The Rogue.

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Welcome to the recruitment page for Destiny’s Call. and the path of the (Rogue.)

This recruitment is for a sandbox style pathfinder campaign that will be set in the world of Golarion. Ultimately, I have prepared multiple modules, scenarios, and adventures with different storyline hooks that will surface within the campaign in order to allow (you) the player to choose which adventure you will participate in. This is intended to create a nonlinear experience where the (PC) group can affect the dynamic of the world they live in by choosing their own path. That being said, this link is specifically for the role of the Rogue . If you choose to submit a character on this thread, please do so knowing that the character is meant to fill that role. The class should include skills in Disable device, Perception, and Stealth. Only (1) character from this category will be accepted with 2 others selected as alternates. Only one charter submission per category will be allowed. Multiple character submissions within a single category will result in disqualification. Only characters with complete profiles will be considered.

Other strong considerations for selection include a robust background, which is completely open to the player, a solid personality concept, and a strong visual description.

The Crunch:

Content: I am open to virtually all Paizo content as long as the character makes sense and the background strongly supports the choices made by the player. Preferably, no third party content.

Expectations: I intend to review the game daily and expect that players will do the same. That being said, if someone is going to be absent, one of three things will happen. 1) The game will be placed on hold for a short break. 2) The character will be botted. 3) The character will be shadowed. This campaign is intended to be a long running campaign with a strong focus on depth and detail. I realize that sometimes too much detail can stagnate a game, but I feel confident that I can apply momentum when necessary.

Role play: Within the realm of role play, it is sometimes difficult to embrace a unique personality concept without stepping on other people’s toes. Ultimately, I intend this campaign to be approached with an adult mind set. On the other hand, I have little tolerance for someone who is set upon ruining the game for others. Simply put, don’t be a tool! If a players personality concept, role play, or posts become inappropriate, I will PM the player with the hopes that an adjustment can be made. If the problem persists, the player will be asked to leave.

Timeline: Cutoff date for submissions will be on All Hallows Eve (October 31st). After which I will make a selection and post in this thread as well as PM the player with a link to the game.

2nd addition Pathfinder: Upon the release of 2nd addition pathfinder, I will be tabling the option of converting the campaign over. That means if 2nd addition is any good and the group decides they would enjoy the new content, than I am willing to consider the possibility of conversion.

Maps] I will be using google for map content and icon display.

Stats: Use the (20) point buy with no stat lower than an 8 before racial adjustments.

Races: All pathfinder base races, which include Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc, and Human, are acceptable.

Other races: Other races, which will include Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph Tengu, Tiefling, and Undine will be considered with a Strong and well put together background. Note: These races will be considered very unique in my game. As such, reactions of npc’s and other players could make replaying these races extremely difficult.

Racial traits: Are acceptable as long as they are not third party.

Starting Wealth All characters will begin play with a flat (200 GP).

Traits: Because the campaign path is undeclared, no background traits will be included. Two non-background traits are acceptable with a third trait (optional) upon the selection of a drawback.

Background skills: Background skills are acceptable and encouraged as long as they fall in line with the characters background.

Quick reference items: The (Race) category within the characters profile should list | HP | AC | Intuitive | Perception | Speed | CMB | CMD | Saving throws|. The Class/levels line should include | Primary weapon stats | Spell availability.

Knowledge, Item identification, and appraise: I personally believe these skills belong independently to the character that has vested points into advancing them. That being the case, I intend to pass information onto the player through (PM) whenever possible and allow them to decide how much of their skill they wish to share with the group. (Optional) A player may state up front that they intend to share everything with the group. In this case I will post via spoiler any information that is not time sensitive. Other information, such as creature identification, will be specifically passed on as a (PM)

Combat Communication: While in combat, I will allow a single brief statement (one sentence or less) to be posted out of turn without affecting a character’s economy. This will allow some creature identification information to be passed on during critical combat moments. Alternatively: A player may forgo a move action and state whatever they like.

Dark Archive


Hi GM Nightfiend!

I'm thinking about submitting a half-elf unchained rogue with the phantom thief archetype. She would be completely focused on skills, being almost insignificant in combat. Do you believe this is a problem?

Maps | Hero Points
Sir Longears wrote:

Hi GM Nightfiend!

I'm thinking about submitting a half-elf unchained rogue with the phantom thief archetype. She would be completely focused on skills, being almost insignificant in combat. Do you believe this is a problem?

I don't see that being a problem at all.

Dotting. Will work on a character concept in the next week or so.

Dark Archive

GM Nightfiend wrote:
Sir Longears wrote:

Hi GM Nightfiend!

