firey breath, "I'll try not to burn the forest down,"

Looking around, before nodding to Elder Yana, "Thank you for your input, its your village, you know what is best for it in the end,"

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AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

"I will lend my skills to the task, and I'm sure that we don't need to elect a formal leader, I would trust Pavel to guide us through the woods as I would trust Corson to look after us in a fight."

GM Notes:

Later that day, you each receive a summons back to Elder Yana's receiving room, and are this time met with one of her attendants and a middle-aged man dressed in modest scholars' attire.

"Greetings!" the man says when you arrive. "I am Logan, and the Elder has informed me of your endeavor. She asked me to assist you in planning and preparation, since I know what trees are needed and how to find and harvest them properly. I also have some experience as a cartographer, which I understand is relevant as well. Shall we begin?"

Basically, Logan knows how to find the best trees, assess how best to harvest them, and properly note the route/location and so forth. You can get him to summarize some information for you and then set out on your own tomorrow, using various skill checks to see how well you complete your objectives. Alternatively, you can ask him to come with you, which allows him to auto-succeed on most of that stuff on your behalf, but requires you to protect a noncombatant if when you encounter dangerous situations. Also feel free to ask him anything else you're curious about, or suggest alternative plans/solutions.

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Crossing his arms, "If you want to come with us, you may. It'll be dangerous though," looking around at the others to see if they have questions, "Is there anything we should look for in a good tree?"

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel says quietly.

As I said, I was born and raised in woods nearby. I can certainly be of assistance.

GM Notes:

Logan responds to Crax's question: "Well, the trees on the southern edge of the forest aren't big enough or hard enough for a proper fortification. We want what's called the 'great greywoods', which are very tall and provide very strong lumber. However, the forest also contains what's called 'black pillow' trees, which look rather similar to the greywoods but are too soft for heavy-duty construction. There are some key differences in the tone of the bark and the shape of the leaves to tell them apart. Should I come with you? Or do you want me to make you some sketches and instructions?"

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

We can use your assistance. Please draw us sketches of what it is you need, and we can find it. The journey may prove dangerous.

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

"Obviously, it would be better if you would be willing to accompany us. But it is going to be dangerous and while we'll certainly try and protect you we can't guarantee to be able to. The decision is yours and I'm sure that none of us will hold it against you if you choose the cautious path."

HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper

"Oooh. I do love drawings." Holly turns to Pavel, "Are you familiar with these trees?"

Is Holly? Nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9. I doubt it. :)

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Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

"Not really. Animals are far more my strength"

GM Notes:

Okay, not all of you commented, but the general tone I'm picking up is a reluctance to take him with you, so I'm gonna move things along with Logan staying behind.

Logan provides you with some sketches of leaves and other relevant notes, explaining as he goes. Once you feel you've got a handle on things, you part ways and retire for the night. The next morning, you set off.

It's about a mile to the outskirts of the northern forest, so you travel due north for the better part of an hour.

1d20 ⇒ 20
1d12 ⇒ 2
5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 6, 6) = 24

Just a few minutes after reaching entering the outer edge of the forest, you happen across what looks to be a fallen magpie nest. Or since this is D&D, maybe a dire magpie? Scattered on the ground where it fell is 24gp worth of mixed coins and broken/flawed gemstones. And some broken glass and other useless shiny crap.

A bit less than an hour after leaving town, the time for just heading straight north has passed, and you need to start searching for your quarry.

Okay, someone needs to be the "leader" for navigation purposes. This person will make a Nature check. Since I'm assuming someone will help, the leader will get advantage on this check. The instructions you received tell you what you're looking for (and will also have other relevance later), and this Nature check is to see how well you "read the forest" and divine the most likely direction toward your goal. So, somebody roll 2d20 and add your Nature skill to the better roll.

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

I'm pretty sure that Cedany has the big brain in the group and hence the highest nature. I'd help

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Corson can assist, since he has proficiency in the check, but he shouldn't take the lead, with his 8 Int. :p

HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper

Holly is also proficient and eager to help.

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

Cedany isn't proficient, but still has +3 from intelligence
Nature: 2d20 ⇒ (15, 10) = 25 +3 for 18.
Cedany has walked the forest a few times, though never too deeply. Still, she thinks she has a good idea of what Logan was looking for. She leads the others according to Logan's instructions, listening to them as they advise her.

GM Notes:

Alright, that gains you a point of progress toward your goal.

1d20 ⇒ 18
1d12 ⇒ 6
1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

With Cedany in the lead, you continue onward, deeper into the forest. With help from her comrades, she seems sure and confident with her directives. It's somewhat slow going, picking your way thoughtfully through the gradually-thickening fauna.

After about half an hour, you hear some heavy rustling nearby. As you look, you see five burly, green-skinned quadrupeds emerge from the bushes in a semicircle about 40ft away from your group. They look mean.

