Blank campaign threads

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I'm not sure if anybody else is experiencing this issue, but all of the discussion threads in my active campaigns are blank. I can follow the links, and it shows how many posts there have been, but no posts show up.

Example 1

Example 2

And the rest of my discussion threads are the exact same, although the associated threads are fine.

Edit: Update, now my gameplay threads are blank as well.

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Confirming not just you.

Gameplay thread and Discussion thread of Joana's 'Shadows over Riddleport', all blank. New posts increment the post count, but do not show, either.

The recruiting tab is still showing all posts.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yep same here. Only the recruitment threads are visible for me.

Gameplay is gone!!!! what shall we do with ourselves??!?!? (looking at the kids' easter chocolates.... resisting.......)

Agreed. All mine save recruitment are blank. The show how many pages there are and how many posts, even if there is a new post! But none of the posts within the threads show up outside of the recruitment page.

Was just preparing a post for this myself! I have this for all my Gameplay and Discussion threads too.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Same here.

Grand Lodge

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Yep, they're all borked!

I feel like a chicken, going through my campaigns and saying, "Bork. Bork. Borrrrrrrk!"

I hope they get it fixed soon!


Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Hmm wrote:

They are all borked!

I feel like a chicken, going through my campaigns and saying, "Bork. Bork. Borrrrrrrk!"

I hope they get it fixed soon!


Who says borked?! ;-)

Grand Lodge

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Muaahahaha. I only echo the best. You cannot argue that it is a fowl day for the boards!

The Gameplay and Discussion forums as a whole have gone missing. See here, or screenshot.

They must be trying to drive Recruitment here he he.

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Game play! Noooooo!!!
My addiction, I mean pass time! Come back!

Liberty's Edge

Yep, our Gameplay and Discussion threads are blank. Hope the data's still there . . .

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Hmm wrote:
Muaahahaha. I only echo the best. You cannot argue that it is a fowl day for the boards!

I regret creating this thread.

Shadow Lodge

I also have this problem

Grand Lodge

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Chris Marsh wrote:
Who says borked?! ;-)

The Swedish Chef: 'Börk Börk Börk!'

CampinCarl9127 wrote:
I regret creating this thread.


* Seriously, I know it's a problem, but humor helps me cope. Hopefully they fix it soon. My games and my GM 101 class are now on hold because of this.

Also having this problem. New posts are listed on edge, but no posts appear on page. Same for all campaigns I am in, including the one I am GMing.

It is weirdly, specifically campaign thread posts. If you look at this alias (my GM alias) and click on "posts" you can only see this post I've just made in Website feedback, but none of the ones I've made in my campaigns.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Yes, this is very painful. Web Goblins, fix it PLEASE!!

Reposted from another (incorrect) thread, but mine is doing the same thing for the "Gameplay" and "discussion" tabs for all of the campaigns I'm currently in. (link) and (link) and (link)

It's a little bit concerning.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
GMDQ wrote:

Also having this problem. New posts are listed on edge, but no posts appear on page. Same for all campaigns I am in, including the one I am GMing.

It is weirdly, specifically campaign thread posts. If you look at this alias (my GM alias) and click on "posts" you can only see this post I've just made in Website feedback, but none of the ones I've made in my campaigns.

Same for "Favorites" and "Favorited by Others," at least for me.

Hmm wrote:
Chris Marsh wrote:
Who says borked?! ;-)

The Swedish Chef: 'Börk Börk Börk!'


Grand Lodge

*wanders in while still gathering power*

When can I throw the rogue at the elf? I must know, for reasons.....

Only if you took "Throw Anything".

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In one PbP where I'm a player, we are in round 11 of combat (day 9, real time), and are finally on the verge of taking down the last of our opponents. At one point, my character was the only member of the party who was still conscious and with positive HP. I would really, really, really, really like to know how it ends.

(As an aside, can I get a cheer for smelling salts? Had to use them twice on the poor party cleric so he could channel enough healing energy to get two of the others up and moving - 1st level can be a slog.)

Silver Crusade

I'm also experiencing the same thing. I posted in customer service to see if anyone will respond or not.

Smelling salt!! *claps joyfully*

Yeah I had to go warn my GM for the skull and shackles campaign that CampinCarl9127 and I are both in about this. He's been typing up the whole thing to bring new people in most of the day... Would have lost it all... Or not. We don't know!

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Posted in the wrong thread and directed here, but this seemed to happen mid-post for me, and I'm kinda panicky. They're not lost forever are they? We're about to complete Burnt Offerings after nearly three years of gameplay!