I'm thinking about submitting a half-elf unchained rogue with the phantom thief archetype. She would be completely focused on skills, being almost insignificant in combat. Do you believe this is a problem?

I don't see that being a problem at all.

Good to know!

Also, could you tell me where in golarion you intend to start this campaign? This way I could better create my PC's background. She could be of any great city, but if we are starting in some remote or tiny village, I need to come up with a good reason for her to be there.

Maps | Hero Points
Sir Longears wrote:
GM Nightfiend wrote:
Sir Longears wrote:

Hi GM Nightfiend!

I'm thinking about submitting a half-elf unchained rogue with the phantom thief archetype. She would be completely focused on skills, being almost insignificant in combat. Do you believe this is a problem?

I don't see that being a problem at all.

Good to know!

Also, could you tell me where in golarion you intend to start this campaign? This way I could better create my PC's background. She could be of any great city, but if we are starting in some remote or tiny village, I need to come up with a good reason for her to be there.

For specific reasons, the starting location will remain undeclared. The reason for this will become clear at the start of the campaign. As far as your background is concerned, please enjoy the freedom to create it anywhere in Golarion.

Human Bull Sh!tter/5 Shifter/ 10

Really cool concept man! Should have a character up in a day or so.

Human Bull Sh!tter/5 Shifter/ 10

Nightfiend are you using the feat tax rule?

Maps | Hero Points

We will be using the standard format for feats.

Male Fetchling | 15/15 HP | AC 16 T 13 F 13 | init +3 |percep +6 Dark vision 70ft | 30ft | CMB +0 | CMD 13 | 1/6/2 | UC Rogue 1| Melee Rapier +4 1d6+0 Range Shortbow +4 1d6+3

So all the crunch for Alex is up but I had a question before I dive fully into his Backstory.
My basic idea is that he is a fetchling orphan in cheliax (one of the major cities), but due to the fact that he never knew his parents and due to the Bound to Here alt racial trait he doesn't actually know that he's a fetchling. Due to the trait, or at least how it seemed to me, he looks like he's human though maybe a bit pale, which is normal for Cheliax anyway, and a bit frail but not enough to be suspicious. He knows that there's something different about him but he and most who know him just write it off as a quirk of infernal blood or something similar.
Would this make sense or am I crazy? or both?

Maps | Hero Points
Alexius Brune wrote:

So all the crunch for Alex is up but I had a question before I dive fully into his Backstory.

My basic idea is that he is a fetchling orphan in cheliax (one of the major cities), but due to the fact that he never knew his parents and due to the Bound to Here alt racial trait he doesn't actually know that he's a fetchling. Due to the trait, or at least how it seemed to me, he looks like he's human though maybe a bit pale, which is normal for Cheliax anyway, and a bit frail but not enough to be suspicious. He knows that there's something different about him but he and most who know him just write it off as a quirk of infernal blood or something similar.
Would this make sense or am I crazy? or both?

Yes, the trait states that Bound in Golarion Fetchlings appear to resemble humans more so than their standard counterpart. A milky white, Grayish, or Dark colored skin could easily be perceived as human. Yellowish eyes doesn't need to be a bright glowing eyeball. It could simply be a yellowish tint to the iris. So appears human is acceptable. That being said, sickly looking pale skin could bring concerns of plague or prejudice do to looking slightly different. This type of concern would be easier to overcome than a flat out (its an outsider) fear. If your heritage became known in Cheliax, you would probably be viewed more as an opportunity to exploit rather than a fear of your difference. Other less tolerant cultures would probably react differently.

Male Fetchling | 15/15 HP | AC 16 T 13 F 13 | init +3 |percep +6 Dark vision 70ft | 30ft | CMB +0 | CMD 13 | 1/6/2 | UC Rogue 1| Melee Rapier +4 1d6+0 Range Shortbow +4 1d6+3

Ok, that makes sense. I can definitely work with that. Thanks

Maps | Hero Points
Alexius Brune wrote:
Ok, that makes sense. I can definitely work with that. Thanks

The build looks like a strong rogue build. I'm interested in reading the character’s background when you are finished with it. I am assuming it be a good read. )

Alright, after mulling things over for a few weeks, here is my submission: Remy Durant, catfolk rogue. Your initial post indicates catfolk are exceedingly rare, so I came up with a unique twist on my character's origin. I'm willing to change anything that doesn't jibe with you, so please let me know if you'd rather I go a different direction with things.