Cedany: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Corson: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5
Crax: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Holly: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Narnel: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Pavel: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Monsters: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Crax is the first to react!

Crax can post his action, then I'll do the monsters. Their group is ahead of you (note also that Cedany is in front, having been leading). The nearest monster is 30ft from Cedany, with the rest a bit further back to form a broad semicircle.

Monster info - Nature DC 10:

These creatures are called forest baloths. They're brawny and tough, with little in the way of subtlety or tricks. Forest baloths are omnivores, sometimes eating vegetation, sometimes scavenging, and sometimes hunting. They're fiercely territorial, but if a pack lacks an alpha (which, judging by their uniform sizes, you would guess is the case here), they will tend to wander and get aggressive.

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Cedany draws a blank on these creatures.

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Nature: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Nope.

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

"Never seen these before. They mustn't be from around here"

HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper

nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

"Oh, look! Forest baloths! They're big and tough, but not too bright. Usually these guys are pretty tame as long as you stay out of their territory, but I think this group doesn't have a leader. Careful, they might get aggressive!"

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Sorry guys, I was cutting a tree up that had fallen over for a friend all day today! I'm back"

Crax growls angerly at these green monsters, holding his focusing crystal aloft, his hand glows with an intense red light, as he fires off a bolt of fire right at one of the monsters.

Firebolt attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
damage: 1d10 ⇒ 2

"Run away, and you may be spared,

HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper

"Oh good. That'll make sure they are aggressive. " Holly grins at the impetuous sorcerer.

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Corson steps back at the Dragonborn's firebolt bursts forth!

"Perhaps a show of force will send them running. Animals tend to respect strength," the squire begins shifting the shield from his back...

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Narnel spins his staff effortlessly asE spreads out a little from the others.

GM Notes:

Crax mildly annoys the frontmost baloth.

Based on the descriptions of leading and assisting, I'm seeing a front row of Cedany, Corson, and Holly.

5d3 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 2, 2) = 8

Three of the baloths converge on Corson, while the other two charge toward Cedany!

Gore vs Cedany: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 2) + 3 = 10
Gore vs Cedany: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 1) + 3 = 5
Gore vs Corson: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6) + 3 = 14
Gore vs Corson: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 1) + 3 = 9
Gore vs Corson: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 1) + 3 = 10

Trapped between two oncoming attacks, Cedany thinks quickly and shifts toward the weaker-looking charge in order to avoid the other! 5 damage

Corson stands his ground, dodging one attack, blocking another with his shield, but getting hit hard by the third! 9 damage

Party up! The one with the 2 damage is on Corson.

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

So I can presume they are all grouped up nicely for a burning hands?

Crax will run to the side before channeling his draconic heritage through the red crystal in his hands, spewing forth a torrent of fire, engulfing the Baloths.

Its a 15 ft cone, I hope I can get 2-3 of them?

Fire Damage-Dex Save DC13 for half: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 4) = 14

"What are these fiends?! They are no match for us,"

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Damage reduced to 6 hp on Corson. Are we 2nd or 3rd level? We never did that history table thing, so Corson is still built at 2nd level.

"Urk!" Corson recoils from the hit.

Corson swings his warhammer across at one of the creatures!

Warhammer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12


Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

I'd check discussion, one of Jiggy's first posts was the table thing. "Corson gets 3d6x50xp, 2d4x10gp, and a ring of protection (+1)."

AC 19 (chain and shield, rop) | 22/22 hp | S +5 / D +0 / C +5 / I +0 / W +2 / Ch +2 | Pass PER 11 | Pass Ins 13 Athletics +4 | Superiority Dice used: 0/4 | Second Wind [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Brave, Protective, Humble (2,111 xp)

Jeez, I didn't even see that one! Thanks!

HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper

Holly rushes toward one of the of the baloths flanking Cedany, drawing her nunchaku, and she strikes at the beast.

attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

She follows that up with a strike from her elbow. (Bonus action.)

attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

"C'mon Crax! We can handle these brutes! Put your backs into it, boys! Right, Cedany?"

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Round 1

Narnel moves in quickly to attack the other enemy on Cedany. He swings his staff two-handed as he brings his foot up for a back-kick to the mid-section of the beast.

Staff Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Staff Dam: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Martial Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Martial Dam: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

Cedany grits her teeth as the.. Baloth? gores at the arm she'd thrown up.
Dumb doesn't matter much when it's got you pinned down
She intones "Bollt Wrach" and lightning writhes from her other hand as she falls back.
Moving out of reach
Witch Bolt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 dmg: 1d12 ⇒ 9
"I hope these brutes aren't dumb enough to keep fighting against a show of force." she speaks quietly while trying to keep the arcane forces focussed on her target.