Grand Lodge

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I am sure that someone from Paizo will post here shortly to update us.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Timeskeeper wrote:

Smelling salt!! *clasp joyfully*

Yeah I had to go warn my GM for the skull and shackles campaign that CampinCarl9127 and I are both in about this. He's been typing up the whole thing to bring new people in most of the day... Would have lost it all... Or not. We don't know!

For a second there I thought you were warning your GM about smelling salts, and I was all "DON'T TELL HIM UNTIL YOU NEED TO!"

Without knowing what exactly happened, that is kinda up in the air right now. Plus it all depends on if the backup is like this as well. I have faith in the people at paizo though so I think once they are aware of this we'll most likely get all of our stuff back. It just might be a bit...

Lantern Lodge

Do Paizo close for the Easter break?

How dare the goblins do this before Easter long weekend... when the last hours of work feel the longest!!!

Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
Timeskeeper wrote:

Smelling salt!! *clasp joyfully*

Yeah I had to go warn my GM for the skull and shackles campaign that CampinCarl9127 and I are both in about this. He's been typing up the whole thing to bring new people in most of the day... Would have lost it all... Or not. We don't know!

For a second there I thought you were warning your GM about smelling salts, and I was all "DON'T TELL HIM UNTIL YOU NEED TO!"


Nah, just didn't want him to lose everything. We're finally about to get back on track and that would just be a really really crappy way to restart the game and bring in new players.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah Timeskeeper - I worry too about the state of the database and their backups.

Lots of games out there...

But hopefully they'll be able to fix/salvage everything and get us back up.

The system seems to know how many posts, it just can't see them. So that's promising at least.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Euan wrote:

The system seems to know how many posts, it just can't see them. So that's promising at least.

Yeah, I'd be more concerned if the threads all showed 0 posts.


Well at least I am not the only one.

Was hoping to get some updates in with downtime. Ah well.

When in trouble, when in doubt, run I circles, scream and shout.

Euan makes a very very good point!!

The system shows how many posts there are and how many pages there are if you're past page one!

This means that there has to be some bit of data left from out post! Else it wouldn't be able to tally it at all. So this should give us all hope! That we will get our stuff back!

Dotting this in case more info comes up - I'm super sad the goblins are taking a break (I imagine a bunch of little football-headed goblins hiding from the tall humans - they're the wrong size! - and just kind of taking a breather from their oppressive overlords. :D)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm having the issue, as described here.

Quoted here to reduce click-through:

Me from the other thread wrote:

I just logged in and went to check my campaigns as well, and all I'm seeing are the "interest check" threads for both of them.

No gameplay threads.

No discussion threads.

When I go directly to my alias-user pages, and check "campaigns," I can see the threads for those aliases, but when I attempt to access them, they're blank.

For example, my Project Violet alias, the "Discussion" thread shows 1 new post. When I attempt to read that post, the thread shows as having over 45 pages and 2k posts, but none of them are visible.

Something broken on the campaign back-end, maybe?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Confirmed. Same problem here.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yep. There's no need to panic, folks. We'll get our gameplay threads back. I just hope that it's sooner rather than later.


Grand Lodge

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ElegantlyWasted wrote:
Only if you took "Throw Anything".

Foe throw is quite the thing, haha.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm at work! What else am I supposed to do while the threads are down!? Rawr!!!!

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Some things that you can do while waiting:

  • If you have a recruitment thread, talk to your party reassuringly there.

  • You can also compose gameplay and combat posts in advance in Google docs so that you can be ready when the boards go live again.

    Hopefully though, they'll get this sorted quickly.


  • 1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Hmm wrote:

    Some things that you can do while waiting:

  • If you have a recruitment thread, talk to your party reassuringly there.

  • You can also compose gameplay and combat posts in advance in Google docs so that you can be ready when the boards go live again.

    Hopefully though, they'll get this sorted quickly.


  • Or you can panic!

    Panic is an option.

    Proboboly a bad one.

    But an option!

    Lantern Lodge

    [url]]Don't Panic![/url]

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    icehawk333 wrote:
    Hmm wrote:

    Some things that you can do while waiting:

  • If you have a recruitment thread, talk to your party reassuringly there.

  • You can also compose gameplay and combat posts in advance in Google docs so that you can be ready when the boards go live again.

    Hopefully though, they'll get this sorted quickly.


  • Or you can panic!

    Panic is an option.

    Proboboly a bad one.

    But an option!


    Because Captain Jack Sparrow makes everything better...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but the entire Play-By-Post and PbP Game Discussion forums are missing.

    Paizo / Messageboards / Community / Online Campaigns now only shows the subforums of General Discussion and Recruitment.

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