Remy Durant
Female catfolk unchained rogue (cat burglar) 1
CN Medium humanoid (catfolk)
Senses: Perception +3; low-light vision

Initiative +1
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2; Ref +6; Will -1; +2 vs. death, +1 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities cat's luck 1/day

Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee 2 claws +4 (1d4) or dagger +4 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged shortbow +4 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6

Str 10, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 14
BAB +0; CMB +0; CMD 14

Feats: Natural Exemplar (Sharp Claws)
Adventuring Skills: Acrobatics +7*, Bluff +6, Climb +12*, Disable Device +7* (+8* vs. traps), Disguise +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +5 (+6 vs. traps), Stealth +9* (+10 when climbing), Survival +1, Use Magic Device +6
Background Skills: Appraise +6, Sleight of Hand +7*
Armor Check Penalty: -1
Traits: Canopy Prowler (+1 trait bonus on Climb checks and on Stealth checks when climbing), Reincarnated (+2 trait bonus on saving throws against fear and death effects), Resilient (+1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves)
Drawback: Shameful Secret (–1 penalty on saving throws against fear effects, and the DC of any Intimidate check to demoralize you is reduced by 1)
Languages: Catfolk, Common, Halfling, Osirian
SQ: Finesse training (claws), trapfinding +1
Alternate Racial Traits: Climber

Gear: hide shirt, cold iron dagger, silver dagger, shortbow with 20 arrows, rogue's kit, masterwork backpack, glass cutter, glue paper (5), 22 gp

Remy Durant was born a human male. Growing up on the streets of Absalom, he struggled to make ends meet, begging and stealing to earn enough to stay fed. He became proficient in underhanded skills, evolving into a competent thief and burglar. One day, a group of adventurers caught Remy trying to pilfer their plunder, but instead of punishing him, they decided to recruit him. They were planning an expedition to the tombs of Osirion, and needed a rogue to round out their group. Remy leapt at the opportunity and soon found himselves in the deserts to the south.

Remy's party delved into a pyramid full of ancient traps and guardians. One by one, the adventurers fell to the devious dungeon, all save for Remy, who ran from a climactic encounter, leaving his companions to perish in his stead. Soon, Remy discovered the tomb's inner sanctum, the final resting place of a powerful priestess of the goddess Bastet.

Unfortunately, the Sly Enchantress did not take kindly to Remy's attempt to loot her follower's final resting place. The goddess placed a powerful curse on Remy, wracking his body with pain. Fur sprouted along his body while his ears became pointed and a tail grew from his backside. His fingers warped into claws, and his body became lean, lithe, and feminine. The curse had transformed him into a human-cat hybrid--and a female one, to boot!

Humiliated by this divine punishment, Remy fled the tomb and eventually made her way out of Osirion. Research has indicated that the only magic powerful enough to undo the curse is a wish or miracle spell. Few spellcasters on Golarion are powerful enough to wield such magic, and the cost of the components are extraordinarily expensive, so Remy has embarked on a quest to beg, borrow, or steal as much treasure as possible to fix her condition. Though the horrible loss of her identity has inured her to lesser fears, she still lives in shame and worries how others would feel if they knew the truth about her.

Maps | Hero Points
Brainiac wrote:

Alright, after mulling things over for a few weeks, here is my submission: Remy Durant, catfolk rogue. Your initial post indicates catfolk are exceedingly rare, so I came up with a unique twist on my character's origin. I'm willing to change anything that doesn't jibe with you, so please let me know if you'd rather I go a different direction with things.

I will give Remy a once over this evening.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Alchemist (Trap Breaker) 1
Active Conditions:
[Heightened Awareness (+2 Per & Kn cheks) 10/10 min]
Combat Statistics:
[HP 9/9] [AC 15 | T 13 | FF 12] [Init +3 | Per +7 | Spd 20] [BAB +0 | CMB +0 | CMD 13] [F +1 | R +5 | W +3] [Bombs 4/6]
Weapons and Extracts:
[Ranged Bomb +4 | 1d6+3 F | Splash 4, Ref Neg DC 13 |Rg 20 | 20/x2] [Melee Heavy Pick +0 | 1d6 P | 20/x4] [Prepared Extracts: Heightened Awareness 0/1 | Targeted Bomb Admixture 1/1]

Apoc Golem here. Soooo I know I said I was done, but dangit. You got my creative juices going with this thing and I can't stop myself. So one more offering: Borador the alchemist. He is skilled in Disable Device, and as a trap-breaker archetype, will receive Trapfinding at 2nd level, so he will fill the rogue's function entirely in that regard.

I can't promise I won't also enter something in the Arcane Caster department too, but for now this is my last entry. My apologies if I'm being overenthusiastic, but I'm super stoked about this idea of yours.