GM Notes:

Crax moves off to one side to line up a blast of fire across some of Corson's foes! They're big enough that 15ft won't reach all the way across to the 3rd one, but you can get two easily.

DEX: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
DEX: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Their focus on Corson keeps them from reacting quickly enough to brace against the flames!

Corson retaliates, but swings wildly!

Holly and Narnel advance on either side of Cedany, clobbering her two foes almost in synch with each other!

Cedany desperately darts backward in preparation for a spell!
AoO: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7
AoO: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 4) + 3 = 8
They swat at her as she leaves, one of them connecting. However, she retaliates with a bolt of energy that finds its mark!

Damage tracker:
Crsn1 - 14
Crsn2 - 14
Crsn3 - 0
Frnt1 - 21
Frnt2 - 14

Pavel, you're up!

Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious Hp 28/28 | AC 16 | S +0/D+2/ C+1//I+2/W+6/C+2 | Per +6 | Insight +4| Acro +2 Spells DC 14 save, [4/4 L1, 3/3 L2]

I'm still very new to 5th so I apologize if I'm asking silly questions. Is it too late to try animal friendship (it charms an animal)? I'll post 2 actions just in case. Or use Animal Handling to scare one away?

If it is possible to try and scare one away with Animal Handling I'd try that
Animal Handling: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

If that isn't possible but it is still possible to charm an animal, I'll throw Animal Friendship on one of the uninjured and unattacked animals. Will Save DC 13 to avoid,

If that isn't possible, I'll just sling Frnt1
sling: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 for damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

GM Notes:

I'm not sure what good it would do to give an animal the impression that you mean it no harm in this situation; but I have no issue with trying to persuade an injured animal to flee via Animal Handling. Unfortunately, it'll take more than a 10.

Pavel tries to shoo away an injured baloth, but it stubbornly stands its ground!

The two front baloths retaliate against the monks!
At Holly: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3) + 3 = 7
At Narnel: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7
Holly takes a hit!

Among the other three baloths, two continue attacking Corson while the one nearest Crax retaliates against the fire-spewing sorcerer!
At Crax: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 4) + 3 = 8
At Corson: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 5) + 3 = 10
At Corson: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12, Damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 6) + 3 = 15
Wow Crax, didn't realize your AC was that low. Glad I checked. Got a shield spell you want to pop? If not, 8 damage.

Party up!

Damage tracker:
Crx1 - 14
Crsn1 - 14
Crsn2 - 0
Frnt1 - 21
Frnt2 - 14

HP [25/25] · AC 15 ┃ S+1 · D+3 · C+1 · I+0 · W+4 · C+4 ┃ Speed 25 ┃ Acr +3 · Athl +3 · Insight +4 · Perc +2 ┃ Divine Sense [3/3] · Lay on Hands [0/10] · Spells [0/2] · Ki [2/2] · Divine Smite (2d8) ┃ d10[0/2] · d8[0/1] ┃ Inspiration [N] ┃ courageous, friendly, chipper

"Oomph! Yep, these fellas are surely a bit aggressive!"

Holly spins her nunchaku over head and around her body, striking once more at the beast, right in its snout.

attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

The lithe agile halfling twirls and kicks the brutish baloth in its side.

attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

I hope everyone else is ok.

Honest, Hard-working, Lonely Red Dragonborn Sorcerer 3 | HP: 30/30 AC: 14 | Fire Resistance: S+1, D+1, C+6,I+0,W+0,C+5 | Athletics +1 Acro +1 Inspiration [Y] Fire Breath [Y] DC14 | Sorcery Points [3/3] First Level Spells [3/3] Spell DC13 Second Level Spells [2/2] DC 14 1611 xp

Yeahhhh Crax has a low AC right now, once he gets level 3 he gets his Dragon scale ability which gives him a tougher AC.

Grunting as the Baloth chomps down on him, Crax, will disengage from the baloths, retreating back behind the front line, disappointed by his burning hands lack of effectiveness.

AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful | 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5)

Cedany keeps up the concentration on her lightning, continuing to blaze it against the creature.
Action to maintain Witch Bolt, no further attack roll needed Witch Bolt(Lightning): 1d12 ⇒ 7 to same target
If anything looks to be moving towards her she'll try and maintain a distance while keeping within the 30ft of her spell target.

Male Wood Elf Kensei Monk 7; AC 16 (18-melee Kensei), HP 5/52, Str +3, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2 Cha -1, Perc +5, Acro +7, Athl +3/+6, Stealth +6, Ki 1/7, (DC 13)

Round 2

Narnel returns the favor on the creature that he just avoided with some deft evasive movements. He swings his staff overhand down upon the creature while providing a stiff kick to it's knee joint.

Staff Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Staff Dam: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Martial Att: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Martial Dam: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

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