Maps | Hero Points
Brainiac wrote:

Alright, after mulling things over for a few weeks, here is my submission: Remy Durant, catfolk rogue. Your initial post indicates catfolk are exceedingly rare, so I came up with a unique twist on my character's origin. I'm willing to change anything that doesn't jibe with you, so please let me know if you'd rather I go a different direction with things.

Character concept looks good.

Background is creative and unique. It left me hungry for more! Only question I have, revolves around Remy's description and personality.

Over all, a solid and unique submission.

Maps | Hero Points
Borador wrote:

Apoc Golem here. Soooo I know I said I was done, but dangit. You got my creative juices going with this thing and I can't stop myself. So one more offering: Borador the alchemist. He is skilled in Disable Device, and as a trap-breaker archetype, will receive Trapfinding at 2nd level, so he will fill the rogue's function entirely in that regard.

I can't promise I won't also enter something in the Arcane Caster department too, but for now this is my last entry. My apologies if I'm being overenthusiastic, but I'm super stoked about this idea of yours.

Character looks solid and is an interesting take on rogue.

Background, much like your other submissions, was a fun read.

GM Nightfiend wrote:

Character concept looks good.

Background is creative and unique. It left me hungry for more! Only question I have, revolves around Remy's description and personality.

Over all, a solid and unique submission.

Yay, glad you liked it! Here is the rest of the submission:

As a human, Remy was tall and lanky, with pockmarked skin and a mop of brown hair. After her transformation, she is now lite and slender and she has lost several inches of height, standing a mere 5'2". Her body covered with soft white fur, while the tips of her ears and tail are black. Her long white hair falls to the middle of her back, and her red eyes are large and expressive. She wears thick hide shirt over a short tunic and breeches. While in towns, she normally wears a hooded cloak to try to conceal her feline features to avoid drawing attention to herself.

Appearance (More or Less)

Remy is normally standoffish and withdrawn, doing her best to keep a low profile. If necessary, she is adept at talking fast to throw off suspicion. Ashamed at her transformation, it takes a lot for her to allow people into her life. She's a career criminal, but a reluctant one, and she yearns to break free of the rut she's found herself in.

To those she warms up to, Remy is affable and loyal. She has an innate curiosity and passion that she tries to keep hidden--traits that have only been emphasized by Bastet's curse. She hates being vulnerable in front of others.

I'm considering applying for some of the other roles, too, but I am rather excited about this character. :)

This looks great, and I loved the novel approach to recruiting.

I'm tossing my hat in the ring with Haddek Balmont

He's an empiricist investigator, so he's a great skill monkey with basically everything in class and lots of skill ranks per level. He'll eventually wade into battle dual wielding his short swords, but his primary ability is to penetrate defenses without a fight, whether that's by sneaking, sweet-talking, or putting on a disguise.

Maps | Hero Points
Lekkric18 wrote:

This looks great, and I loved the novel approach to recruiting.

I'm tossing my hat in the ring with Haddek Balmont

He's an empiricist investigator, so he's a great skill monkey with basically everything in class and lots of skill ranks per level. He'll eventually wade into battle dual wielding his short swords, but his primary ability is to penetrate defenses without a fight, whether that's by sneaking, sweet-talking, or putting on a disguise.

Thanks for the submission. I will review Haddek sometime this evening.

Maps | Hero Points
Lekkric18 wrote:

This looks great, and I loved the novel approach to recruiting.

I'm tossing my hat in the ring with Haddek Balmont

He's an empiricist investigator, so he's a great skill monkey with basically everything in class and lots of skill ranks per level. He'll eventually wade into battle dual wielding his short swords, but his primary ability is to penetrate defenses without a fight, whether that's by sneaking, sweet-talking, or putting on a disguise.

OK, I looked over the character and it looks like a well rounded build with a lot of skills.

After reading the background, I found it to be compelling and well written. Over all, a very-good submission.

Human Bull Sh!tter/5 Shifter/ 10

Due to issues I’ve been haveing with his backstory I’ll be withdrawing alexius, I have however posted in the healer thread with a character that kind of ADD ed itself into existence while I was writing.r

Maps | Hero Points

Recruitment is now Closed.
Well, it looks like the time has finally arrived. I would like to begin by thanking everyone for their submissions. I have read a lot of well thought out backstories and reviewed some unique character concepts. In all, I believe every character I have gone over has promise. That being said, only five selections can be made. I will maintain a list of alternates that will be contacted through PM in the event that someone bows out.

For this category, I would like to invite:

Playing: Haddek Balmont

To join me on the Destiny’s Call discussion page.

The alternate for this category will be:

1. Brainiac / Playing: Remy Durant

Congratulations, Haddek! Have fun!

I will be waiting in the wings as an alternate in case I am called upon.

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